Recent content by CSpence

  1. C

    Programs Possible to Double Major in Aerspace Eng. and Astrophysics?

    I'll be doing that tomorrow. Just wanted to see if anyone here could give me some advice.
  2. C

    Programs Possible to Double Major in Aerspace Eng. and Astrophysics?

    I'm a 2nd year college student currently studying Aerospace Engineering. I love Engineering but I'm slightly more passionate about Astrophysics and Astronomy related stuff. Is it possible to double major in Aerospace Engineering and Astrophysics? I assume both majors share a lot of the same courses.
  3. C

    Continue with Aerospace Engineering or switch to Astrophysics?

    I'm a second year Aerospace Engineering student and I'm wondering if this is the best career path for me to take. Since a young kid I've always been fascinated by the universe and everything related to it. I want a career that will let me progress our knowledge of space forward whether it's via...
  4. C

    Cal Poly for Aerospace Engineering?

    Yeah I saw that before. I just wonder what the total amount of Aerospace graduates were in a given year, compared to the total amount who actually got employed. Versus other UC's like UCLA, UCSB, & UCSD, how do you think Cal Poly stands? I didn't include Berkeley because they don't offer an...
  5. C

    Is my Fall schedule too demanding?

    California Community College
  6. C

    Is my Fall schedule too demanding?

    I'm a pretty smart guy. It's not that I'm not smart enough for these classes but the work load may be mentally draining after a while. Especially for someone who works and wants to continue working.
  7. C

    Cal Poly for Aerospace Engineering?

    Hey all, I'm an aspiring Aerospace Engineer and I'd like some advice on what you guys think about the Cal Poly schools. I really like their "learn by doing" philosophy because it's great for immediate job recruitment, but not necessarily good for those who want to pursue a Ph.D. I want to...
  8. C

    Is my Fall schedule too demanding?

    Hey all, I'm a CCC student right now pursuing a career in Aerospace Engineering. Right now my GPA is a 3.7 and I only intend for it to go higher. It would probably be a 3.8-3.9 if my Chem teacher didn't screw me over last semester, but that's besides the point. :P This fall I'm taking...