Will I Like Dexter? My First Experience with the Show

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In summary, the show Dexter is very well written, with great plots that are unpredictable, but can be predicted. The gore is not too graphic, but is still interesting. The show is well balanced and has great characters.
  • #1
Math Is Hard
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I've just rented the first season on DVD. I have never seen the show before and I don't know if I am going to be too squeamish to watch it. I like scary stuff, but not too gory. I could never watch the Saw movies, for example.

I've heard from friends that the Dexter plots are very good, and some of my friends are huge fans of the show. I think I am going to give it a try... maybe.
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  • #2
One of my favorite shows. I haven't seen any of the new season though. It's not too graphic. Even my mom loves it.
  • #3
It's Evo Child's favorite show, she's addicted. I haven't seen it.
  • #4
Really cool show!
  • #5
I just started season one too. Good so far!
  • #6
My favorite show, I've seen every episode :biggrin: There are definitely some gory scenes, but the show is well balanced. Even when there is a decapitated head lying around, there will be a joke of some sort to lift the spirit.
  • #7
One of my favorite shows. I'd have to say some seasons have stupid plots though and some major characters in previous seasons are just completely forgotten about. By the last season, you'd be like, "Oh, this is just a combination of season 3 and ..." etc. etc. Season 1 and 2 were definitely my favorites. The Prado and Barrel Girl seasons were kind of lame for me at least. Trinity was alright.
  • #8
Great show! I'm addicted. I'd read the books and didn't think a TV show could pull it off. But they do.
  • #9
I guess I know what our next series will be. Already have it at the top of the queue at Netflix.

Thanks for the heads up.
  • #10
Dexter is brilliant; my favorite season was the Trinity season, but the last one was pretty good too!
  • #11
I was never able to watch the saw movies very well either, but Dexter is my favorite show! Even right away in season one, the plot is amazing. My favorite seasons are one and two, personally. But a lot of my friends liked season four the most. They're all good.
  • #12
I enjoy it. Its much more about the story than the gore. Also the gore is not so much visceral as it is, you might say, "clinical". I think that they purposefully engineer it (cinematographically) in a fashion to reflect the mindset of Dexter.
  • #13
One of my favorite shows as well. The last season was really good too, although the third was kind of weak.
  • #14
Have only watched Big Bang Theory and One and Half Men, I thought Dexeter is just something like Glee. I don't know what's Glee but people who like Glee also like Dexeter aren't big fans of my two favorites.
  • #15
rootX said:
Have only watched Big Bang Theory and One and Half Men, I thought Dexeter is just something like Glee. I don't know what's Glee but people who like Glee also like Dexeter aren't big fans of my two favorites.
I can't really tell if you're joking but I can't see any connection between Glee and Dexter other than the fact the majority of the viewers are young.
  • #16
I've just watched the first three episodes. I like it. it's very well written. But I do have to look away sometimes!
  • #17
I was planning to start watching tonight. Suddenly we lost our DSL! They think it's a problem at the relay station and can't do anything until tomorrow. I have a backup dialup service but we can't watch on that.

Not fair! I want my instant gratification. :biggrin:
  • #18
It gets kind of boring in second/third season, but the fourth season was awesome! And fifth looks great too.
  • #19
I tried watching Dexter but later I stopped because it was not exactly operating on being "brilliant". I base a shows level of "greatness" on whether I can predict the ending or not. After the first season, I knew I would be watching things unravel to an already foreseeable plot.

The only show I do enjoy though is "In Treatment" and is the only television show I happen to watch.

Related to Will I Like Dexter? My First Experience with the Show

Question 1:

What is the premise of Dexter?


Dexter follows the life of a forensic technician named Dexter Morgan, who also happens to be a serial killer. He only kills people who deserve it, and he struggles to balance his "dark passenger" with his everyday life.

Question 2:

What genre does Dexter fall under?


Dexter is a crime drama with elements of dark comedy and psychological thriller. It also has elements of horror, as it explores the mind of a serial killer.

Question 3:

Is Dexter a gory show?


While there are some graphic scenes of violence and blood, Dexter is not solely focused on gore. The show is more focused on the psychological aspects of a serial killer and the moral dilemmas he faces.

Question 4:

Is Dexter suitable for all ages?


No, Dexter is not suitable for all ages. It contains mature themes, violence, and strong language. It is recommended for mature audiences only.

Question 5:

Can I watch Dexter without seeing the previous seasons?


It is not recommended to start Dexter without watching the previous seasons. The show builds on previous plot points and character development, and it may be confusing to jump in without context. It is best to start from the beginning.

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