What is Image: Definition and 1000 Discussions

IMAGE (Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration) is a NASA Medium Explorers mission that studied the global response of the Earth's magnetosphere to changes in the solar wind. It was believed lost but as of August 2018 might be recoverable. It was launched March 25, 2000 by a Delta II rocket from Vandenberg AFB on a two-year mission. Almost six years later, it unexpectedly ceased operations in December 2005 during its extended mission and was declared lost. The spacecraft was part of NASA's Sun-Earth Connections Program, and during its run had over 400 research articles published in peer-reviewed journals using its data. It had special cameras that provided various breakthroughs in understanding the dynamics of plasma around the Earth. The Principal Investigator was Jim Burch of the Southwest Research Institute.
In January 2018, an amateur satellite tracker found it to be transmitting some signals back to Earth. NASA made attempts to communicate with the spacecraft and determine its payload status, but has had to track down and adapt old hardware and software to the current systems. On February 25, contact with IMAGE was again lost only to be reestablished on March 4, 2018. The signal disappeared once again on August 5, 2018. Recovery efforts are underway and if successful NASA may decide to fund a restarted mission.

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  1. J

    Calculating the Final Image Location in a Compound Lens System

    Homework Statement A compound lens system consists of two converging lenses, one at x= -20cm with focal length f1 = +10cm, and the other at x= +20cm with focal length f2 = +8cm . An object 1 centimeter tall is placed at x = -50cm. What is the location of the final image produced by the...
  2. J

    What is the length of Joe's image in the mirror?

    Homework Statement A guy named Joe, who is 1.6 meters tall, enters a room in which someone has placed a large convex mirror with radius of curvature equal to 30 meters. The mirror has been cut in half, so that the axis of the mirror is at ground level. As Joe enters the room, he is 5...
  3. L

    Image Processing Software; suggestions?

    Hi, I'm in an astrophysics lab course - and the CCD image processing software on the physics department computers are .. frustrating to say the least. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for something i could download and run on my mac; preferably free. Thanks,
  4. T

    Image Set of fx = (2x^2 + 2x + 1)/(x^2 + x - 1)

    Homework Statement Find the image set of function fx = (2x^2 + 2x + 1)/(x^2 + x - 1 ) The attempt at a solution 1. multiply the denominator with y and then assume x is real i get (y-2)^2 - 4(y - 2)(-y-1) => 0 5y^2 - 8y - 4 => 0 y = 2 and y = -2/5 But the answer is y => 2 and...
  5. C

    Why can i see hidden image with a polarized spec?

    Hi, i can't find any article related to this question, i went to a spectacle shop, they claim their spectacle are polarized, i tested it by diagonally aligned the spectacles and yes it is polarized, but then sales man asked me to put on the spec and have a look at a picture. First it was just...
  6. B

    Image about connection of different parts of Mathematics

    Hi guys! Today I remembered that I used to have a fantastic image (like a flow chart) about different parts of mathematics and how they are connected. In the final stage (at the top), they were connected to QFT and GR. It's down->top, at the lower end were basic mathematics (sets, boolian...
  7. A

    Analyzing 2-Lens System: Image Position, Magnification & Nature

    Homework Statement A convex lens (f1=300mm) is placed 200 mm from a concave lens (f2=-50mm). An object is placed 6m away form the convex lens. (the order is as follows: object - 6m - convex lens - 200mm - concave lens). Determine the position, magnification and nature of a final image...
  8. F

    Find Image of Function g: Solving 3D Problem

    Homework Statement I have the function g(s,t) = [(st+1)/(st-1),(s-t)/(st-1),(s+t)/(st-1)], and I need to find its image. Homework Equations I know that every point on the image of g lies on the hyperboloid x^2 + y^2 - z^2 = 1. The Attempt at a Solution I am very inexperienced...
  9. T

    Calculating Distance and Size of Image on Blackboard Reading

    Homework Statement A student is reading a lecture written on a blackboard. The lenses in her eyes have a refractive power of 61.20 diopters, and the lens-to-retina distance is 1.643 cm. (a) How far (in meters) is the blackboard from her eyes? (b) If the writing on the blackboard is 6.00 cm...
  10. B

    Optics: What is the speed of the sprinter's image?

