What is Image: Definition and 1000 Discussions

IMAGE (Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration) is a NASA Medium Explorers mission that studied the global response of the Earth's magnetosphere to changes in the solar wind. It was believed lost but as of August 2018 might be recoverable. It was launched March 25, 2000 by a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg AFB on a two-year mission. Almost six years later, it unexpectedly ceased operations in December 2005 during its extended mission and was declared lost. The spacecraft was part of NASA's Sun-Earth Connections Program, and during its run had over 400 research articles published in peer-reviewed journals using its data. It had special cameras that provided various breakthroughs in understanding the dynamics of plasma around the Earth. The Principal Investigator was Jim Burch of the Southwest Research Institute.
In January 2018, an amateur satellite tracker found it to be transmitting some signals back to Earth. NASA made attempts to communicate with the spacecraft and determine its payload status, but has had to track down and adapt old hardware and software to the current systems. On February 25, contact with IMAGE was again lost only to be reestablished on March 4, 2018. The signal disappeared once again on August 5, 2018. Recovery efforts are underway and if successful NASA may decide to fund a restarted mission.

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  1. M

    Compact image under every continuous function

    Homework Statement . Let ##A \subset R^n## and suppose that for every continuous function ##f:A \to \mathbb R##, ##f(A)## is compact. Prove that ##A## is a compact set. The attempt at a solution. I've couldn't do much, I've thought of two possible ways to show this: One is to show that ##A##...
  2. Spinnor

    Time lapse image of Comet ISON, what looks like snow?

    Visiting New Scientist website the following time lapse movie caught my eye, see, http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn24667#.Upe1pNJwq0I from, http://www.newscientist.com/ I get the emissions from the sun, the stars, and the comet, but what is in the movie that kind of looks like...
  3. T

    Calculating the Image Height from a Double-Sided Spherical Mirror

    Homework Statement A man holds a double-sided spherical mirror so that he is looking directly into its convex surface, 44.8 cm from his face. The magnification of the image of his face is +0.22. What will be the image distance when he reverses the mirror (looking into its concave surface)...
  4. S

    Σ_{n=1} ^{∞} {(4 – cos(n^2))/n^2} (Includes nicer-looking image.)

    Homework Statement For the series Σ_{n=1} ^{∞} {(4 – cos(n^2))/n^2} (this series can also be seen by looking at TheSeries.png.), which of the following is true?: A. This series converges. B. This series diverges. C. The integral test can be used to determine convergence of this...
  5. W

    Java How to make a Java Program to display an image?

    How would I create a java program to display an image?
  6. K

    MHB What is the image of the function f: R->R, f(x) = (x-2)^4

    What is the image of the function f: R -> R, f(x) = (x-2)^4 I think [0,∞) Am I right?
  7. P

    MATLAB MATLAB - Calculate distance/perimeter of an object in 2D image

    Hi, I want to find out how thick/big/fat is the object in the image. For example, there is a tree in the image(photograph), I want to use MATLAB to calculate how big the tree trunk is. Problem: Find out the perimeter of trunk as shown in the first picture (named "perimeter.PNG". attached...
  8. D

    Image formed by a mirror - What is asked?

    1. Make a sketch copy of the diagram below and indicate clearly the position and nature of the image formed by the mirror. Draw rays corresponding to light coming from the open circle, and mark any relevant angles. You can see the picture they mean in the attachment. 3. My attempt at the...
  9. K

    MHB Find the image: F: N * N -> R , F(x) = m^2 + 2n

    F:N*N -> R, F(x) = m^2 + 2n I think the answer is N. Am I right?
  10. W

    MHB How do you find the image of the function?

