Split Short Exact Sequences .... Bland, Proposition 3.2.6 .... ....

In summary, the proof of Proposition 3.2.6 requires some understanding of how the composition of functions works. By using the formula for composition of functions, it is possible to see that g' is well-defined.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Paul E. Bland's book "Rings and Their Modules" ...

Currently I am focused on Section 3.2 Exact Sequences in \(\displaystyle \text{Mod}_R\) ... ...

I need some help in order to fully understand the proof of Proposition 3.2.6 ...

Proposition 3.2.6 and its proof read as follows:
View attachment 8078
In the above proof of Proposition 3.2.6 we read the following:"... ... Then \(\displaystyle x - x'\in \text{Ker } g = \text{Im } f\), so \(\displaystyle (x - f( f' (x))) - (x' - f( f' (x'))) = ( x - x') - ( f ( f'(x) ) - f ( f'(x') ) )\)

\(\displaystyle = ( x - x') - f ( f' ( x - x') )\)

\(\displaystyle \in \text{Ker } f' \cap \text{Im } f = 0\) ... ...

Thus it follows that \(\displaystyle g'\) is well-defined ... ... "Can someone please explain exactly why/how \(\displaystyle ( x - x') - f ( f' ( x - x') ) \in \text{Ker } f' \cap \text{Im } f = 0\) ... ... Further, can someone please explain in some detail how the above working shows that \(\displaystyle g'\) is well-defined ...
Help will be much appreciated ...

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  • #2
Hi Peter,

By a previous remark, each of $x-f(f'(x))$ and $x'-f(f'(x'))$ belongs to $\ker f'$. As $\ker f'$ is a sub-module, this shows that
$$u = (x-f(f'(x))) - (x'-f(f'(x'))) \in\ker f'$$

on the other hand, we have $x-x'\in\ker g=\mathrm{img}\:f$, and, obviously, $f(\ldots)\in\mathrm{img}\:f$. This shows that we also have $u\in\mathrm{img}\:f$, and, as $\ker f'\cap\mathrm{img}\:f=0$, $u=0$.

This shows that, if you use $x'$ instead of $x$ (subject to $g(x')=g(x)$) in the definition of $g'(y)$, the difference will be $u=0$, which means that you will get the same value for $g'(y)$; this is what "g' is well-defined" means.

This proof looks a little like black magic, but there is a trick that allows you to see what happens. You will end up proving that $M$ is isomorphic to $M_1\times M_2$. Of course, you cannot use that in the proof, but you can use it to understand what happens in the proof.

Knowing that, we can write any element of $M$ as $(a,b)$, with $a\in M_1$ and $b\in M_2$. You can define:
f(a) &= (a,0)\\
f'(a,b) &= a\\
g(a,b) &= b\\
and you are trying to define $g'(b)$ as $(0,b)$. If $x$ is any element that maps to $b$, like $(c,b)$, you cannot simply define $g'(b)=(c,b)$, because there can be many possible elements $(c,b)$ in the pre-image of $b$. The trick is to use $f$ and $f'$ to get rid of $c$. Specifically, you have, using the formula in the text : $(c,b) - f(f'(c,b))= (c,b) - f(c) = (c,b) - (c,0) = (0,b)$, and this is what you want.
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  • #3
castor28 said:
Hi Peter,

By a previous remark, each of $x-f(f'(x))$ and $x'-f(f'(x'))$ belongs to $\ker f'$. As $\ker f'$ is a sub-module, this shows that
$$u = (x-f(f'(x))) - (x'-f(f'(x'))) \in\ker f'$$

on the other hand, we have $x-x'\in\ker g=\mathrm{img}\:f$, and, obviously, $f(\ldots)\in\mathrm{img}\:f$. This shows that we also have $u\in\mathrm{img}\:f$, and, as $\ker f'\cap\mathrm{img}\:f=0$, $u=0$.

This shows that, if you use $x'$ instead of $x$ (subject to $g(x')=g(x)$) in the definition of $g'(y)$, the difference will be $u=0$, which means that you will get the same value for $g'(y)$; this is what "g' is well-defined" means.

Thanks castor28 ... most helpful ...

Most interesting and enlightening is when you write: " ... ... This proof looks a little like black magic, but there is a trick that allows you to see what happens. You will end up proving that $M$ is isomorphic to $M_1\times M_2$. Of course, you cannot use that in the proof, but you can use it to understand what happens in the proof.

Knowing that, we can write any element of $M$ as $(a,b)$, with $a\in M_1$ and $b\in M_2$. You can define:
f(a) &= (a,0)\\
f'(a,b) &= a\\
g(a,b) &= b\\
and you are trying to define $g'(b)$ as $(0,b)$. If $x$ is any element that maps to $b$, like $(c,b)$, you cannot simply define $g'(b)=(c,b)$, because there can be many possible elements $(c,b)$ in the pre-image of $b$. The trick is to use $f$ and $f'$ to get rid of $c$. Specifically, you have, using the formula in the text : $(c,b) - f(f'(c,b))= (c,b) - f(c) = (c,b) - (c,0) = (0,b)$, and this is what you want. ... ... Still reflecting on these ideas ...

Thanks again ...


Related to Split Short Exact Sequences .... Bland, Proposition 3.2.6 .... ....

1. What is a split short exact sequence?

A split short exact sequence is a sequence of mathematical objects (such as groups or modules) that satisfies certain conditions, namely that the sequence is exact (meaning that the image of one object is equal to the kernel of the next) and that it has a splitting (meaning that there exists a map from the final object back to the initial object that, when composed with the inclusion map, gives the identity map).

2. What does Proposition 3.2.6 state?

Proposition 3.2.6, also known as Bland's Proposition, states that if a sequence of mathematical objects is split short exact, then the middle object is isomorphic to the direct sum of the first and last objects in the sequence. In other words, the middle object can be thought of as a "bridge" between the first and last objects.

3. What is the significance of Proposition 3.2.6 in mathematics?

Proposition 3.2.6 is significant in mathematics because it provides a useful tool for understanding and manipulating split short exact sequences. By identifying the middle object as a direct sum of the first and last objects, it allows for a deeper understanding of the relationships between the objects in the sequence.

4. Can Proposition 3.2.6 be applied to other types of sequences?

No, Proposition 3.2.6 specifically applies to split short exact sequences. Other types of sequences may have their own unique properties and theorems that govern them.

5. Are there any real-world applications of split short exact sequences and Proposition 3.2.6?

Yes, split short exact sequences and Proposition 3.2.6 have applications in various fields of mathematics, including algebraic geometry, group theory, and linear algebra. They also have applications in physics and engineering, such as in the study of electromagnetic fields and control systems.

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