What is Book: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A book is a medium for recording information in the form of writing or images, typically composed of many pages (made of papyrus, parchment, vellum, or paper) bound together and protected by a cover. The technical term for this physical arrangement is codex (plural, codices). In the history of hand-held physical supports for extended written compositions or records, the codex replaces its predecessor, the scroll. A single sheet in a codex is a leaf and each side of a leaf is a page.
As an intellectual object, a book is prototypically a composition of such great length that it takes a considerable investment of time to compose and still considered as an investment of time to read. In a restricted sense, a book is a self-sufficient section or part of a longer composition, a usage that reflects the fact that, in antiquity, long works had to be written on several scrolls and each scroll had to be identified by the book it contained. Each part of Aristotle's Physics is called a book. In an unrestricted sense, a book is the compositional whole of which such sections, whether called books or chapters or parts, are parts.
The intellectual content in a physical book need not be a composition, nor even be called a book. Books can consist only of drawings, engravings or photographs, crossword puzzles or cut-out dolls. In a physical book, the pages can be left blank or can feature an abstract set of lines to support entries, such as in an account book, an appointment book, an autograph book, a notebook, a diary or a sketchbook. Some physical books are made with pages thick and sturdy enough to support other physical objects, like a scrapbook or photograph album. Books may be distributed in electronic form as ebooks and other formats.
Although in ordinary academic parlance a monograph is understood to be a specialist academic work, rather than a reference work on a scholarly subject, in library and information science monograph denotes more broadly any non-serial publication complete in one volume (book) or a finite number of volumes (even a novel like Proust's seven-volume In Search of Lost Time), in contrast to serial publications like a magazine, journal or newspaper. An avid reader or collector of books is a bibliophile or colloquially, "bookworm". A place where books are traded is a bookshop or bookstore. Books are also sold elsewhere and can be borrowed from libraries. Google has estimated that by 2010, approximately 130,000,000 titles had been published. In some wealthier nations, the sale of printed books has decreased because of the increased usage of ebooks.

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  1. S

    What is the Relationship Between Tension and Velocity in a Vibrating String?

    Homework Statement (Problem #1 on this page.)[/B] Homework Equations ##v=\sqrt { \frac { T }{ \mu } } =\lambda f## The Attempt at a Solution I don't think there is enough information, ##v=\sqrt { \frac { Mg }{ m/L } } ## m, the mass of the string is not given
  2. davidge

    Best book on relativistic QM and QFT

    I loved Modern Quantum Mechanics by Sakurai, where Quantum Mechanics is presented and worked out. Now I would like to proceed further, and learn about Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory. I started by reading Sakurai's Advanced Quantum Mechanics, but later I found that the...
  3. S

    Hoffman, Kunze Linear Algebra book: which topics to study QM?

    I've started self-studying quantum mechanics. It's clear from google searching and online Q.Mech lectures, I'll need to understand linear algebra first. I'm starting with finite-dimensional linear algebra and Hoffman, Kunze is one of the widely recommended textbooks for that. I need help...
  4. A

    High Energy High Energy Physics and Group Theory Book Recommendations

    Hey there! I just want to ask if there are any books you would like to recommend that helps in studying high energy physics and HEP data analysis? Also can you recommend a good book for group theory and symmetry? I would be glad if you have links to free downloadable books. Thanks in advance!
  5. L

    B Unlocking Symmetry: The Ultimate Guide to Intuitive Reasoning

    Which is the best book that gives extensive intuitive reasoning on Symmetry?
  6. C

    Comp Sci Book Database Implementation C++

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  7. M

    Engineering Fluid Mechanics book that's pure integration/vector calculus

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  8. D

    Intro Physics Need a good Thermodynamics book for science olympiad

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  9. T

    I New book on the foundations of quantum mechanics

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  10. UsableThought

    New book on dynamical, agent-based models for economics

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  11. Ethan Singer

    Atomic Introductory (yet rigorous) Organic/Inorganic Chemistry book

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  12. NFuller

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  13. P

    Algebra What is a great book for completing Algebra and trigonometry?

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  14. B

    Deductive agruments in finite math: wrong answer in book?

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  15. Shaikot Jahan Shuvo

    Should i finish Arfken's book in undergrad?

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  16. N

    Information transfer in space - with book research

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  17. J

    Quantum QFT book recommendations except Peskin/Schroeder

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  18. smodak

    Quantum Interesting new QFT book by Shankar

    https://www.amazon.com/dp/0521592100/?tag=pfamazon01-20 Yes, this is the same Shankar who wrote the QM book. It is not a pure QFT introduction like his QM book but seems more like QFT's application too Condensed matter.
  19. Pushoam

    Classical Book for thermodynamics at undergrad level

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  20. G

    Testing Physics GRE Prep - Mechanical Engineering Student | Book Guide

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  21. C

    Analysis Are there any recommended Complex Analysis books for advanced students?

