Math Minor for Engineer: Choose 4 Courses for Best Results

In summary, the person is an EE student and they want to minor in math. They suggest taking extra engineering classes instead of the math minor. They think complex analysis is useful, linear algebra is a fun class, and numerical methods are very useful.
  • #1
I came into my university with lots of units (but I still can't graduate early because courses are only offered certain quarters). I can either do a math minor, or just take extra classes in my major (Materials Engineering with a specialization in electronic materials) or the EE department. Some math courses of interest to me are:

1. Linear Algebra: Techniques of proof, abstract vector spaces, linear transformations, and matrices; determinants; inner product spaces; eigenvector theory. P/NP or letter grading. Textbook: Friedberg

2. Stochastic Processes: Discrete Markov chains, continuous-time Markov chains, renewal theory. P/NP or letter grading. Textbook: Durrett, Essentials Of Stochastic Processes

3. Complex Analysis for Applications

4. Mathematical Modeling: Introduction to fundamental principles and spirit of applied mathematics. Emphasis on manner in which mathematical models are constructed for physical problems. Illustrations from many fields of endeavor, such as physical sciences, biology, economics, and traffic dynamics. Textbook: Haberman, Mathematical Models

5. Software Techniques for Scientific Computation

6. Applied Numerical Methods (Two quarter sequence, but I can just do one.)

7. Optimiazation

Which of these math classes would be most useful (I need 4 more for the minor, and I have to take linear algebra since it is a prereq for all those other math classes)? Or should I just take extra engineering classes and not do the math minor? By the way, if it matters, I want to go to graduate school in materials science.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Hmm I don't know for an EE, besides complex analysis. Every EE I've met says it's pretty useful.

For us transportation engineers, stochastic process is extremely useful.
  • #3
I'm actually in materials engineering, not EE, but I will be taking semiconductor physics courses, so I'm not sure how useful complex analysis is. I will probably take PDE, too (I forgot to add that onto my list).
  • #4
Linear algebra is a fun class, good to know stuff... basic, but powerful. Expands mental horizons.

You'd probably like Math Modeling, Numerical Analysis, and Scientific Computing. If you ever end up doing work with computers (almost certain, I would guess, but then again who am I to say) this stuff might prove useful. Depending on your interest level, they could be stimulating as well.

Finally, Complex Analysis would be good to have if you're doing physics related stuff, which you are.

I would say that Optimization and Stochastic Processes wouldn't be of as much use to you. Then again, what do I know?
  • #5
I'm an EE student, and Linear Algebra is actually a required course for EE majors at my school (UMass) - in addition to Calculus I/II, Multi, and DiffEQ.

Some of it was way up in the clouds, but I did enjoy the examples that pertained to control system theory (my interest).

Finishing up with DiffEQ right now, I already plan to buy a text on PDE's given the immensity of usefulness I've found in what I've learned in DiffEQ thus far.
  • #6
I'd vote for numerical methods, simply because real world engineering problems don't have neat closed form solutions.
  • #7
Linear algebra should be a requirement for your engineering program. If it is not, then you need to take it regardless.

After that, numerical methods will probably be the most useful. 90% of the problems you will probably face will be highly non-linear and can only be solved numerically.

Since your going into materials I would probably then take the optimization class next. The one I took was basically calc 3 and numerical methods with a twist. But its a good refresher and you will probably learn applications of different methods you never thought possible.
  • #8
Tom Mattson said:
I'd vote for numerical methods, simply because real world engineering problems don't have neat closed form solutions.

True, but then we have computers to integrate numerically for us.
  • #9
"True, but then we have computers to integrate numerically for us. "

But you have to tell the computer how... that's the point, no?
  • #10
Yeah exactly. I've taught a number of engineers who don't think they need to learn the really hard math. It's astonishing. They think the computer will do it for them. I tell them that somebody gets paid big bucks to write that kind of software, and if you don't learn the math that somebody won't be you. I don't know if it convinces them or not, but that always ends the discussion.

Related to Math Minor for Engineer: Choose 4 Courses for Best Results

What is a math minor for engineers?

A math minor for engineers is a set of courses in mathematics that is typically taken in addition to the required coursework for an engineering major. It provides students with a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications in engineering.

Why should engineers consider a math minor?

A math minor can benefit engineers in several ways. It can help them develop analytical and problem-solving skills, which are essential in the field of engineering. It can also make them more competitive in the job market, as many employers value a strong foundation in mathematics.

What are the best courses to take for a math minor as an engineer?

The best courses for a math minor for engineers are typically those that cover topics such as calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and statistics. These courses provide a solid foundation in mathematics and have direct applications in various fields of engineering.

How can a math minor enhance an engineer's career?

A math minor can enhance an engineer's career by providing them with a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts used in engineering. It can also open up opportunities for them to work in specialized areas of engineering, such as optimization, modeling, and data analysis.

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