The Troops = Bad? (surely killing is wrong)

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  • Thread starter antd
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In summary, the conversation is about the speaker's belief that all human killing is wrong, but they can understand killing in defense or other situations. They question whether those who join the military are doing so to kill others and argue that soldiers should not be praised for killing. They also bring up the idea of blame and whether soldiers are "good people" or not. The other person in the conversation defends the soldiers, saying that not all of them join to kill and that they are just following orders. They also mention their pride in their family members who are in the military and believe that the responsibility for war lies with those who start it.
  • #106
kyleb said:
Right, and his comments along with linking it make it clear he was referencing the portion of the video showing the footage which I linked to an earlier copy of above. You claimed it was from Western media, so again I ask; where was that footage ever presented on Western media?

Hmm, now this PDF news story shows the News of the World showing the clip (the original people to get it from the whistleblower) and gives a link to it:

There the footage is presented on Western Media, in the News of the World, a big paper in the UK.

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Physics news on
  • #107
FOR THE FOLLOWING, you can stop reading it at any point..
I`m just saying it all at once so that we don`t get into useles endless questions and answers

As for the video being taken out of context: (1) It's dishonest and (2) I really don't want to hear excuses for why it was done. It was done, and it was wrong.
1)I`m not american
2)I wasn`t trying to spread some fake video

concerning the video as a whole, I know that its a reply on some mean christian created some video similar to this one, but on islam... so this guy did this just to show people you can do the samething by using out of context texts and quotes..
concerning the clips..the soldiers one, I thought it was put just to show that if some christians do something bad, that doesn`t mean christianty is bad or all christians are guilty.
concerning the second clip, I just didn`t even talk about it, because It was purely on christianity, not showing soldiers or anything (I ONLY POSTED THE VIDEO TO SHOW THE SOLDIERS..I remember the woman, but nothin to concern me, because the video is primarly related to religional issue which is not the reason I`ve put this video)

what suffices what I said is that I said this:

B) some american soldiers video-ing their friends (you know.. why not have some fun) - forget what the video is all about, the important is the clips in the video, here it is (please, anyone young enough, don`t open these):

I said "clips" because I didn`t watch it this time (due to extremely weak internet connection and so video buffering) all I remember was soldiers and that voice... the woman and these children.. and I thought there was other clips in this vid.

Now let's stop trying to catch each other`s mistakes.. this is not the purpose of the thread..

and for Astronuc, I`m sorry I`ve been somewhat childish at some points. I should have talked to you more respectfully as you are in a place to be more respected.
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  • #108
If you read the original news story on that clip, you will see it was shot in secret by a whistleblower, aka someone who wanted to get this sort of thing out to the world to see. And before you say it, it doesn't 'have' to be the camera person shouting that stuff.
  • #109
kyleb said:
Sure, but most of the rigorous investigative reporting on those cases I've seen has been from well outside our mainstream media.

Who said one has to get all their information from mainstream media? The point was US media (all US media), not *just* mainstream media.

And how does turning the Barney Song torture into a comedy routine fall into that job?

I have not heard about this, so I won't comment.

Again, Wajed wasn't referencing the part of the video which was taken from the documentry, but rather the part before it.

For one, that entire video is garbage so I don't care what part he was referencing to. He shouldn't have reference it at all - it's crap.

I think it serves its intended purpose as a response to" quite well, and you certainly haven't made a convincing argument to the contrary.

If you think YouTube videos made from cut up, out of context, segments with horrible Allah Akbar music in the background is credible enough for you to want me to provide a 'convincing argument to the contrary' then I'm wasting my time here. I would suggest you try a real news source if you want to make a point, not a video from what appears to be a dufus kid in Saudi Arabia on YouTube.

It was a question, along with my opinion, and plainly stated as much. Are you not comfortable addressing that question?

Unsupported statements like the one you made are not allowed here. Back it up with facts or don't post it.

You read that in yourself, but since you mention it, it's not like our troops expected all the bombs to magically miss the innocent civilians.

What's your point, other than to support your unsubstantiated claim? Again, get some FACTS before you post this. Additionally, this isn't even ON POINT for the topic of this thread. Make another thread if you care about this so much. Wrong place, were not going to wander off into a whole other topic.

