Part-Time Job During Early Undergrad Years?

In summary: It's not ideal, but it's better than starving.In summary, the student is considering taking a part-time job in order to save money for tuition next year. He is worried about the stress that a part-time job may bring, but he is still considering it. He recommends looking for a job that doesn't require a lot of time commitment at first, and then working up to a full-time job.
  • #1
Next year, I'll be a full time student. Due to poor planning on my parents part, the amount of money saved for tuition and other university costs is not as high as it should be. In order to avoid having to ask my father for money (which he wouldn't be too keen on giving me), I've been thinking of taking a part-time job.

I'm a serious student who has ambitions of going on to grad school, so I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. If my grades suffer, it would be better to bite the bullet and ask for extra money.

I know a lot of people do it, but I'm wondering how stressful it really is.

I'm wondering if, as a second/third year student, I could help teach introduction classes, but I assume this is left to grad students.
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  • #2
Of course it will add stress if you take on a part-time job. You'll have less down time or study time than others who don't have part-time jobs. But in my opinion most people can handle some kind of a part-time job. The trick is just making sure you get the right balance.

In fact some people do better when they have something like that to (a) keep them to a tighter schedule and (b) switch gears out of student mode for a while.

I recommend looking for something that doesn't require a huge time commitment at first - maybe a single four hour shift each week, and then build up from there. Another option is a job that allows you to study such as a static security position. Of course, that's assuming you have your pick of jobs. Sometimes you have to take what you can get.

Lots of places will hire senior undergraduates to help with labs or grading. I'm not sure you can count on it, but it may be an option. Another alternative along these lines is tutoring.
  • #3
Also, try to find a campus job that actually gives you time to study. I had friends who worked in the computer labs or in the library and they actually had time to do some studying while they were working. Security is another (nonideal) option.

You probably can't get much work in paid tutoring as an early undergraduate, but I made some extra money grading once I got to 3rd year.
  • #4
If all you need is a part time job, then work for your school if possible. A lot of times the job is mind numbing enough so you can do homework, and flexible enough that you can rearrange hours if need be. Plus, a lot of schools, if you become a resident assistance, will offer you free a room. Just something to look into, if money is a consideration.
  • #5
I worked all way through undergraduate via work-study. Food services (no time for studying on the job, ever, at all). Sometimes I even had (illegal) second jobs. I always had summer jobs (found in my home town through friends). Worked two summers in factories--highly motivating to stay in college.

Through all this, I was able to take a full load and make good grades. But not without some sacrifices--no vacations (spring break in Florida? forgetaboutit), didn't get married, didn't have children, didn't own a car. But I did get through, and with less debt than people are accustomed to having now.

Furthermore, my jobs eventually morphed into better jobs, as I knew more. I learned a lot of useful things in those part time jobs. It can be as much good to work during college as not to work.

It can be done, but the hardest part may be being surrounded by kids who have it given to them--and don't appreciate what they have.
  • #6
It depends a lot on your department. My school doesn't have a physics grad program, and this semester I'm teaching about a 20 hour/week TA load (4 sections of intro mechanics lab).

Related to Part-Time Job During Early Undergrad Years?

1. What are the benefits of having a part-time job during early undergrad years?

Having a part-time job during early undergrad years can provide numerous benefits, such as gaining work experience, developing time management skills, and earning extra income. It can also help students build their resume and make valuable connections in their field of study.

2. How many hours per week should I work during early undergrad years?

The number of hours per week you should work during early undergrad years can vary depending on your academic workload and other commitments. It is important to prioritize your studies and not let your part-time job interfere with your academic success. A good rule of thumb is to work no more than 20 hours per week.

3. Will having a part-time job affect my grades during early undergrad years?

It is possible that having a part-time job during early undergrad years may affect your grades if you are not able to balance your work and studies effectively. However, many students are able to successfully manage both and even see an improvement in their time management and academic performance.

4. What kind of part-time jobs are available for students during early undergrad years?

There are various part-time job opportunities available for students during early undergrad years, such as working on campus, tutoring, freelancing, or working in retail or food service. It is important to choose a job that aligns with your interests and schedule.

5. Can I use my part-time job experience to fulfill course requirements during early undergrad years?

Some universities may offer course credit for relevant work experience, so it is worth checking with your academic advisor or department. Even if your job does not directly fulfill course requirements, you can still use your experience and skills gained to enhance your academic performance and future career opportunities.

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