What is Grad school: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A graduate school (sometimes shortened to grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (e.g., master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree. A distinction is typically made between graduate schools (where courses of study vary in the degree to which they provide training for a particular profession) and professional schools, which offer specialized advanced degrees in professional fields such as medicine, nursing, business, engineering, speech–language pathology, or law. The distinction between graduate schools and professional schools is not absolute since various professional schools offer graduate degrees and vice versa.
Many universities award graduate degrees; a graduate school is not necessarily a separate institution. While the term "graduate school" is typical in the United States and often used elsewhere (e.g., Canada), "postgraduate education" is also used in English-speaking countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and the UK) to refer to the spectrum of education beyond a bachelor's degree. Those attending graduate schools are called "graduate students" (in both American and British English), or often in British English as "postgraduate students" and, colloquially, "postgraduates" and "postgrads". Degrees awarded to graduate students include master's degrees, doctoral degrees, and other postgraduate qualifications such as graduate certificates and professional degrees.
Producing original research is a significant component of graduate studies in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. This research typically leads to the writing and defense of a thesis or dissertation. In graduate programs that are oriented toward professional training (e.g., MPA, MBA, MHA), the degrees may consist solely of coursework, without an original research or thesis component. The term "graduate school" is primarily North American. Additionally, in North America, the term does not usually refer to medical school (whose students are called "medical students"), and only occasionally refers to law school or business school; these are often collectively termed professional schools. Graduate students in the humanities, sciences and social sciences often receive funding from the school (e.g., fellowships or scholarships) or a teaching assistant position or other job; in the profession-oriented grad programs, students are less likely to get funding, and the fees are typically much higher.
Although graduate school programs are distinct from undergraduate degree programs, graduate instruction (in the US, Australia, and other countries) is often offered by some of the same senior academic staff and departments who teach undergraduate courses. Unlike in undergraduate programs, however, it is less common for graduate students to take coursework outside their specific field of study at graduate or graduate entry level. At the Ph.D. level, though, it is quite common to take courses from a wider range of study, for which some fixed portion of coursework, sometimes known as a residency, is typically required to be taken from outside the department and college of the degree-seeking candidate, to broaden the research abilities of the student. Some institutions designate separate graduate versus undergraduate staff and denote other divisions.

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  1. S

    Schools What makes a strong grad school application?

    So, I was wondering if I could get some ballpark idea of how good I might look to grad schools. I have a 3.55 overall GPA at a top 10 physics school (don't know what my major GPA is right now). I have half a year of research experience, and I've worked with a theorist too. I haven't taken...
  2. M

    Applying for Grad School, Advice?

    Hi, I will be applying for graduate school soon. I plan to make the move in 2011. My interests are still a bit broad. I am interested in eventually learning plasma physics for advanced spacecraft propulsion. I haven't found a graduate level program yet though that is working on soemthing...
  3. L

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  4. U

    Schools Transfering in Grad School (better immediately or after MS?)

    So yes I was wondering is it better to apply for transfer to another PhD program in physics right away or after acquiring a Masters?
  5. S

    Schools Advice - atypical route to grad school

    Hello everyone, I graduated with a BA a couple years ago. I traveled in Asia for a year, then worked for a year, and got into some math on my own in the process. I returned to school last year to load up on as many tough courses as possible. I've taken/will have taken linear algebra, abstract...
  6. S

    Schools Best grad school for String Theory, M-Theory and LQG?

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  7. W

    Grad School: Balancing Skills and Sub-Areas in Physics?

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  8. R

    Schools Tips for making into good grad school

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  9. R

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  10. D

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  11. J

    Schools Are My Chances of Getting into Grad School Good Enough?

    Hello all. I am wondering what my chances are of getting into grad school. I realize there are other posts on the topic, but everyone is in a different situation so I think this is warranted. I have what the university calls a combined honors mathematics and physics BSc degree from the...
  12. C

    Schools My Grad School Chances for AMO Physics

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  13. D

    Schools What are my Grad school prospects?

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  14. D

    Schools Starting the grad school search: what schools for quantum gravity?

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  15. M

    Schools Applying for grad school, do I need to send transcripts from Dual Cred HS class?

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  16. T

    Schools General GRE + grad school (what's my chance)?