You are conflating, my comment was in regard to the Shock & Awe campaign when we were toppling Saddam's regime, not hunting terrorists.

The argument I made still applies with the Iraqi troops.

Also, I did you come up with the characterization of "innocent baby killers" on your own? I know I didn't say anything of the sort. As for figures, I haven't seen any dedicated to specifically to babies, but" .

You have got to be joking me......I wasn't be literal. Again, this isn't even the point of the thread, so why are you posting this link? Could you please stay on topic (for the last time).
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  • #110
kyleb said:
Where was", which is the video Wajeb was referencing included in the video he posted, shown on Western media? And again, I don't see any reason to support your claim that the voice-over is fake, it sounds legit to me.

You were saying......?,2933,184600,00.html

(Note the source!)
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  • #111
wajed said:
concerning the video as a whole, I know that its a reply on some mean christian created some video similar to this one, but on islam... so this guy did this just to show people you can do the samething by using out of context texts and quotes..
concerning the clips..the soldiers one, I thought it was put just to show that if some christians do something bad, that doesn`t mean christianty is bad or all christians are guilty.
concerning the second clip, I just didn`t even talk about it, because It was purely on christianity, not showing soldiers or anything (I ONLY POSTED THE VIDEO TO SHOW THE SOLDIERS..I remember the woman, but nothin to concern me, because the video is primarly related to religional issue which is not the reason I`ve put this video)

Why are you suddenly talking about Christians being good/bad/guilty? At what point did we change topics?

I said "clips" because I didn`t watch it this time (due to extremely weak internet connection and so video buffering) all I remember was soldiers and that voice... the woman and these children.. and I thought there was other clips in this vid.

Again, if you haven't even watched it, don't bother posting it.

Now let's stop trying to catch each other`s mistakes.. this is not the purpose of the thread..

Then don't make glaring mistakes.

and for Astronuc, I`m sorry I`ve been somewhat childish at some points. I should have talked to you more respectfully as you are in a place to be more respected.

That's the first sensible thing I've heard you say yet.
  • #112
Cyrus said:
You were saying......?,2933,184600,00.html

(Note the source!)

Hmm, another mainstream media source with it. You really should do your homework. That's two links before your next response.
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  • #113
wajed said:
and for Astronuc, I`m sorry I`ve been somewhat childish at some points. I should have talked to you more respectfully as you are in a place to be more respected.
No problem. I learned about the Hindu Kush and Karakorum when I was very young. I should have taken time to go N. Paksitan in the 1970's, but I was studying in university. I had hoped to visit Afghanistan and Pakistan under very different circumstances. I would like to hike in the mountains and meet the very cool people there. But some crazy people decided to get violent and make both places rather unpleasant.

I still hope to go to Afghanistan and Pakistan, but the purpose would be somewhat different than the one I had 30+ years ago.
  • #114
you’re way too picky people!, now the whole western media counts on these links or videos!, you know what is bias here? your opinions are, each one [not all] won’t accept even an idea that their government may be wrong at some points, so pathetic
  • #115
drizzle said:
you’re way too picky people!, now the whole western media counts on these links or videos!, you know what is bias here? your opinions are, each one [not all] won’t accept even an idea that their government may be wrong at some points, so pathetic

When did we say that? NEVER. Don't make things up. We have all agreed and stated many times our media over does it with reports and hypes them up for ratings, twisting the facts etc.
  • #116
drizzle said:
you’re way too picky people!, now the whole western media counts on these links or videos!, you know what is bias here? your opinions are, each one [not all] won’t accept even an idea that their government may be wrong at some points, so pathetic


For one thing, this is not China. There are many people who think their government is wrong all the times and these people don't disappear into air.

!, now the whole western media counts on these links or videos

Now, you want owls to deliver newspapers?
  • #117
Astronuc said:
No problem. I learned about the Hindu Kush and Karakorum when I was very young. I should have taken time to go N. Paksitan in the 1970's, but I was studying in university. I had hoped to visit Afghanistan and Pakistan under very different circumstances. I would like to hike in the mountains and meet the very cool people there. But some crazy people decided to get violent and make both places rather unpleasant.

