Why Do People Hate Football?

  • Thread starter arildno
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In summary: I put my left boot on. I don't know why, but that's just how I always did it.In summary, the "I loathe football" thread discusses the reasons why people hate football and how it is different from other sports. People also share their favorite quotes about football.
  • #36
Evo said:
Watch the video Gokul posted, and tell me a football player could do that.

Half way through i started falling asleep. Obviously a football player can't do any of that boring stuff because they pretty much aren't allowed to touch a ball with their foot in most situations. Watch some football for a few years and try to find a soccer player that can even begin to use their hands in the same way.
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  • #37
Evo said:
Soccer players are incredible athletes, American football players just aren't in the same league - skill wise.

I dated a German pro soccer player from Australia once. He didn't even feel human, his entire body was as hard as stone, it was actually a bit creepy.

Perhaps some American football players are not as athletic as some soccer players (as in, linemen), but to say that of all of them is just plain wrong. I would say that most of the players who play positions such as wide receiver would easily keep up with ANY soccer player. American football players spend many hours practicing and working out as well.:wink:

To stay more on topic...soccer is horrible to watch.
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  • #38
Frankly, i like soccer. I used to play it when i was younger about 10 or 11 years ago. I still like the sport, but i don't like only watching it. I watch it, yes, but i have to do something else, too.
  • #39
Yah ill second that, linemen are meant to be big fat unmovable walls, easily trained for. Receivers are a different story however. I mean some run at olympic sprinting speeds while quarterbacks have to calculate trajectories while keeping an eye out on 5 big tubs trying to sit on them.
  • #40
Pengwuino said:
...while quarterbacks have to calculate trajectories while keeping an eye out on 5 big tubs trying to sit on them.
That's the best, and funniest, description of football I've ever heard. :smile:
  • #41
How can you lot hate 'soccer' or the more coherent name, football?

Thank god that I absolutely lothe american football to cancel out all the football-hatred.

Watching football is great, playing football is absolutely ****ing great!
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  • #42
Bladibla said:
How can you lot hate 'soccer' or the more coherent name, football?

Thank god that I absolutely lothe american football to cancel out all the football-hatred.

Watching football is great, playing football is absolutely ****ing great!
Hate is a strong word...more that we just have no interest in watching it. We don't find it entertaining.
  • #43
Moonbear said:
Hate is a strong word...more that we just have no interest in watching it. We don't find it entertaining.

Then I say 'keep that in your own hole!' No need to make threads about it, especially at the time of the WORLD CUP, where some people are obviously to take offense. A joke is fine, but some post I have seen here have led to me to conclude that this is going a bit too far.
  • #44
soccer fans are scary/insane/have mental problems :biggrin:
  • #45
Pengwuino said:
soccer fans are scary/insane/have mental problems :biggrin:

This coming from a person who thinks a game played with legs and footballs is the same as 'cancer'?
  • #46
Bladibla said:
This coming from a person who thinks a game played with legs and footballs is the same as 'cancer'?

Well people don't die watching the NFL :biggrin:

Then again the wya some people eat while watching american football makes me think otherwise :smile:
  • #47
Pengwuino said:
Soccer is one of the most boring games i have ever seen in my life. I mean what is this, 3-1 is a blowout? And its like the whole world is put on hold for this little joke of a world cup thing. I start to wonder if the world cup takes more lives then cancer even though i wonder if they are one in the same.

The low scores make the excitement even greater. Not like in basketball where all but the last 5 minutes worth of baskets are important. THey should just skip the first three quarters of a game. And if football didn't have such high point targets it would be pretty low too. So if a soccer goal was worth 10pts would that make it better? bah!
  • #48
Greg Bernhardt said:
Not like in basketball where all but the last 5 minutes worth of baskets are important. THey should just skip the first three quarters of a game.

I don't think you really understand how a game of basketball is played :biggrin: In the last few minutes, you just do things that would get you screwed up if you did them within the first 55 minutes. Its all strategy.

