Why are you voting for George W Bush?

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In summary: I just want to know your reasons.My guess is that there are two main reasons people are voting for George W Bush this election: 1) they support his conservative, interventionist policies, and 2) they think the Iraq war was justified.
  • #1
I'd like to know why people here are voting for George W Bush this election. Try to list three reasons for it. I'm not going to criticize or start some flaming debate over the reasons. I just want to know your reasons.
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  • #2
My guess is 2 categories

1. straight ticket repulicans- they'd vote in Saddam Hussein if he went republican.

2. Think the war in Iraq was justified and think we have a right to start wars and do what we want, because "dammit, we're America"
  • #3
Zantra said:
My guess is 2 categories

1. straight ticket repulicans- they'd vote in Saddam Hussein if he went republican.

2. Think the war in Iraq was justified and think we have a right to start wars and do what we want, because "dammit, we're America"

though i am no american and i disagree with the way the US handled Iraq, i think these statements are very simplistic and childish. As a matter of fact I find most of the European criticism on the US-foreign policy to be dishonest and just dumb...

  • #4
I think that Saddam had to be blown off in 1991, that's an enormous error I think. I am with Bush idea to blow of the map those islamic terrorists, appart of it, I don't know how good president he is.
  • #5
I honestly wasn't sure until recently that I'd vote for him. He is, afterall, a jackass. But the bottom line is that its better to have a passive (domestic) jackass, not getting in the way of the economy and a gun-toting-Texan on foreign policy than someone who will actively harm the economy and pretend that isolationism works. Anyway, in short:

1. Interventionalist (my word - do you like it?) foreign policy.
2. He won't implement national healthcare.
3. He won't do the typical Democratic things that stifle economic growth (raise taxes, raise the minimum wage, increase government spending(war on terror notwithstanding)).
4. He won't make good-sounding but short-sighted environmental policy (I won't get my hopes up about building new nuclear plants though).
  • #6
Hmm, Russ. This president has been one of the worst economically in many, many years. His administration was the first to see a loss of jobs since the great depression. He has turned an enormous surplus into an even more enormous deficit, one of the largest changes in history. He's done none of the "typical Republican things" like encouraging economic growth.

It sounds to me like he's going to get your vote because you hope he will do "typical Republican things," and I can respect that position. On the other hand, he seems to be pretty lousy at doing those very things.

- Warren
  • #7
chroot said:
Hmm, Russ. This president has been one of the worst economically in many, many years. His administration was the first to see a loss of jobs since the great depression.

He has turned an enormous surplus into an even more enormous deficit, one of the largest changes in history. He's done none of the "typical Republican things" like encouraging economic growth.
devil's advocate:
That is only accurate if you can 1> see the future 2> Bush loses the election. His administration isn't over, and it is possible he has 4 years to rectify that (and the current trends say that would easily be the case).

Enormous surplus? I'll just chalk that up to subjectivity. I disagree.
However, I am personally unhappy with the lack of fiscal conservativeness in many areas across the board. The current economy has been encouraged to grow, and is doing so.
  • #8
chroot said:
It sounds to me like he's going to get your vote because you hope he will do "typical Republican things," and I can respect that position. On the other hand, he seems to be pretty lousy at doing those very things.

- Warren
Though I don't share your bleak view of the economy, I'll certainly grant you that he's a mediocre Republican President, at best. But I still prefer that to even a good Democratic one (and I don't think Kerry would be a good Democratic one).

edit: then again, if a "good" Democratic President is one who succeeds in getting liberal ideas promulgated, then maybe I prefer a mediocre one...
  • #9
A couple more reasons people will vote for Bush:

1. He is a 'born again' - an extreme fundamentalist Christian - and he speaks to their 'divine' sensibilities. They truly believe he is what he says - a 'Messenger of God'. That's good enough for them!

2. He really appeals to the shallow thinkers of America - the types that just want to go out and 'kick some butt'. They just LOVE what Bush has done in the Middle East.
  • #10
Zantra, Chroot, Tsunami...others yet to come,
It's nice to know those who are not voting for Bush have the capability to respect the wishes of the author of the thread...

I'm not going to criticize or start some flaming debate over the reasons.
One reason why I don't feel compelled to listen to Kerry supporters on reasons to vote for or against anyone, they seem to fail the basic test of respect for others ideas and beliefs.
  • #11
Tsunami said:
1. He is a 'born again' - an extreme fundamentalist Christian - and he speaks to their 'divine' sensibilities. They truly believe he is what he says - a 'Messenger of God'. That's good enough for them!

