Why is there no Star Wars thread yet?

In summary, the conversation starts off with a discussion about the lack of a Star Wars thread and the release date of the new movie. The conversation then turns to a debate about the importance of Luke and the Jedi in defeating the Empire, with some users expressing disappointment in the story's ending. The conversation also touches on the role of the Ewoks in the final battle and debates about the effectiveness of the Emperor's plans. Overall, the conversation shows differing opinions on the significance of certain characters and plot points in the Star Wars franchise.
  • #36
SOS2008 said:
I guess as long as it's not a Maytag...? :-p
It's okay, sweetie; you didn't waste it. They're just too preoccupied to notice right now. :wink:
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  • #37
Danger said:
It's okay, sweetie; you didn't waste it. They're just too preoccupied to notice right now. :wink:
Thanks--you're so sweet..under that doggie costume. Moonbear noticed. :biggrin: After all, it was a sex innuendo...
  • #38
SOS2008 said:
Thanks--you're so sweet..under that doggie costume. Moonbear noticed. :biggrin: After all, it was a sex innuendo...

Even i noticed, and I'm oblivious.
  • #39
The_Professional said:
Star Wars suck.. .Star Wars this Star Wars is bad blah blah..a bunch of elitist fools. I didn't watch Star Wars to find the meaning of life, nor to ruminate on the existential dilemna of the post-impressionist painters. It's fun, It's entertaining, I enjoyed it.

The third one looks to have much more depth to it as far as the storyline goes. And I believe the climactic lightsaber battle will be the mother of all lightsaber battles. And Yoda gets to fight again as well.
I do agree it is meant for entertainment (great battles, special effects)--and that these movies aren't about "deep meaning" on the spectrum of things.
  • #40
SOS2008 said:
Thanks--you're so sweet..under that doggie costume. Moonbear noticed. :biggrin: After all, it was a sex innuendo...
Yeah, she sneaked that in while I was writing mine. She does that a lot. She's a devious creature. She's evil. She's sex-obsessed. I love her.
  • #41
The_Professional said:
Star Wars suck.. .Star Wars this Star Wars is bad blah blah..a bunch of elitist fools. I didn't watch Star Wars to find the meaning of life, nor to ruminate on the existential dilemna of the post-impressionist painters. It's fun, It's entertaining, I enjoyed it.

Eh, hello?
Whoever said that Star Wars is REALLY about the "deep" issues, and that the actual story-telling is largely irrelevant?
That would be to fall into the high-brow fallacy which only regards philosophical essays uncleverly disguised as poorly written stories as "true" literature.

IMO, any great story or epic cannot be unentertaining; if it lacks the potential for fun/excitement/drama, it is simply not a good story.
That, however, does not mean that a good story can't contain elements which could be considered as "deep" or productive of insights.

By their idiot attitudes, the high-brow establishment has managed to create a seeming gap between "true" literature and "low" literature.
There is no such gap in my opinion, there are only well-told or poorly told stories.
What meanings a reader might be inspired to put into a work of great art are as much his own pleasant creations as the author's.
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  • #42
If I am to speculate a bit further as to how we might see the 6 movies as an integrated whole chronicling the life of Anakin Skywalker, episode 3 will be the great tragedy where the hope of his generation, the Jedi everyone puts their faith in, becomes irretrievably corrupted as Darth Vader by the Sith Lord.
To make a fool of myself, I believe that we now will see what will actually happen to a Jedi if he loses control over his hatred in front of a Sith master..
That will be Palpatine's great coup; it is the opening into Anakin's mind he needs in order to set the moral warping process going in him, which irreversibly it will seem transforms him into Darth Vader.

That is, a new layer of meaning will be given to all those moments in movies 5&6 where alternately D.V. and the Emperor tries to provoke Luke into strike out with his hatred.
Prior to Vader's rebellion, the Emperor suffers a minor setback: the new Jedi refuses to walk into the trap his father walked into years ago.
It's only a minor thwarting of his will, though: The emperor is perfectly capable of handling the crisis, but would have liked yet another, soon-to be devoted, acolyte.

But something starts happening with Luke's refusal the Emperor couldn't conceive possible:
Darth Vader receives a shock, he is transfixed, suddenly he starts remembering through Luke's example what it meant to be a Jedi..
While the Emperor is angrily sizzling Luke to cinders, D.V's mind is spiralling along paths he never knew still was there, and he is brought out of his reverie by his son's anguished cries of pain.
Finally, "the old hope", Anakin returns and fulfills his own destiny.

In essence then, I regard Luke as the Lightbringer, who comes to the one who had fallen in the Shadow, and guides him back.
Luke's world will be empty of friends and mentors, but hopefully he will manage to effect the return of Jedis in their old roles.

That, at any rate, is how I regard the story.
I'm probably wrong..:wink:
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  • #43
arildno said:
Eh, hello?
Whoever said that Star Wars is REALLY about the "deep" issues, and that the actual story-telling is largely irrelevant?

I was referring to people from diff. places who kept complaining about how bad it is which is just getting redundant.
  • #44
The_Professional said:
I was referring to people from diff. places who kept complaining about how bad it is which is just getting redundant.
I was a bit sorry about that reply of mine; when I read your own piece a bit more closely, your main point was that Star Wars should be seen first and foremost as great entertainment, to which I wholeheartedly agree.
  • #45
arildno said:
Says who?
The two figures who remain throughout the six movies are Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker.
The hero falls to the wiles of the villain, and only at the end is he able to redeem himself.

The Empire isn't forged yet in the first two movies.

Who knows how that old vampire could have turned the tables if Vader hadn't rebelled at last?
We'll never know..
(And besides, just because old Palpy made a long fall, can we really be sure he's gone for good?)

I like it when others have wildly diferring views than my own on a cycle of movies I love.
I hope I haven't offended you by opposing your own views with mine..:smile:

Well, if you recall, when "palpy" "made that long fall", he got a big 'ol ZAP when he hit the bottom.
  • #46
Pre-AlgebraDude said:
Well, if you recall, when "palpy" "made that long fall", he got a big 'ol ZAP when he hit the bottom.
Maybe he landed on Moonbear and shorted out her bra. (She probably enjoyed it.) :biggrin:
  • #47
star wars just suck,suck, suck and suck ! I don't know how can any adult watch that crap.children ok, but grown up no way !
  • #48
stoned said:
star wars just suck,suck, suck and suck ! I don't know how can any adult watch that crap.children ok, but grown up no way !
Your puerile sentiments as to what other grown ups should or should not like are quite wearisome, you know.
  • #49
gee.. sorry arlindo, enjoy the show :smile:
  • #50
Danger said:
Maybe he landed on Moonbear and shorted out her bra. (She probably enjoyed it.) :biggrin:

Moonbear is a girl? :confused: I swear, I didn't know! Sorry Moonbear.
  • #51
brewnog said:
May 19th?

Why not on International Star Wars Day like usual?

Do you mean International Star Wars day as in: May 4th?

That's interntional Star Wars day where I come from. On that day, I say to every one I greet:
"Happy International Star Wars Day"
And they say: "Oh, I didn't know that..."
I then I say:

"May the 4th be with you."
  • #52
DaveC426913 said:
"May the 4th be with you."
:smile: :smile: :smile: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #53
Wow, I actually felt my IQ plunk down a 3 1/2 points that time.

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