Want to Talk Sex with Sue Johanson? Learn from the Queen of Sexual Education!

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, Sue Johanson is an expert sexual educator who has been providing frank and honest information to Canadians for over 30 years. She is also a Registered Nurse, a mother, and a grandmother. She is currently touring universities and special events, and is available to answer caller questions on her show, Talk Sex.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I watched this a couple of times years ago, but she lost me when she started describing what one can do with an armpit. However, I see that she has gotten much more popular. Has anyone else ever caught this? Is it as bad as I remember?

For the last 30 years, she has provided frank and honest sexual education to thousands of Canadians through her lectures, radio programs, and the Sunday Night Sex Show on television.

Since 2002, Sue's wisdom and experience have been available to American viewers on Talk Sex with Sue Johanson, a live phone-in program airing on Oxygen TV. Talk Sex also airs in Brazil, Israel, and in 20 European countries in 5 languages on Club TV.

Aside from her duties as a sexual educator, Sue is a Registered Nurse, a mother, and a grandmother. She continues to tour universities and special events, lecturing on sexuality and answering a panoply of audience questions that runs the gamut from anal sex to zygotes.

Because of her busy schedule, Sue cannot answer individual questions through this web site. However, she has provided thorough information to the questions she is most commonly asked.

Also, she has written extensively about sexual problems and concerns. Penguin Books has published three of her works:

Talk Sex
Sex is Perfectly Natural, But Not Naturally Perfect
Sex, Sex, and More Sex
In 2004, Regan Publishing issued a new version of "Sex, Sex, and More Sex" updated by Sue, and it is currently available in major bookstores and on line. We suggest that you check your local library for the earlier titles.
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  • #2
I've never managed to sit through a whole show of hers. There's something about a 70-yr-old lady talking about that stuff that didn't do it for me. All her service has made her a CM though, which would be Canada's equivalent of an OBE (or MBE?).
  • #3
No, but my marriage was discussed on Dr Ruth by the boyfriend of a girl that my now ex-husband was having an affair with. I happened on that by chance, by flipping through channels. :bugeye:

The circumstances where very unique and precise. I did find out that it was indeed that girl's boyfriend that had called in.

Am I lucky or what?
  • #4
What could you possibly learn from her show? I am sure there not allowed to have anything explicit, so its basically useless.
  • #5
She comes to my school every year or so and always draws a gigantic crowd. I haven't seen her in person but my friends who have say that it's very entertaining and informative.
  • #6
I have watched the show several times and I love the fact that she is over 70 and can be so blunt when talking about sex.
My favorite part is when she takes caller question.
  • #7
Evo said:
No, but my marriage was discussed on Dr Ruth by the boyfriend of a girl that my now ex-husband was having an affair with. I happened on that by chance, by flipping through channels. :bugeye:
oh boy what a way to find out! :bugeye::eek:

Cyrus said:
What could you possibly learn from her show? I am sure there not allowed to have anything explicit, so its basically useless.
I'm sure people can learn a lot, as far as I know nothing is censored. Nothing's taboo to Sue Johanson!
  • #8
I've never heard of her before, but looking at her website, I'm guessing she's just the next Dr. Ruth? The lady who's too old to have to worry what people think of her for talking bluntly about sex?
  • #9
I've watched her a few times. Her communication skills are pretty bad. The show can sometimes be entertaining, but overall not good. She's pretty out of touch with the current times.
  • #10
I like the show. I used to watch it sometimes when I was in high school (not that it came to much use back then :smile: ... :blushing: — but hey, at least I was informed when the time came! ... actually, come to think of it, I was more drunk than informed the first time... and pretty clumsy... but the time after that I was at least mediocre!).

Anyway, only hearing the WEIRD questions and misconceptions callers will call in with is a testament of how much the show is needed.

I especially remember:
"can I use a ziploc bag instead of a condom?" ... :confused: :smile:

Evo said:
No, but my marriage was discussed on Dr Ruth by the boyfriend of a girl that my now ex-husband was having an affair with. I happened on that by chance, by flipping through channels. :bugeye:

Yikes! sorry.