Amen. :smile:

That's exactly what I've been saying to my peers (the ones that do plan on voting for Bush). I find it absolutely ridiculous that any reasonably intelligent and logical person could vote for Bush, given that he appeals to the religious nature of people. Assuming, you're not religious why in the hell would you vote for Bush? In fact, the reason alone that you're not religious is a reason itself not to vote for Bush.

If I were to vote, Bush's "fundamentalist", "divine", or "whatever you want to call them" religious views, would be *the* reason why I wouldn't vote for him. There's more than just Christians in the nation. Sheesh ...

kat said:
Zantra, Chroot, Tsunami...others yet to come
Count me in.

kat said:
One reason why I don't feel compelled to listen to Kerry supporters on reasons to vote for or against anyone, they seem to fail the basic test of respect for others ideas and beliefs.

Now, that's funny!

The supreme reason why I don't like most Republicans, especially the ones that support Bush, is they violate everyone else's beliefs. Not to get off topic, but Bush supporters aren't exactly the most passive and open-minded when it comes to observing other's beliefs.

I thought the idea (or one of the primary ones) of being liberal (a major republican defense), is to repect other's beliefs and not violate them - whether that be Iraq or the Middle East in whole.

kat, very smooth. :bugeye:
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  • #12
marlon said:
though i am no american and i disagree with the way the US handled Iraq, i think these statements are very simplistic and childish. As a matter of fact I find most of the European criticism on the US-foreign policy to be dishonest and just dumb...


they are simplistic and childish reasons for simplistic and childish replublicans using flimsy excuses to back a simple president. As simplistic as the excuses for iraq. I think the reasons to not vote for Bush are obvious and don't need restating. I'd love to hear some Valid reasons- russ I see has stated something of an articulated response.. do you have anything to add Marlon?

I'd also add that I'm not really a democrat, and nor am I a mindless sheep and fool. So I'll vote my conscience for the greater good of the country.

And I do respect the opinions of others. But a lot of the Bush supports have weak arguments because frankly, the Bush side is a weak stance to support. I see that he just signed off on more corporate tax cuts. Last minute bid for support.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

I don't know what positive impact Bush has had on this country, but I know what I can do election day to help my country, and I'll do it.
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  • #13
kat -

Sorry to burst your bubble of indignation, but these ARE reasons of 'why you are voting for Bush' (as the thread title indicates) that were not previously mentioned. I have personally heard these reasons from some people. I am not being critical or starting some flaming debate. They are reasons. Period.

Deal with it.
  • #14
graphic7 said:
Amen. :smile:

That's exactly what I've been saying to my peers (the ones that do plan on voting for Bush). I find it absolutely ridiculous that any reasonably intelligent and logical person could vote for Bush, given that he appeals to the religious nature of people. Assuming, you're not religious why in the hell would you vote for Bush? In fact, the reason alone that you're not religious is a reason itself not to vote for Bush.

If I were to vote, Bush's "fundamentalist", "divine", or "whatever you want to call them" religious views, would be *the* reason why I wouldn't vote for him. There's more than just Christians in the nation. Sheesh ...
That's just it. I'm a fairly strong Christian myself, but he scares the hell out of me! I guess it's just that extreme fundmentalism of ANYTHING scares the hell out of me. But the way some of these people almost view him as the 'second coming of Christ'... :rolleyes: Well... I'm pretty uncomfortable with that. :biggrin:
  • #15
Tsunami said:
kat -

Sorry to burst your bubble of indignation, but these ARE reasons of 'why you are voting for Bush' (as the thread title indicates) that were not previously mentioned...
The thing is, we don't appear to have any of those "you"s in this forum. I wonder just how many of them exist...

Further, since I'm not voting for Kerry, I don't think I can speak to why a typical Kerry supporter would vote for him - which is why I didn't post in the thread on that subject. I agree with Kat - its presumptuous.
  • #16
russ & kat -

I icorrectly assumed that the 'you' was generic. You are quite right. Even though they ARE valid reasons of why someone (and unhappily for me, but good news for you - there seem to be quite a LOT of those types in the rural Oregon area where I reside :cry: ) might vote for Bush, they are not MY reasons, as I am not voting for the man! So I guess I'll just get my little self over the the Kerry thread! :biggrin: Sorry for intruding.

