Why are women not interested in problem solving?

In summary: They also do not engage in any extracurricular science activities. Additionally, many of them develop an arrogant attitude after completing their degree. In summary, the speaker is a 17-year-old male who is struggling to find a suitable partner who shares his interests in math, programming, engineering, and science. He has noticed a trend of women having a "princess" attitude and being uninterested in science. He also mentions that women who pursue science degrees often do so only for the sake of obtaining a degree and do not have a genuine passion for it.
  • #1
Hi, I'm a 17 year old male who has some questions about the women today. I have a passion for maths, programming, engineering and science. Being a heterosexual male in search of a suitable partner, I'm finding it very hard to find a girl who likes the same things as me. In fact I have seen none in my search. Most of the girls today have the princess attitude towards life and feel that others should do things for them while they do nothing productive. They are very unoriginal and many of the things they say and do is taken from latest movies and TV shows (the type I would never waste my time watching becuase I have much better things to do.) The girls act very hostile towards science and particularly despise mathematics.

When I do find a girl who might be intelligent it is when she is doing some degree in a college or university. Even then it those girls don't have the same passion that I have towards science and tel me they are just doing this to get a degree. They do not take part in any science activities outside their course. And many of them become very arrogant when hey complete a degree and act as if they are superior.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
We're not all like that :wink:

You're only 17 years old, wait a few years when you're attending university and you'll find more people who share your interests.
  • #3
Men like to probe things, women like to chat about them. :smile:
  • #4
Hello Sam,

Let me just say that (1) those type of women are out there, and (2) it's good to have some other interests outside of math/science/engineering, you might just find somebody some day that you can share these other interests with.

And don't worry, it took me until about age 40 to find my wife!


  • #5
Let me ask you this...how many men your age do you know who share such passion for those interests? If you think about it that way, you'll realize it's not that women aren't interested in those things, but rather that a fairly small percentage of ALL people share such interests. And, of course if you're only 17 and trying to chase after college-aged women, you're going to run into troubles of them looking down on you as "still a kid." Wait until you are in college yourself, and those women will be easy to find in your classes with you.

You might also want to expand your horizons a bit. There are women who are passionate about careers or interests/learning other than sciences who will be very compatible with a man passionate about sciences simply because they will understand the hard work, long hours, career-oriented motivation, etc.

At 17, though, most people of both sexes are still very superficial in their interests. They haven't yet discovered their passions in life, aren't independent enough to be motivated to work for what they want, and are still enjoying playing and being kids. Give them time. You just may be ahead of the curve there...and who knows, your own interests might change. I know a guy who got all the way to his senior year in college thinking his passion was math and physics, then it dawned on him that he was just doing it because he was good at it, not because it really interested him. He ended up going to graduate school in linguistics...that ended up being his true passion.
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  • #6
Moonbear said:
Let me ask you this...how many men your age do you know who share such passion for those interests? If you think about it that way, you'll realize it's not that women aren't interested in those things, but rather that a fairly small percentage of ALL people share such interests.

Honestly there seem to be a disproportionatly small number of women who are interested in math, sciences, and 'problem solving'. Very possibly because of societal generalizations in this regard.

One of my biggest crushes was a girl who asked me to teacher her to play chess though. *drool*
  • #7
I know enough people who don't have a passion or maths, programming, engineering and science, but you can still have great conversations with them on these subject matters. Don't limit yourself by only associating yourself with people who have the same kind of 'obsession' as you, look for people who appreciate a good conversation on any subject matter.
  • #8
Men and women have different brains. It starts in the womb. It's amplified by how they are raised.
  • #9
Men are also interested in causing problems not solving them!:wink:
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  • #10
Lisa! said:
Men are also interested in causing problems not solving them!:wink:

And women seem to be rather creative at finding problems. ;-p
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  • #11
Monique said:
I know enough people who don't have a passion or maths, programming, engineering and science, but you can still have great conversations with them on these subject matters. Don't limit yourself by only associating yourself with people who have the same kind of 'obsession' as you, look for people who appreciate a good conversation on any subject matter.

I agree--

Sam_ said:
Hi, I'm a 17 year old male who has some questions about the women today. I have a passion for maths, programming, engineering and science. Being a heterosexual male in search of a suitable partner, I'm finding it very hard to find a girl who likes the same things as me. In fact I have seen none in my search. Most of the girls today have the princess attitude towards life and feel that others should do things for them while they do nothing productive. They are very unoriginal and many of the things they say and do is taken from latest movies and TV shows (the type I would never waste my time watching becuase I have much better things to do.) The girls act very hostile towards science and particularly despise mathematics.

When I do find a girl who might be intelligent it is when she is doing some degree in a college or university. Even then it those girls don't have the same passion that I have towards science and tel me they are just doing this to get a degree. They do not take part in any science activities outside their course. And many of them become very arrogant when hey complete a degree and act as if they are superior.