I say PF has a new award starting this year for"PF MEMBER TO WHOM THE MOST INTERESTING WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN TO" ... then again, Evo'd always win anyway so she should just get a permanent badge of honor :biggrin:
  • #11
moe darklight said:
I especially remember:
"can I use a ziploc bag instead of a condom?" ... :confused: :smile:

I think this is why we need good sex ed in schools again! Thinking back to the questions my sex ed teacher used to answer for us, I feel a bit sorry for her. She used to leave a box outside the classroom for students to drop in anonymous questions they were too embarrassed to raise their hand and ask about in class. To her credit, she'd answer each and every one of them, no matter how seemingly ridiculous. One I remember very clearly because it seemed so bizarre (but I've since heard repeated as a common myth) was "Can you still get pregnant if you douche with a Coke right after sex?" :bugeye:

Then again, she was also known for telling us that childbirth is only "uncomfortable." :rolleyes:
  • #12
Funny this topic should come up. The GT Chess Club has free play on Friday, anyone can play with us. We set up in the student center, and there are TVs near where we play. One of them was tuned to a channel with this on, and the sound was blaring. All of us chess players were too embarrassed to go switch it off, so we all sat there trying to concentrate on our games while grandma chatted about oral sex.
  • #13
theCandyman said:
Funny this topic should come up. The GT Chess Club has free play on Friday, anyone can play with us. We set up in the student center, and there are TVs near where we play. One of them was tuned to a channel with this on, and the sound was blaring. All of us chess players were too embarrassed to go switch it off, so we all sat there trying to concentrate on our games while grandma chatted about oral sex.

:smile: Oh, just admit you weren't too embarrassed to turn it off, you were all too curious to know what she had to say! :biggrin:
  • #14
theCandyman said:
Funny this topic should come up. The GT Chess Club has free play on Friday, anyone can play with us. We set up in the student center, and there are TVs near where we play. One of them was tuned to a channel with this on, and the sound was blaring. All of us chess players were too embarrassed to go switch it off, so we all sat there trying to concentrate on our games while grandma chatted about oral sex.


Thanks, I needed that...it's been a tough week for me!
  • #15
Moonbear said:
One I remember very clearly because it seemed so bizarre (but I've since heard repeated as a common myth) was "Can you still get pregnant if you douche with a Coke right after sex?" :bugeye:

:smile::smile::smile: O my. I wonder why Mythbusters didn't include that in the episode they did about Coke myths :smile:
  • #16
Cyrus said:
What could you possibly learn from her show? I am sure there not allowed to have anything explicit, so its basically useless.

It's called "visualization". I'm sure you've read a book in your life. Obviously, you can't learn how to do something just by reading about it, but if you already know what you are doing, you can read and get different view points and tips about it.

Now put that book on tape and you get a lecture, same deal.

Hell, even if it was no-holds-barred sex being shown, what exactly could you learn? You can't learn martial arts, dancing, or anything else just by watching tapes, you need to actually do it.
  • #17
Yikes, I just searched Sue on Wikipedia, and she's 78 this year. She really has been around since forever.

Anyway, yes, she's Canadian, and I've always found that she's provided fantastic, no-nonsense information about all of the stuff most people wouldn't know where else or who else to ask. Plus she's got a good sense of humour. I always thought she was a valuable resource for no b.s. sex ed information. And yes, from her call-in questions, you get the impression that there are a lot of confused and misinformed people out there.

However. I think there does reach an age point where getting product reviews about the general performance of various sex toys gets just a little squicky. It doesn't seem fair, given that she's got great, honest, reliable information, and she's not at shy or squeamish or goofy in her presentation of it. Still.
  • #18
Cyrus said:
What could you possibly learn from her show? I am sure there not allowed to have anything explicit, so its basically useless.

Her talks were very explicit, just not salacious. But, and particularly on her television show, if you ever wanted a product comparison along with a "how-to-use-this-thing-properly" demonstration on, say, (I don't know how explicit I'm allowed to be here) a rubber or leather or plastic-type device that men use to prolong activities (and she could even use the real words :biggrin:) then there was lots of merit to her show.

And if you, Cyrus, already know everything there is to know about everything you've ever heard about and all related stuff that's sold in stores, then great for you! Lots of people haven't and they're curious. She also provided a forum for good information for caring for your health along with "how-to(s)" of various intimate acts. And all of it no nonsense, no pet-names or euphemisms (although she'd define those if people asked that) and straightforward. There's not a thing you can't ask her about.
  • #19

Fun little book I have. :wink:

I don't see what Id possibly ask her. I really dont. What would you ask her, for example? You make it sound as if talking about sex is a big deal.

