Who truly won the battle between Israel and Gaza?

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  • Thread starter ALYAZAN
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In summary, the conversation discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza, with a focus on the recent war that resulted in a high number of casualties, particularly among civilians. The participants express their opinions on who they believe will win the battle and discuss the potential outcomes for both sides. They also touch on the use of violence and highlight the impact it has on innocent people. The conversation ends with a comment on the continued suffering of the Palestinian people and the potential for the conflict to escalate further.
  • #1
who won israel vs gaza ??

Peace upon u

after 22 days of war on not clear targets .. israel is thinking of "ceasefire"

what does this mean in fact ??

rockets had not been stopped .. gaza had not been reached yet .. targetting schools, UN establishments, food and fuel stores killing over that 1200 human 30% are children , wounding over than 5200 human 50% are children and women .. no more life no place safe in Gaza .. and then talking about vectory ??

i'll describe the situation from my point view what israel did in fact is just raising the popularity of hamas and inhancing hate to israel all over the world .. hamas is not a building .. it's an ideology of resisting the ocupation and war crimes according .. this is hamas in fact .. yesterday i heard that over that 50 million syrian pound had been given to hamas by people inside syria (in cash) .. does it say that the target of destroying hamas had failed ??

i'll try to send u some pix of what i see in Damascus streets .. no one can walk without recognizing the massive popularity of what so called troops of resistance ..

but my question is : who u think did really win this battle ??

my best wishes
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  • #2

No one.
  • #3

I agree Dadga, no one wins in war.
  • #4

i agree too .. coz i think that hamas lost a lot of blood .. and as it's a great part of palestinian population .. it cares a lot about this thing .. that's what makes me say .. that the massive loss in blood which is catasrophical makes hamas think that this war was very costy ..

but in the other hand israel won nothing .. just killing innocent people as the majority of people see (even jewesh)
  • #5

"No one wins in war" is a naive platitude and certainly not generally true.

In the Gaza war, it is too soon to tell who is going to win. Hamas is in it for concessions from Israel about their borders, so if you see them in the cease-fire agreement, that's how you know they won. Israel is in it for a halt to the rocket and mortar attacks, so if they stop, Israel won.
  • #6

what about the huge number of innocent victims ??

what about the population of palestinian that had increased ...
  • #7

In a sense, Russ is correct.

Hamas will win if Israel gives some concessions, although Hamas lost some top leaders. Hamas wins if the retain control of Gaza.

Israel wins if they reduce or mitigate the rocket attacks.

The Palestinians/Gazans civilians loose. They got massive destruction and many deaths as the IDF/military and Hamas fighters went at each other. :frown:
  • #8

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent".
This is a quote by Salvor Hardin, a character in Isaac Asimov's Foundation. Salvor Hardin uses this saying to mean that violence is such a useless option that only the incompetent would use it, and even they would only use it as their last resort. He feels that the incompetent are eventually forced to resort to violence because a better solution remains outside of their grasp.

No one won in that continuing conflict.
  • #9

what about the huge number of innocent victims ?? .
That is solely the fault of Hamas, something that for some reason you fail to see. Hamas attacked Israel. It is ridiculous to think that Israel would not retailiate. And saying "oh, but innocent people got killed". Name a war in which innocent people did not get kiled. Then the nonsnese "oh, But Israel killed more palestinians than Hamas killed Israelis. So? This surprises anyone? Show me where is says that waring countries must be equal in casualties or damage. This is beyond naive, it's ridiculous.

Not to mention that Hamas has declared that they will not honor the proposed cease fire, they stated that they will continue to attack. Until the Palestinians oust Hamas, they have no one to blame but themselves for the retaliation.
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  • #10

Alfi said:
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent".
He feels that the incompetent are eventually forced to resort to violence because a better solution remains outside of their grasp.
Wait -- you're arguing that Israel and Gaza are both incompetent, and thus war is the best solution available to them?
  • #11
Peace upon u

… my question is : who u think did really win this battle ??

my best wishes

Peace upon u too, ALYAZAN! :smile:

The battle isn't finished yet, so the question is really who will win the battle?