    Homework Statement A sports photographer has a 150 mm focal length lens on his camera. The photographer wants to photograph a sprinter running straight away from him at 5 m/s. What is the speed of the sprinter's image at the instant the sprinter is 10 m in front of the lens? Homework...
  11. P

    Domain and image of a function

    We recall that Z is the set of all integers. For each i, j in Z, let f(i,j) be the larger of the two integers i and j. Do these remarks define a function? If so, what are the domain and the image? I'm not sure how to do this. I believe that the remarks do define the function. But I don't know...
  12. S

    Relating Image Distance and Image Height

    Regarding the thin lens equation, 1/s + 1/s' = 1/f where s= distance of object from lens, s' = distance of image from lens, and f=focal length, can h and h' (h = height of object and h' = image height) be substituted from s and s'? I know the values are related through similar triangles...
  13. F

    News What Made 'Spitting Image' So Popular in the UK?

    I was 8 years old when this was first broadcast on NBC; and this is what first got me interested in politics. It was hilarious. But for some reason, unbeknownst to me, it never made in the US. What a shame--it was a great show! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PntMYkZPxCY
  14. K

    Dimension, Image, Kernels etc - Linear Algebra stuff

    Does linear algebra go in this thread?? Anyway, Homework Statement Let n be an integer at least 1, and x1,...,xn be distinct points in R. For any integer m>=1, let P denote the vector space of polynomials of degree at most m. Define a linear transformation T:P->R^n by [f(x1)]...
  15. L

    Optics question: What two positions of a lens gives a sharp image?

    1. A lamp and a screen are 1m apart and a +4.5 D thin lens is mounted between them. Where must the lens be placed in order to produce a sharp image on the screen, and what will be the magnification? 2. Gauss Law: L' = L + F 3. I attempted this question by using the Gauss Law but I...
  16. P

    Moments of inertia in image processing

    Hi, I'm currently working on an imaging problem that oddly requires some physics. Basically, I'm given a set of gray scale pixels and I have to determine whether they're a fiber or just random noise. My question is, how do I calculate the moment of inertia of the pixels while considering...
  17. C

    Location final image diveraging and converging lens

    Homework Statement A 1.5 cm tall object is placed 0.50 m to the left of a diverging lens with a focal length of 0.20 m. A converging lens with a focal length of 0.17 m is located 0.08 m to the right of the diverging lens. a)What is the location of the final image with respect to the object...
  18. G

    Creating an Image 2x Size of Object w/ Convex Lens: Half Focal Length Away

    Homework Statement A converging lens (convex lens) creates an image that is 2 times the size of the object. The object is placed: Homework Equations -di/do = hi/ho 1/f = 1/di + 1/do The Attempt at a Solution I thought the answer was that the object is place two focal lengths...
  19. S

    2D image Fourier Transform Filter: Even & Odd.

    Hi, Just when I thought I'd grasped the Discrete Fourier Transform properly,something comes along and messes me up ... and my books don't seem to treat it. Say you have a square 2D image and you want to do an Ideal LowPass Filter. Well, in general, filters need to be odd-number-sized so...
  20. E

    LaTeX Fixing Subfloat Image Labels in LaTeX Captions

    Hello, I am using the subfloat package. I have several images in my figure and I wanted to have an (a), (b), (c) under them and then refer to them like that in the caption. However, when I do ref {image1a} in the caption it shows up as "1a" instead of "a". I don't want the "1" because this is...
  21. Monique

    How can I fix image rollovers in Safari 3?

    Does anyone have experience with programming image rollovers that work in Safari 3? I programmed a website a while ago and everything worked fine, until Safari got updated to version 3. It seems to be a common problem, many programmers complain of this bug, but I haven't come across a solution...
  22. S

    Is Phi One-to-One and What is Its Image for a Given Rectangle?