Ok, she talks about sex... I talk about explicit sex to friends that are guys and women all the time. Big deal. I promise you my conversations are much raunchier than what you will hear on her show.
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  • #20
Yeah, but when a guy in his 20's (I assume) talks about sex, it means you're a pig and only think about sex.

When a woman in her 70's talks about sex, she's edgy, intelligent, and interesting. That's why she's making the big bucks.
  • #21
All the women I talk to talk about sex as explicitly as I do (sexual acts they do/dont do), and don't consider me to be a pig, and I don't consider them a slut.

Your generalizations are horrible and wrong. You sound so cliche,

Its obvious you have ever talked to a woman about sex, or you wouldn't make such statements. My friends talk about sex with their female friends, and they are not considered pigs either.
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  • #22
Cyrus said:
All the women I talk to talk about sex as explicitly as I do (sexual acts they do/dont do), and don't consider me to be a pig, and I don't consider them a slut.

Your generalizations are horrible and wrong. You sound so cliche,

That's because they are part of our generation. Guess who is in charge of the image surrounding this lady? I'll give you a hint: we couldn't care less.

I never said this was my view of you, by the way. You always assume so much. Guess what that makes you look like?

Its obvious you have ever talked to a woman about sex, or you wouldn't make such statements. My friends talk about sex with their female friends, and they are not considered pigs either.

And how many of you are on TV?
  • #23
I talk about sex with my friends, I have never seen a sex show on TV before, so I can't answer your question.

Yeah, but when a guy in his 20's (I assume) talks about sex, it means you're a pig and only think about sex.

Im in my 20's, so that is about me and YOU and the friends I know that are guys, as we fit into your generalization. And your statement is flat out WRONG.

You are wearing me down, I sware your goal is to annoy me. Jesus christ.

I give in, you're right. I am wrong. Just for the love of god stop bothering me. Mercy.
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  • #24
Cyrus said:
Im in my 20's, so that is about me and YOU, as we fit into your generalization.

You are wearing me down, I sware your one of the most annoying people on PF. Jesus christ.

I don't believe you do physics. If your reading comprehension is this abysmal there is no way you can even fill out an application form to a University, much less attend class.

I know this is hard for you, so I'll make a bulleted list. If the Gods allow it and you roll a natural 20, you might actually understand what I am saying.

  • Old Lady who talks about sex openly is perceived as a strong woman who is intelligent and not afraid of her own body
  • Young guy who talks about sex openly is perceived as being a dirty pig who only talks about sex
  • Old Lady gets TV show for being edgy
  • 20 year old guy does not, because he belongs in a porno, not on cable
  • Conclusion: Double standards about!

THAT is why she is on TV for something you do on a regular basis: Double standards.

If you were actually preaching about abstinence and being pure and clean, then guess what? I'm sure you'd get your own TV show and go tour American churches preaching to people your age. Because you would be what your peers are not. Just like she is what is not "expected" of people like her.
  • #25

<shoots self in the head>
  • #26
Cyrus said:
I don't see what Id possibly ask her. I really dont. What would you ask her, for example? You make it sound as if talking about sex is a big deal.

As I wrote previously, evidently you know everything there is to know about everything and so listening to someone like her has no value for you. Good for you. There's nothing left for you to know or learn.

Poop-Loops said:
  • Old Lady who talks about sex openly is perceived as a strong woman who is intelligent and not afraid of her own body
  • Young guy who talks about sex openly is perceived as being a dirty pig who only talks about sex
  • Old Lady gets TV show for being edgy
  • 20 year old guy does not, because he belongs in a porno, not on cable
  • Conclusion: Double standards about!

Well, the quibble I have with this is that Sue Johanson has been doing this for well over 35 years. She wasn't always an "old lady who talks about sex openly". There's no double standard here. She's always been about free access to birth control, information, education, health, and safety and having some fun along the way. Cyrus is, self-reportedly, about promising raunchy conversations.
  • #27
You never answered my question Georgina. I am genuinely curious to see what you have to say.

Cyrus is, self-reportedly, about promising raunchy conversations.

As much and as often as possible. I make no apologies about it either.

If people seriously think they can use a ziploc bag for a condom, they are retarded. They should not be allowed to breed.
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  • #28


Seriously, this is common sense. Yeah, if your having sex and it hurts, you should probably ease up. Was that not obvious at the time while you were in pain?
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  • #29
GeorginaS said:
Well, the quibble I have with this is that Sue Johanson has been doing this for well over 35 years. She wasn't always an "old lady who talks about sex openly". There's no double standard here. She's always been about free access to birth control, information, education, health, and safety and having some fun along the way. Cyrus is, self-reportedly, about promising raunchy conversations.