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  22. RJLiberator

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  23. F

    Calculus List of GOOD multivariable calculus book

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  24. Rodrigo Schmidt

    Mathematically rigorous Calculus 2 book

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  25. S

    I Two point correlation function in Peskin book

    Hello! I am reading Peskin's book on QFT and I reached a part (in chapter 4) where he is analyzing the two-point correlation function for ##\phi^4## theory. At a point he wants to find the evolution in time of ##\phi##, under this Hamiltonian (which is basically the Klein-Gordon - ##H_0## - one...
  26. R

    Solid State Good Solid State Physics book for Undergrads

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  27. lawlieto

    Quantum Best book for quantum physics?

    I'd like to be a quantum physicist in the future, so I'd like to do quantum properly, but there are so many books out there, and it's a bit hard to choose. I've already completed 1 year of undergraduate physics, so I think I know enough classical mechanics. I've also covered calculus...
  28. daniele1234

    Number Theory Undergraduate Number Theory Book Recommendations

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  29. J

    Cosmology Book on Black Holes, Strings, AdS/CFT

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  30. T

    Discrete Graph Theory book or literature that dives into these concepts

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  31. J

    Geometry Differential Geometry book that emphasizes on visualization

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  32. J

    High Energy AdS/CFT book that includes prerequisites

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  33. awholenumber

    I Some questions from a numerical analysis book

    https://www.amazon.com/dp/1305253663/?tag=pfamazon01-20 Are all these called root finding algorithms? All of it ? <Moderator note: Link changed because of undetermined copyright situation. fresh_42>
  34. Ridzuan

    JIS-B8830: Wind Load Assessment book

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  35. J.Hong

    A How to prove 3.6.24 of Polchinski's big book

    Hi I'd like to show the equation 3.6.24 of Polchinski's big book(string theory volume 1). I think contents of page 35 to 36 is the key for the calculation, but I don't know how to carry out specific calculation. I think I need to know the form of \left \langle X(z,\bar{z})X(z',\bar{z'}) \right...
  36. davidge

    Relativity Weinberg's book vs undergraduate course

    I found the Weinberg's book on General Relativity the most complete book on the fundamentals of the theory. I would like to know (apart from laboratory clases and having a professor to guide you) what is the difference of self-learning General Relativity from that book, compared to a 4-5 years...
  37. S

    I Peskin book on QFT question -- 2 integrals for D(x−y)

    Hello! Those who used Peskin's book on qft, in chapter 2, Causality (2.4) there are 2 integrals for ##D(x-y)##. Can someone explain to me how does he solve them, as I tried for a bit and didn't manage to do them (actually to get the behavior as ##t \to \infty##). Thank you!
  38. A

    Book Question -- velocity polygon and corelis acceleration

    Can someone please tell me what book is about velocity polygon and corelis acceleration? Thank you
  39. L

    I Havil's book "Gamma" page 57, formula

    Where does the 1 in the last line come from? Thank you!
  40. Wrichik Basu

    Geometry Book Recommendations in Differential Geometry

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  41. Ridzuan

    Fatigue analysis with JIS standard book

    Dear guys can somebody explain, what is actually the following terms, used in fatigue analysis: 1. Mean stress correction factor 2. Plate thickness correction factor 3. Redundancy factor Thanks guys. you are the best...
  42. Wrichik Basu

    Relativity Book Recommendations in General Relativity

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  43. Wrichik Basu

    Calculus Book Recommendations in Multivariable Calculus

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  44. mktsgm

    Book on the history of food habits

    I am looking for a good book in English about the human history of food since ancient times. Perhaps at least 10000 years since. I would like to cover geological differences in the biological needs. (Like how Eskimos manage macronutrients from fish). The book should throw light on meal times...
  45. O

    Suggestions for a Power System Analysis book?

    Hi, I want a book about power system analysis that I can have laying around and read from time to time. I have taken a course in power system analysis some time ago, where I was taught simple fault analysis including unbalanced faults, frequency and voltage control. So to maintain this...
  46. T

    Other Math equivelent of Tipler physics book

    Hi guys, I was just wondering if there was a maths book the equivalent of tippler physics book. I just like the way the layout is with the questions ect and was just wondering of any pure maths book like it out there. If so could someone recommend one please.
  47. E

    Looking for physics book recommendations after HS

    Hello I'm new here. I don't know if doing this here is right or not but can someone please recommend good physics books to read? I've completed high school but I want to learn about interesting theories. My recent interests are astrophysics and quantum. If some can please recommend some amazing...
  48. Jianphys17

    Other Question on math methods book

    Hi everyone, which text on methods is better between the following two : 1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0486691934/?tag=pfamazon01-20 2) https://www.amazon.com/dp/3319011944/?tag=pfamazon01-20
  49. B

    Calculus Translation of a German book about ODEs

    I need a translation of "Differentialgleichungen : Losungsmethoden und Losugen", I guess it is written in German. This book was referenced in Shepley L. Ross' book on ODE. If the English translation is not unavailable, I am fine with a book that contains a "list" of special differential...
  50. mr.tea

    Algebra Question Regarding Purchasing an Algebra Book

    Hi, I am a math undergraduate major and just finished my first abstract algebra course. Unfortunately, we used the lecturer's notes which are quite dry, without motivation, and it really felt bad. I am really interested in abstract algebra, and thus has decided to re-learn it over the summer...