If, after Israel stops, the Palestinians fire just one rocket into Israel,

then Hamas will have won …

it will have established the right to continue trying to kill as many Israeli civilians as possible.
  • #12

Evo said:
... Name a war in which innocent people did not get kiled. Then the nonsnese "oh, But Israel killed more palestinians than Hamas killed Israelis. So? This surprises anyone? Show me where is says that waring countries must be equal in casualties or damage. This is beyond naive, it's ridiculous...

Your are saying that thinking that is the logical reaction Israel can do, but from the factual events of this war Israel is punishing the Palestinian people, the white phosphorous bombs they use (which is internationally banned)shows a target-less bombard that only make Palestinian suffer for just being there believing in their dream of having their own country tell come true!

Astronuc said:
... although Hamas lost some top leaders. Hamas wins if the retain control of Gaza...The Palestinians/Gazans civilians loose. They got massive destruction and many deaths as the IDF/military and Hamas fighters went at each other. :frown:

It is true they loose some of their leaders, but you missed that about -at least- one death occurs in each family , this will be a drive to those who still alive to get revenge meaning the popularity of Hamas will rise and get enlarged. this is not a solution, and I doubt they are looking for one, it seems like a seasonal thing that they like to do, search in the past of [it]!
  • #13

angel 42 said:
It is true they loose some of their leaders, but you missed that about -at least- one death occurs in each family , this will be a drive to those who still alive to get revenge meaning the popularity of Hamas will rise and get enlarged. this is not a solution, and I doubt they are looking for one, it seems like a seasonal thing that like to do, search in the past of [it]!
Which is why Hamas needs to be ousted, they are waging war on Israel without any concern for civilians. Until they stop launching missiles into Israel, they are responsible for any harm that comes to Palestinians as a result.
  • #14

angel 42 said:
but from the factual events of this war Israel is punishing the Palestinian people,
I assume your following assertions are meant to support this interpretation -- so if your assertions do not hold up, your interpretation is unjustified.

the white phosphorous bombs they use (which is internationally banned)
Reference, please? A quick google search suggests that "is internationally banned" is a misleading, if not outright false statement. (I would be mildly interested in seeing a reference that they use such bombs as well)

shows a target-less bombard that only make Palestinian suffer
How? The phrasing of your post indicates that you think "using white phosphorous bombs" proves this point, but I see no evident connection between the two.

for just being there believing in their dream of having their own country tell come true!
:confused: Are we actually talking about the same conflict?
  • #15

tiny-tim said:
Peace upon u too, ALYAZAN! :smile:

The battle isn't finished yet, so the question is really who will win the battle?

If, after Israel stops, the Palestinians fire just one rocket into Israel,

then Hamas will have won …

it will have established the right to continue trying to kill as many Israeli civilians as possible.

Note that the military and tanks are still present during this (ceasefire) which to Gazans not with the presence of the enemy on their land
  • #16

what about the huge number of innocent victims ??
They lost and they're not even playing the game. Sux to be them, but if their leaders cared more (or they did a better job picking their leaders), they wouldn't be in this mess.
  • #17

Alfi said:
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent".
This is a quote by Salvor Hardin, a character in Isaac Asimov's Foundation. Salvor Hardin uses this saying to mean that violence is such a useless option that only the incompetent would use it, and even they would only use it as their last resort. He feels that the incompetent are eventually forced to resort to violence because a better solution remains outside of their grasp.

No one won in that continuing conflict.
Yes, that's the same naive platitude. 'Violence never solves anything' is just silly there is very little that irritates me more than such naive pie-in-the-sky rhetorical nonsense. It most certainly does solve a lot of problems. It solved Hitler.

Read some Robert Heinlein instead. "'naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor"
  • #18

russ_watters said:
"No one wins in war" is a naive platitude and certainly not generally true.

