What Do You Do If You Were a Rock Star?

  • Thread starter Zargawee
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a game where users ask and answer hypothetical questions starting with "What do you do if". The topics of the questions range from being a rock star, to being able to see the future, to living on Mars, and having control over the world. The conversation also includes some jokes and off-topic comments.
  • #876
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if you need to use your feet, but they are bound, and gagged?
Ehhhh, open foot, insert mouth? Anyway, sounds kinky to me.

What do you do if there's a little green man in your head, and the Kinks won't stop telling you about it?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #877
Originally posted by firefly
What do you do if there's a little green man in your head, and the Kinks won't stop telling you about it?
Stop using the CD 'tray' as a cup holder, and the sensation of repeating musical will either diminish, evaporate, or get greatly louder instantly...as for the kinks, well sounds Kinky to me to, two's too...!

What do you do if you can feel the sexuality in the air, from a myriad of persons of the opposite sex, but no one is willing to satisfy the intensity?
  • #878
What do you do if you can feel the sexuality in the air, from a myriad of persons of the opposite sex, but no one is willing to satisfy the intensity?
I suppose you take matters into your own hands.

What do you do if your hands fall asleep?
  • #879
Originally posted by Math Is Hard
What do you do if your hands fall asleep?
Do not fret. Ron Popeil is hard at work as we speak on his amazing new Manual Reinvigoration Finger And Palm Massager which is guarranteed to refresh all tired, sleepy, or fatigued forepaws on any creature with an opposable thumb. Great for card players, computer programmers, oyster shuckers, concert pianists, and anyone who has to take matters into their own hands.What do you do if while painting your masterpiece, Portrait of the Artist as Whistler's Mother's Son while pretending to be Etching a Self Portrait in a Reflecting Globe Just After Having Changed Out His Blue Boy Costume Prior to a Short Sketching Session at the Moulin Rouge your cat, Cynthia, jumps up onto your pallet and smears your careful mixture of viridian green and cerulian blue into the nearby blob of cadmium red, along with several blades of freshly cut grass and one ladybug?
  • #880
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if while painting your masterpiece, Portrait of the Artist as Whistler's Mother's Son while pretending to be Etching a Self Portrait in a Reflecting Globe Just After Having Changed Out His Blue Boy Costume Prior to a Short Sketching Session at the Moulin Rouge your cat, Cynthia, jumps up onto your pallet and smears your careful mixture of viridian green and cerulian blue into the nearby blob of cadmium red, along with several blades of freshly cut grass and one ladybug?
Scream Eureka and grab the varnish!

What do you do if your varnish has hardened and the painting is suffering oxygen degradation because of it's NEED of said varnish??
  • #881
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if your varnish has hardened and the painting is suffering oxygen degradation because of it's NEED of said varnish??
This is one of those unsual cases where simply not thinking about the problem will make it go away: the painting will soon vanish.

What do you do if you the painting vanishes, but the ladybug does not, and she would like to fly away home but for the unfortunate residue of Cerulean blue which is pasting her wings together making flight quite an impossibility, not to mention rendering her unrecognizable to her kind and therefore likely to be repelled by her young and expelled from her very home, were she even able to get there?
  • #882
Originally posted by firefly
What do you do if you the painting vanishes, but the ladybug does not, and she would like to fly away home but for the unfortunate residue of Cerulean blue which is pasting her wings together making flight quite an impossibility, not to mention rendering her unrecognizable to her kind and therefore likely to be repelled by her young and expelled from her very home, were she even able to get there?

I'd buy her two tickets on Southwest airlines, tell her to find a body painter and send regards to her family.

But what would you do if the left wing of the airplane fell off - in fact the left wing of EVERY airplane fell off - and you discovered it was a gigantic left-wing conspiracy?

  • #883
Originally posted by Messiah
what would you do if the left wing of the airplane fell off - in fact the left wing of EVERY airplane fell off - and you discovered it was a gigantic left-wing conspiracy?
No surprise really. The left wing has been challenged from the start... since the Wright brothers pioneered aircraft and flight as we know it.

What do you do if the What Do You Do If thread has become so riddled with lefts, rights and wrongs it is impossible to determine the orientation of the plane, which way is up, or which wing is which, so you cannot make heads let alone (what do you do if) tales out of anything any more?
  • #884
Originally posted by firefly

What do you do if the What Do You Do If thread has become so riddled with lefts, rights and wrongs it is impossible to determine the orientation of the plane, which way is up, or which wing is which, so you cannot make heads let alone (what do you do if) tales out of anything any more?

I'd CRASH - then start over with

Q : What Do You Do If you were A Very Popular Rock Star ?
  • #885
Originally posted by Messiah
Q : What Do You Do If you were A Very Popular Rock Star ?
I'd CRASH - then start over with

What would you do if you could do if?
  • #886
Originally posted by Messiah
What Do You Do If you were A Very Popular Rock Star ?
Neither a planet nor a star, I guess I'd be an oxymoron. At the height of my success, the best I might hope for is a special episode of Nova.

