Questioning the Value of Public Reading

In summary, the conversation revolves around the use of portable devices, such as iPods and Pocket PCs, in public places. Some believe that people use these devices to show off their wealth or intelligence, while others argue that it is simply a way to pass time during a commute. There is also a discussion about the safety concerns of using these devices in certain areas.
  • #1
Sorry for this little rant,
If the iPod ear bud wires were black would there be so many people walking around and just showing off.
Another thing is,how many of you can read book in bus or subway and learn and remember anything,I can't.Some people of course like to to read on public transit (no problem) but many folks I guess pretend to read book just to show that they are more educated,intelligent in comparisson to the masses(snobism)
Physics news on
  • #2
Nope.It's a way of spending time.You're in a gd train.For 3 hours,no TV,no music (assuming you haven't anything portable),no sports,or a friend to talk to,no net (no PF :-p)...You got to spend that time somehow...

As for bus or subway,depends on how long the ride is:if it's short,then u have a snob,if not,then you have a smart guy.

  • #3
I've got an iPod, but always use cheap black earphones with it in public so that I don't get mugged. If it were up to me, the earphones would be invisible.
  • #4
I use my Pocket PC. :biggrin:

I'd probably do homework on a transit ride any longer than 30 minutes. You might as well be efficient.

Would cracking open a textbook make me a snob?
  • #5
spender said:
Sorry for this little rant,
If the iPod ear bud wires were black would there be so many people walking around and just showing off.
Another thing is,how many of you can read book in bus or subway and learn and remember anything,I can't.Some people of course like to to read on public transit (no problem) but many folks I guess pretend to read book just to show that they are more educated,intelligent in comparisson to the masses(snobism)
What the heck else is there to do but read? And why is it any different than reading on a park bench or anywhere else in public?

I used to do that every day when I worked about 15+ miles out on the prairie. It's a pretty drive once in a while. To do it every day just runs up an incredible amount of miles on your car - I ran up 25,000 miles the first year I worked out there. I'd park at the base and ride the bus while reading the paper and drinking my coffee.
  • #6
I listen to music on the bus but I don't read unless it is a long journey. I did have a physics book in my hand once but that was because it wouldn't fit in my bag and I was trying to hide it so people didn't think I was a nerd or so.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #7
Hell yeah! I usually pull out my 20lb phyiscs book, nice laptop, ipod, palm pilot, everything.

Actually I do not pull anything out during a short (less than 1hr) bus ride. Maybe a newspaper, but usually the bums and/or drunks keep me entertained.
  • #8
The problem is I don't need to think about my image, I have actually been told off by my friends for ruining their images.

I mean come on. What does it matter to them?

I dunno

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #9
I don't see what the issue is? It's showing off to listen to your iPod? I thought the whole point is for it to be portable so you can listen to music while walking around. As for reading on the bus or train, of course. If I have a bus or train (or plane) ride somewhere, I always have a book or two with me. That's not showing off, that's killing time, not to mention keeping you out of trouble for looking at the wrong person.
  • #10
Moonbear said:
I don't see what the issue is? It's showing off to listen to your iPod? I thought the whole point is for it to be portable so you can listen to music while walking around. As for reading on the bus or train, of course. If I have a bus or train (or plane) ride somewhere, I always have a book or two with me. That's not showing off, that's killing time, not to mention keeping you out of trouble for looking at the wrong person.
Finally. Someone who is on the level.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #11
Why can't orthodontists bring back that hoop of stainless steel wire that runs around the front of your face? I think that would be a great accessory to go with my hearing aid and my thick bifocals.
  • #12
spender said:
Sorry for this little rant,
If the iPod ear bud wires were black would there be so many people walking around and just showing off.
Another thing is,how many of you can read book in bus or subway and learn and remember anything,I can't.Some people of course like to to read on public transit (no problem) but many folks I guess pretend to read book just to show that they are more educated,intelligent in comparisson to the masses(snobism)
Someone is being judgemental..
  • #13
I'd love to be able to get out my iPod, Pocket PC and phone when I'm travelling. Not to show off, just because then I've got them to hand and don't have to fanny about reaching into pockets and stuff. The reality is that I'd get stabbed if I flashed them about, so they stay hidden.
  • #14
brewnog said:
I'd love to be able to get out my iPod, Pocket PC and phone when I'm travelling. Not to show off, just because then I've got them to hand and don't have to fanny about reaching into pockets and stuff. The reality is that I'd get stabbed if I flashed them about, so they stay hidden.

  • #15
Why are you guys so scared to "flash" an iPod or Pocket PC?

I have never been threaten or anything because I carry mine around.

People are not just being judgemental, but paranoid as well.
  • #16
Because my student life is in Manchester, where you can't walk down the street talking on a mobile phone without it being snatched. Back home in Sheffield, I'd happily walk around with a bar of gold. But here, showing anything shiny in public is asking for a mugging. I can think of 5 or 6 of my friends who have been mugged at knifepoint in the past 18 months, and another 5 or 6 who just had things snatched.

