What Are Some Examples for the SAT Essay?

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    Essay Sat
In summary: It has a lot of information about the SAT, and you can find specific advice for each part on the website.In summary, the author suggests that people should try to relate their personal experiences to the content of the SAT essay in order to provide more content.
  • #1
i'm taking my SAT for the second time this november, and this is my last chance.
I've not read a lot of literature, so i;m not good at quoting from books
But amidst all the confusion, chaos, and panic in 25 minutes, i can't think of any examples to support my essay (opinion).
In my last sat i couldn't think of anything either, i just wrote 3 personal anecdotes as examples, that too i made up. I ended up with a 7.
does anyone have any bright ideas or suggestions?
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  • #3
I just looked at the collegeboard website and the sample essay question:


Making up anecdotes is really the only way to approach arguments dull enough for the SAT. Could there be a more milquetoast topic than "Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present?"

Sample Essay

As a junior neuroscientist at my local university, I worked on a project which involved uploading my memories to a computer file. Some of the memories that I uploaded were happy. And some of theme were sad. The night that my beautiful girlfriend was killed in a car accident I climbed in the window of the lab and downloaded the memory of kissing her 248 times. My parents made me go to school the next day, but I downloaded the memory on to my iMind and skipped all my classes watching my memory replay in the last bathroom stall. When the batteries ran out, I was truly bereft and I wept inconsolably. The terror of memory is that you can't distinguish between your recollection of the past and your recollection of representations of the past.

PS - the scoring scheme on the college board website only goes up to 6 - how did you get a 7 ?
  • #4
oedipa maas said:
I just looked at the collegeboard website and the sample essay question:
PS - the scoring scheme on the college board website only goes up to 6 - how did you get a 7 ?

Two correctors each assign your essay a grade on 6 that must not differ by more than 1 point. The score is the sum of these grades - he got 3/6 and 4/6.
  • #5
A lot of people quote from books they've read through out high school.
i need ideas or some examples from literature or history that would easily fit in a lot of different places.
  • #6
The best way to prepare for the SAT essay, in my opinion, is to try to sort out essay questions in categories. Then write one essay for each category; on the test, it will be easy to recycle your essay to accommodate the essay question.
  • #7
now where do i get the different categories from.
  • #8
Get yourself a book with sample questions, it helps.
  • #9
hi everybody i am new here and i am about to have my first S.A.T test and i have no idea how is it going to be like or what shall i do ,so please if anyone knows how shall i prepare myself please tell me!
  • #10
SAT is really really easy...you should know all of the material on it by the time you reach grade 9 o.o
  • #11
From how you've described your problem, I suppose you always fall short of filling up the space that you were given. You don't have to put a lot of quality into the anecdotal stuff, just make sure you use every line that they've given you. It's been studied and shown that the very first and most important factor that decides your essay score is the length your essay, even if you had come up with fictitious quotations and historical statements. It isn't very ethical to advise you to do this just for the sake of score, but I don't think a 25min limit encourages quality essay writing anyway; and of course, I don't think you have to resort to fictitious writing to fill up the space.

I did a 12/12 on my essay with nothing said about my personal experience, but if you find it easier to relate your personal experiences, by all means, whatever gives you more content in the shortest time.
  • #12
Thank u all ,that is great but what r the other parts of the exams , i mean essay and WHAT?? i am sorry but i am an egyptian girl and it is my first year in an american school i am in grade 10 now and i am so confused and i really need help!:P
  • #13
sahar_hadad, look at this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAT

The SAT has 3 parts: critical reading, math, and writing (essay).

You say you're in 10th grade, so I'm not sure why you're taking the SAT this early, unless it's just for practice. Remember, you can re-take the SAT if you don't do well the first time.

Good luck!
  • #14
Just a slight correction to what sweetpotato has said, you can take the SAT as many times as you want, but *some* schools do explicitly state that it starts to count against you once you take it more than 3 times, e.g. University of Pennsylvania.

I would latest (any earlier is better, provided you are ready) start taking the SAT 5 test dates before the date of application to university, to give myself a comfortable margin of 3 takes at the reasoning test and 2 takes at the SAT subject tests. Of course, most likely you wouldn't need to take it that many times.
  • #15
A few easy steps to a 12/12 (in my experience):

1) Clear, obvious, thesis in your introduction paragraph specifically taking a side; now's not the time to be ambivalent.
2) Fill up every line. Quantity over quality in this case, though preferably both.
3) Copious evidence; feel free to make up books, movies, and life experiences. A mix of different sources helps, and a clear relation to your thesis.
4) A conclusion with a new, unifying idea.