I agree on the football thing with points however.

Point still stands, soccer sucks.

I mean this world joke thing gets more attention then the olympics. People die just watching, I have a feeling suicide bombers think football fans are a little otu of their minds :biggrin:
  • #49
Bladibla said:
Then I say 'keep that in your own hole!' No need to make threads about it, especially at the time of the WORLD CUP, where some people are obviously to take offense. A joke is fine, but some post I have seen here have led to me to conclude that this is going a bit too far.
Why? There's now an entire forum dedicated to the World Cup, we can't have one thread of dissent? It makes me think some people take a GAME way too seriously. :rolleyes: The thread title was clear. If you like the game and don't want to hear from those of us who find it all a bit silly that so many of the world's population will be glued to their TVs for a week because of a game, then don't open the thread. You don't see us butting into the threads for fans and disrupting that topic, do you? We're entitled to not share your enthusiasm for it.
  • #50
Moonbear said:
Why? There's now an entire forum dedicated to the World Cup, we can't have one thread of dissent? It makes me think some people take a GAME way too seriously. :rolleyes: The thread title was clear. If you like the game and don't want to hear from those of us who find it all a bit silly that so many of the world's population will be glued to their TVs for a week because of a game, then don't open the thread. You don't see us butting into the threads for fans and disrupting that topic, do you? We're entitled to not share your enthusiasm for it.

aka freedom of speech :biggrin:
  • #51
I would rather sleep, I mean, sit through a 3 hour, twice a week Calc2 class than watch televised sports ESPECIALLY soccer...wait...I already do that.

I mean really, do they even know how to do the wave?

Now, if the ball had a taser-like device in it THAT would BE something. Imagine a random jersey number generator that could be hooked up to it and bingo, instant excitement. Or you could have some other fun stuff a la Rollerball where a guy driving a motorcycle would pull someone in armor with spikes wearing cross country roller blades or something cool like that and the random jersey number generator would choose who they would chase. I would definitely watch soccer then.
  • #52
If the end zone size was reduced to about the width of a soccer goal, then the scores in American football (NFL) would be much lower.

I've seen American football fans who are comparable to soccer fans.

I've played both Amercian football and real football (intramurals), and prefer the later. Real football requires considerable stamina and finesse, while American football often requires the ability to withstand impacts of other people.
  • #53
Note to everyone:
American football is even dumber than soccer.
But, we may keep this thread to discuss the lacks of merit in soccer.
  • #54
lacks of merit in soccer.

no guns
no bats
no clubs
nothing automotive
no sexy babes.
  • #55
wolram said:
lacks of merit in soccer.

... no sexy babes.

You obviously missed Brandi Chastain's winning shot in the PK shootout in the Women's '99 WC.

Gokul43201 said:
To all the folks here, my condolences. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6063478215160948442

Carlos's long free kick is just unreal. No ball should be able to move like that (and the keeper obviously agreed, he didn't even move).
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  • #56
Let us not get started on this debate. Rugby union should be called either "15-a-side-tennis" or "kick n' clap". League is superior in every way, speed, skills and strength. The only advantage union players have is weight.

Spoken like someone who hasnt played either... Am I right? I played both league and Union, Union to a high level at U18. (I was coached by Hadden, scotland's coach, and played with a few of the player there.. but anyway) Union is far more tatical, and when played open and free far more exciting than League. Yes you are right, far to many Northern Hem. Teams play the percentages, but this is changing. league on the other hand is always the same... High impact, hardly free flowing, and down right BASIC, adapted for people who can't comprehened the rules of union :) haha