It's not paranoia, it's common sense.
  • #17
In public, I can stand Ipods, but in schools and colleges, I can't stand students who wear their Ipods between classes, freakin' phonies...
  • #18
klusener said:
In public, I can stand Ipods, but in schools and colleges, I can't stand students who wear their Ipods between classes, freakin' phonies...

I listen to music all the time.

You guys judge alot.

It's only freaking music. What about you and you're laptops? What about you and you're constant studying?

It's only freaking music.
  • #19
most of the books I enjoy reading make me look like a snob to the people who don't understand them
  • #20
JasonRox said:
I listen to music all the time.

You guys judge alot.

It's only freaking music. What about you and you're laptops? What about you and you're constant studying?

It's only freaking music.

I agree with you on this! If someone was listening to music during class, or walking around bragging to everyone about their new iPod, that would be rude and obnoxious, but just to listen to it when you're walking between classes, that's what they are intended for. Is it jealousy that's evoking these extreme reactions? I can't think of any other reason someone would be so upset about someone else choosing to quietly listen to music.

Going back even to the original question, I don't even understand why the color of the wire or earbuds makes any difference? The whole point of earbuds was to have something smaller than the older earphones that you couldn't hide; back when I was in high school, kids used to try to wear the earphones with the band behind their neck to try to hide it under their hair so the teachers wouldn't see they were sneaking the walkmans into school (we only had walkmans back then, big clunky things compared to what you have now). Now, I'd laugh and think someone was being pretentious if they were wearing the earbuds and didn't have them plugged into anything, you know, just using them as accessories or something...LOL.
  • #21
tribdog said:
most of the books I enjoy reading make me look like a snob to the people who don't understand them

It's not being a snob to read what you enjoy. It's being a snob to judge someone else for reading what they enjoy.
  • #22
dextercioby said:
As for bus or subway,depends on how long the ride is:if it's short,then u have a snob,if not,then you have a smart guy.

Why would reading a book out for a short ride make you a snob? I often pull a book or paper out of my pack if I've got to wait for just about anything. I also sometimes read while I walk. I would never have imagined that this might come off as snobbery. Actually I never imagined anyone would even notice or care.

Moonber-the white earbuds are supposed to mark you as an ipod owner, thus making you cool. Or so I hear. Also, the ads with the cool black silhouettes having fun with their ipods are supposed to make you feel inadequate and dull for not owning one.
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  • #23
shmoe said:
Moonber-the white earbuds are supposed to mark you as an ipod owner, thus making you cool. Or so I hear. Also, the adds with the cool black silhouettes having fun with their ipods are supposed to make you feel inadequate and dull for not owning one.

But that's just the color they come with, isn't it? It's not like you go out and pay extra for white earbuds to show off, right? Am I a snob for having silver earbuds that match my laptop? I just thought it was cute that they matched when I was looking for a set so I could use my laptop without bothering people with the sound on flights (so I could watch DVDs). Sheesh. :rolleyes:
  • #24
spender said:
Sorry for this little rant,
If the iPod ear bud wires were black would there be so many people walking around and just showing off.
Another thing is,how many of you can read book in bus or subway and learn and remember anything,I can't.Some people of course like to to read on public transit (no problem) but many folks I guess pretend to read book just to show that they are more educated,intelligent in comparisson to the masses(snobism)

It's not that people want to show off their Ipods, although that may be second or third on the list. But more for a practical purpose, since Ipods come with white earphones I don't see any reason why I would spend another $20-60 dollars for a decent Sony earphone.

That depends on the book one is reading, if it's Newton's Principia then it's most likely to be a poser :biggrin:
  • #25
Moonbear said:
But that's just the color they come with, isn't it? It's not like you go out and pay extra for white earbuds to show off, right?

No extra dough, but you payed plenty for the ipod. ipods are supposed to be the mp3 version of a sexy sports car, the white buds to show the world you've got one (any other mp3 players with such a distinctive headphone that you can think of?). I know there are people who spend extra to get an ipod so they can look cool. I'm also sure there are people who buy ipods because they're handy gadgets and couldn't care less about buying a status symbol. Just to be clear, I'm not someone who thinks to myself "snob" or anything disparaging whenever I see someone with an ipod. I really don't care much what other people are doing, as long as it's quiet. :smile:
  • #26
Hmm, go figure. I thought people got iPods if they owned Macs because they're easy to use with iTunes, and if you owned a PC, you got some other MP3 player because you don't need one compatible with a Mac, and there are plenty to choose whatever one you like best. I had no idea they were a status symbol. I don't think I've ever paid any attention to what MP3 player came with what color earbuds to know only iPods had white ones. If people want to spend extra money on something just to look cool and not because it has the features that are most important to them, well, then I guess those who have money left in their pockets for other uses get the last laugh.

