Weakness of Death Star: A Space Opera Scenario

In summary, the conversation discusses a space opera scenario involving a hollowed out asteroid turned into a superweapon with a fusion reactor in the middle. The asteroid is heavily fortified with one main entryway and other mining shafts that could potentially be used to enter. The weakness of the structure is considered, with the possibility of sending a bomb through a coolant pipe being discussed. However, the use of nukes is ruled out and other ideas such as using tiny robots or torpedoes are suggested. The difficulty of entering a spinning asteroid is also mentioned, but it is noted that manned spacecrafts can still maneuver through the mining shafts. Overall, it is agreed that spinning the asteroid is a sensible defensive measure.
  • #1
I think about a space opera, and a Death Star like scenario in it.
I intend to make it harder than SW. I had the following idea : they hollowed out a big metallic asteroid, spinned it up, kept a large portion of the outer layer as armor, and built a fusion reactor in the middle of it.
They want to build a superweapon inside the well protected belly, the entryway is heavily fortified.
However it is possible to enter inside the asteroid through other shafts (used for mining), big enough for a small manned spacecraft .
What can be the weakness of such structure? I don't think that they just leave a wide open entryway to the reactor core. I also would like to rule out nukes (nations already get rid of all nukes, orbital bombardment is better)
Can it be realistic to send a bomb into the reactor core through a large coolant pipe?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
No nukes?

Detonate your own nuclear reactor?Send a swarm of tiny robots that would make a havoc traveling through coolant pipes?

Those pipes can be really big:

Just it seems for me that, there could be more than one coolant cycle. So the robot /bomb would have to drill through that such layer.
  • #3
Czcibor said:
No nukes?

They could build a nuke, if they really wanted to... however i think they no longer need uranium after switched to fusion power, a fusion reactor isn't a fusion bomb.
So at first, mine enough uranium, centrifuge it etc... besides no one really wants to go nuclear, they don't intend to win a nuclear waste pile.

Detonate your own nuclear reactor?

Well, the asteroid super weapon facility was originally created by party A, later captured by party B. When they eventually try to shut the place dowm, party A still has the construction plans, party B couldn't rebuild everything.

Send a swarm of tiny robots that would make a havoc traveling through coolant pipes?

Those pipes can be really big:

Just it seems for me that, there could be more than one coolant cycle. So the robot /bomb would have to drill through that such layer.

Well, they could build a pretty advanced robot, or a swarm of killer nanobots.
  • #4
GTOM said:
They could build a nuke, if they really wanted to... however i think they no longer need uranium after switched to fusion power, a fusion reactor isn't a fusion bomb.
So at first, mine enough uranium, centrifuge it etc... besides no one really wants to go nuclear, they don't intend to win a nuclear waste pile.
So far making uncontrolled thermonuclear reaction was much easier ('60s?) than controlled one (still not working in useful manner in a.d. 2015). I'd think that overloading reactor would not be so hard...
Well, the asteroid super weapon facility was originally created by party A, later captured by party B. When they eventually try to shut the place dowm, party A still has the construction plans, party B couldn't rebuild everything.
No back door left in software?
Well, they could build a pretty advanced robot, or a swarm of killer nanobots.
One more idea. Buy a dozen of cheap torpedo designed for Earth oceans, reprogram them and launch though coolant pipes. :D
  • #5
Czcibor said:
So far making uncontrolled thermonuclear reaction was much easier ('60s?) than controlled one (still not working in useful manner in a.d. 2015). I'd think that overloading reactor would not be so hard...

It is not a nuclear blast, that creates the fusion in the reactor, it needs very strong lasers and magnetic fields, if they put more deuterium in the reactor, i can rather imagine, that it melts down. Of course meltdown is still a pretty bad thing...

Question : would such meltdown make the environment heavily radioactive? Fusion reaction can create neutrons, but the result of fusion isn't nasty isotopes.Although if i think about it, if fighters run on nuclear thermo engines (and i see some nuclear stuff neccesary to their energy density) it is not that hard to breed the critical mass of isotopes... Still, using nukes, destroy space habitats are ugly war crimes, even when the "bad guys" starts to lose, they don't see, that comitting such things would help their survival. (And one of them can really keep her throne after the war.)

No back door left in software?
The one built the place originally is the expert of construction. The other one captured it is the expert of robotics and software back doors.

One more idea. Buy a dozen of cheap torpedo designed for Earth oceans, reprogram them and launch though coolant pipes. :D

Ok, so there will be something similar. :)
  • #6
There is a major issue with entering a spinning asteroid from any direction not aligned with the axis of rotation. It's doable if you've got a spacecraft that can continually adjust its orbital speed, but sending an unpowered bomb down a shaft is impossible as it'd collide with the shaft walls. Even for the craft it'd require some careful manoeuvring that's not conductive to being fast and stealthy. Also, it might no longer be possible to fire thrusters inside the shaft, where orbital adjustments are still necessary.

Spinning your Death Star is a sensible thing to do!
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  • #7
Bandersnatch said:
There is a major issue with entering a spinning asteroid from any direction not aligned with the axis of rotation. It's doable if you've got a spacecraft that can continually adjust its orbital speed, but sending an unpowered bomb down a shaft is impossible as it'd collide with the shaft walls. Even for the craft it'd require some careful manoeuvring that's not conductive to being fast and stealthy. Also, it might no longer be possible to fire thrusters inside the shaft, where orbital adjustments are still necessary.