    Let [phi](u,v)=(u^2,v). Is phi one-to-one? If not, determine a domain on which phi is one-to-one. Find the image under phi of: - The rectangle R=[-1,1]X[-1,1] The Attempt at a Solution - I'm not sure at all how to determine whether phi is one-to-one or not, so if somebody can...
  23. C

    Can the image of f(x)=\cos x + i \sin x be proven to be the unit circle?

    I stumbled across this question while self-learning topology, and I am not sure how to proceed. I need to prove that the image of f(x)=\cos x + i \sin x is the unit circle. The statement is obvious, which makes it all the harder for me to figure out what I actually need to do!
  24. N

    Inverse Image of Ideal in R is an Ideal of S

    Let f:R...s be a ring homomorphism .Prove that the inverse image of an ideal of S is an ideal of R Thank you
  25. P

    How Do You Creat A Moving Mental Image From An Equation?

    When you read an equation, how are you able to then take the bits of that equation and translate it into a mental picture that allows you to visualize what the particular equation is describing?
  26. M

    MATLAB Matlab Image Acquisition Problem

    I'm working on a laser microscopy setup and am having issues with Matlab image acquisition. I'm using an AVT Pike-032B CCD camera that is a 1394 camera. Most importantly, I'm interfacing to it using the CMU 'dcam' library, which provides pretty nice control through a program "1394 Camera...
  27. T

    Geometer's Sketchpad: How do I put a grid over an image?

    Is it possible to use an image as a background to a function graph in Geometer's Sketchpad, so that I could superimpose a grid over a map? Does anybody have an alternative suggestion if that's not possible in GSP? Thanks, -tubegeek
  28. A

    Positive Focal Length Image - Real, Diminished, Inverted and Smaller?

    This is a simple wording confusion. On one question that I did, the property for a positive focal length image was Real, Diminished and Inverted. On another question of the same type, the property for a positive focal length image was Real, Inverted and Smaller. So, my confusion is the...
  29. M

    Anyone know what this is an image of?

    I'm in calculus class right now, this is high school so I wouldn't be doing this at university probably, and we're putting our name in the address bar to see what comes up, just for fun. I went to www.scott.com and it shows just a .gif. Anyone know if there's any significance to it?
  30. Shackleford

    Solving the Homework Equation: See Attached Image

    Homework Statement See attached image. Homework Equations See attached image. The Attempt at a Solution See attached image.
  31. A

    How Can I Take the Inverse of an Image Matrix in MATLAB?

    I'm trying to take the inverse of an image matrix by doing the following: >> A=imread ('noise.jpg'); >> inv(A) But I'm getting the following error: ? Undefined function or method 'inv' for input arguments of type 'uint8'. How can I change the image matrix so that I can take the...
  32. R

    Why cant we obtain a virtual image on a screen?

    If we can see a virtual image, why can't we obtain it on a screen?
  33. M

    Mirror Image: Solving for Object Height & Location

    Homework Statement an image in a convex mirror is 12cm tall and 30cm from the mirror.IF the focal length is 50cm, where is the object and how tall. Homework Equations (1/f)=(1/do)+(1/di) M= hi/ho =-di / do The Attempt at a Solution i got 7.5cm for the object height but a convex...
  34. F

    Spherical Harmonic Decomposition of an image

    Hey guys, Homework Statement Basically the question is to explain the meaning of a SHD of an image, specifically the image of the WMAP data of the CMB. Now i understand decomposition when it comes to functions but I am not sure how to extend that to images. Is it simply that you are...
  35. K

    Basis of image of linear transformation

    Homework Statement Find a basis of the image im(LA) of the linear transformation LA: R^5 \rightarrowR^3, x\mapstoAx where A = 1 -2 2 3 -1 -3 6 -1 1 -7 2 -4 5 8 -4 and hence determine the dimension of im(LA) The Attempt at a Solution Using the equation...
  36. B

    Kernel and Image of Matrix AB

    [SOLVED] Kernel and Image Homework Statement Ker(A) = Im(B) AB = ? A is an m x p matrix. B is a p x n matrix. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Since Ker(A) is the subset of the domain of B and Im(B) is the subset of the codomain of B, AB = I. I = identity matrix...
  37. B

    Is the Inverse Image of a Compact Set Always Bounded?

