Noob question re Python on Windows PC

In summary, Sandra recommends installing Python and using the "IDLE" IDE to edit and run code before getting involved in forums or deeper programming.
  • #1

I want to start learning Python and am a little nervous about installing it (from and running it on my main Windows Vista PC. I have scary memories from previous programming experience over 20 years ago of it being possible to corrupt important files or bits of memory by careless noob programming. Is this still true?

Any advice appreciated.
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  • #2
I've not heard of any adverse effects of installing python, but nothing is certain. FWIW I'm crazy about python and have installed it on a lot of computers with no problem. (I'm a C++ programmer from way back). I use Eclipse with PyDev for my IDE. A very simple "IDE" comes with python, called 'IDLE', but I never liked it much. However, I recommend simply text-editing your python source code for while and running it from the command line before you jump into installing Eclipse and then PyDev. I use Python 3.2. Pretty much all libraries work on it now. It comes with a rich set of libraries that let you do almost anything. (tkinter is the GUI library, for example). You might also want to install pygame so you have more media functions. I can't remember which of these the installer neglects to do, so you might want to do one of them: add python.exe to the PATH, or associate *.py and *.pyc files with python. You'll probably want to get involved in, as well.

EDIT: BTW the license is VERY lenient. You can embed it in your C++ program. You can also redistribute python and make your installer install it and pygame (I had to do that recently)
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  • #3
Unless you are doing something seriously wrong (namely opening system files intentionally or writing extensions in C that utilise some Win32 API functionality you do not understand), then no, a simple Python install is not going to corrupt anything.
  • #4
sdo62 said:
I have scary memories from previous programming experience over 20 years ago of it being possible to corrupt important files or bits of memory by careless noob programming. Is this still true?
As far as memory goes, it's somewhat more difficult to do this in any programming language these days -- and python will make it even more difficult to screw up.

If, for whatever reason you decide to work with files, you're unlikely to cause yourself problems unless you go looking for important files. If you're not playing with such things, then you're no more likely to get into trouble with python than you are just using windows explorer. (But if you do go looking at them, it's easier to screw up in Python than it is in windows explorer -- rather than look at the files directly, it might be better to make copies of them and move them to where you're playing with files)
  • #5

Hi Sandra,

Thank you for reaching out with your concerns about installing and running Python on your Windows PC. I can assure you that Python is a safe and reliable programming language to use on any operating system, including Windows. The Python software you download from the official website is thoroughly tested and regularly updated to ensure it is free of any bugs or security vulnerabilities.

In regards to your concerns about corrupting important files or memory, this is highly unlikely to happen with Python. Unlike some other programming languages, Python has built-in safeguards that prevent accidental overwriting or modification of system files. As long as you follow best practices when writing and running your code, you should have no issues with corrupting your system.

If you are still feeling hesitant, you can always start by using an online Python editor or IDE (integrated development environment) before installing it on your computer. This will allow you to practice and learn without the need for installation. However, I highly recommend installing Python on your PC as it will give you the full experience and access to all the features and capabilities of the language.

I hope this answers your question and eases any concerns you may have. Python is a fantastic language for beginners and professionals alike, and I'm sure you will enjoy learning and using it. If you have any further questions or need assistance with installation, there are many online resources and communities available to help. Good luck on your Python journey!

Best regards,

Related to Noob question re Python on Windows PC

1. What is Python?

Python is a popular high-level programming language that is widely used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and many other applications. It has a simple and easy-to-learn syntax, making it a great language for beginners.

2. Is Python free to use?

Yes, Python is an open-source language, which means it is completely free to use and distribute. This makes it accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget or resources.

3. Can I use Python on a Windows PC?

Yes, Python is a cross-platform language, meaning it can be used on different operating systems including Windows, Mac, and Linux. You can easily install and run Python on your Windows PC by downloading the Python installer from the official website.

4. Do I need any special software to run Python on Windows?

No, you only need to download and install the Python interpreter on your Windows PC. However, if you want to write and run Python code, you can use a code editor or integrated development environment (IDE) for a more user-friendly experience.

5. Is Python beginner-friendly?

Yes, Python is considered one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages. Its simple syntax and vast community support make it easy for beginners to learn and use. Additionally, there are many online resources and tutorials available to help beginners get started with Python.

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