Spinning your Death Star is a sensible thing to do!

They send in manned spacecraft (usually they drone short range ships). The shafts were used for mining, they are really big, as a river, manuevering is still possible in them.

Otherwise they did spinned up the asteroid, although i think it isn't usual, most times, they build a spin station near to asteroid, people regularly shift between the mines and undercity, and the base.
(Spare all the energy needed to spin the asteroid, and structures there can take advantage of micro-gravity.)
  • #8
Crash another asteroid into it?
  • #9
I always thought that if you had a Death Star sized vessel, that its main weakness would be its size.
Something that large would be hard to defend from a smaller scale incursion. What would stop an opposing force from landing troops somewhere on the surface and establishing a beach head and proceeding to engage in a ground war? Or heck even then just drilling their own shaft down into the habitable, or critical areas and dropping nukes into it.
  • #10
I think the Death Star is so far outside the realm of science that you can use anything you want. It's absurdly big - if it were populated with the density of crew of modern naval vessels, it would need a crew of trillions.
  • #11
Vanadium 50 said:
I think the Death Star is so far outside the realm of science that you can use anything you want. It's absurdly big - if it were populated with the density of crew of modern naval vessels, it would need a crew of trillions.

So must of it will be deserted, that gives a number of stealth options.
Asteroid bombardment is also a good idea... if you don't need a time critical solution.
  • #12
I've always thought that most of the time large vessels in science fiction are actually worse than building multiple smaller vessels (assuming certain typical SF tropes). A larger vessel has a smaller surface area to volume ratio and you can only mount weapons on the surface. A rebel fleet of equal mass to the death star would have plenty more firepower thanks to being able to mount more guns. On top of that once the surface of the death star has been well and truly bombarded the inhabitants are trapped inside. You're design for a large hollowed out asteroid begs the question of why would an attacker bother trying to get inside and blow it up? Simply target and destroy the weapons, airlocks, docks, sensors and radiators on the surface. After that the giant vessel, even technically minimally damaged, simply becomes one giant tomb.
  • #13
Ryan_m_b said:
A larger vessel has a smaller surface area to volume ratio and you can only mount weapons on the surface.

I imagine the battleship is the king of deep space combat, and the mothership is the queen of orbital combat. The battleship has a giant spine weapon, a mass driver.
Ryan_m_b said:
On top of that once the surface of the death star has been well and truly bombarded the inhabitants are trapped inside. You're design for a large hollowed out asteroid begs the question of why would an attacker bother trying to get inside and blow it up? Simply target and destroy the weapons, airlocks, docks, sensors and radiators on the surface. After that the giant vessel, even technically minimally damaged, simply becomes one giant tomb.

The point is that one can have a large dock and factories inside. Bombing the surface only result in more or bigger entryways. Take out the radiators, isn't bad idea, although it takes quite a time, till that large mass overheats, the surface itself can radiate away lots of heat.
  • #14
GTOM said:
I imagine the battleship is the king of deep space combat, and the mothership is the queen of orbital combat. The battleship has a giant spine weapon, a mass driver.

I really, really hate naval analogies in science fiction. Conflating space and the ocean is deeply flawed, I think it's much better to come up with a fit-for-purpose classification scheme.

GTOM said:
The point is that one can have a large dock and factories inside. Bombing the surface only result in more or bigger entryways. Take out the radiators, isn't bad idea, although it takes quite a time, till that large mass overheats, the surface itself can radiate away lots of heat.

Bombarding the surface doesn't necessarily mean blowing holes in it, it could simply wreck what's embedded on it. And if you do make a hole that's a great target to then fire into.
  • #15
Ryan_m_b said:
I really, really hate naval analogies in science fiction. Conflating space and the ocean is deeply flawed, I think it's much better to come up with a fit-for-purpose classification scheme.

I couldn't come up with anything better yet, is there any work of fiction or something else that could help?
(Moving is Newtonian, but i don't have any idea of better terminology. )

Ryan_m_b said:
Bombarding the surface doesn't necessarily mean blowing holes in it, it could simply wreck what's embedded on it. And if you do make a hole that's a great target to then fire into.

Wreck with earth... asteroidquakes? After a time, they could definitally reach the core, the point is time and enough resources. In my present story plan, the initial bombardment of the place takes out most of its defence, but the inside will remain rather fine, and the attacker fleet expended most of its bombs.
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Related to Weakness of Death Star: A Space Opera Scenario

What is the death star's weakness?

The death star's weakness is a small thermal exhaust port on the surface of the station. This was intentionally designed by the rebels to be the weak point that could potentially destroy the entire station.

Why didn't the empire fix the death star's weakness?

The empire believed that the death star's sheer size and strength was enough to prevent any successful attacks. They also may have underestimated the rebels' capabilities and did not see the need to make any changes.

How did the rebels discover the death star's weakness?

The rebels obtained the death star's blueprints from a group of Bothan spies. These blueprints revealed the location and specifications of the thermal exhaust port, allowing the rebels to plan a successful attack.

Could the death star's weakness have been avoided?

In theory, yes. The empire could have chosen to not have a thermal exhaust port or to have it placed in a more secure location. However, this would have required significant changes to the death star's design and may have made it less effective as a weapon.

What impact did the death star's weakness have on the space opera scenario?

The death star's weakness ultimately led to the downfall of the empire and the success of the rebel alliance. It also served as a lesson for future military and engineering designs to consider potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

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