    Homework Statement Let f be a continuous mapping from metric spaces X to Y. K \subset Yis compact. Is f^{-1}(K) bounded? Homework Equations Theorem 4.8 Corollary (Rudin) A mapping f of a metric space X into Y is continuous iff f^{-1}(C) is closed in X for every closed set C in Y...
  38. A

    Locating Image on Retina with Focal Length 0.020m

    Homework Statement This is a follow on question. The first few questions ask about finding the numerical answer. The question that I am confused about and cannot do seem to do properly says: Complete the ray diagram to locate the position of the image shown on the retina when effective focal...
  39. J

    Closedness question about adjoint image

    If X and Y are norm spaces, T:X->Y is a continuous linear mapping, and T(X) is closed in Y, is T*(Y*) always closed in X*? Here X* and Y* are dual spaces, and T*:Y*->X* is the adjoint of T.
  40. I

    Understanding Inverse Images and Continuity in Real Analysis

    1. a) Show that (f^-1 S)compliment = f^-1(S compliment) for any set S of reals. Then use part a) to show The function f is continuous iff f^-1(S) is closed for every closed set S. 2. inverse image = f^-1(S) = {x: f(x) \in S} f is continuous iff for every open set U \in the reals...
  41. I

    Is f continuous if f^-1(S) is closed for all closed sets S?

    Any help on this problem would be appreciated a) Show that (f^-1 S)compliment is equal to f^-1(S compliment) for any set S of reals. Then use part a) to show The function f is continuous iff f^-1(S) is closed for every closed set S.
  42. M

    External.menuArguments image index

    I've created a DLL that contains JavaScript plugins for the IE right click menu like this; http://img407.imageshack.us/my.php?image=20165640mt5.jpg I haven't restricted display to the proper context in the registry yet. In the Alt Text entry I have a small script that looks like; var altV...
  43. E

    Seeing the past future and possible in an image.

    Hi, This is my first post in this forum and glad to be a member. Since from the DSP lessons in university, i am having this strange problem that i haven't found an answer. As I cannot progress and couldn't find any theories regarding to this, i want to share this problem with you guys...
  44. maverick280857

    Control Systems Project Closed Feedback Image Focusing

    Hi For our control systems project, we are trying to implement a closed feedback image focusing system. A digital camera captures the image of an object (a checkerboard), sends it to a computer algorithm which determines the amount of defocus in it and sends an actuation signal to a stepper...
  45. L

    Can Image Streaming Really Boost Your IQ?

    http://www.winwenger.com/imstream.htm Does this work?
  46. R

    MATLAB How to capture live video/image using Matlab without Image acq toolbox

    Hi! Does anybody know how i can capture images from my USB camera directly into Matlab? I'd appreciate suggestions for indirect methods too. I don't have the advantage of the Image Acquisition Toolbox in Matlab, making my task slightly more difficult. Suggestions that I've had include...
  47. R

    2 focal points, find image distance.

    Homework Statement An object is placed in front of a converging lens in such a position that the lens (f = 15.0 cm) creates a real image located 21.0 cm from the lens. Then, with the object remaining in place, the lens is replaced with another converging lens (f = 16.0 cm). A new, real image...
  48. L

    Direct Image Sheaf at Generic Point of an Irreducible Component

    I do not know if this counts as number theory, but I came to this question while studying number theory, so I post this here. Suppose X and Y are reduced schemes of finite type over a field k and f:X->Y is a morphism. Ox denotes the structural sheaf of X. Question What is a stalk of the...
  49. G

    UV Image of Sun: Temp Variations

    Hi... Apologies if this is in the wrong section but it is kind of homework related. I'm looking at an ultraviolet image of the sun... Would I be right in saying that brighter areas represent higher temperatures and darker regions represent lower teperatures?
  50. J

    Will an image appear larger or smaller in oil than in water

    light travels more slowly in vegetable oil than in water. Will an object appear larger or smaller if the beaker is filled with oil rather than water?...help me thanks