    What is the image of the function f : Z*N -> R ; f(a,b)= a/b? I know the answer is Q (rational numbers) but I don't know how to find it.
  11. spark802

    Messier 45: Image from Oct 6th/2013

    Here's an image of Messier 45 from Oct 6th/2013.
  12. F

    Troubleshooting XRD Image Analysis on PZT Thin Film

    I have the XRD image of a PZT thin film. While trying to analyze it with JADE software I can not find the proper space group.So it is not giving me the answer I am looking for. I assumed the crystal system to be cubic.
  13. J

    Digital Image Processing, Phase offset

    Homework Statement I'm working on a Matlab problem for a digital image processing class. The problem is to take an image, then take its 2D-FFT and offset the phase component by pi. Then to take the IFFT of the new DFT using the unmodified magnitude and modified phase. What I got was a...
  14. P

    Image reduction and analysis software for windows

    I'm not sure if this question belongs here, if that is the case I'm sorry. I've been desperately trying to install IRAF on windows. Nothing seems to work. I've considered installing a Linux distro but since I'm using windows 8 that is not an option. So my question is: has anyone been able to...
  15. V

    Expression of an object and its image onto a screen with two lens?

    Homework Statement Formulate an expression that gives the focal length of a corrective lens, to be used in conjunction with a fixed lens. You may assume that both lenses are on the same plane, i.e. that they are very close together. The corrective lens should allow an object at a specified...
  16. J

    Chiral life concept - creating mirror image synthetic life?

    Imagine mirror image of a cell - built from a scratch using mirror images (enantiomers) of molecules of the original cell. It should work as standard one, but use e.g. L-sugars instead of our D-sugars: article. Some possible applications: - doubling the space of possible enzymes we could...
  17. S

    How do I cite an image in a research paper using ACS citations with bibtex?

    I want to put an image in my research paper, I am using ACS citations with bibtex. I was wondering how I cite an image that is placed in the body of my research report? Like what would the bibtex entry be, and am I even allowed to do this with ACS?
  18. M

    Megabytes required for storage of an image given matrix size

    Homework Statement The minimum storage capacity required to store the information in a digital radiographic exam that consists of a 1024 – 1024 matrix, 12 bit deep, acquired at 30 frames per second for 10 seconds is _____ megabytes. 1 37 600 695 2500 Homework Equations The...
  19. S

    Improving Meteor Image Quality: Methods for Noise Reduction and Detection

    I'm using a small b/w digital video camera and frame grabber to catch images of meteors in maybe a 15x15 degree area. Typically noise is introduced into the frames. It is desirable to determine if the image contains a meteor, and clean up the noise in the frames. What methodology is available...
  20. E

    Diminished image of ultra small object

    This may seem like a silly question, but I was studying light some time ago, and I was wondering how a diminished image(using a lens) could be formed of an 'object' consisting of two point sources of light a Planck Length away. They cannot be closer in the final image, so do they become one?
  21. J

    Computer Vision - Ground plane position based on image point

    When given an image of a scene of something like a hallway or road (looking down this hallway or road) a vanishing point can be determined. Also, the points on the image must lie on a certain line in the real world environment given by: x_{im} = f\frac{X}{Z} and y_{im} = f\frac{Y}{Z} where...
  22. C

    Find the distance between and object and its image

    Homework Statement How far apart are an object and an image formed by a 72.4 cm focal length converging lens if the image is 2.54x larger than the object and is real? (in cm) Homework Equations m=-(di/do) m=f/(f-do) (1/di)+(1/do)=(1/f) The Attempt at a Solution I've...
  23. I

    Hough algorithm to deskew an image

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hough_transform http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/13615/How-to-deskew-an-image I follow the second link but since I am a complete novice in image processing, I am having a hard time to figure out what it is all about and how to determine the point to make the...
  24. U

    Image Resolution Tips for Journal Submission

    Hi, My paper has been accepted by a journal. However, I have a problem with the images... The reviewer says: "it seems that the authors are importing or inserting .png or .jpeg format pictures (Figure 2, 4 , 7, 8, 9 , 10, 11, 12). I would recommend saving them in a vector graphics format...
  25. A

    Galaxies Rotate Fast: Gravitational Lens Effect

    Hypothesis: Galaxies appear to rotate too fast because their own gravitational lens let's them appear bigger than they really are. Just an idea, do you think it could work ?
  26. K

    Real 3D Image produced by concave lens

    Homework Statement Find the correct image produced by the concave lens. F is focal length. Homework Equations If an object is placed between F and 2F, the image will be inverted, real, larger and beyond 2F. The Attempt at a Solution I choose the answer A. Is it correct? *Please...
  27. A

    Optics: Can a magnified real image be larger than the lens diameter?