I stand corrected and apologize, humbly begging your forgivenesses. :biggrin:

:smile: see? Democrats aren't ALL bad...
  • #17
kat said:
One reason why I don't feel compelled to listen to Kerry supporters on reasons to vote for or against anyone, they seem to fail the basic test of respect for others ideas and beliefs.
Yeah, like all those kind-hearted, tolerant republicans who tore up democratic voter registrations in Nevada and Oregon? I find it outright sad that you, the self-proclaimed enemy of the broad generalization, are perfectly happy labelling all Kerry supporters as *******s.


- Warren
  • #18
Here are some reasons ---

While the Democrats are quick to point to Bush as the source of the weak economy ("weak," until recently that is) the economy under Clinton was a result of the 'dot com' gang bang and the tremendous, irrationally exuberant bubble created during that period. The stock market and the economy were on the way down as Clinton moved out of the White House (stealing Ws and pardoning criminals as he went) and was in full fall before Bush even signed his first budget. IMO, any president after Clinton was going to have to take the hit for the bubble burst.* Then there was 9/11.

*By the way --- I think that Presidents can do very little to turn an economy the size of the US's. Just that they can't say it for political reasons. The first candidate to say he doesn't have a major influence on the economy will be the first candidate whose opponent says "Fine, he can't do anything to help with employment BUT I can." IMO, the "economy" is the billions of individual transactions, everyday and all day long. All of those transactions and all of those decisions. No president is at liberty to change our reletivly 'free market' to any great extent. And that 'free market' is the primary force driving the economy.

Since people produce – not the government ---- keeping taxes as low as reasonably possible helps stimulate the economy. Kerry wants to add an additional tax burden on top of the progressively high taxes already paid by that segment of society who are the most productive, per capita.

Bush is actually going to do something to save social security. Privatizing a percentage of social security will help keep the system solvent. Kerry seems content to sit on his hands.

If, god forbid, something were to happen here in the United States on a level of 9/11, or greater, I have no doubt that Bush will use the military might we have when and where it is needed in the on-going effort to fight international terrorism. I have my doubts concerning Kerry --- I wonder if he would strike when and where necessary -- especially after recently referring to international terrorism as a "nuisance."

Tort reform is needed. Kerry and his trial lawyer running mate seem opposed to this. The costs added by medical malpractice insurance, defensive medical procedures, and the jacked-up prices that pharmaceutical must charge in order to sell meds in our litigious friendly environment make our health care system much more expensive than it has to be. Tort reform will take some of the financial presure off of, not just the middle class, but the government programs already in place to help the poor and the elderly.
  • #19
Reasons I have decided ( finally decided today) to vote for Bush are, but not limited to:
1>Refusal to sign the present Kyoto protocol
2>Has a legit, and plausible, plan for fixing the deficit
3>Won't institute a single payer health care system
4>Economic plan is better competition to China than Kerry's
5>ALL of my friends on the ground in Iraq state that they are being given what is needed to do their jobs. This removed my fear that they are being controlled by politics instead of military need.
6>He doesn't have John Edwards on his ticket
7>Won't insitute a higher federal minimum wage
8>Possible Free Trade Zone of the Americas

Bush is mediocre, sure, but this election is pretty much the lesser of two evils.
  • #20
Tsunami said:
A couple more reasons people will vote for Bush:

1. He is a 'born again' - an extreme fundamentalist Christian - and he speaks to their 'divine' sensibilities. They truly believe he is what he says - a 'Messenger of God'. That's good enough for them!

2. He really appeals to the shallow thinkers of America - the types that just want to go out and 'kick some butt'. They just LOVE what Bush has done in the Middle East.

You make me very glad I didn't decide to vote like you.

Perhaps by 2008 you'll have found a manner in which to attract voters to your side of the aisle.
  • #21

Wouldn't you agree it's pretty stupid for anyone (including you) to vote against a candidate simply because they don't like the people who vocally support that candidate?

- Warren
  • #22
Here's an interesting link that might explain why a large number of folks support Bush. It's a poll comparing the perceptions voters have of Iraq, the war on terror, the world's opinion of Iraq, etc. grouped by Bush supporters and Kerry supporters.