I still hope to go to Afghanistan and Pakistan, but the purpose would be somewhat different than the one I had 30+ years ago.

hey Astronuc, though I don't agree with you in some points [not here], but I must say I have deep respect for you. it's really nice to know people like you :smile:
  • #118
drizzle said:
you’re way too picky people!, now the whole western media counts on these links or videos!, you know what is bias here? your opinions are, each one [not all] won’t accept even an idea that their government may be wrong at some points, so pathetic

Thanks for another well thought-out post.
  • #119
rootX said:
Now, you want owls to deliver newspapers?

no, pigeons will be fine! sure I didn’t mean that, why do they keep arguing about that one link or two and missing the point?
  • #120
drizzle said:
hey Astronuc, though I don't agree with you in some points [not here], but I must say I have deep respect for you. it's really nice to know people like you :smile:
Thank you. Feel free to express disagreement by PM if you like. That goes for anyone else. I could be misinformed - so feel free to correct where I appear to be incorrect.

I had high hopes after the Soviet Union disintegrated, but I also had great concern that the games would continue - and unfortunately they did. There were small windows of opportunity - but too many 'leaders' started beating their chests and too many businessmen started making deals, and now we have new conflicts or resurgence of old conflicts. But now we have more proficient ways to take human life.

What a waste of technology and human life. And for what? For an ideology? For a belief? For the desire to control other peoples lives? To own more than one can possibly use in a lifetime?

I'm currently reading Ahmend Rashid's books "Taliban" and "Descent into Chaos". He pretty much expresses my thoughts and understandings about Afghanistan and Pakistan. But so does Greg Mortenson's "Three Cups of Tea".

I refuse to surrender to darkness of Despair, but look toward the light of Hope - that some day there may be Peace and Prosperity for all.

Salaam - Shalom - Peace
  • #121
It's sad, but we make the most progress (technologically, scientifically etc) when trying to kill each other, at war.
  • #122
drizzle said:
you’re way too picky people!, now the whole western media counts on these links or videos!, you know what is bias here? your opinions are, each one [not all] won’t accept even an idea that their government may be wrong at some points, so pathetic
Please don't make such statements. Most people at PF have a healthy amount of skepticism and cynicism with respect to the US and western media. I think we expect the media to get wrong - perhaps often - and many expect the government to be misleading or wrong.
  • #123
jarednjames said:
It's sad, but we make the most progress (technologically, scientifically etc) when trying to kill each other, at war.
Well the US made a lot of scientific and technical progress during the manned-space missions - Mercury, Gemini and Apollo - then Skylab - then the STS and ISS. No war - just progress in science and technology.

And look at the missions to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and hopefully Pluto.

And look at all the satellites that monitor the Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land.

Water and food are supposed to become sources of conflict in the future, but I don't see the enough effort regarding the right actions being taking place to secure future supplies of clean water and sufficient food.

It's easy for some to find $400 billion or $500 billion or more for weapons systems and war, but it seems more difficult to find a few hundred million $ for clean water and sustainable agriculture programs.
  • #124
The space race comes to mind with regard to manned space missions, during the cold war I believe?

Sattelites, stuff up there also does some spying, not sure what come first though, military or civilian sats.

A lot of technology was developed during the war years. Look at radar. We couldn't work without it in aviation these days, but that was developed in a push to help spot enemy aircraft coming in from Europe. I'm not saying we wouldn't have have had it if there was no war, I'm just saying it was a major factor in the push with the technology.
  • #125
Cyrus said:
Who said one has to get all their information from mainstream media? The point was US media (all US media), not *just* mainstream media.
wajed said:
all you get your information from is "CNN" "YAHOO" "MSN" "NEW YORK TIMES"..
Cyrus said:
I have not heard about this, so I won't comment.
kyleb said:
Are you claiming our media doesn't whitewash the actions of our troops? One notable examples is the "Barny Song" torture our mainstream media played off as a humorous story, conveniently excluding the fact that it was being blasted at young men in cargo containers while flashing them with a strobe light for upwards of a day at a time if not more, see,M1".
Cyrus said:
For one, that entire video is garbage so I don't care what part he was referencing to. He shouldn't have reference it at all - it's crap.

