Math Chemistry: Can an Undergrad Research?

In summary, there is a field known as mathematical chemistry which is an extension of physics dealing with chemical problems. It involves the mathematically-intensive areas of chemistry such as physical chemistry, chemical physics, theoretical chemistry, computational chemistry, and quantum chemistry. This field is small and there are few groups or departments dedicated to it. While an undergraduate can potentially participate in research in this area, graduate school is usually necessary. Mathematical chemistry utilizes concepts from graph theory, algebra, and topology, and is not limited to just chemistry or physics. The distinction between chemistry and physics in this field may not be very meaningful.
  • #1
I'm not a chemist, but I was wondering there are any promising fields in mathematical chemistry. Not necessarily chemical engineering/physics-wise, more so to do with molecular structure, topology, etc. Is there any chance an undergrad would be able to participate in this area of research? Or is it too dried up already/taken over by computational chemistry? Is this area more of a physicist's job? How far can an undergrad who hasn't even gone into graduate analysis go into the field?
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  • #2
There's a field known as 'mathematical chemistry', they even have a". But there are few groups or departments dedicated to the subject, and few who would label themselves a 'mathematical chemist' or similar.

What you have, is the mathematically-intensive areas of chemistry, which are: Physical chemistry, chemical physics, theoretical chemistry, computational chemistry in general and quantum chemistry in particular. (These aren't very distinct fields) In general, the more mathematical areas are also more physical, and so you have to learn physics, which doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a physicist. These fields have people from both backgrounds. So if you want to go into these areas, you should study math, physics, phys-chem etc.

As for research, grad school is more or less obligatory in any scientific field, there's no getting around that, really. Which doesn't mean you can't contribute at all; many universities have programs where undergrads get to assist in research. If yours doesn't, you could take the initiative and simply ask if they have some suitable small thing you could do as a project. Although the main problem isn't really finding a task - a good researcher should have more ideas than he has time. The main problem is whether they'd have to spend more time supervising/tutoring than it would've taken them to solve it themselves. (OTOH, that could possibly be delegated to a grad student)
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  • #3
From my experience, mathematical chemistry is a very small area. Like axlm, has already stated chemistry and its sub-disciplines (physical chemistry, chemical physics, theoretical chemistry,... ) are an extension of physics dealing with chemical problems.

There are several books on major topics in mathematical chemistry which deals primarily with super algebras, group theory (lie groups, point group, SU(n)), topology, and applications of differential geometry. One of the most heavily researched areas in mathematical chemistry is graph theory.


(I would not recommend this book.) It states that an introduction to quantum mechanics is all that is needed, but gives no introduction on inner product spaces (Hilbert space), special functions beyond those in quantum mechanics, and requires a solid foundation in linear algebra beyond a single semester. It's just sitting on my shelf collecting dust:

graph theory (there are many books on the subject):

However, physical chemist, chemical physicist, theoretical chemistry, and so forth just utilize or extend what has already been researched in physics into chemical dynamics.
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  • #4
czelaya said:
However, physical chemist, chemical physicist, theoretical chemistry, and so forth just utilize or extend what has already been researched in physics into chemical dynamics.

Well, I'm not sure I'd say that, though. If it was a matter of 'just utilizing' physics, then every applied physics field would end up in that category as well. I don't think the distinction between chemistry and physics is very meaningful here. Obviously a person who's say, developing DFT methods in Quantum Chemistry is not doing anything fundamentally different from a person developing DFT methods for Solid-State Physics, and have much more in common with each other than the solid-state guy does to an astrophysicist, or the quantum chemist to an organic chemist.

Pople got the Nobel in Chemistry (and Wikipedia calls him a 'theoretical chemist'), but regarded himself as a mathematician. He shared it with Kohn, who's labelled a 'theoretical physicist'. The banner of theoretical/quantum chemistry really spans the whole spectrum from actual theories-about-chemistry to theoretical physics to numerical analysis.

I myself do QC and work for a chemistry department now, but my PhD says 'chemical physics' and my advisor's degree said 'theoretical physics', even though we're doing the same stuff. IMO you really have to look closely at what a particular person's research is before deciding if it's more 'physics' or more 'chemistry' or even 'math'. It's not necessarily very meaningful, though. I know a number of cases where the departmental affiliation of a professor in the field ended up having more to do with university politics than with his research. Which I suppose is an upside to the field: Not getting along with the chemistry faculty? Go join physics. Or vice-versa.
  • #5

I can say that there is definitely potential for undergraduates to participate in research in the field of mathematical chemistry. While computational chemistry has certainly had a significant impact on the field, there are still many areas that require a deep understanding of mathematics and its application to chemical systems.

One promising area in mathematical chemistry is the study of molecular structure and topology. This involves using mathematical tools to analyze and predict the properties of molecules based on their structure and arrangement of atoms. It also involves studying the relationships between different chemical structures and how they affect the behavior of molecules.

While this field may seem more closely related to physics, there are many opportunities for collaboration between chemists and physicists in this area. In fact, interdisciplinary research is becoming increasingly important in many scientific fields, including chemistry.

As for the level of involvement an undergraduate can have in this type of research, it really depends on the specific project and the individual's skills and interests. Some undergraduates may be able to participate in hands-on experiments and data analysis, while others may focus more on theoretical and mathematical aspects of the research.

It is also worth mentioning that graduate level analysis is not necessarily a prerequisite for research in mathematical chemistry. As long as an undergraduate has a strong foundation in mathematics and chemistry, they can make valuable contributions to this field.

In conclusion, there are certainly opportunities for undergraduates to participate in research in the field of mathematical chemistry. It is a rapidly growing and evolving field with plenty of room for new discoveries and contributions from young scientists. I encourage anyone interested in this area to explore it further and consider pursuing research opportunities in mathematical chemistry.

Related to Math Chemistry: Can an Undergrad Research?

1. How can I get involved in undergraduate research in math chemistry?

To get involved in undergraduate research in math chemistry, you can start by reaching out to professors or researchers at your university who specialize in this field. You can also check your university's website for any ongoing research projects and contact the faculty members leading those projects. Additionally, you can attend seminars or conferences related to math chemistry to network with other researchers and potentially find opportunities for research collaborations.

2. What skills do I need to have to participate in undergraduate research in math chemistry?

To participate in undergraduate research in math chemistry, it is helpful to have a strong foundation in mathematics and chemistry. This includes knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations, as well as basic concepts in chemistry such as atomic structure and chemical bonding. Good critical thinking and problem-solving skills are also essential for conducting research in this field.

3. Can I conduct research in math chemistry as an undergraduate student?

Yes, undergraduate students can participate in research projects in math chemistry. Many universities offer research opportunities for undergraduate students, either through independent studies or as part of a research team with a faculty member. It is important to check with your university's department of mathematics or chemistry for available research opportunities and eligibility requirements.

4. What are the potential benefits of participating in undergraduate research in math chemistry?

Participating in undergraduate research in math chemistry can provide a valuable learning experience and enhance your skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and data analysis. It can also help you develop research skills and gain hands-on experience in conducting experiments and analyzing data. Additionally, research experience can strengthen your graduate school applications and open up opportunities for future research or employment in the field.

5. What kind of research projects can I expect to work on in math chemistry as an undergraduate student?

As an undergraduate student, you may work on a variety of research projects in math chemistry, depending on your interests and the ongoing projects at your university. Some examples of research topics in this field include mathematical modeling of chemical reactions, computational chemistry, and using mathematical tools to analyze and predict chemical properties. You may also have the opportunity to collaborate with other researchers and contribute to ongoing research projects.

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