It's nice if you do find such a woman, but if you limit yourself to those things, it's about the same as limiting yourself to finding a woman because you have pre-determined that she has to 'look' a certain way, eliminating all others. The more open minded, the more the chance of meeting one that you get along with.
  • #12
Sam_ said:
Hi, I'm a 17 year old male who has some questions about the women today. I have a passion for maths, programming, engineering and science. Being a heterosexual male in search of a suitable partner, I'm finding it very hard to find a girl who likes the same things as me. In fact I have seen none in my search. Most of the girls today have the princess attitude towards life and feel that others should do things for them while they do nothing productive. They are very unoriginal and many of the things they say and do is taken from latest movies and TV shows (the type I would never waste my time watching becuase I have much better things to do.) The girls act very hostile towards science and particularly despise mathematics.

When I do find a girl who might be intelligent it is when she is doing some degree in a college or university. Even then it those girls don't have the same passion that I have towards science and tel me they are just doing this to get a degree. They do not take part in any science activities outside their course. And many of them become very arrogant when hey complete a degree and act as if they are superior.

I have to agree with previous posters who have responded to your post.

1. You seem to just be more mature than most people you are around all day. It is not just that the women you are around are shallow and have no serious interests. It is just that many of the people you see everyday have not yet matured enough to find those passions you already have. Your peers have yet to realize how shallow and small the high school world is. But most people eventually grow up and want more from life than partying and no responsibilities. (I stress most people:rolleyes:)

Even when you get to college, there will still be many people who are still in that playing/partying stage of life. (They will be the ones doing keg stands:biggrin:) But don't worry, you'll find many more people with similar interests and passions as you move on to college.

2. I also agree that you shouldn't limit yourself to science folk. There are many people who are passionate about things other than science who you will be able to relate to based off of that. They will help you broaden your horizons and you will help them broaden theirs. Don't count them out just because they are not scientists.
  • #13
Sam_ said:
Even then it those girls don't have the same passion that I have towards science and tel me they are just doing this to get a degree.

TheStatutoryApe said:
One of my biggest crushes was a girl who asked me to teacher her to play chess though. *drool*
What if the girl already knows how to play chess? She wouldn't be interesting anymore, eh?
  • #14
How do you know that "many of them become very arrogant when they complete a degree and act as if they are superior?" You're 17 btw.
  • #15
Women are very interested in problem creation, however. Ba dum tsch :biggrin:
  • #16
I have several female friends in physics and all of them are cool. The few that have already gotten their degrees don't act superior at all.
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  • #17
Well before this thread turns into "bash-the-male-chauvinist thread", I think it's worth inquiring why is it guys largely outnumber girls in engineering courses. I think the same can be said of computer science, judging from what I've seen. I don't know about maths and physics majors, so does anyone know the gender enrolment ratio in these majors?
  • #18
Its probably because of cultural demoralization and social roles...and it could also be biological (not sure).

For the sake of argumentation:
-Make a list of 5 famous (or simply historically known) male scientists (including computer scientists), engineers, and mathematicians right off the back of your head (the 5 can be a mixture of these).
-Do the same with women
-If one is able to come up with a list of 5 males and 5 females...then you might start making a point about something.
-Do not use the internets, books, or any information source...just use what you have so far equipped into your mind.
  • #19
Are females ever discouraged by their family and peers from majoring in engineering and computer science? Personally I'm not aware of any such cases.
  • #20
I knew a young lady in my programming class who was incredibly fast and adept. She beat the daylights out of us on all the assignments. She was also so beautiful that every head would turn when she walked in the room.

She confided to me one day that she was embarrassed in high school about her high math scores, and would always hide her tests when the teacher gave them back. She was very popular and didn't want her peers (especially guys) to know that she was a math whiz. She didn't want everyone to think she was a "geek", or hate her for messing up the curve.

I wonder if guys ever feel that sort of embarrassment, or have to hide their intelligence to maintain social status.
  • #21
I was never ashamed of being better at math than my peers in high school, but oh my god, did I hate setting the curve.
  • #22
Math Is Hard said:
I wonder if guys ever feel that sort of embarrassment, or have to hide their intelligence to maintain social status.
I think this applies to guys as well. Personally I tend not to disclose my grades, if I had done particularly well, to both girls or guys unless I was sure that they had done equally well or better. I didn't want them to feel discouraged or worse, give them the impression that I was more intelligent somehow. There is an unspoken expectation others have of you if they are aware that you are academically outstanding. But then again, since I'm not from a Western country which I presume you probably are, I can't claim to speak for societal expectations of guys/girls in that setting.
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  • #23
~christina~ said:
What if the girl already knows how to play chess? She wouldn't be interesting anymore, eh?