If you think YouTube videos made from cut up, out of context, segments with horrible Allah Akbar music in the background is credible enough for you to want me to provide a 'convincing argument to the contrary' then I'm wasting my time here. I would suggest you try a real news source if you want to make a point, not a video from what appears to be a dufus kid in Saudi Arabia on YouTube.
I know that Finta video isn't simply some YouTube video, but rather" . I'm at a loss to understand why your are so hostile to Wajed for discussing a clip contained in the response to it, or why your keep speculating on the origin of it's author for that matter.
Cyrus said:
Unsupported statements like the one you made are not allowed here. Back it up with facts or don't post it.
Please quote whichever statement of mine you are claiming is unsupported so I can address it directly.
Cyrus said:
The argument I made still applies with the Iraqi troops.
It really doesn't." , and the conclusion:

The principle of shock and awe uses a means that inevitably causes the deaths of noncombatants both directly, with indiscriminate weapons, and indirectly, as secondary collateral damage, through the destruction of infrastructure. Whether using Murphy's chain of agency, Rawls' self-defense theory, or a different defense of noncombatant immunity, unless one considers no one a noncombatant, there is no moral defense of shock and awe. When the power of any single weapon increases, the moral responsibility attached to its use increases at an equal rate. A strategy requiring the use of thousands of immensely powerful weapons seems likely to be immoral because of the inevitability of noncombatant deaths, and such is the case with the U.S. military doctrine of rapid dominance through shock and awe.
Again, it's not like our troops (or the ones who ordered them) expected all the bombs to magically miss the innocent civilians. Furthermore, I'm at a loss as to figure what you think this thread is about if not the moral culpability of the troops who kill innocent civilians.
jarednjames said:
Hmm, another mainstream media source with it. You really should do your homework. That's two links before your next response.
I never claimed it wasn't in the mainstream media, just asked to see the claim that it was substantiated, and I thank both you and Cyrus for doing so. There is no reason for hostility here.
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  • #126
I haven't been here this week and I guarantee you that if I had, half of what was posted would not be here.

Fair warning, I am back and non-mainstream and unsubstantiated claims will be deleted and infractions given from this point on.

For new members that don't know the rules, read them now, and I can't be sucked up to.
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  • #127
kyleb said:

all you get your information from is "CNN" "YAHOO" "MSN" "NEW YORK TIMES"..


Kyleb, wajed's post above was a lousy generalization about where Americans get their news, and is not generally true. This is simple enough to understand.

I know that Finta video isn't simply some YouTube video, but rather" . I'm at a loss to understand why your are so hostile to Wajed for discussing a clip contained in the response to it, or why your keep speculating on the origin of it's author for that matter.

I am talking about the video on Youtube posted by wajed. I did not, nor am I, talking about a "Finta video". I don't know what said Finta video is. I never mentioned anything about a Finta video.

Please quote whichever statement of mine you are claiming is unsupported so I can address it directly.

I already told you what it was and you can go back and read it.

It really doesn't." , and the conclusion:

I'm not reading a paper written by a college student on his own website. This is not a credible source (are you kidding me posting that?). Second, this back and forth you and I are having is about the US media not telling a true story. Instead of addressing this, you keep trying to switch gears which only confirms to me that you are not only wrong (about the US media), but are trying to mask that fact with irrelevant subjects (in relation to this sidebar topic of the media).

Again, it's not like our troops (or the ones who ordered them) expected all the bombs to magically miss the innocent civilians. Furthermore, I'm at a loss as to figure what you think this thread is about if not the moral culpability of the troops who kill innocent civilians.

Edit: This thread has taken such a left turn since wajed's astoundingly lousy comments about the media that I forgot it was about 'murder'. My bad. This is what happens when someone posts such a poor comment.