anyway I like both but Union is way better..
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  • #57
Anttech said:
Spoken like someone who hasnt played either... Am I right? I played both league and Union, Union to a high level at U18. (I was coached by Hadden, scotland's coach, and played with a few of the player there.. but anyway) Union is far more tatical, and when played open and free far more exciting than League. Yes you are right, far to many Northern Hem. Teams play the percentages, but this is changing. league on the other hand is always the same... High impact, hardly free flowing, and down right BASIC, adapted for people who can't comprehened the rules of union :) haha

anyway I like both but Union is way better..
I will admit that my slightly biased opinion is probably due to the fact that I play rugby league to a high level. As for your comments that union is more tatical than league is way off the mark. League also has the upper hand with technical skills, power, agility and speed; rugby league is a game played by altheltes. Union is game played by pub teams. Right I am going to get down off my soap box now.
  • #58
I will admit that my slightly biased opinion is probably due to the fact that I play rugby league to a high level. As for your comments that union is more tatical than league is way off the mark. League also has the upper hand with technical skills, power, agility and speed; rugby league is a game played by altheltes. Union is game played by pub teams. Right I am going to get down off my soap box now.

WAS amature is NOT now. Look I'll admit if you don't have a brain and can't comprehend free flowing rugby Union, then league is for you... League is perhaps more physical and higher impact I'll give you that, but it is NOT more tactical... Union with its Maules (rolling or not), Rucks, Line Outs, scrums... etc etc is far more complicated and tatical than, 'Run, hit, stop (bar the occational pop up)' League...

sorry mate, League is a nice game, but it just isn't anywhere near as tatical or nice to watch as Union (when played in a proper style, not England of the 90's)... If you are right why do so many 1000 more people watch Union than League? League will in the UK will always just be a game played in the midlands by a bunch of tough nuts...
  • #59
Anttech said:
WAS amature is NOT now. Look I'll admit if you don't have a brain and can't comprehend free flowing rugby Union, then league is for you... League is perhaps more physical and higher impact I'll give you that, but it is NOT more tactical... Union with its Maules (rolling or not), Rucks, Line Outs, scrums... etc etc is far more complicated and tatical than, 'Run, hit, stop (bar the occational pop up)' League...

sorry mate, League is a nice game, but it just isn't anywhere near as tatical or nice to watch as Union (when played in a proper style, not England of the 90's)... If you are right why do so many 1000 more people watch Union than League? League will in the UK will always just be a game played in the midlands by a bunch of tough nuts...
1000's more people? Maybe international, but how about club games? How about Australia? Union is a much slower game, if you had stoppage time you'd never finish a match! With reference to you maules, rucks, line outs etc, note that technical is not the same as tatical. Oh and btw, rugby league is primarily played in the North, infact there are no midland teams represented in the superleague of NL1 as I recall.
  • #60
Well I am from scotland, we never play League, can't get much more North than that. We call Newcastle the north where I am from.

I know tatical is not the same as technical, I stand beside my comment. Union is both technically more advanced and tatically more advanced. With all that extra technical play you NEED more tactics. Really League is about a few things. Timing of your runs, angles of your runs, and physical strength. Ohh and a few nicely times cross pitch kicks, and grubber kicks. We have all of this in Union plus FAR FAR more.

I'll assume you are English, its quiet right u say Union is slow (In England), becuase that is the way England has been killing/attempting to win the game for the past years... If you look abroad you will notice that in France Ireland and the trinations union is played ALOT different.

And yes In Austrilia 1000's more watch the trinations league in Union that the punch up league matches. (to be honest I don't mind watching league in Aussie its far better than England, midlands :-p )
  • #61
Okay, I can see some of your points, I guess we shall have to agree to disagree. :-p