Of course she would be. Unfortunately I have only met a few women that played chess and they got really annoyed when they lost. I have met some women who have rocked my sox off on the pool table though. And unfortunately they were all taken. :-/
  • #24
Sam, women are intersted in problem solving, at least some of them, but I hope you second half will be interested not only in science, but in other things too otherwise I don't think she'll make a good wife and mother.
It is natural for men to live ONLY in the world of science, but I believe for women it is not right!
  • #25
I used to date this chick named Judit Polgar. She asked me if I wanted to play chess. I said sure, like girls can play chess. The relationship went sour after that, I don't know why. The chick I did marry can't play chess either, and she has trouble with logical arguments and can't follow a mathematical proof unless it involves bargains. If you want to sell my wife a handbag for $20, mark it down from $40. But even so, she solves problems. For instance, she recently solved a problem in which a retailer was offering a $40 handbag for $20 and she didn't have $20. Lucky for her, she figured out that I was with her. Husband - $20 = handbag, problem solved.
  • #26
Defennder said:
Are females ever discouraged by their family and peers from majoring in engineering and computer science? Personally I'm not aware of any such cases.
More about societal pressure.
  • #27
Getting good grades is different from putting lot of time into understanding physics problems, getting obsessed by various mathematical questions you might encounter at some random situations, and working on own programming projects that aren't necessarily related to school at all. I have not met many people who are into problem solving stuff with some proper attitude, but those I have met have always been male. IMO the only reasonable way to think about this, is to just not get too elite.
  • #28
Don't tell me I'm too young. So what? I've seen enough to make a conclusion and that's that. BTW, I am in college.

As I said a female who has some degree in some scientific subject is NOT necessarily an intelligent female IMO. But someone who passionately likes to solve logical problems and make beautiful pattens from information and does this _outside_ of her profession is who I'm looking for. There are simply no such women that I have ever seen.

And what about the society? Last I checked we live in 2008 when girls are portrayed smart (like Lisa Simpson) in media. Just look at how many quotas are set in various universities to fit more women into their programs. The list goes on...

Yes there is discrimination for women in science, but it is a POSITIVE discrimination.

And I will not respect anyone who considers acting dumb just to fit in with people. I
  • #29
Continuing my previous post #28: Sam_, your are trying to be too elite.
  • #30
DaveC426913 said:
More about societal pressure.
What kind of pressure is this? I mean, how exactly is it "bad" for females to enter engineering or computer science?
  • #31
They will say its societal pressure. Yet, they cannot explain further. This is a term invented by feminists to excuse lack of women in science.

Even if there is a pressure it is to drive women INTO scientific areas.

"Continuing my previous post #28: Sam_, your are trying to be too elite."

Please explain.
  • #32
September said:
Sam, women are intersted in problem solving, at least some of them, but I hope you second half will be interested not only in science, but in other things too otherwise I don't think she'll make a good wife and mother.
It is natural for men to live ONLY in the world of science, but I believe for women it is not right!
Why is it natural for men? It seems not right for men too! Shouldn't they also be able to be good husbands and fathers? Otherwise, half your equation is missing.

Sam_ said:
Don't tell me I'm too young. So what? I've seen enough to make a conclusion and that's that. BTW, I am in college.
Yep, we all thought we knew everything at your age. :wink: Enjoy it while it lasts.

As I said a female who has some degree in some scientific subject is NOT necessarily an intelligent female IMO. But someone who passionately likes to solve logical problems and make beautiful pattens from information and does this _outside_ of her profession is who I'm looking for. There are simply no such women that I have ever seen.
And as I said, how many other men do you meet like that? You want someone just like yourself, but you're not very typical of the population in general. If you want someone like that, it's going to take a lot longer to find. By the way, problem-solving, and solving logical problems are different (I assume you're referring to things like math problems). Real problem solving is done in real world situations, and quite a lot of people are terrible at it.

Yes there is discrimination for women in science, but it is a POSITIVE discrimination.
Why do you think these programs are in place? To counteract the societal discrimination, which is often too late. But, there are plenty of women in science who enjoy problem solving and learning, so maybe you're just not looking in the right places, or maybe there's some reason they don't wish to talk to you.

And I will not respect anyone who considers acting dumb just to fit in with people.
I don't either. That ruled out a lot of men in college as well. :wink: I realize it's women you're interested in meeting, but please try not to make this into a men vs women thread that's portraying women as something negative when the things you're complaining about apply to both sexes.
  • #33
Sam_ said:
They will say its societal pressure. Yet, they cannot explain further. This is a term invented by feminists to excuse lack of women in science.

Oh, now I know why you can't meet the women you're interested in. :rolleyes: If you're going to have such negative attitudes about women, the intelligent ones aren't going to want anything to do with you. Only the insecure who are content to fit into those stereotypes you're holding will tolerate talking to a guy who is holding such negative opinions of women's abilities and intelligence.
  • #34
i find it better to have a woman that doesn't share all the exact same interests... in engineering if you all knew the same things..y ou wouldn't be a very good team... you need to be diverse so you can put your heads together... same with a girl.. she will open you up to different possibilities and you will to her as well... and girls always like big muscles... your brain is a big one so flex it for her haha
  • #35
Moonbear said:
Oh, now I know why you can't meet the women you're interested in. :rolleyes: If you're going to have such negative attitudes about women...
Wellll, technically, he seems to have a negative attitude about feminists, which is definitely not the same as having a negative attitude about women. In fact, it might be argued that he thinks women should get more credit than feminists give them (but who am I to put words in his mouth).
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