I never claimed it wasn't in the mainstream media, just asked to see the claim that it was substantiated, and I thank both you and Cyrus for doing so. There is no reason for hostility here.
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  • #128
Kyleb said:
Again, it's not like our troops (or the ones who ordered them) expected all the bombs to magically miss the innocent civilians. Furthermore, I'm at a loss as to figure what you think this thread is about if not the moral culpability of the troops who kill innocent civilians.
I believe the point of Shock & Awe was to shorten the war and get the initial and most harmful phase done with as soon as possible. The total civilian casualty rate from drawn out battle and attrition would theoretically be reduced. Whether or not this strategy was properly and responsibly implimented in the Iraq war to achieve the desired effect is certainly debatable.
  • #129
Cyrus said:
Kyleb, wajed's post above was a lousy generalization about where Americans get their news, and is not generally true. This is simple enough to understand.
He was generalizing about mainstream media, were Americans mainly get their news, which should be self-evident.
Cyrus said:
I am talking about the video on Youtube posted by wajed. I did not, nor am I, talking about a "Finta video". I don't know what said Finta video is. I never mentioned anything about a Finta video.
My bad, it's "Fitna", but".
Cyrus said:
I already told you what it was and you can go back and read it.
I am honestly at a loss to see what in my comments you are taking issue with, but again if you care to quote the comment in question I would be happy substantiate it.
Cyrus said:
I'm not reading a paper written by a college student on his own website. This is not a credible source (are you kidding me posting that?).
I figure referenced paper on a college website is as good as the Wikipedia references which pass here. Actually,", albeit in more pleasant terms.
Cyrus said:
Second, this back and forth you and I are having is about the US media not telling a true story. Instead of addressing this, you keep trying to switch gears which only confirms to me that you are not only wrong (about the US media), but are trying to mask that fact with irrelevant subjects (in relation to this sidebar topic of the media).
I'd be happy to provide more examples to support my position on the media, but I'm still hoping you might address the subject of the Barney Song torture first.
Cyrus said:
Edit: This thread has taken such a left turn since wajed's astoundingly lousy comments about the media that I forgot it was about 'murder'. My bad. This is what happens when someone posts such a poor comment.
All good, but Wajed's comment about the media was in regard to how much of our troops brutalizing and killing innocent people it bothers to report, which is why I brought up the example of the Barney Song torture that I'm still hoping you might acknolage.
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  • #130
antd said:
Am I out of line when I say I hate the troops as much as any other murderer/life taker?!
Yes. The words "murder" and "kill" are not interchangeable in the English language.

It is a severe violation of U.S. military law (UCMJ) for a member to commit murder on any foreign land, war or not.

There are three kinds of people on this board that do not equate killing in war to murder, even if they think the war is wrong:

1. The far left.
2. The far right.
3. Virtually everyone in between.
4. Every major religion in history.

So basically, antd, I think you're all alone here.
  • #131
If you think YouTube videos made from cut up, out of context, segments with...
Why are you suddenly talking about Christians being good/bad/guilty? At what point did we change topics?

Do you understand what the video is about?
The producer of the video used some out of context segments to show people how you can easily do it..
A christian used some out of context segments from Quran, and so, this was a reply just to show everyone how someone can use out of context segments from Bible also..
Its not to show that bible is bad.

That doesn`t mean the video I was referring to won`t make sense..I "used it" to show "something in the video". whether the video uses out of context or not, that doesn`t hide the fact that the soldiers are hitting some kids/guys, brutally.

Again, if you haven't even watched it, don't bother posting it.
I watched it before, I remember the soldiers, and I implied that when I posted the video.
I said "clips" because I couldn`t open it again.. all I remembered was "some clips that show some tortouring".
Its not a big deal, I gave you the video as it is, I didn`t cut parts from the video and sent them to you.

Let`s form a picture of the media Issue:-
1)Sometimes things get out of control. A journalist may get his hands on something interesting and just post it on some newspaper. the pictures leaked from Guantanamo, and published in public can be one example.
That doesn`t mean media is free to show you what really happens in Iraq or anywhere else.

2)When there is something like "Aljazera" showing on live how sheltering baghdad looks like, CNN would be really in a bad position if they just show tanks moving.

3)Cyrus, you are asking us to bring some facts that your media is biased.
Well, you can be biased by many ways:
A)twisting news
B)moisturing some horrible news
D)mentioning news but not giving it enough time.
E)finally, lying.

Now, all of these stuff are hard to prove - except the last one. All I can say, you try to compare news.
How do I know media is biased? when I talk to many americans and find them knowing nothing about certain incidents.. when I watch CNN and find them showing someone`s point and not giving enough time to show the other`s point.. etc.
Its not that I have to provide facts; I may be able to, but I`m not really spending big portion of time to do it now. All what we can talk about now is "what makes more sense".
If that doesn`t suit you, I`ll just stop here. Its fair to do it.
We are not in the court. And I`m not trying to convince you. I`m only trying to show you it can happen, and just try to have you accept it, so that you don`t stop and wait the "facts" to drop all the way from the sky to your desk.
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  • #132
Al68 said:
Yes. The words "murder" and "kill" are not interchangeable in the English language.

