Setting up a Physics revision site

In summary, the conversation is about a Physics teacher wanting to set up a revision website and discussing domain name options. They also touch upon the existing resources for learning physics and the potential for the new website to offer a different approach. The conversation also includes a discussion about the effectiveness of the Physics Forums website for learning and getting help with homework. The conversation ends with an apology and a disagreement about the suitability of the website for students.
  • #1
Hi there,

I am a Physics teacher hoping to set up an amazing Physics revision website, and wanted to canvase opinion on the domain name. Unfortunately does already exist - its not being used for anything and I can't contact the owner to ask about transfering it :frown: Would've been good though, eh?!

The ones I've come up with that are available are:


Any other suggestions, or opinions?


Physics news on
  • #2
Revision or review? As far as I know, physics does not need revision. Those learning physics can discuss it here and review learning materials.

And why not use PF?
  • #3
Revision for public exams'.

Although there is a lot of intelligent people on the forum, its not a very good place to learn.
  • #4
Jambon said:
Revision for public exams'.

Although there is a lot of intelligent people on the forum, its not a very good place to learn.

Suggestions are always welcome on how we can improve this forum. If you think something isn't good here, then you can always bring it up.
  • #5
Yep. Right. Sorry about that.

What did you think about the domain name micromass?
  • #7
Thank you JesseC.

I hope to tailor my site to students aged between 12 and 18. The hyperphysics site is excellent, and my favourite for directing pupils to if they are looking for one. But the appearence, and workings of the site do not appeal to 'the younger generation'. Although the material there is spot on, its delivery is very formal, and more of a glossary.

I was hoping to combine audio, video, opinion and news with good quality online lessons.

This has come at the request of some of my students who have not found a site that they like (one of them said "I might choose Biology instead of Physics for A Level because Biology has much better stuff on the net!")
  • #8
Jambon said:
Although there is a lot of intelligent people on the forum, its not a very good place to learn.
What on Earth led you to this conclusion?
  • #9
It was a polite assumption - they might not be intelligent. Apologies.

As for why its not a great place to learn: getting a straight-forward answer to a question you've posed is evocative of going into the sewers in search of the wedding ring you've dropped down the loo - you have to wade through a lot of other peoples waste to find what you asked for.
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  • #10
Jambon said:
It was a polite assumption - they might not be intelligent. Apologies.

As for why its not a great place to learn: getting a straight-forward answer to a question you've posed is evocative of going into the sewers in search of the wedding ring you've dropped down the loo - you have to wade through a lot of other peoples waste to find what you asked for.
You are of course entitled to your own opinion but considering you haven't ever tried to ask a question on this site (other than the one you are asking now) your opinion is worth nothing.

This site is an excellent resource for people who want to discuss and learn mainstream science. We get scores and scores of posts every day that attest to this and an entire homework forum stocked by capable homework helpers that for years has helped students with their problems. If you think you can do a better job, go ahead, but exactly what do you think you are going to do that we don't?
  • #11
... that was a bit much. Sorry.

I'll say again - I love pf, but it's not what most students would look towards for help. It is quite plain in its appearence. It it not a website that can be feely explored.

It most definitely should be a destination for those looking for specific advice, and those passionate about the subject. But for your average student, who wants to do their best in the exam it's not suitable.
  • #12
I think he's talking about homework help. We don't spoonfeed the answers and perhaps he takes that to mean that we don't teach. If that's the case, then he's wrong, but if not, then what on Earth does he mean?
  • #13
I am a previous poster from days gone by, btw. I couldn't remember my login from uni days and no longer have the email account for reactivation.
  • #14
My post was genuinely an honest request for opinions regarding a domain name for a site where school age students could learn more about physics.

Any thoughts mate?
  • #15
Jambon said:
... that was a bit much. Sorry.
Well done for apologising.
Jambon said:
I'll say again - I love pf, but it's not what most students would look towards for help. It is quite plain in its appearence. It it not a website that can be feely explored.
Whilst most students don't turn to us (a big part of that is probably not knowing about us) we are more than capable of helping with most problems. Personally I love the appearance, compared to other forums that are chocked full of different colours, images etc I think it looks professional and easy to use. The website itself can be freely expored, what do you think is hard to do?
Jambon said:
It most definitely should be a destination for those looking for specific advice, and those passionate about the subject. But for your average student, who wants to do their best in the exam it's not suitable.
I disagree. Whilst we don't offer a tutoring service we do teach very well. If a student is trying to revise and is stuck on a problem PF is a great place to pose a question and have informed people lend a hand by explaining and discussing the topic. The homework and coursework section does an excellent job of helping students when they are struggling.