72% of Bush supporters believe Iraq had WMD or a WMD program prior to the US invasion. 26% of Kerry supporters think this.

57% of Bush supporters think the Duelfer report concluded Iraq had WMD or a WMD program. 23% of Kerry supporters think this.

75% of Bush supporters believe Iraq supported Al-Qaeda, with 20% believing Iraq was directly involved in 9/11. 30% of Kerry supporters believe Iraq supported Al-Qaeda and 8% think Iraq was directly involved in 9/11.

57% of Bush supporters think the 9/11 Commission said Iraq supported Al-Qaeda. 27% of Kerry supporters believe this.

58% of Bush supporters believe the US should not have gone to war if Iraq didn't have WMD or didn't support Al-Qaeda, while 61% believe Bush would not have gone to war without evidence of the above. 92% of Kerry supporters believe the US should not have gone to war without evidence of WMD or support for terrorism, but 83% believe Bush would have gone to war, evidence or no evidence.

31% of Bush supporters believe the world at large oppose the US invasion of Iraq. 44% believe the Arab community oppose the US 'war on terrorism'. 74% of Kerry supporters believe the world opposes the US invasion and 75% believe the Arab world opposes the US war on terrorism.

69% believe Bush supports the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 72% believe he supports the treaty banning land mines, 53% believe he supports an International Criminal Court, and 51% believe he supports the Kyoto treaty.

Of the issues polled, the majority of Bush supporters correctly identified his position on only two foreign policy issues: Defense spending (57%) and who should take the lead in Iraqi reconstruction (70%).

Only 43% of Kerry supporters correctly identified Kerry's position on defense spending, but at least 65% of Kerry supporters correctly identified Kerry's position on all the other foreign policy issues polled.

Summary: You can probably count on about 25% of people to be pretty ignorant of the world's events. Bush supporters exceed this. Over half of Bush supporters are ignorant about what goes on in the world at large. In fact, over half of them don't even understand what Bush stands for (of course, to be fair, Bush has not spent that much time in explaining his own positions - it's been more beneficial to call Kerry names).

Edit: Actually, averaging the poll results, I guess you could conclude about 40% of the US population is pretty clueless about world affairs, but that's just to depressing to even believe.
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  • #23
chroot said:

Wouldn't you agree it's pretty stupid for anyone (including you) to vote against a candidate simply because they don't like the people who vocally support that candidate?

- Warren
Absolutey. What's your point?
  • #24
BobG said:
Here's an interesting link that might explain why a large number of folks support Bush. It's a poll comparing the perceptions voters have of Iraq, the war on terror, the world's opinion of Iraq, etc. grouped by Bush supporters and Kerry supporters.


72% of Bush supporters believe Iraq had WMD or a WMD program prior to the US invasion. 26% of Kerry supporters think this.

57% of Bush supporters think the Duelfer report concluded Iraq had WMD or a WMD program. 23% of Kerry supporters think this.

75% of Bush supporters believe Iraq supported Al-Qaeda, with 20% believing Iraq was directly involved in 9/11. 30% of Kerry supporters believe Iraq supported Al-Qaeda and 8% think Iraq was directly involved in 9/11.

57% of Bush supporters think the 9/11 Commission said Iraq supported Al-Qaeda. 27% of Kerry supporters believe this.

58% of Bush supporters believe the US should not have gone to war if Iraq didn't have WMD or didn't support Al-Qaeda, while 61% believe Bush would not have gone to war without evidence of the above. 92% of Kerry supporters believe the US should not have gone to war without evidence of WMD or support for terrorism, but 83% believe Bush would have gone to war, evidence or no evidence.

31% of Bush supporters believe the world at large oppose the US invasion of Iraq. 44% believe the Arab community oppose the US 'war on terrorism'. 74% of Kerry supporters believe the world opposes the US invasion and 75% believe the Arab world opposes the US war on terrorism.

69% believe Bush supports the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 72% believe he supports the treaty banning land mines, 53% believe he supports an International Criminal Court, and 51% believe he supports the Kyoto treaty.

Of the issues polled, the majority of Bush supporters correctly identified his position on only two foreign policy issues: Defense spending (57%) and who should take the lead in Iraqi reconstruction (70%).

Only 43% of Kerry supporters correctly identified Kerry's position on defense spending, but at least 65% of Kerry supporters correctly identified Kerry's position on all the other foreign policy issues polled.