This reminds me of one Christmas back when I still lived home and one of my step-sisters was living with us. Our parents gave us cash for Christmas and let us go to the mall and buy whatever we wanted with that amount, and then they wrapped it up and put it under the tree (yeah, our parents are weird that way). My step-sister is one of those people who is really label conscious, so she got a grand total of two items, a designer label shirt and a designer label pair of jeans. My sister and I each came home with bags and bags of stuff (and felt really guilty about spending so much all at once). I think our step-sister ended up being the one who was jealous after that, realizing she was only getting two presents when we had a whole pile of them under the tree. :biggrin:
  • #27
I run iTunes on my PC for my iPod...

I know people who have crappy old Walkmans, (Walkmen?) and have gone out to buy white earphones in order to make people think they have an iPod. However, most people round here who do have an iPod go out and buy crappy nondescript black earphones to use with their iPods, for the reasons mentioned earlier. I've thrown away the white earbuds which came with my iPod.
  • #28
Moonbear said:
Hmm, go figure. I thought people got iPods if they owned Macs because they're easy to use with iTunes, and if you owned a PC, you got some other MP3 player because you don't need one compatible with a Mac, and there are plenty to choose whatever one you like best. I had no idea they were a status symbol. I don't think I've ever paid any attention to what MP3 player came with what color earbuds to know only iPods had white ones. If people want to spend extra money on something just to look cool and not because it has the features that are most important to them, well, then I guess those who have money left in their pockets for other uses get the last laugh.

This reminds me of one Christmas back when I still lived home and one of my step-sisters was living with us. Our parents gave us cash for Christmas and let us go to the mall and buy whatever we wanted with that amount, and then they wrapped it up and put it under the tree (yeah, our parents are weird that way). My step-sister is one of those people who is really label conscious, so she got a grand total of two items, a designer label shirt and a designer label pair of jeans. My sister and I each came home with bags and bags of stuff (and felt really guilty about spending so much all at once). I think our step-sister ended up being the one who was jealous after that, realizing she was only getting two presents when we had a whole pile of them under the tree. :biggrin:

I've never thought of relating white ear phones to an iPod until I read this thread.

You guys think about your image just as much as the other so called "snobs". For god sakes, you think of their image. It sounds like your mad because their image might be higher than yours while only buying an iPod, and your left behind because your stuck with an mp3 player from Wal-Mart.

Good god. These things never crossed my mind at all.

Note: These are comments are not towards Moonbear. You know who they're aimed at.
  • #29
JasonRox said:
Note: These are comments are not towards Moonbear. You know who they're aimed at.

Then who are they aimed at?
  • #30
The_Professional said:
That depends on the book one is reading, if it's Newton's Principia then it's most likely to be a poser :biggrin:

Or a St. John's student.
  • #31
brewnog said:
Then who are they aimed at?

Those who knew that iPod users have white earbuds, and paid enough attention to who was wearing them to get annoyed about it. :rolleyes:

We call them busy bodies where I come from, people who always need to know what everyone else is doing and worried about who's keeping up with whom, be it who wears white earbuds or wears the latest in fashion or what book they're reading on the bus or just bought a new car, or whose kids go to what school, or what grades everyone else got, etc. Some of us are content to be oblivious to these things.
  • #32
There was a list in New York magazine (I think) about hated New Yorkers and one of the items was a rant against "iSnobs". I can't seem to find the original article, but here's a site with a bit more detail:
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  • #33
LOL! The power of advertising. How do you know they are wearing them as the "top layer" of clothing to show off and not just because they were too lazy to feed the wires under their clothing, or just found that to be uncomfortable. The only time I bother to run headphone (or earbud) wires under my clothing is when I'm out doing yard work and don't want to catch the wires on something. Otherwise, the player is in my pocket and the earphones get to my ears whatever way is the most direct route. And I just have some cheap, no name CD player that skips if I move too much...hardly something I'm trying to show off. LOL. I think some people need better things to worry about than who is wearing white earbuds. I just find this so funny that people think one brand of MP3 player is so special they get upset if other people have it and they don't. But, hey, who knew the color of your earbuds was so important. Maybe there's a whole market out there now for color-coordinated earbuds, lol! I'm going to sell them in every color of the rainbow so you can properly accessorize any outfit you're wearing. Nobody should be without the full set of colors, and if you dare wear a color that clashes, you should be immediately stoned by the fashion police. :smile:
  • #34
It is kind of dumb and irrational. But honestly, I do feel some of the hate. Don't ask me to explain why.
  • #35
Moonbear said:
Those who knew that iPod users have white earbuds, ...

I found it hard not to know this, from the ipod ads and my weekly browse through gadget store flyers. Apple has done a good job of making their products distinct. If I had to guess I'd say 90% of computers in the background of tv shows or movies were imacs or ibooks. This is probably because they are so bright and colorfull that they stand out in my memory and I don't notice a black dell that blends in with the background. That or apple has taken over hollywood.

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