    Hi all, This is probably a silly questions, but I want to be sure :). I'm wondering if a real image, created by a convex lens, can appear larger than the lens diameter itself. As an example, I'm thinking about the following: - I have a an object of height h_0=7.76" (display size of...
  28. A

    Calculating distance of image from lens

    Homework Statement An object is placed on the optic axis and in front of a converging lens of focal length 38 cm such that its image size is 1.5 times the object size. Calculate the distance of the image from the lens. Express your answer in centimeter. Homework Equations 1/f=1/di +...
  29. A

    Relative speed with respect to mirror image in two dimensional motion

    Homework Statement A particle P is moving in a straight line with velocity u=10 m/s along the ground. Its line of motion makes angle θ=60° with the X axis drawn on the ground. A flat mirror oriented perpendicular to the ground as well as the X axis is moving with constant velocity of v=20...
  30. J

    MHB How Do You Determine the Image and Kernel of a Linear Map from R^4 to R^2?

    Consider d map f:R^4 into R^2 defines by f(x,y,z,w)=(2x+y+z+w,x+z-w). find the image and the kernel, please include explanations...
  31. B

    Surjection between kernel and image of a homomorphism

    Hi, I was wondering whether the following is true at all. The first isomorphism theorem gives us a relation between a group, the kernel, and image of a homomorphism acting on the group. Could this possibly also imply that there exists a surjective homomorphism either mapping the previous kernel...
  32. V

    How do mirrors create images despite scattered light?

    Hi! I have two questions: 1) I'm a little confused about image formation. Suppose there's an illuminated object place in front of a mirror. The object has a rough surface causing a diffuse reflection so when lights hits the object, the rays will be scattered all around the room. Now the...
  33. Saitama

    Calculating Velocity of Reflected Image in Concave Mirror

    Homework Statement Water level in the tank is decreasing at a constant rate of 1 cm/s. A small metal sphere is moving downwards with a constant velocity of 5cm/s. Base of the tank is a concave mirror of radius 40 cm. Find the velocity of the image seen (refractive index of water=4/3)...
  34. D

    Cont image of connected space is connected proof check?

    I was wondering if someone can tell me if my approach to the proof is a correct one. (rather than typing it all out here and making a mess of the notation, I typed it up in latex and did a screencap then put that on imgur, so the following link has the proof) http://i.imgur.com/gNFToKx.png
  35. N

    Image processing: effect of illuminant on sRGB image

    Homework Statement Assume an image file is sRGB under D65. Generate the image as it would appear under illuminant A ( a 171x1 matrix). Homework Equations effect of illuminant: B = LA where A is the a color matching function, L is a diagonalized version of illuminant A, and B is...
  36. S

    Veloctiy of image of a moving obect having constant veloctiy

    If an object moves towards us with constant velocity, its velocity is constant with respect to us. But when we view its image in stationary car rear view mirror (or any stationary mirror), its velocity is changes? Why and How?
  37. A

    Relative velocity with respect to image in the mirror

    Homework Statement As shown in the figure, a man is running towards left with constant velocity of 7 m/s. Also, a flat vertical mirror is moved to the right with constant velocity of 9 m/s. Calculate the relative velocity between the man and his image. Express your answer in...
  38. Hepth

    Mathematica Mathematica : Draw a simple line, make into image

    I wish to create, in Mathematica, an image. I have a set of lines, for the sake of a test, let's use: {{10,0},{40,100}} {{20,0},{80,100}} Now I want my image to be 400x100 pixels, and the lines to appear as if their coordinates are those of the points in the image. If I do...
  39. A

    Help Needed: Calculating Force Using Image Charges

    Hi, I'm trying to use image charges to find the force that apply on the following particle (on the attachment) , but it seems that I do something wrong - F=2q^2/(2a^2)-2cos(60)q^2/a^2 The gray section have 0 potential, so I've tried to put image charges like it is in the second attachment...
  40. Y

    Looking for image theory regarding magnetic elements.

