Reading a Paper From Springerlink

In summary, the site wants you to pay $45 for a single article, but if you are already a subscriber, you can ask for a copy for free.
  • #1
I'm writing an assignment for school and there is a paper on springerlink which looks like it could be of help to me, the site wants me to pay $45 for the single article but I think that for subscribers it is free.

So I was wondering if anyone who is already a subscriber is willing to let me see the paper, I'm only asking for help because I don't know for 100% if this paper will help me and it would be a waste if I bought it and I ended up not using it in my assignment and also I don't know if all scientific papers are like this but it seems a bit too much for a single paper.

I hope someone can help and I apologize if I broke any forum rules by posting this.

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  • #2
Talk to your school librarian; that's what they're there for.
  • #3
And if your school librarian can't help, chances are that at least a few colleges in your area subscribe and can provide you with access.

BTW, you should Google on the title of the paper. Springer sells access through their print journals and e-journals, but once authors have satisfied their peer-review process, Springer often encourages the authors to pre-publish on arXiv before publishing the paper in their own media. It's worth a shot...
  • #4
Actually I did talk to both my school library and my local library before I posted this and they both said that they couldn't help.
The school basically said that because it is my own research I would have to pay for any research material.

The paper is from 2002 and the only other place that I would find a link to the pdf was from the state university of new york but you need a login and I'm not even from America. I tried searching on arXiv but no luck there.

If I want to get in contact with a UK university should I just e-mail them and ask if they can share this paper with me.

Also, thanks for getting back to me so soon.
  • #5

I understand the struggle of accessing scientific papers and the cost associated with it. However, it is important to remember that these papers are the result of years of research and hard work by the authors. They also go through a rigorous peer-review process before being published, which adds to the value of the paper. Therefore, it is understandable that publishers charge a fee for access to these papers.

In this situation, I would recommend reaching out to your school or university's library to see if they have a subscription to Springerlink. Many academic institutions have subscriptions to various scientific databases, which can provide free access to their students and faculty. Alternatively, you can also try contacting the authors of the paper directly and asking for a copy. Many researchers are willing to share their work for free, especially if it can help someone in their academic pursuits.

It is also important to keep in mind that not all scientific papers will be relevant or useful for your assignment. It is always a good idea to carefully review the abstract and keywords before purchasing a paper. Additionally, there are also open access journals and databases available that offer free access to scientific papers.

In the future, I would also recommend considering the cost of accessing scientific papers when planning and budgeting for your assignments. This will help you make informed decisions about which papers to purchase and which ones to seek alternative access to.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck with your assignment. Remember, as a scientist, it is important to always respect the hard work and contributions of others in the scientific community.

Related to Reading a Paper From Springerlink

1. What is Springerlink?

Springerlink is an online database that provides access to scientific and scholarly research articles from various fields, including natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. It is one of the largest databases in the world, containing over 50 million documents.

2. How do I access a paper from Springerlink?

To access a paper from Springerlink, you can either search for the paper by title, author, or keywords on the website, or you can access it through your institution's library if they have a subscription to Springerlink. Some papers may also be available for free on the website.

3. Can I trust the information in papers from Springerlink?

Springerlink is a reputable and well-respected database that only publishes peer-reviewed articles from reputable journals and publishers. However, as with any source of information, it is always important to critically evaluate the information and check for any potential biases or conflicts of interest.

4. How can I cite a paper from Springerlink?

To cite a paper from Springerlink, you can use the citation information provided on the article page, which typically includes the author(s), title, journal or book title, publication date, and the doi (digital object identifier). You can also use citation management tools such as EndNote or Zotero to generate citations.

5. Can I download papers from Springerlink?

Some papers on Springerlink may be available for free download, while others may require a subscription or one-time purchase. If your institution has a subscription, you may be able to download papers through their library portal. Otherwise, you can purchase individual papers or access them through a pay-per-view option.

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