What do you do if you're scuba-diving in the Lesser Antilles and you realize you have barely enough oxygen left to get you to the surface without bubbling nitrogen through your blood... but just as you're about to set off, The Little Mermaid appears out of nowhere and hypnotizes you into a delightful dream of dances with the druids, from which you awake startled to hear her bubbling laughter recede in a manner strangely reminiscent of sparkling sangria on a summer's day?
  • #887
Originally posted by firefly
What do you do if you're scuba-diving in the Lesser Antilles and you realize you have barely enough oxygen left to get you to the surface without bubbling nitrogen through your blood... but just as you're about to set off, The Little Mermaid appears out of nowhere and hypnotizes you into a delightful dream of dances with the druids, from which you awake startled to hear her bubbling laughter recede in a manner strangely reminiscent of sparkling sangria on a summer's day?
Realize that I had just died, but that death was the same as life, or so it seemed, so I would go on living...hoping that the mermaided would return, and especially with a refill on that Sangria Yummmmmmmmmieeeeeeee!

What do you do if you couldn't do if?

(One more time, or Too Two's to...)
  • #888
Originally posted by firefly
What do you do if you're scuba-diving in the Lesser Antilles and you realize you have barely enough oxygen left to get you to the surface without bubbling nitrogen through your blood... but just as you're about to set off, The Little Mermaid appears out of nowhere and hypnotizes you into a delightful dream of dances with the druids, from which you awake startled to hear her bubbling laughter recede in a manner strangely reminiscent of sparkling sangria on a summer's day?
Freud would interpret this rapture of the deep as expressing a long repressed desire to do a drunk druid dance, saucily sipping sangria. The mermaid represents the French maid costume you would like to wear while doing this (Mer=sea in French).

What do you do if you discover that in the land of French sea maids, all females are waited on hand and foot by self contained above water nitrogen breathing druid garçons whose supply of sangria is endless, and who enjoy rowing you around the perifery of any of the lesser Antilles in Venetian gondolas, who enjoy carrying you around the perifery of any anthill, and who will read Proust to you while you eat, service compris?
  • #889
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if you discover that in the land of French sea maids, all females are waited on hand and foot by self contained above water nitrogen breathing druid garçons whose supply of sangria is endless, and who enjoy rowing you around the perifery of any of the lesser Antilles in Venetian gondolas, who enjoy carrying you around the perifery of any anthill, and who will read Proust to you while you eat, service compris?

What do you do if you have left?
  • #890
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if you have left?
Return.What do you do if the subservient, nitrogenous, druid garçons of the lesser Antilles decide to hold a sea maid beauty contest to see who will become their queen and ruler and Mr. Robin Parsons keeps trying to fill out an entry form as a contestant despite the fact he is universally considered unappealing by all standards of beauty when wearing a French maid's uniform, a mermaid costume, or coconut brassiere?
  • #891
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if the subservient, nitrogenous, druid garçons of the lesser Antilles decide to hold a sea maid beauty contest to see who will become their queen and ruler and Mr. Robin Parsons keeps trying to fill out an entry form as a contestant despite the fact he is universally considered unappealing by all standards of beauty when wearing a French maid's uniform, a mermaid costume, or coconut brassiere?

You send him to a cosmologist to make him more "universally" appealling.

What do you do if your mother's father's daughter turns out to be your sister's cousin's aunt?
  • #892
Originally posted by Math Is Hard
What do you do if your mother's father's daughter turns out to be your sister's cousin's aunt?
In most countries you are stuck with the situation. In New Zealand, however, due to an archaic law that has never been struck from the books it is possible to forcibly demote any first cousin to second or third cousin by completely tattooing your face with grotesque designs and performing a series of hideous grimaces until they are intimidated into submission.

What do you do if in the darkest room of the darkest house on the darkest street of the darkest city you find a scrap of paper laying on the floor with the word scootogenic written on it in the black blood of a hoot owl who died from the bite of a black bat who caught rabies from a flea that had traveled on the back of a mangey great dane on a ship around Cape Horn from San Francisco in the year !888?
  • #893
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What do you do if in the darkest room of the darkest house on the darkest street of the darkest city you find a scrap of paper laying on the floor with the word scootogenic written on it in the black blood of a hoot owl who died from the bite of a black bat who caught rabies from a flea that had traveled on the back of a mangey great dane on a ship around Cape Horn from San Francisco in the year !888?
In the year !888, you say? Ahhhh! I daresay therein lies the key to your quetion, for it is a documented hysterical fact that in the year !888 the Great Doge of Venice, returned, after a long exile, having been forced to flea a few years prior by the unseemly hysterisms of his second cousin, twice removed. And this leader brought with him, from the land of his roots, a vast supply of Danish pastry... so, I would eat pastry by golly yes, eat delicious danish pastry!