    Hello, I know this has been asked many times... but I am greatly worried about the verbal GRE session. English is not my first language but I've been around long enough to be considered a fluent speaker. Realistically speaking, I'll probably get around Verbal: ~450 (what if I completely bomb...
  17. U

    Schools How to Craft a Winning Biomedical Engineering Grad School Essay?

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  18. H

    Schools Advice on the BS degree that would best compliment grad school interests.

    At the moment I am planning to pursue a bachelors with the end goal of obtaining a masters and potentially a PhD in either the areas of Geophysics, Planetary science, or maybe even Astrobiology. The University I would be attending for the BS degree does offer a BS in Geology and Geophysics, but...
  19. N

    Schools Is Taking the GRE More Than Once Recommended for Grad School Admissions?

    I had a couple of questions about getting ready for grad school, mainly about taking the GRE(physics & general). I'm starting my 4th year this fall and will be applying to grad school next fall, since it's taking me 4 and a half years to graduate. As far as the GRE, I was planning on taking it...
  20. J

    Schools Is grad school a possibility for me?

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  21. M

    Schools How useful is grad school for an entrepreneur?

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  22. M

    Schools Navigating Grad School After Non-Ivy Undergrad Experience

    Hey all, I just graduated from a small-ish northeastern private liberal arts university known more for it's law and communications departments than it's science education. It's a fairly respectable school but a small physics department, about 50 students in total. I plan on taking a year...
  23. turin

    Schools Changing fields fresh out of grad school

    Sorry, I just realized that this should be in the Career Guidance forum. I find the topic of my recent dissertation uninspiring, and I want to go into something completely different for my career. My dissertation was on very specialized and superficial analysis techniques, but I would much...
  24. H

    Schools How to get into physics grad school

    Hello PF. I have a bachelors in pure math. I've always gone back and forth between physics and math, but math always challenged me more. Not that physics isn't a challenge, just that math as an undergraduate challenged me more. So I always left the physics classes after the freshman ones...
  25. F

    Schools Internship = research for nuclear engineering grad school?

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  26. P

    Schools Biology Grad School For Physics Majors

    So I'm currently a Physics/Math major with an interest in biophysics. Since biophysics is such an interdisciplinary field, some graduate schools have this area in their biology department, while others have it in their physics department. I looked at MIT's biology site and it says that they are...
  27. G

    Schools What MATH should I know for grad school physics?

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  28. H

    Schools Is a 3.1 GPA enough to get into grad school?

    So I will be graduating spring 2010 with a degree in biomedical engineering and have decided that i definitely want to get into grad school. Currently as it sits i have a 2.8 at the University I am at right now and a 3.1 at the community college i went to before hand. It averages out to be about...
  29. C

    Schools How can i best salvage my chances of going to grad school for chemistry?

    I've bolded the essentials of this topic. My background as an applicant to grad school is not very strong at all. Here are the main obstacles I'm facing: -No relationships with professors -No research experience -Mediocre grades at the first university I attended I am a transfer...
  30. D

    Schools Grad School Application Deadlines?

    Would someone be so kind as to enlighten me here? My wife and I were discussing grad school application deadlines (which are still a way off, but it's fun to daydream) and she commented on how early they were at most of the schools we were just glancing at. January 31st was a common date, or...
  31. I

    Schools Why should I go to grad school?

    i have a much better question, that doesn't often get asked: i have a high gpa, excell in my classes, could probably score very well on the gre and pgre, but i hate research so far. and yet i still feel like i should go to grad school. what am i to do?
  32. maverick280857

    Courses Preparing for Grad School: Exploring EE, Physics & Quantum Mechanics

    From EE to Applied Physics...grad school app, undergraduate courses, no research Hi, I'm a senior undergraduate majoring in Electrical Engineering with a CGPA of 3.84/4.0 (normalized to a scale of 4 -- at my college its on a scale of 10). I'll be entering my final year in a few weeks from...
  33. D

    Schools The importance of computer science and math classes for grad school admissions?

    Say two students both express interest in becoming experimentalists of some sort. They both have research experience with experimentalists, comparable GPA's and GRE's, even similar letters of rec. However, one of them took two computer science courses, and the other didn't. Would admissions...
  34. F

    Schools Starting grad school in the fall.

    Hello all, I'm entering a graduate program in materials science and engineering in the fall, and I was wondering if anyone had any generic or specific advice (or heads up) about grad school based on your experiences. Thank you.
  35. F

    Grad school in Materials Science help/advice.