In the Gaza war, it is too soon to tell who is going to win. Hamas is in it for concessions from Israel about their borders, so if you see them in the cease-fire agreement, that's how you know they won. Israel is in it for a halt to the rocket and mortar attacks, so if they stop, Israel won.

? Who won in what war when let's go through the whole of history? What wars were considered wins and why? Seems like you are the one making platitudes.
  • #19

angel 42 said:
Your are saying that thinking that is the logical reaction Israel can do, but from the factual events of this war Israel is punishing the Palestinian people, the white phosphorous bombs they use (which is internationally banned)shows a target-less bombard that only make Palestinian suffer for just being there believing in their dream of having their own country tell come true!
That's wrong on several levels:

1. There is no such thing as a white phosphorus "bomb".
2. There are white phosphorus shells, which are used for the smoke generated to obscure troop movement.
3. They are not internationally banned.
4. The fact that Israel has gone to great lengths to warn the civilians about impending attacks shows they are cognizant of the risk of civilian casualties and are endeavoring to avoid them.
  • #20

russ_watters said:
Yes, that's the same naive platitude. 'Violence never solves anything' is just silly there is very little that irritates me more than such naive pie-in-the-sky rhetorical nonsense. It most certainly does solve a lot of problems. It solved Hitler.

Read some Robert Heinlein instead.

Platitudes never solve anything, and neither does moral equivocation.

Heinlein is a good author he is not however a God of philosophy any more than Dawkins is.
  • #21

angel 42 said:
It is true they loose some of their leaders, but you missed that about -at least- one death occurs in each family , this will be a drive to those who still alive to get revenge meaning the popularity of Hamas will rise and get enlarged. this is not a solution, and I doubt they are looking for one, it seems like a seasonal thing that they like to do, search in the past of [it]!
I haven't missed anything. Violence begets violence.

Hamas cares about Hamas, not the Palestinians. Hamas has demonstrated a willingness to sacrifice innocent lives for their purposes, which seem to be political control of the Palestinians in Gaza. Perhaps Hamas will attract new recruits, or perhaps not if people realize Hamas does not serve their interests and well-being. Sure Hamas has provided services to the Palestinians, but there seems to be a catch.

Remember, Hamas took over Gaza with violence.

Hamas revels in Gaza takeover

Hamas takes control of Gaza Strip

So Hamas took violent action as opposed to peaceful political process.
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  • #22

angel 42 said:
Note that the military and tanks are still present during this (ceasefire) which to Gazans not with the presence of the enemy on their land
Could you rephrase that into a coherent sentence... it sounds like you are saying Israel would still occupy Gaza in the case of a cease fire. There is no reason to assume such a thing: they didn't occupy it before this little war started, so I don't see why they would want to occupy it after.
  • #23

Astronuc said:
In a sense, Russ is correct.

Hamas will win if Israel gives some concessions, although Hamas lost some top leaders. Hamas wins if the retain control of Gaza.

Israel wins if they reduce or mitigate the rocket attacks.

The Palestinians/Gazans civilians loose. They got massive destruction and many deaths as the IDF/military and Hamas fighters went at each other. :frown:

Hamas wins by default as Israel's reputation is further damaged by their actions. Another Lebanon was the last thing needed.
  • #24

The Dagda said:
? Who won in what war when let's go through the whole of history? What wars were considered wins and why? Seems like you are the one making platitudes.
Pick any war and I'll tell you who won and who lost (there are probably wars that you could consider the end to be a mutual win or loss or stalemate, but not many). WWII - the Allies won and the Axis lost. The US Revolutionary war - the American rebels won, Britain lost. Those are just a couple of examples - I'm not going to go through all of history and list every war I can think of. If you're unsure of a particular war, let me know and I'll help you with it.

This isn't a difficult thing to grasp.
  • #25

The Dagda said:
Platitudes never solve anything, and neither does moral equivocation.

Heinlein is a good author he is not however a God of philosophy any more than Dawkins is.
Russ was responding to a post that quoted an Asimov character, you need to read the posts you are quoting.

