Ivan Brew up another pot of Coffee

  • Thread starter Integral
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In summary, doctors say that coffee is good for you, but new studies suggest that it may be bad for you. The original mountain dew was drinkable, but the new chemicals have ruined it.
  • #1
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  • #2
Er, those reports always change every time the wind blows. All that caffeine can't be good for you. I remember they said drink wine, no don't drink wine, yea drink wine, no drink grape juice, no don't drink gape juice drink wine. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
  • #3
Meanwhile.. I think I'll have another cup of coffee!
  • #4
I just heard that drinking gasoline cures colon cancer! Glug Glug Glug .. ;-P Coffee tastes nasty! I get my caffeine from mountain dew.
  • #5
cyrusabdollahi said:
I get my caffeine from mountain dew.

Which new studies reveal can cure cancer and AIDS!
  • #6
its bad for you

its good for you!

its bad for you!

its good for you!


Hey, smoking is good for you now too!



from webmd. Doctors, what a BS job they have. Cough, ok your fine, that will be $150 bucks please!
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  • #7
  • #8
The original Mountian Dew was drinkable, but they have ruined it with the new chemicals. Go start a Mountian Dew.. Is it still the same color? .. thread.
What do you mean coffee is nasty! This is a thread for coffee lovers so obviouly your input is spurious. :zzz:
  • #9
What do you mean coffee is nasty! This is a thread for coffee lovers so obviouly your input is spurious.

In your dreams! You just can't handle mountain dew so you have to resort to your weaker coffee! coffee just smells good. :biggrin:
  • #10
cyrusabdollahi said:
In your dreams! You just can't handle mountain dew so you have to resort to your weaker coffee! coffee just smells good. :biggrin:

According to this source, coffee contains substaintially more caffein then Mt. Dew. I tend to stronger coffee, so a single 12oz mug of my coffee is like between 3 & 4 bottles of Mt. P** I mean Dew.

I keep forgetting the implied smilies!
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  • #11
Hurray! It's no longer an addiction, it's a healthy habit!
  • #12
Man, do you get the shakes if you don't get ur hit of coffee? Thats an insane amount of caffeine. I don't drink caffeine because it lowers your creatine levels in your muscles.

P.S. The origional montain dew was from 1964! I bet you had to use a bottle opener for that! I guess things were different in the days before aluminum cans and plastic bottles. :biggrin:
  • #13
cyrusabdollahi said:
Man, do you get the shakes if you don't get ur hit of coffee? Thats an insane amount of caffeine. I don't drink caffeine because it lowers your creatine levels in your muscles.

P.S. The origional montain dew was from 1964! I bet you had to use a bottle opener for that! I guess things were different in the days before aluminum cans and plastic bottles. :biggrin:

I do not understand what you mean by not getting my hit? Why would I not start the day with a pot of coffee? Is life possible without coffee? :confused: (Black for me, none of those buffering fats and sugars, give to me straight!) One pound of whole beans lasts me about 3 weeks so I am not reallly that heavy a drinker. 3-4 cups to start the day another cup or 2 to get me through the night. (I work nights)

Yes it was 1964, I had a morning paper route, the new pop showed up in the pop machine at the local gas station. Yes, it was in green bottles, yes, it required a bottle opener, yes it was good.
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  • #14
How do you freaks drink so much of anything. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #15
Who needs caffeine? I have actually never drank any coffee. In fact, about 4 years ago I started drinking nothing but water, over those 4 years I have had maybe 6 drinks (~1 glass each) that were not water.
  • #16
I don't usually drink coffee because sometimes it makes my stomach hurt. But the last two days I drank a large coffee from starbucks because I needed help staying awake during a test. Man, I went through the day like a humming bird.
  • #17
Cafe has been verdy verdy good, to me.

Since I have a variation on type I diabetes that could change to type II anytime, I think I'll have another fine cup of coffee. :biggrin:
  • #18
cyrusabdollahi said:
Coffee tastes nasty! I get my caffeine from mountain dew.