    Hello all, My background is in physics, and I'm entering a graduate program for materials science and engineering this fall. I was wondering if anyone had any generic or specific advice before starting. Thank you.
  36. Y

    Schools How to choose grad school for aerospace/mechanical engineering?

    I will complete my bachelors in physics next year, and plan to do a masters in either aerospace or mechanical engineering afterwards. But how do I go about selecting which schools to apply to? I’ve read advice such as applying to schools whose professors do research in a specific area...
  37. L

    Schools Grad School in Ireland: Questions & Answers

    Hello, I am interested in attending a graduate program in Ireland after completion of my BS in physics but am unsure of the lay of the land. A few questions I have are: 1. Is it possible to get into the Ph.D. program in the Ireland w/o a masters? If it is difficult is it possible to do the...
  38. A

    Schools What should I aim for with the Math Subject Test?

    I am going into my last year at a small private college, which means that my pool for math classes is limited. I have been trying to establish a good base with classes such as Linear Algebra, Diff EQ, Topology, Number Theory, Probability, Modeling, Analysis, Abstract, NonEuclidean, a year long...
  39. H

    Leaving grad school at this time?

    I have frequented these forums many times, but this is my first post. I am looking for advice, antidotes, or just suggestions on leaving graduate school in math (or any subject for that matter). Just a little about me: I majored in mathematics at an engineering school, but instead of taking...
  40. A

    Studying Books on Applying to Grad School

    Hello, I am looking for a few good books that talk about the details of applying to a PhD program. Soem of the questions that I would like answered are: How does one select the schools? How do admissions work? How is one evaluated? How can one maximize chances of admission? I've seen a...
  41. U

    Schools Minimum GRE scores for competitive grad school

    Hey everyone, I have heard over and over again that GRE scores are used by most engineering grad schools as a cut off; everyone above a certain score makes the first cut, and everyone below a certain score doesn't. I want to go to engineering grad school (specialize in biomedical). I took...
  42. D

    Schools Grad School Question: Can Classes Transfer?

    This is something I had never seen before...a student applies for grad school and gets accepted to a university not where he did his undergrad. He was planning on enrolling for fall but decides to defer for a year. For the year that he deferred, in the meantime, could this person take a grad...
  43. U

    Schools Grad School Admissions Process

    Hey everyone, I am a rising senior Elecrical engineering major at University of Delaware. I have done research in biomedical optics for 2 years and am highly motivated to go to graduate school. I have bought the book "Getting What You Came For", which is a guide to applying and living...
  44. ~christina~

    Schools Panic attack- acceptance to grad school and other Q's related to that

    Background want to go to grad school and focus on chemistry. (studying for forensic science now) Working towards my degree involved taking almost all the chemistry courses that are done for a bachelor degree in chemistry. (already took: gen. chem 1 & 2, organic 1 & 2, instrumental 1 & 2...
  45. M

    Schools Going to Europe for Grad School

    I will be going into my senior year next year and intend on going to graduate school for physics. My field will be either particle physics or astrophysics most likely. Because of my interest in travelling, I have been considering looking for graduate schools in Europe in addition to the US. I...
  46. T

    Schools Do Grad Schools Care About Dropped Undergrad Classes in Engineering?

    Do Engineering graduate admission officers look if the student has a couple dropped classes during undergraduate course work?
  47. M

    How many hours a week do you spend in grad school?

    I just wanted to get an idea of how much time people spend in physics graduate school on an average week. This includes anything you do necessary for your degree, including coursework, teaching, research, and so on. I'm passionate about pursuing physics, and I'm not expecting it to be easy or...
  48. M

    Schools Taking time off before grad school

    Hi. I am going into my senior year as an undergraduate physics major. My intent is to go to grad school and most likely get my PhD. I am truly interested in physics, but I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to a specific grad program. I have a good idea of what I enjoy: fundamental particle...
  49. Link

    Schools How important are grades in grad school?

    I am interested to know whether it is important for engineers to get good grades when pursuing a MEng in Engineering, ie a terminal degree with no further phD studies. Are academic grades as important as in college (when they played a significant part of grad school entry) for employers or will...
  50. G

    Schools Is it possible to balance graduate school and raising children?

    Does anyone here attend graduate school and have children to raise? What are your experiences? Would you recommend it to others? Read "Graduate School With Children" from the Chronicle of Higher Education: