Mr. Gorbachev, build up that resume

In summary, the conversation discusses unconventional ways to stand out as a potential graduate school applicant in the field of physics. Some suggestions include learning computer programming, taking technical writing and statistics classes, and getting involved with extracurricular activities related to physics. However, it is also emphasized that the most important factor is to have a genuine passion for pursuing a graduate degree in physics.
  • #1
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

I'm very interested in applying to grad school, in a yet-undecided subfield of theoretical physics. For one looking to build up a grad school resume, what can I do/learn while an undergrad (four semesters left)? I'm not looking for the stock (though still very helpful and important) answers, like letters of recommendation, research experience, killer GPA, etc, but rather: learn computer programming in (say) C. Become a president of the local student physics chapter. And so forth.

Any ideas or recommendations?

Thanks to you all in advance.
– Daniel
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  • #2
So you want unconventional advice.

Get your parents to donate 1 million dollars to a department of your choice.
  • #3
...we might have to find a backup plan, chill_factor.
  • #4
The competition in physics is fierce. The acceptance rate is extremely low and they can pick and choose applicants at will. So you have to distinguish yourself in a good way.

Learning how to program is useful for theoretical physics but it wouldn't hurt you to get the skills you really need. Taking a few technical writing classes is great for improving your communication abilities. Also, some statistics classes are probably going to be useful too, since you might find your interests changing to experiment and statistics can only hurt, never hurt, in experimental fields.
  • #5
dlivingston said:
For one looking to build up a grad school resume, what can I do/learn while an undergrad (four semesters left)?

The good/bad news is that there are no magic tricks. Just do the standard stuff.

The one thing that I would focus on is to make totally sure that you really, really, really want to go to graduate school. Read up on the wail and anguish that physics Ph.D.'s are going through and make sure that this is really what you want to do with your life.

learn computer programming in (say) C. Become a president of the local student physics chapter. And so forth.

Those are useful. They won't help you get in with graduate school, but they are still useful. One thing that I found out is that there are trade offs. I did some things as an undergraduate, that actually seriously hurt my graduate school application, but they paid off big time once I got out of graduate school, and I am deeply in debt to one particular professor that convinced me do do stuff that killed my graduate school applications.

For example, if you become president of the local physics chapter and you start a program tutoring kids in physics, this will likely *hurt* your graduate school application, since you'll be "wasting" your time on something that graduate admissions committees don't care about.

Whether they should or not is an irrelevant question, they don't, and figuring out when to do stuff because it's the "right thing to do" even if the admission committee hates you for it is something you have to figure out, because you'll run into this problem again and again.
  • #6
chill_factor said:
The competition in physics is fierce. The acceptance rate is extremely low and they can pick and choose applicants at will. So you have to distinguish yourself in a good way.

I don't think it's that bad. Graduate schools need academic serfs, and if you are willing to be a serf (and most people aren't), it's a good deal. Also, I think it probably a good idea not to get too "clever" or do anything original. You can take your credentials and then look at the outcomes for other people in the same situation, and that can give you a decent guess as to what is likely to happen.

Don't try to be different. They are looking for academic serfs. Just convince them that you'll be a happy and productive academic serf.

Learning how to program is useful for theoretical physics but it wouldn't hurt you to get the skills you really need. Taking a few technical writing classes is great for improving your communication abilities. Also, some statistics classes are probably going to be useful too, since you might find your interests changing to experiment and statistics can only hurt, never hurt, in experimental fields.

Or just buy books in Amazon.

If we are talking here about "gaming the system" I'd actually recommend that you load up on hard math and physics classes. If you get an A+ in technical writing, the graduate committee isn't going to care, so if you want to look good, it would be better to get the A (or B) in something like algebraic topology. A probability and statistics class would be useful, if you make it clear that it's a "hard core" probability/statistics class (i.e. something where they mention sigma algebras and Lebesque integration).
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  • #7
Hey twofish, I laughed very hard when I read "academic serfs". The word itself is so uncommon that I find it piquantly (but grimly) humorous in this context.

It gives me the impression that the graduate students are actually peasants from the Middle Ages. They are "tied to the land" working for a "pittance".

Pertaining to the topic, unconventional things sometimes work in undergrad but mostly not. I applied not very long ago to undergrad, and the word "unconventional" itself is risky term, because if everyone does what's unconventional, then it becomes unconventional to be conventional.

Instead try to learn more about your subject and find people who share the interest and expand your network of helpful people.


Related to Mr. Gorbachev, build up that resume

1. Why is "Mr. Gorbachev, build up that resume" a popular phrase?

"Mr. Gorbachev, build up that resume" is a popular phrase because it references former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev's famous speech in which he called for economic and political reforms that ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The phrase is often used as a metaphor for taking action and making necessary changes in one's life or career.

2. Is "Mr. Gorbachev, build up that resume" meant to be taken literally?

No, "Mr. Gorbachev, build up that resume" is not meant to be taken literally. It is a figurative expression that encourages individuals to make improvements in their professional lives, much like Gorbachev's call for reform in the Soviet Union.

3. What does "resume" refer to in the phrase "Mr. Gorbachev, build up that resume"?

In this context, "resume" refers to one's work experience, skills, and qualifications that are typically listed on a document when applying for a job. The phrase implies that one should take action to improve their resume in order to achieve their goals.

4. Does "Mr. Gorbachev, build up that resume" have any political connotations?

While the phrase does reference a political figure and a historic moment in history, it is not necessarily associated with any specific political ideology. It is more commonly used as a motivational phrase in the context of career or personal development.

5. How can one apply the message of "Mr. Gorbachev, build up that resume" in their own life?

One can apply the message of "Mr. Gorbachev, build up that resume" by identifying areas for improvement in their professional life and taking action to make necessary changes. This could include gaining new skills, seeking out new opportunities, or improving upon existing skills and experiences. The phrase serves as a reminder to continuously strive for growth and improvement in one's career.

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