Planck's Length and the Quantum Theory of Gravity

In summary, a Quantum Theory of Gravity could help to explain what is going on within the Planck Length, but it is not yet clear whether or not it will be the fully correct theory. We expect that our first experimentally-verified theory of quantum gravity will be one that also isn't fully correct, just a better approximation to reality than we have today.
  • #1
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Will a Quantum Theory of Gravity help to explain what is going on within the Planck Length? Or what may have went on in the first 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang? Will it credit or discredit the extra dimensions of Space-Time per String/M-Theory? Or do the Heisenberg and Quantum Uncertainty Principles forever preclude us from obtaining knowledge at such minute scales?
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  • #2
PhanthomJay said:
Will a Quantum Theory of Gravity help to explain what is going on within the Planck Length? Or what may have went on in the first 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang? Will it credit or discredit the extra dimensions of Space-Time per String/M-Theory? Or do the Heisenberg and Quantum Uncertainty Principles forever preclude us from obtaining knowledge at such minute scales?
It's difficult to say what we will find out with future theories of physics, however the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle in no way precludes us from describing nature at all scales. The uncertainty principle is a relationship that prevents us from obtaining simultaneous measurements of different variables perfectly. It is, in a way, a manifestation of the fact that whenever you perform a measurement of a system, you must interact that system with another, and that interaction in turn changes the system.

However, you can still perfectly describe, in principle, the behavior of the system being measured, the interaction used in measurement, and the possible measurements a person might make.

Given all of this, we expect that a full and complete theory of gravity must describe gravity at all scales, including below the Planck length. Because the number of dimensions has an effect on gravity's behavior, it must also fully describe the total number of dimensions, and the way in which we fail to observe any beyond the 3+1 that we see. However, it is not yet clear whether or not our first experimentally-verified theory of quantum gravity will be the fully correct one. It would be neat, I suppose, if it were, but this basically never happens in physics: physics is a process of ever improving approximations to the real behavior of reality. Given past history, then, it stands to reason that our first experimentally-verified theory of quantum gravity will be one that also isn't fully correct, just a better approximation to reality than we have today. But since we don't yet have that theory in front of us, let alone any indication as to where it may break down, we just can't say at the current time how much this theory will or will not say, other than it must accord with current experiment.
  • #3
Chalnoth, thank you very much for the reponse. I consider you (and others) in this forum amongst the most knowledgeable in the business. 'Wiki' tells me nothing understandable. Thanks!

Related to Planck's Length and the Quantum Theory of Gravity

1. What is Planck's Length and why is it significant in the Quantum Theory of Gravity?

Planck's Length is the smallest possible length that can exist in the universe, approximately 1.6 x 10^-35 meters. It is significant in the Quantum Theory of Gravity because it represents the scale at which the effects of gravity and quantum mechanics become equally important, and traditional theories of gravity break down.

2. How was Planck's Length discovered?

Planck's Length was first proposed by German physicist Max Planck in 1899 as a fundamental unit of length derived from fundamental physical constants such as the speed of light, the gravitational constant, and the Planck constant. It was later confirmed by modern theories of quantum gravity.

3. Can we observe or measure Planck's Length?

No, due to its incredibly small size, Planck's Length is currently impossible to observe or measure directly. However, scientists can indirectly test its existence and implications through experiments and observations at the scale of the Planck energy or the Planck time.

4. How does Planck's Length relate to the concept of a "quantum foam" or "space-time foam"?

The concept of a "quantum foam" or "space-time foam" suggests that at the scale of Planck's Length, space and time become "foamy" or fluctuating due to the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics. This concept is a key part of the Quantum Theory of Gravity, as it tries to reconcile the discreteness of space and time at this scale with the smooth and continuous nature of general relativity.

5. What does Planck's Length tell us about the nature of the universe?

Planck's Length indicates that at the smallest scales, the universe is not continuous but rather discrete and "grainy." This challenges our traditional understanding of space and time as continuous and leads to the development of new theories, such as loop quantum gravity and string theory, to better explain the fundamental nature of reality.

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