Photo Contest - Fire In The Sky (6/29-7/5)

In summary, Zapper is hosting a photo contest for the 4th of July with rules that include a size limit and crop requirement. Members are allowed one picture per entry. As of the 4th of July, there are still plenty of opportunities to submit photos.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Fire In The Sky

With the US Independence Day coming up on the 4th of July, what more appropriate theme to have right now than... FIREWORKS!

All your pictures must feature fireworks. It does not, however, include unexploded fireworks (i.e. pictures of fireworks in a package in some store do not count).

Contest Rules:

1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a grey area, or you're not sure if the picture is suitable, check with me first.

2. Please resize your digital photo to no more than 650 x 490 pixels. You may also crop your picture if you wish. But other than that, any form of picture editing or modification is not allowed. This is a photo contest, not a picture editing/special effect contest. You may add a watermark or your name/nickname to the photo for identification purposes.

3. Upload your photos to any of the photo servers such as imageshack. Then post it the relevant contest thread and link your picture using the img command. PM me if you do not know how.

4. Only ONE picture per member per contest.

5. At the end of the contest period, I will open a poll and every PF member can vote for the picture they like best.

6. Note that in case we have a large number of entries, I will do the polling in more than one thread. If that's the case, you can vote in each of the polling threads. The photos will be assigned in the the polling threads in the order they were submitted.

7. These pictures must be something that you took, not something taken off someone else's photo albums or taken by someone else. I have no way of checking if you did this, so we'll go by the honor system.

8. You can use a picture only once. Once it is used in a contest, it cannot be reused in another contest.

9. Please post only pictures meant for submission in this thread.

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  • #2
Luckily for me Canada Day is June 1 so I might be able to get something for this one to :)
  • #3
scorpa said:
Luckily for me Canada Day is June 1 so I might be able to get something for this one to :)

July 1st! :devil:
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  • #4
Actually quite a few Americans around here celebrate Canada Day by mistake, since they set off their explosives for the whole week surrounding Independence day. Very immature adults. In my county they sell fireworks at gas stations. :rolleyes:
  • #5
Rach3 said:
July 1st! :devil:

Haha whoops bit of a stupid typo there :redface:
  • #6
Cool. I have some fireworks photos saved on my other computer from when I attended the international fireworks competition in Vancouver, BC a couple years ago. It was still my old, slow digital camera, so I had a hard time timing the really good shots, but I got a few that are worth sharing. I just hope I still have the unedited originals for this (I might have done some adjusting for brightness and contrast to bring out the fireworks better when showing them to friends).
  • #7
Wow! Is this the longest we have gone for a photo contest without even a single picture?


  • #8
ZapperZ said:
Wow! Is this the longest we have gone for a photo contest without even a single picture?



I don't have anything with fireworks...I do have a lot of mountain photos.
  • #9
Yep got nothing I'm afraid dude, it'll have to be a week off the old compo for me unless I can find any firework shows this week (unlikely!).
  • #10
I'll have pics on the fourth :\
  • #11
Hey Zapper, since fireworks are usually on july 4th at night, and many people will go out, and do pictures, or parties, for sake of convenience, would you be willing to extend the final day to july 6th?, just to give people some time, to choose good pictures, and then best out of good.
  • #12
You have all of the 5th to pick out the best pictures, so I think there's plenty of time. I'm going to play it by ear and see how many we get by the end of the 5th.

  • #13
I don't expect to get any new ones this year (can't imagine there would be any really spectacular fireworks displays nearby), but just in case I'm wrong, I'm holding off until the 4th or 5th to post my entry. Others will probably be doing the same since you can't just run out and photograph fireworks any time.
  • #14
This set of instruction is rather timely.

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  • #15
Do sparklers count as fireworks for this contest or do they actually have to be in the sky fireworks?
  • #16
Sparklers do not count.

  • #17
OK I missed out on the fireworks yesterday so I got nothing for this one :(
  • #18
It's relatively easy to manage, just go back in time and do some pictures, I lend you my time machine.
  • #19
Apparently the town had fireworks tonight. I missed them (I was going to go see them with a couple of friends, but I was working all day and too tired, so was relieved when I found a message from them on my phone saying they were too tired/lazy to go out tonight). So, I guess I'll be digging through the old saved pictures.
  • #20
It's raining here, all day today. That will likely mess up any plans I have to see the fireworks :frown:
  • #21
I'm off to see if I can dig up some of my Epcot photographs of the Festival of Light, that is unless Zz beats me to it :biggrin:
  • #22
Tsu has some nice shots from the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. She will post one later.
  • #23
Oy vey... Looks like *I* will be the first one to submit a picture here.

Since practically all of my fireworks pictures were taking at Disney World, this will be one of them.

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  • #24
Well, we knew you'd have a Disney picture for this one. :biggrin:
  • #25
ZZ, you should be banned for submitting too beautiful pictures for every contest.
  • #26
heartless said:
ZZ, you should be banned for submitting too beautiful pictures for every contest.

No, I shouldn't. If you check the winners list, I don't even make it to that even once. <sobbing>

  • #27
ZapperZ said:
Oy vey... Looks like *I* will be the first one to submit a picture here.

Since practically all of my fireworks pictures were taking at Disney World, this will be one of them.

I knew you had one up your sleeve!
That is beautiful!
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  • #28
Yeah, I'm not even sure it's worth posting my picture now. It'll look absolutely pathetic by comparison. :frown:
  • #29
Okay, here's my humble offering. The fireworks were far more spectacular than my photography.
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  • #30
In keeping with Zapper's "fireworks" theme this week, I think we need a "baby skunks" theme next week. That seems pretty balanced to me. :biggrin:
  • #31
A reminder that you have a bit more than one day left to post a picture for this contest. So far, we have only two photos.

  • #32
We had some fireworks here last night - but not very impressive compared to the last few years. Budget cuts all round, it appears. I took my camera with me but it was terribly crowded (about a million people packed into a tiny park). I was late, and had to settle for a poor spot on the rocks by the river - no place to set up a tripod. I didn't get any good shots. :frown:

But my internet's down at home until tomorrow (tomorrow if I'm lucky).
  • #33
Ivan Seeking said:
In keeping with Zapper's "fireworks" theme this week, I think we need a "baby skunks" theme next week. That seems pretty balanced to me. :biggrin:
I might be able to participate in "Wild Animals that Wandered into Your Home" week. :smile:
  • #34
ZapperZ said:
So far, we have only two photos.

Well, at least one of us has to win that way. :biggrin: It might be the best chance I have of coming in second. :smile:
  • #35
Math Is Hard said:
I might be able to participate in "Wild Animals that Wandered into Your Home" week. :smile:

Great idea MIH. I'd be able to contribute if "Wild animals and how I wandered into their home" would be allowed as well. :smile:

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