70 - 35 = 35. 2007 - 35 = 1972

Turning back the clock like that, you can see that in 1972, she would still have been an "old lady" by those standards, and talking about sex like that back then was still something outrageous. Hell, you try to advocate birth control now and you might get stoned in some places. In America.

I still think it's just part of her going against the norm of women not being open sexually. As Cyrus was quick to point out, this isn't the case today, but her reputation still let's her get attention.

Cyrus said:


Seriously, this is common sense. Yeah, if your having sex and it hurts, you should probably ease up. Was that not obvious at the time while you were in pain?

I know lol we should totally just stop answering their questions and let kids hurt themselves while having sex. That'll teach them to... something.

You honestly wonder why I keep "picking" on you? It's because you keep saying stuff like that.
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  • #30
Man, what part of get lost don't you understand poop-loops?

I don't have any more patience to put up with your juvenile behaivor.

Hell, you try to advocate birth control now and you might get stoned in some places. In America.

Name ONE place in America that you will get stoned to death for talking about birth control. You make generalizations, and outlandish comments. Give me a break.

I really am fed up with your nonsense. Just once, grow up and act your age for a change.
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  • #31
awww! Cyrus and Poop-loops :blushing: can't you see that deep inside you two just love each other! :!):!) you two make me all warm and fuzzy-wuzzy inside :!)
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  • #32
Cyrus said:
If people seriously think they can use a ziploc bag for a condom, they are retarded. They should not be allowed to breed.

I love the irony of your statement. Wouldn't you then agree that if they think they can use a ziploc bag as a condom that they very desperately DO need the advice she can provide?

I have never seen or heard her show, so really don't know the content, but there definitely are people who need straightforward, honest sexual advice, and if an older woman seems like the safe, knowledgeable source they are comfortable asking, especially when they can call in anonymously (I presume), then that seems like a good thing for them to have. Many people grow up in homes where discussing sex is a taboo subject, or are generally kept very sheltered.

Just talking about sex with your friends doesn't mean you're getting or sharing accurate information either. I've had conversations with older people with children who were still somewhat naive on details of sexual function. Obviously, they knew enough to get all the parts to work together correctly to have the kids, but it was amazing how much they didn't know as well. For that matter, peruse some of the questions we've gotten in the biology forum over the years, and you'll see how sheltered some people have been and how much misinformation has been spread to them.
  • #33
Moonbear said:
I love the irony of your statement. Wouldn't you then agree that if they think they can use a ziploc bag as a condom that they very desperately DO need the advice she can provide?

Stop being so childish Moonbear. Can't you see that Cyrus knows everything about everything? Why are you being so juvenile? He's in his 20's for God's sake. A Mature Adult™

By the way Cyrus, I have yet to hear why you think what I am saying is childish, like I pointed out in another thread. You keep calling me childish but never explain yourself. And you keep asking why I bug you? Because you're a tool. I call you out whenever you say something that is BS and you can't handle it. And no, I'm not picking on you. I call out anybody who I perceive as talking BS. You just seem to do a LOT of it.
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  • #34
Poop-Loops said:
And you keep asking why I bug you? Because you're a tool.
That doesn't make sense. If you think someone's a "tool" then you wouldn't respond to everything he says trying to prove him wrong. Also, I don't agree that people who talk about sex are pigs, regardless of whether they're in their 20's or not.

I have to say I watched the show once while I was over in the US. I found it rather cringe-worthy; not because of what they were talking about, but because of who was doing the talking. I'm not saying that the older generation shouldn't be able to talk about sex, but when you've got a 78 year old woman advising a lesbian woman to perform some sex act on her partner, and to then describe exactly what to do, it's slightly disturbing!
  • #35
Poop-Loops, my dad used to do a lot of couples' therapy. Would you and Cyrus be interested in your own thread wherein he could guide you through finally sorting out your problems? It's a shame that you should be fighting like this, what with Valentine's Day coming up and all.

If you're having problems communicating, sometimes a show of affection can speak clearer than words. You need to show the other person that the magic isn't gone; you could surprise Cyrus with an unexpected romantic dinner by candlelight, maybe even a love poem.
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