It is a severe violation of U.S. military law (UCMJ) for a member to commit murder on any foreign land, war or not.

There are three kinds of people on this board that do not equate killing in war to murder, even if they think the war is wrong:

1. The far left.
2. The far right.
3. Virtually everyone in between.
4. Every major religion in history.

So basically, antd, I think you're all alone here.

Three kinds of people then you list 4? Sorry just had to mention it.
  • #133
wajed said:
Now, all of these stuff are hard to prove - except the last one. All I can say, you try to compare news.
How do I know media is biased? when I talk to many americans and find them knowing nothing about certain incidents.. when I watch CNN and find them showing someone`s point and not giving enough time to show the other`s point.. etc.

Ok, you say you speak to people who really have no idea what goes on with certain incidents. Well if your only source of reference is a tv station from / around the "attacked" country, then it also stands to reason that it is just as bad as CNN etc.
A tv station in, say, Iraq, may want to make the US/UK forces look like monsters and if so would supply news to shed that sort of light on the troops. Now CNN on the other hand may want them to look like 'Angels', doing good and so may 'twist' the facts in the much same way to give them that light. Neither sources are totally accurate and both convey their own viewpoint. Even with comparison, (yes I just watched the Aljazeera channel for a bit), I found they were more like two sides of an argument when it came to certain stories. And so it becomes a judgement issue on the watchers part. Again, this sounds to me like what you are doing. You are watching them and coming to a conclusion (whether on what the so called facts are or simply on bias). This may seem to be the better way to watch the news but given that both sources may be altered to suit their cause, it also means your conclusion is potentially based on mis represented and therefore incorrect factual evidence and therefore just as worthless as a person who just watches CNN.

Two sets of incorrect facts do not make one right conclusion.

What you percieve as fact from one channel, does not make it so. The only way to know the true facts of a situation is to be there. Which you are not, and so your viewpoint from watching a 'middle east' news channel instead of / with CNN is potentially just as skewed.

Regardless, we are way off topic here. Is killing bad is the discussion not Is the media crap.
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  • #134
jarednjames said:
Three kinds of people then you list 4? Sorry just had to mention it.
I stand corrected. :smile:
  • #135
jarednjames said:
Ok, you say you speak to people who really have no idea what goes on with certain incidents. Well if your only source of reference is a tv station from / around the "attacked" country, then it also stands to reason that it is just as bad as CNN etc.
A tv station in, say, Iraq, may want to make the US/UK forces look like monsters and if so would supply news to shed that sort of light on the troops. Now CNN on the other hand may want them to look like 'Angels', doing good and so may 'twist' the facts in the much same way to give them that light. Neither sources are totally accurate and both convey their own viewpoint. Even with comparison, (yes I just watched the Aljazeera channel for a bit), I found they were more like two sides of an argument when it came to certain stories. And so it becomes a judgement issue on the watchers part. Again, this sounds to me like what you are doing. You are watching them and coming to a conclusion (whether on what the so called facts are or simply on bias)...

sorry jarednjames, but as I'm [personally] involved in what’s going on there, I do see that my media reflects the truth, with no amplifications [how can telling innocent people killed by troops be exaggerated?]. at least it would be close to the truth more than the western one, because it does represent the people there.
  • #136
drizzle said:
[how can telling innocent people killed by troops be exaggerated?]
Quite easily. Also, "innocent people killed by troops" could be the exaggeration.
  • #137
drizzle said:
sorry jarednjames, but as I'm [personally] involved in what’s going on there, I do see that my media reflects the truth, with no amplifications [how can telling innocent people killed by troops be exaggerated?]. at least it would be close to the truth more than the western one, because it does represent the people there.

Could you tell me what western media you read to arrive at such a conclusion?
  • #138
Cyrus said:
Could you tell me what western media you read to arrive at such a conclusion?

  • #139
drizzle said:

Have you tried Charlie Rose, or Meet the Press, or CSPAN?
  • #140
Cyrus said:
Have you tried Charlie Rose, or Meet the Press, or CSPAN?

no, is it available in the middle east?

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