Please help me, not confident about my appeal letter for academic admission

In summary, the individual is writing an appeal letter to request re-admission to UMSL after being placed on academic suspension due to a low grade point average. They acknowledge their past failures and the distractions they faced, but express a strong determination to overcome any challenges and succeed in their academic endeavors. They highlight their interest in the university's early childhood education program and their goals to graduate, become an elementary teacher, and open their own daycare business. The individual also mentions steps they have taken to prepare for their academic success, such as enrolling their children in an early childhood program and planning to utilize resources like tutoring and the university's library. However, it is suggested that the individual provide additional evidence of their preparedness for re-admission,
  • #1
To whom it may concern,

[STRIKE][/STRIKE] My name is xxxx xxxx and I am writing this appeal letter in hopes to overturn my academic denial decision. Unfortunately my performance in the past with the university was not impressive. I was placed on academic suspension because of a low grade point average. I was disappointed in myself for allowing my grades to suffer significantly. I was in good standing when I transferred to UMSL but I left with a poor standing. During the school year of 2009-10’ I was faced with some hardships and I was struggling with trying to adapt to work, school and becoming a new mother. It is not an excuse for my past failures but those were some factors that lead to me becoming distracted to the point to where I was completely off track in my academics. I will not allow anything or anyone to discourage me or hold me back. I do understand that in life you will face difficulties and I am equipped with enough knowledge, maturity and determination to overcome any challenge. My past experiences have become my best teacher in which I can now use them to my advantage.

It would give me great pleasure to be accepted into the university and continue my higher learning under the campuses leading early childhood education program. UMSL’s early childhood program gives students the tools to handle children from birth to grade three, which most universities do not allow an expansion after kindergarten. With the future plans that I have this program would be a good fit for me. My goals consist of first becoming a Triton alumnus by graduating with my bachelor’s degree in early childhood education. Secondly, I would like to begin my career as an elementary teacher in an astonishing school district. Third, I want to satisfy my entrepreneur spirit by opening up my own business as a daycare provider; as a single mother I understand the importance of needing help in order to balance family and work. I have dreams that I will accomplish and I know that UMSL will successfully prepare me for my upcoming endeavors. UMSL can be the stepping stone and the first brick to a firm foundation for me to give back to my community. I can turn out to be a good representation of the university and an example of what the university can offer others. I firmly believe that only UMSL can prepare me for my future achievements now that I have a clear path.

I have taken the first steps by enrolling my children into an early childhood program. I’ve informed my family and friends that I will need their support by keeping my children on days when I need additional study time. I plan on participating more in the classroom during instruction and after class hours I want to build rapport with my professors by scheduling office appointments. If there are moments when I need extra help I will seek tutoring, extra credit, study partner or other helpful resources. I will build networks with the classroom among my classmates; in order attain any knowledge that can help me fill in any gaps. I am a good note taker so I will review my notes frequently. I will utilize the universities library I’ve found that place to be most helpful. I will take no more breaks until I am finished with my academic degree. If you will reconsider I guarantee I will not lose focus even when I’m faced with difficulties. This is not acceptable to me and if given a chance to prove myself I am sure I can show my great potential. My father instilled in me as a child the importance of education and I too will pass this value onto my children. I’m not just doing this for myself but also for my kids and what better way to teach them than by exhibiting my degree as an example. With my degree I can have a career that permits me to give my children a better life. I will be a great role model for my children and my future students. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to review my letter.[STRIKE][/STRIKE]

Thank You,
xxxx xxxx​
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  • #2
Your letter looks good to me. Best of luck!
  • #3
I see letters like this all the time- it's very 'average'. That said, re-admitting students is significantly more satisfying than dismissing students, and when we discuss applications, we are happy to see someone who has grown and matured and is truly ready to make academics a priority.

You should provide:
1) A letter from the academic advising center (or equivalent) that supports your re-admission.
2) A letter from your academic advisor spelling out clear goals designed to help you avoid being 'distracted' (i.e. course load, tutoring sessions, regular meetings w/ advisor, etc)
3) Evidence that you can meet academic standards: have you enrolled at a community college? We require dismissed students to take at least 24 credit-hours of classes elsewhere prior to re-admission.
4) What have you been doing from 2010-now? (I gather you were dismissed in 2010)- what have you done to demonstrate your preparedness?
5) This is my opinion, but I don't like the tone of your letter- it comes off as immature. For example,"Unfortunately my performance in the past..." "It would give me great pleasure to be accepted...", "I have dreams that I will accomplish..", "I can turn out to be a good representation of the university...", etc. Far better (IMO) to stick to the facts- you were dismissed for poor performance. How did you respond (actions, not emotions) to that? You want to be readmitted to UMSL- why that particular institution, when there are many alternatives?

What has changed since you were dismissed? You must make the case that you are going to make academics a priority, and provide evidence. Otherwise, I hear your letter say only "I'm sorry, give me another chance, please?"

Good luck!

Related to Please help me, not confident about my appeal letter for academic admission

What is an appeal letter for academic admission?

An appeal letter for academic admission is a written request to reconsider a decision made by a university or college regarding an individual's admission. It is typically written by a student who has been denied admission and wants to state their case for why they should be admitted.

What should be included in an appeal letter for academic admission?

An appeal letter should include a clear explanation of why the student believes they should be admitted, any relevant information or circumstances that were not previously considered, and any additional evidence or documentation to support their case. It should also be written in a professional and respectful tone.

How do I make my appeal letter stand out?

To make your appeal letter stand out, it is important to be specific and provide concrete examples to support your arguments. You should also be honest and genuine in your writing, and avoid making any false claims or exaggerations. Additionally, proofreading for grammar and spelling errors can make a big difference in the overall presentation of your letter.

Is there a specific format for an appeal letter for academic admission?

While there is no set format for an appeal letter, it is important to follow any guidelines provided by the university or college. Generally, the letter should be typed and formatted in a professional manner, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. It is also recommended to address the letter to a specific person or department.

What are the chances of a successful appeal?

The chances of a successful appeal vary depending on the individual circumstances and the policies of the university or college. However, providing a strong and convincing argument, along with any new or relevant information, can increase the chances of a successful appeal. It is important to keep in mind that the final decision ultimately lies with the institution and there is no guarantee of a positive outcome.

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