Summary: You can probably count on about 25% of people to be pretty ignorant of the world's events. Bush supporters exceed this. Over half of Bush supporters are ignorant about what goes on in the world at large. In fact, over half of them don't even understand what Bush stands for (of course, to be fair, Bush has not spent that much time in explaining his own positions - it's been more beneficial to call Kerry names).

Edit: Actually, averaging the poll results, I guess you could conclude about 40% of the US population is pretty clueless about world affairs, but that's just to depressing to even believe.

From this we can conclude that there are a lot of sheep out there.. bahhhhh bahh
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  • #25
Zantra said:
From this we can conclude that there are a lot of sheep out there.. bahhhhh bahh

Like the bandwagon that attacked this thread? Unable to go to the 'why are voting for Kerry' thread??
I can describe the lot of you no better than "trolls".
Seriously, save this crap for another thread.
  • #26
phatmonky said:
Absolutey. What's your point?
Your statement You make me very glad I didn't decide to vote like you. Perhaps by 2008 you'll have found a manner in which to attract voters to your side of the aisle. indicates that the attitude of individual Kerry supporters has reinforced your decision to vote for Bush. That's stupid.

- Warren
  • #27
phatmonky said:
Like the bandwagon that attacked this thread? Unable to go to the 'why are voting for Kerry' thread??
I can describe the lot of you no better than "trolls".
Seriously, save this crap for another thread.

I've already been to that thread.. I'm just hitting on all fronts.. or should I say "kicking butt".. hehehehe :smile:
  • #28
chroot said:
Yeah, like all those kind-hearted, tolerant republicans who tore up democratic voter registrations in Nevada and Oregon?
I find it outright sad that you, the self-proclaimed enemy of the broad generalization, are perfectly happy labelling all Kerry supporters as *******s.


- Warren
Or those kinded hearted Kerry supporters who shot into the Republican headquarters...or ripped a little girls sign up...or barged into and intimidated young women at another headquarters...etc. etc.. but you're right I should not have made such a blanket statement because I have had some very good conversations with Kerry supporters. A more appropriate statement would have been "One reason why I don't feel compelled to listen to SEVERAL OF THE Kerry supporters ON THIS FORUM in regard to... reasons to vote for or against anyone, IS THAT they seem to fail the basic test of respect for others ideas and beliefs."
  • #29
chroot said:
Your statement You make me very glad I didn't decide to vote like you. Perhaps by 2008 you'll have found a manner in which to attract voters to your side of the aisle. indicates that the attitude of individual Kerry supporters has reinforced your decision to vote for Bush. That's stupid.

- Warren

No it doesn't.

Warren, I have seen you twist kat's words.
You made an assumption, created a fallacy, and then called that it stupid.
I don't owe you any explanation so long as you are going to continue to make assumptions. Get a new thread.
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  • #30
phatmonky said:
No it doesn't.
Stunning rationalization.

- Warren
  • #31
The pots in here really need to see what the kettle is actually up to in that other thread...

[hint: nothing]
  • #32
There have been many great answers posted, I'd like to add this:
Lots of people say they'll vote for Kerry just simply because they don't like Bush; seems like these are the Micheal Moore's people... it's pretty sad that there are tons of people change who they'll vote for over nite, just after watching fahrenheit 911 !...

There is no difference between the anti-war activists in the Vietnam War back in the 70s and these anti-war protesters these days...

People who vote for Bush believe that he'll do anything to protect Americans and american ALLIES in time of war like now...
  • #33
Tsunami said:
A couple more reasons people will vote for Bush:

1. He is a 'born again' - an extreme fundamentalist Christian - and he speaks to their 'divine' sensibilities. They truly believe he is what he says - a 'Messenger of God'. That's good enough for them!

2. He really appeals to the shallow thinkers of America - the types that just want to go out and 'kick some butt'. They just LOVE what Bush has done in the Middle East.

These are core groups from the Bush supporters. They deserve representation. Bush is a messenger of God and people really should know that.
  • #34
If Bush stays in power, we soon won't have any allies to protect.

And it seems rather backwards to tout Bush as a protector in this time of war, when he is almost single-handedly responsible for starting the war.

- Warren
  • #35
btw, I didn't mean to imply that he's a false prophet or anything like that. We're talking about divine guidance here.

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