What do you do if said Danish Delights, which satisfied the midnight cravings of all Venetians (including anyone batty, and those who did not give a hoot) also served the ghastly purposes of the Venusians and their guileful comings and goings, masquerading as genuine citizens who later went so far as to coin the Latin chant, "Venite adoremus," (since adopted, ironically, as a Christian carol), such that these aliens were able for centuries hence to remain infiltrated, feigning loyalty by way of sweets and song?
  • #894
Originally posted by firefly
What do you do if said Danish Delights, which satisfied the midnight cravings of all Venetians (including anyone batty, and those who did not give a hoot) also served the ghastly purposes of the Venusians and their guileful comings and goings, masquerading as genuine citizens who later went so far as to coin the Latin chant, "Venite adoremus," (since adopted, ironically, as a Christian carol), such that these aliens were able for centuries hence to remain infiltrated, feigning loyalty by way of sweets and song?
I would say, then, "There is something rotten in the state of these danish." And I would pass the info along to the three musketeers at The Lone Gunman in the hopes they would place a call to the Lonely agent Mulder and the Lovely agent Scully (whose Latin is not lacking since her Catholicism is Currant, as are her danish, and whose buns, not the currant ones, come, let us adore them). And it is because of their fondness for sweet Danish that we now know why the gray space aliens have no teeth left.

What do you do if you have been hard at work translating news from Italian into English, you publish it on the web, and then you discover that it is a secret code giving the signal to all sweet-craving de-dentured indentured, dented gray space aliens to now disdain the Danish during the Dunkin' Donuts Dormancy Deregulation Drive?
  • #895
i will make some tea .. so i won't sleep trying to get your question :confused:

what do you do if you saw god coming to you, telling you "greetings human ! you are the next prophet, you lead ppl back to the right way" ?
  • #896
MSI said:
i will make some tea .. so i won't sleep trying to get your question :confused:
what do you do if you saw god coming to you, telling you "greetings human ! you are the next prophet, you lead ppl back to the right way" ?

I would say 'I will try to lead them in the right path, but the final decisions they make are up to them.'

What would you do if someone gave you a dirty look?
  • #897
laminatedevildoll said:
I would say 'I will try to lead them in the right path, but the final decisions they make are up to them.'
What would you do if someone gave you a dirty look?

I would try to have sex with them...:-p

What would you do if suddenly found your self naked, tied to a bed and covered in oil?
  • #898
Townsend said:
I would try to have sex with them...:-p
What would you do if suddenly found your self naked, tied to a bed and covered in oil?

I would try to guess the kind of oil I am covered in. Hopefully, it's not some cheap stuff from kmart.

What would you do if you son was at home crying out loud in the bedroom floor cos he's hungry and the only way to feed him is to get with a man for a little bit of money?
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  • #899
Let the lil bugger starve!

What would you do if you didnt know how to spell starve?
  • #900
Andy said:
What would you do if you didnt know how to spell starve?
I don't know, but I'm subtracting 40 point from your score for asking "What would you do if..."

What do you do if you're hanging by three toenails from a tall crane over a lake of giant squid ink?
  • #901
Close my eyes and hope none gets up my nose.

What do you do if you're made out of cheese and have to travel to the land of the cheese eating people?
  • #902
Andy said:
What do you do if you're made out of cheese and have to travel to the land of the cheese eating people?

I would let myself get really moldy and hide out in the back of a cheese eaters refrigerator with the rest of the moldy cheese.

What would you do if your pants caught on fire while watching your favorite TV show?
  • #903
edward said:
What would you do if your pants caught on fire while watching your favorite TV show?
I would grieve for the 50 points I just lost for saying "What would you do if..."

What do you do if you misspell "quetion" in the other thread, and have to suffer for three months in quetion hell?
  • #904
What do you do if you misspell "quetion" in the other thread, and have to suffer for three months in quetion hell?

Kill myself.

What would you do if you had a super power that aloud you to make people's heads explode just by thinking about it?
  • #905
Entropy said:
Kill myself.

What would you do if you had a super power that aloud you to make people's heads explode just by thinking about it?

I would transfer my super power to my most beloved Physics book, so whenever people take crap about Physics, their heads would explode.

What would you do if you feel raped after taking a Physics midterm?
  • #906
I'd stop taking my midterms in the pub...

Whad do you do if your hands are freezing and there are no gloves or warm clothes around?
  • #907
I quickly find some aluminum and iron oxide and make some thermite to heat it up!

What do you do if you feel like jumping off a cliff?
  • #908
Mk said:
What do you do if you feel like jumping off a cliff?
Reach over to the person standing next to me, push them off, and ask them what it's like.

What do you do if you can't hear their response?
  • #909
Clean out your ears.

But but but... what do you do if.....

you accidentally won the Nobel Peace Prize?
  • #910
I would be the president of the entire world.

What would you do if you just woke up and you feel crap?

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