Consider that a overworked (and underpayed) teacher looking to make a bit of extra money is probably scanning your essay in less than a minute or two. All they're going to have the time/desire to do is read your intro, conclusion, and a few bits of the body. As long as the form and content is good enough for a quick glance, chances are you'll do fine. Now is the time to demonstrate a control of a simple 5-paragraph essay.
  • #16
sweetbotato: thank you sooo much for the link it helped me so much
ephedyn & energystorm :: thanks 4 the advice i will follow it
thank you all 4 help
  • #17
okay guys i need another favoure , does anyone know on what wepsite can i find a model for a pre. sat book?

Related to What Are Some Examples for the SAT Essay?

What Are Examples for the SAT Essay?

Examples for the SAT Essay are specific instances, events, or situations that you can use to support your thesis and argument when responding to the essay prompt. These examples can come from a wide range of sources, including literature, history, current events, personal experiences, and more.

Why Are Examples Important in the SAT Essay?

Examples serve several crucial purposes in the SAT Essay:

  • 1. Illustration: They provide concrete evidence and illustrations to support your claims and arguments.
  • 2. Clarity: Examples make your essay more specific and easier to understand for the reader.
  • 3. Credibility: Well-chosen examples demonstrate your knowledge and expertise on the topic, enhancing your credibility as a writer.
  • 4. Persuasion: Strong examples can persuade the reader of the validity of your position and the strength of your argument.

What Types of Examples Can I Use in the SAT Essay?

You can use a variety of examples in the SAT Essay, including:

  • 1. Literature: References to books, plays, poems, or literary characters that support your argument.
  • 2. History: Historical events, figures, or movements that relate to the essay prompt.
  • 3. Personal Experience: Anecdotes or personal stories that provide real-world context.
  • 4. Science and Technology: Scientific discoveries, innovations, or technological advancements that are relevant to the topic.
  • 5. Current Events: Recent news stories or developments that relate to the essay prompt.
  • 6. Pop Culture: References to movies, TV shows, music, or contemporary cultural phenomena.

How Many Examples Should I Include in My SAT Essay?

There is no fixed rule regarding the number of examples you should include in your SAT Essay. The quality and relevance of your examples are more important than quantity. It's generally recommended to include at least one or two well-developed examples that directly support your thesis and argument. Focusing on a few strong examples and thoroughly explaining their relevance is often more effective than including numerous but superficial examples.

How Can I Choose Effective Examples for My SAT Essay?

Choosing effective examples involves careful consideration of the essay prompt and the argument you want to make. Here are some tips:

  • 1. Relevance: Ensure that the examples you choose directly relate to the essay prompt and support your thesis.
  • 2. Diversity: Use a mix of example types to demonstrate your versatility and depth of knowledge.
  • 3. Specificity: Provide detailed information about each example, including names, dates, and specific events or actions.
  • 4. Analysis: After presenting an example, analyze how it strengthens your argument and explain its significance.

Can I Use Made-Up Examples in the SAT Essay?

It's generally better to use real examples rather than fabricated ones in the SAT Essay. Real examples are more credible and persuasive. However, if you cannot think of a suitable real example, you can create a hypothetical scenario as long as it is logically consistent with the essay prompt and effectively supports your argument. Use made-up examples sparingly and ensure they are relevant and plausible.

Where Can I Find Examples to Use in My SAT Essay?

You can find examples for your SAT Essay in a variety of places, including:

  • 1. Books: Literature, history, and non-fiction books can provide rich sources of examples.
  • 2. News and Media: Current events, documentaries, and news articles offer timely examples.
  • 3. Personal Experiences: Your own life experiences can serve as authentic examples.
  • 4. Classroom Knowledge: Information from your coursework and academic studies can be valuable.
  • 5. Historical Events: Events from history textbooks or your knowledge of historical periods.

Do I Need to Cite Sources for the Examples in My SAT Essay?

For the SAT Essay, you do not need to provide formal citations or bibliographies for your examples. However, it's essential to make it clear where your examples come from and ensure they are accurate and relevant. You can mention the source briefly within your essay if it adds to the context or credibility of your examples.

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