Studying a lot, not getting enough sleep

In summary, the conversation revolved around the topic of sleep and its impact on studying and long term memory. Some individuals claimed to function well on minimal sleep, while others emphasized the importance of getting enough sleep for optimal performance. Some even mentioned the concept of polyphasic sleep and its use by famous inventors and scientists. The conversation also touched on the negative effects of lack of sleep on reasoning and memory, and the importance of taking short naps to stay alert while studying. Overall, the consensus was that sleep is crucial for both physical and mental well-being, and should not be neglected.
  • #1
sometimes sleep gets in the way of studying for me and I'm not sure if it interferes with my long term remembering of the topic.

so how about you guys? what you experienced? do you make sure to get your minimum hours of sleep or do you burn the midnight oil and not suffer for it?
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  • #2
ice109 said:
sometimes sleep gets in the way of studying for me and I'm not sure if it interferes with my long term remembering of the topic.

so how about you guys? what you experienced? do you make sure to get your minimum hours of sleep or do you burn the midnight oil and not suffer for it?

There were lots of similar topics about getting enough sleep here.

I guess my minimum is around 5, but it can vary. It all depends on what situation you're in and what you need to do/accomplish. If one is surrounded with dead-lines, one can sometimes preform miracles. :smile:

Edit: although, it all depends on the person, since some people don't function well while under stress.
  • #3
Sleep doesn't get in the way of studying; but studying gets in the way of sleep. Sleep is a natural part of life. If you don't get enough and really push yourself; your body will make you pay for it during the course of the day. So I'll find it hard to believe that one can study till 3 am and not suffer through the day.

For me a lack of sleep interferes with my reasoning and short term memory. I know when I've gone too far when I read a paragraph over 12 times and can't remember and comprehend what I'm reading. So if you're tired and sleepy, pushing yourself to study is doing more bad than good. When I'm in a situation like this and I really need to study, I find that taking a 20-30 min nap makes me alert and I can continue studying for another 4 hrs or so.
  • #4
ive read a lot of popular news about how you need a certain amount of sleep for long term recall, does anyone know if there is any truth to that?

ranger said:
When I'm in a situation like this and I really need to study, I find that taking a 20-30 min nap makes me alert and I can continue studying for another 4 hrs or so.

it's called polyphasic sleep and a lot of inventers/scientists have used the method during their most prolific period, edison and Newton come to mind.
  • #5
In the military, 4-5 hours of sleep is normal. Anything above 6 hours was considered well rested and oversleeping.

I was always pushed beyond my limit, physically and mentally. Because my mindset was set like that many years ago, I work overnights from mid-8am, sleep from 9am to 2-3pm and go to classes/whatever I want until work begins again. It's a vicious cycle.
  • #6
If I get less than five hours of sleep, I'm miserable all day. For me, as long as its more than 5 I'm good, but don't talk to me if its less!
  • #7
You have to sleep -- for me it helps stuff I've been reading 'sink in' overnight.

I usually try to get at least 7 hours a night.
  • #8
I HATE sleeping. Its just the most horrible feeling imaginable. I prefer to use a few red bulls when necessary.
  • #9
Terilien said:
I HATE sleeping. Its just the most horrible feeling imaginable. I prefer to use a few red bulls when necessary.

:smile: I don't think I've heard something like this before, interesting..
  • #10
radou said:
:smile: I don't think I've heard something like this before, interesting..

if there was a drug i could take that allowed me to sleep once a week and have it no affect on my cognition i would take it, in a second.
  • #11
Try to get as much sleep as possible. I don't sleep much during the semester. You get tired, you retain less, your immune system goes down and you get colds that never go away, and after a while you burn out. Now, I really HATE staying up late studying. After 2+ years of late nights every single day, it gets old FAST.
  • #12
I require at least 7 hours of sleep, but I don't mind the occasional 10 hours:biggrin:
  • #13
8 hours is good
  • #14
Terilien said:
I HATE sleeping. Its just the most horrible feeling imaginable. I prefer to use a few red bulls when necessary.

Uhh, worst feeling imaginable? Can you elaborate?
  • #15
Hard to explain, but simply put, I always feel very sick when I wake up.
  • #16
Terilien said:
Hard to explain, but simply put, I always feel very sick when I wake up.
You should reflect on your nutritional habits, your sleep schedule, exerscise schedule, or current use of any medications. Feeling sick when waking up is not normal. How you feel before you sleep may relate to how you feel when you wake up, too. Any stressful class, maybe?
  • #17
I'm just stressed that i haven't graduated from high school yet(15 years old). I've mastered the curriculum, yet no one bothers to give me the exaqms to get out. Anyway I'm highjacking this thread.

I also eat very little.
  • #18
sleep is important. the mind organizes and reviews everything you've learned or observed during the day. I've always found that if I'm stuck on a math problem at night and go to bed, i wake up with a new idea on how to solve it. i think 4 hours is a enough though.
  • #19
I hate sleeping too, because I hate the the feeling I get when I wake up. So I try my best to stay up as long as possible. But the doctor said it's nothing to worry about.

Related to Studying a lot, not getting enough sleep

1. Why is getting enough sleep important when studying?

Getting enough sleep is crucial for several reasons. First, sleep allows your brain to consolidate and organize information that you have learned throughout the day, making it easier for you to retrieve and use that information in the future. Second, lack of sleep can lead to impaired cognitive function, making it harder for you to focus, concentrate, and retain information. Third, adequate sleep is essential for your overall health and well-being, which can also have a significant impact on your ability to learn and study effectively.

2. How does lack of sleep affect studying?

Lack of sleep can have a significant impact on your ability to study effectively. Without enough sleep, your brain will struggle to process and retain information, making it harder for you to learn and remember new material. Additionally, lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, all of which can hinder your studying efforts. In the long run, consistently not getting enough sleep can also lead to burnout and a decline in academic performance.

3. How much sleep do I need to study effectively?

The amount of sleep you need to study effectively can vary from person to person. Generally, adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, while teenagers may need 8-10 hours. However, it's essential to listen to your body and pay attention to how you feel after different amounts of sleep. If you feel well-rested and alert after 7 hours of sleep, then that may be enough for you. On the other hand, if you still feel tired and groggy after 9 hours of sleep, you may need to adjust your sleep schedule to find what works best for you.

4. What are some tips for studying when sleep-deprived?

While getting enough sleep is essential for studying effectively, there are some tips you can follow if you find yourself sleep-deprived. First, try to prioritize and focus on the most critical tasks and information. Your energy and attention may be limited, so it's important to use them wisely. Additionally, take frequent breaks and try to incorporate some physical activity or movement to help keep your mind alert. Finally, make sure to get back on track with your sleep schedule as soon as possible to avoid long-term effects on your studying and overall health.

5. How can I balance studying and getting enough sleep?

Finding a balance between studying and getting enough sleep can be challenging, but it is crucial for your academic success and well-being. One way to achieve this balance is to prioritize and plan your studying schedule around your sleep schedule. Make sure to set aside enough time for both studying and sleep, and avoid sacrificing one for the other. Additionally, try to establish a consistent sleep routine and stick to it, even on weekends. This will help your body establish a healthy sleep pattern and make it easier for you to study and learn effectively.

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