Have fun getting fat.
  • #19
I don't know about back in the plank era or whenever all you were born:biggrin:, but I know that in todays world, Mountain Dew has to be the most disgusting band of soda out there today! Yuck
  • #20
I think it tastes good, but it has to be SO damn bad for you.
  • #21
I hate the taste as well...horrible. I really think the , to quote another poster "Mountain P***" is a much better name.
  • #22
Homer: Now what do you have to wash that awful taste out of my mouth?
Vendor: Mountain Dew or crab juice.
Homer: Blecch! Ew! Sheesh! I'll take a crab juice.


--From that World Trade Center episode of the Simpsons.
  • #23
I wished they aired that episode more. One of my favorites.
  • #24
Hahahah, Crab Juice, I remember that one. He bought meat on a stick...HAH!
  • #25
I couldn't find it. What's the caffeine content of crap juice?

Ivan, you got a pot of coffee ready?
  • #26
It's like 1000mg. Or maybee it is 1g. I can't remember.
  • #27
mattmns said:
Who needs caffeine? I have actually never drank any coffee. In fact, about 4 years ago I started drinking nothing but water, over those 4 years I have had maybe 6 drinks (~1 glass each) that were not water.
I need caffeine because I'm NOT a morning person, yet the rest of the world seems to think EVERYONE MUST be a morning person. You do not want to risk having a non-morning person to get up early in the morning without having plenty of caffeine to ease the transition from sleep to wakefulness (that's about a 5 hour transition for me without caffeine...sometime around noon I gain full function of my faculties and can resist the urge to smack anyone who seems overly peppy). :biggrin:

And I was thinking a cup of coffee sounded good, I think I'll go make some now. It's never too early to get a good start on the morning caffeination. :biggrin: :smile:
  • #28
mattmns said:
In fact, about 4 years ago I started drinking nothing but water, over those 4 years I have had maybe 6 drinks (~1 glass each) that were not water.


  • #29
Integral said:
According to this source, coffee contains substaintially more caffein then Mt. Dew. I tend to stronger coffee, so a single 12oz mug of my coffee is like between 3 & 4 bottles of Mt. P** I mean Dew.

I keep forgetting the implied smilies!

12oz mug of coffee!??!

Only in America hehe :)
  • #30
We've got a pot of caffeine among all the other chemical compounds (about half a kilo). I think I'll start adding some to my camomilla tea :wink:

Actually I won't, the tremors, reduced patience, palpitations and withdrawal headaches aren't very enticing.
  • #31
I'm sleepy - I was looking at the current list of GD threads and I saw:

"Ivan Blew up another pot of coffee"

I need more coffee to rectify this problem.
  • #32
'Course on the other side of the pond, a lotta folks would go for a cuppa.

Related to Ivan Brew up another pot of Coffee

1. How do I brew the perfect pot of coffee?

To brew the perfect pot of coffee, start by using freshly ground coffee beans and filtered water. Use a ratio of 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water. Preheat your coffee pot or French press, then add the coffee grounds and pour hot water over them. Let it steep for 4-5 minutes before pressing or pouring the coffee into your cup.

2. How can I make my coffee taste less bitter?

To make your coffee less bitter, try using a coarser grind of coffee beans or using a lower water temperature. You can also add a pinch of salt to the grounds before brewing, as this can help neutralize the bitterness. Experiment with different brewing methods and ratios to find the perfect balance for your taste buds.

3. How long should I let my coffee brew for?

The ideal brewing time for coffee is typically 4-5 minutes. However, this can vary depending on the brewing method and personal preference. Some people prefer a shorter brewing time for a lighter and more acidic cup, while others prefer a longer brewing time for a stronger and bolder flavor.

4. Can I reuse coffee grounds to make a second pot of coffee?

Technically, you can reuse coffee grounds to make a second pot of coffee, but the resulting brew will be weaker and less flavorful. It's best to use fresh grounds for each pot of coffee to ensure the best taste. If you want to reduce waste, consider using the grounds for compost or as a natural fertilizer for plants.

5. How should I store my coffee beans or grounds?

Coffee beans and grounds should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing them in the fridge or freezer, as this can introduce moisture and affect the taste. It's best to buy coffee in small batches and use it within 1-2 weeks for optimal freshness and flavor.

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