Lastly I feel this needs to be said: The hundreds of thousands of members on this site are volunteers. The fact that they give up their time willingly to help others and I think that's wonderful and praiseworthy.
  • #16
Jambon said:
Any thoughts mate?
Hmmm...of the two proposed I like letsdophysics. It sounds like it would foster a nice collaborative community. Best of luck with it.
  • #17
I find that in my old age I am being much ruder, and it always comes back to me not having been clear in the first place. So cheers for accepting it.

In my experience a lot of students look for instant gratification in their learning. This is why they often head straight to Wikipedia which can cause problems (it's often not pitched at a level they understand, or not validated). PF will always yield better understanding, but it requires patience, and willingness to ask. Some might say (and others would agree) that if they're not willing to put much effort into their learning, then they don't deserve to do well, but that's not really a route for a teacher to go down...

Finally, I strongly agree on the volunteers here. They are incredible in their patience and the time they give over, and how clearly they can explain tricky topics.
  • #18
Jambon said:
I find that in my old age I am being much ruder, and it always comes back to me not having been clear in the first place. So cheers for accepting it.

In my experience a lot of students look for instant gratification in their learning. This is why they often head straight to Wikipedia which can cause problems (it's often not pitched at a level they understand, or not validated). PF will always yield better understanding, but it requires patience, and willingness to ask. Some might say (and others would agree) that if they're not willing to put much effort into their learning, then they don't deserve to do well, but that's not really a route for a teacher to go down...

Finally, I strongly agree on the volunteers here. They are incredible in their patience and the time they give over, and how clearly they can explain tricky topics.
  • #19
Ha ha :smile:

If only you knew how close to the nail that strikes in todays education system. Sob!
  • #20
I like letsdophysics. Have you checked out Khan Academy? It sounds like you're planning something similar, but with assignments - is that right?

I agree with you about hyperphysics. Excellent source but aimed at an audience who is already somewhat sophisticated.
  • #21
There is also, a site aimed at exactly the age groups you're describing. Not sure it has videos, but it certainly has lots of diagrams and applet type things.
  • #22
lisab said:
I like letsdophysics. Have you checked out Khan Academy? It sounds like you're planning something similar, but with assignments - is that right?

I agree with you about hyperphysics. Excellent source but aimed at an audience who is already somewhat sophisticated.
I think is superior to

Khan Academy is a good example of a dynamic website with videos.

Hyperphysics is a good site, but it certainly requires one to read through the text. It is a good supplement to one's textbook. Hyperphysics does have some videos and some calculators/applets, but it is mostly static.

PF is dynamic in the sense that we have a dialogue or discussion among members in the various threads on a given topic. There is the Learning Materials forum which provides tutorials written by staff or members, as well as links to other sites, e.g., MIT OCW. The tutorials however read more like standard textbooks without the flash of videos or dynamic pages or applets.
  • #23
Thank you for all your ideas. I hadn't seen Khan Academy before but it is good and there's lots about it I like.

There is a hope of some funding, which would drastically increase the quality from what I could produce. Those contributing the finds said they would look for more of hub for young Physicists though, and I think that is probably more the domain of PF than what I'm proposing

Related to Setting up a Physics revision site

What is the purpose of setting up a Physics revision site?

The purpose of setting up a Physics revision site is to provide students with a comprehensive and accessible platform for reviewing and practicing physics concepts. It can serve as a supplementary resource for studying and preparing for exams, as well as a place for students to ask questions and get additional support.

Who can benefit from using a Physics revision site?

Any student studying physics can benefit from using a Physics revision site, regardless of their level or proficiency. It can be particularly useful for students who are struggling with certain concepts or need extra practice, but even high-achieving students can benefit from the additional review and resources provided by such a site.

What types of materials and resources should be included on a Physics revision site?

A Physics revision site should include a variety of materials and resources, such as notes, practice problems, interactive simulations, videos, and quizzes. These should cover key topics and concepts in physics, and be organized in a user-friendly manner to make it easy for students to navigate and find what they need.

How can a Physics revision site be made interactive and engaging for students?

A Physics revision site can be made interactive and engaging for students by including elements such as interactive simulations, quizzes, and games. It can also incorporate multimedia elements, such as videos and animations, to make the learning experience more interesting and interactive for students.

How can a Physics revision site be kept updated and relevant?

A Physics revision site can be kept updated and relevant by regularly reviewing and updating the content to ensure it aligns with current curriculum and exam requirements. It can also incorporate student feedback and suggestions to continuously improve and add new materials and resources.

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