  • #62
Aggreed :-p

No it isnt, come to the light.. stay away from the dark side mmmuuuhhhaaaaaaaaaa
  • #63
Soccer, like baseball or golf, are games that take a very long time, and something interesting only happens 2-3 times every hour or so. It's just not enough to keep my watching.
  • #64
Is it coincidence that rugby ref's wear the same coats as doctors, veterinarians and BUTCHERS?! I think not. And don't forget the cool hats. When a goal is made what's with the ref almost doing the robot? I'm guessing it's just the hand signal for goal like when amerikan football refs stick both hands straight up in the air, right?
  • #65
Is it coincidence that rugby ref's wear the same coats as doctors, veterinarians and BUTCHERS?
Rugby refs were black mate
  • #66
Jeff Ford said:
Soccer, like baseball or golf, are games that take a very long time, and something interesting only happens 2-3 times every hour or so. It's just not enough to keep my watching.
Wow, I'd never lump soccer in with baseball and golf. I think soccer is a pretty fast-moving game, and that's what makes it more tolerable than a lot of other sports. Even when they aren't making a goal, there's still something happening. It's more like basketball where the interest lies more in the passing and blocking and quick movements of the players more than with the actual scoring of points. What bugs me about sports like American football is that every time things start to get interesting, they stop play, and you sit around waiting while they take measurements and get all lined up again. Baseball is mostly a game of standing around doing nothing interrupted by the occassional running in circles. It's boring enough to play let alone watch. Soccer isn't nearly as painful to watch as baseball or American football or golf, and I do think it's pretty fun to play, even if you aren't very good at playing (and fun to watch when it's kids playing...they do some of the goofiest things), but I have no interest in watching the televised version.
  • #67
Moonbear said:
What bugs me about sports like American football is that every time things start to get interesting, they stop play, and you sit around waiting while they take measurements and get all lined up again.
The funniest thing about the measurements: the referees figure out the approximate location where the player was tackled, the linesman try to eyeball approximately where to place the sticks to line up with the ball, a couple more plays where the ref figures out approximately where the ball should be spotted, followed by a key third down play where the referee eyeballs approximately where the ball should be spotted so the linesmen can run out on the field and see if the last approximate spot of the ball is exactly ten yards away from the first approximate spot of the ball.

It's especially fun in the last two minutes when one team is in their hurry-up offense. The reason the yellow line on TV isn't always available is because the TV is waiting for the linesmen to set their sticks. During the hurry-up, the linesmen are in an all out sprint to get even with the new line of scrimmage so they can exhaustedly and exhuberantly plunge the sticks in the exact, precise - well, pretty close - spot of the ball.
  • #68
Anttech said:
Rugby refs were black mate
Who are the guys near the goals wearing white labcoats with pancake hats that when a goal is made take a quick step forward and make a chopping-like hand signal where their arms both wind up parallel to the ground? Maybe its that game where its a cross between field hockey, baseball, and rugby I used to see on the Irish channel. Meh, like I know sports anyway.
  • #69
Echo 6 Sierra said:
Who are the guys near the goals wearing white labcoats with pancake hats that when a goal is made take a quick step forward and make a chopping-like hand signal where their arms both wind up parallel to the ground? Maybe its that game where its a cross between field hockey, baseball, and rugby I used to see on the Irish channel. Meh, like I know sports anyway.

Aussie rules football perhaps? The field is round and the players are generally trying to murder one another. They also bounce the ovoid shaped ball on the run and it returns to them rather than shooting off in a random direction. good middle of the night tv viewing.
  • #70
At it's best, football (the soccer kind) earns the "beautiful game" nickname. The World Cup always features some mind blowing feats of skill.

At it's worst, some players deserve whatever horrible sissy comments directed towards them. It's amazing when a player can be virtually unstoppable strength/speed/skillwise in the midfield, yet trips over grass in the penalty area, writhes in horrible agony, pleads to the referee, then gets up and takes the free kick. What bugs me the most though is the shirt pulling. It bugs me because it ends up being emulated by amateur players everywhere, and I have no tolerance for this (or any other unsportsmanlike garbage) when playing.

I'd rather be playing than watching (and I do love playing), but I'm sure I'll make my way to a tv for some of the more promising games during the knockout stage (I've watched but one game so far).

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