    Question on Perfect Magnetic conductor. Are PMC always metal compound like Iron etc. That has high ##\mu##? So most of good magnetic conductor are themselves electric conductor? From articles I read: PEC ##\Rightarrow\;\hat n \times \vec E=0\;\hbox{ and }\;\hat n\times \vec H=\vec J##...
  41. F

    LINEAR ALGEBRA: image of vectors through other basis

    Homework Statement In ##E^3##, given the orthonormal basis B, made of the following vectors ## v_1=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(1,1,0); v_2=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(1,-1,0); v_3=(0,0,1)## and the endomorphism ##\phi : E^3 \to E^3## such that ##M^{B,B}_{\phi}##=A where (1 0 0) (0 2 0) = A (0 0 0)...
  42. S

    Image Processing: Exploring Wavelength, Intensity & HSV/RGB

    I was working on an image processing project a while ago and was specifically working with raster images in the Hue-Saturation-Value(HSV) image format. Each is determined by mathematical values of these (HSV) parameters. I also worked with other bases such as the Red Blue Green (RGB) format. Now...
  43. L

    Image of a Convex Lens Cut in Half Horizontally

    Hello everyone, A friend of mine came up with this question in class and I really do not have a good answer. Suppose you have a convex lens that has been cut in half horizontally and the top half removed. The question is: Will the bottom half of the lens still form an image? I really...
  44. PhizKid

    Velocity of an image in optics

    Homework Statement An object 20 cm. to the left of a converging lens with focal point 0.3 cm is moved to the left at a constant 5 cm/s. How fast is the image moving? Homework Equations v = vo + at 1/f = 1/u + 1/v The Attempt at a Solution Since there is no acceleration, I got 5 m/s...
  45. Fernando Revilla

    MHB Admiral Ackbar's question at Yahoo Answers (Inverse image of a vector)

    Here is the question: Here is a link to the question: Find vector that satisfies the linear transformation, linear algebra question, PLEASE HELP? - Yahoo! Answers I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
  46. R

    Image Formed by a System of Lenses

    Homework Statement Three converging lenses of focal length 2.5 cm are arranged with a spacing of 2.2 cm between them, and are used to image an insect 2.3 cm away. Where is the image? Homework Equations 1/do + 1/di = 1/f The Attempt at a Solution I used the above equation to find...
  47. T

    Real Image Optics: Selecting Correct Answer

    Homework Statement Doing some practice problems to prepare for upcoming exam and ran across this: A real image is a. One in which light does not pass through the image point but appears to diverge from that point b. One for which the magnification equal 1 c. An excellent image d. An...
  48. B

    Chromatic image through a double circle aperture

    Hi, I am conducting an experiment and i am displaying diffraction images of light through 2 pinholes on a DSLR camera. I get a good image with lasers but when I capture images of chromatic light i only get the top half (semi circle) image. can someone explain to me why this occurs? I think...
  49. M

    Is light a carrier to bring all the way of motion image of dead star?

    Hi Friends, I am Alen, doing research about light. I have submitted my thesis which contains few finding about light and utilizing maximum solar energy to produce electric energy from few square feet area. I got permission from my adviser to discuss on internet forum. I hope your commands and...
  50. P

    Location and Magnification of Coin's Final Image

    Homework Statement A converging lens of focal length 8.100 cm is 20.3 cm to the left of a diverging lens of focal length 6.63 cm. A coin is placed 12.4 cm to the left of the convering lens. Is the location of the coins final image to the left of the convering lens, between the lenses, or to...