The unfortunate losers in this battle are the Palestinians for failing to rid themselves of Hamas. The fact that they are whining about Israeli retaliation just turns people away from any sympathy they might have otherwise gotten, IMO. You don't bomb someone and then whine about them retaliating.
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  • #26

The Dagda said:
Hamas wins by default as Israel's reputation is further damaged by their actions.
I guess they both with in that case then - I'm sure Israel cares little about this reputation you see (I don't see it), and Hamas wins by setting the bar so low that you'd stub your toe on it.

Who wins and who lost needs to be interpreted based on what the combatants want - not what your own personal feelings tell you about it.
  • #27

russ_watters said:
I guess they both with in that case then - I'm sure Israel cares little about this reputation you see (I don't see it), and Hamas wins by setting the bar so low that you'd stub your toe on it.

Who wins and who lost needs to be interpreted based on what the combatants want - not what your own personal feelings tell you about it.

No one wins then. I was right all along. Thanks for playing though. :smile:

I'm joking, of course in terms of peace no one won peace through war in a situation like this, all that does is create more terrorists, more hate, and what's worse it's circular.
  • #28

Hurkyl said:
Reference, please? A quick google search suggests that "is internationally banned" is a misleading, if not outright false statement. (I would be mildly interested in seeing a reference that they use such bombs as well)


Hurkyl said:
How? The phrasing of your post indicates that you think "using white phosphorous bombs" proves this point, but I see no evident connection between the two.

Israel has the most highly technological weapons which are provided by the U.S. they could target who ever they are aiming to kill without sending a solder there!, like they did when they assassinates Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin

Hurkyl said:
:confused: Are we actually talking about the same conflict?

search history!
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  • #29

Evo said:
Russ was responding to a post that quoted an Asimov character, you need to read the posts you are quoting.

I see my bad, but I still don't see how his platitudes mean anything, or platitudes that come from platitudes do. That's just platitudinal. If that's a word. :smile:
  • #30

The Dagda said:
Platitudes never solve anything, and neither does moral equivocation.
Moral equivocation? Wth are you talking about? I may be the most direct speaker in this conversation and the moral issues here are extremely straightforward for people who don't let their emotions cloud their judgment.
Heinlein is a good author he is not however a God of philosophy any more than Dawkins is.
I responded to one literary quote with another - in this case, though, one author gave examples to prove his point. That violence solves problems is just plain factually true and the assertion that it never solves anything is just plain factually wrong.
  • #31

russ_watters said:
Pick any war and I'll tell you who won and who lost (there are probably wars that you could consider the end to be a mutual win or loss or stalemate, but not many). WWII - the Allies won and the Axis lost. The US Revolutionary war - the American rebels won, Britain lost. Those are just a couple of examples - I'm not going to go through all of history and list every war I can think of. If you're unsure of a particular war, let me know and I'll help you with it.

This isn't a difficult thing to grasp.

Great you have to go back that far in history to find a case, and its a civil war. :-p

Who lost Vietnam?
  • #32

russ_watters said:
Moral equivocation? Wth are you talking about? I may be the most direct speaker in this conversation and the moral issues here are extremely straightforward for people who don't let their emotions cloud their judgment. I responded to one literary quote with another - in this case, though, one author gave examples to prove his point. That violence solves problems is just plain factually true and the assertion that it never solves anything is just plain factually wrong.

And yet you cite examples that are in fact occasions where no one won. Civil wars and WWI/II.
  • #34

The Dagda said:
Who lost Vietnam?
The North Vietnamese won and the US and France lost. How difficult is this?
  • #35

Evo said:
The unfortunate losers in this battle are the Palestinians for failing to rid themselves of Hamas. The fact that they are whining about Israeli retaliation just turns people away from any sympathy they might have otherwise gotten, IMO. You don't bomb someone and then whine about them retaliating.

Hamas are a waste of space, that's a given Evo.

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