Is Running a Clean Campaign Possible in Competitive Voting?

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, the conversation is about a current voting taking place and the importance of running a clean campaign without resorting to underhanded tricks or slander. One member mentions their mother's dying wish for them to win an award and to not bring up negative things about their opponents. Others make jokes and discuss the corruption and favoritism in the election. A member also brings up Tribdog's past scandals, but others praise him for his courage in still running for the election.
  • #1
With the voting going on right now I think we all need to make sure we don't resort to any underhanded tricks to try to get votes.
It's like my mother said on her deathbed, "tribdog, there is nothing I want more cough than to see you win a PF Award. cough cough. Please don't resort to slandering any of the people running against you. cough. I know that jimmy p doesn't call his mother, and we all remember what Boulderhead said about Greg, cough, but don't bring it up. It doesn't matter that Artman, Saint, Bobg, recon and The Bob are all members of the flat Earth society and don't believe man walked on the moon. You don't need to bring it up. cough Also run a moral campaign. cough. It will be hard, cough, especially when you see the total lack of morals from Tsunami, moonbear and Math is hard. Just remember I love you tribdog and I think that I might find the strength to recover if I can see you win an award."

Okay mom, I'll run a clean campaign

This post has been approved by tribdog.
Physics news on
  • #2
Okay, I had to read this one just because I couldn't for the life of me figure out why tribdog was starting a topic asking to keep things clean. :smile:

Makes note to ask admins to delete tribdog's burning the carpet with blowtorch and soda can thread; it gives him an unfair advantage in this race.
  • #3
tribdog said:
With the voting going on right now I think we all need to make sure we don't resort to any underhanded tricks to try to get votes.
It's like my mother said on her deathbed, "tribdog, there is nothing I want more cough than to see you win a PF Award. cough cough. Please don't resort to slandering any of the people running against you. cough. I know that jimmy p doesn't call his mother, and we all remember what Boulderhead said about Greg, cough, but don't bring it up. It doesn't matter that Artman, Saint, Bobg, recon and The Bob are all members of the flat Earth society and don't believe man walked on the moon. You don't need to bring it up. cough Also run a moral campaign. cough. It will be hard, cough, especially when you see the total lack of morals from Tsunami, moonbear and Math is hard. Just remember I love you tribdog and I think that I might find the strength to recover if I can see you win an award."

Okay mom, I'll run a clean campaign

This post has been approved by tribdog.
Yeah, this race is getting dirty already. I can't even count the number of pm's I've received offering me a $50 honey baked ham gift certificate and compromising pictures in return for a vote. :rolleyes:
  • #4
I want to see blood running in the streets. I want conspiracy theories. I want to see Tribdog begging like hungry dog. :smile:
  • #5
I really admire your courage, trib. If I had been implicated in a puppy-killing scandal, I would never have the strength to show my face in public again, let alone run in an election. Luckily, the forum members don't know about that little incident - oh whoops!Anyway, kudos to you for overcoming the obstacles of your past and I wish you the best of luck.
  • #6
Nay! Thou shalt not try to keep it clean, since the government here is playing dirty..[Ooops!]

As i learned in KG 1 the letter T is not the first in the alphabet, still, the government here put Tribdog in the top of the list to vote...i.e. easy to spot..

I will complaing to Greg, and i will tell him how the PF admin is giving support to some members in not a shiny cleany way :)

[i want to put some faces..but they don't work in my pc..damn!]

Still, i am voting for you greg if you put your self in the list, since you do really hate people who kiss up ;)
  • #7
Since my votation is important, i decide after an indepth study of the political parties and powers that i am giving 0.362 of my vote to MIH [could increase later]

Tribdog, is 0.13 of my vote enough? You can reject even its a special offer :P
  • #8
awww.. Moses... you sweet thing! Come here and let me hug you to my ample bosom! :smile:
  • #9
Math Is Hard said:
I really admire your courage, trib. If I had been implicated in a puppy-killing scandal, I would never have the strength to show my face in public again, let alone run in an election. Luckily, the forum members don't know about that little incident - oh whoops!Anyway, kudos to you for overcoming the obstacles of your past and I wish you the best of luck.

I agree. Even more amazing he's running in an election when he's an admitted pedophile.

And I was sure his political career was over when he was implicated in that huge vote tampering scandal.

Well, you know, some folks just like to vote for the underdog.
  • #10
Moonbear said:
I agree. Even more amazing he's running in an election when he's an admitted pedophile.

And I was sure his political career was over when he was implicated in that huge vote tampering scandal.

Well, you know, some folks just like to vote for the underdog.
Just another example of outstanding courage! :approve:
Tribdog: confessed pedophile, alleged puppy-killer..
but still there to be your candidate.

I, for one, applaud his bravery! I think we all can learn a lesson from this, can't we?
  • #11
YEAH! don't F*** with Math is Hard
  • #12
Damn, it's just the usual eleven parties on the ballot! They control the system so there's no way for independent candidates to break in! Don't believe it when they say there's no way democracy can survive without the eleven party system!

And all this favoritism—I mean one of the candidates lives with a member of the administration! And most of the candidates are each other's sisters and nephews and such!

There's also a rumor that one candidate is controlled by a secret purple jellyfish cabal!

I hope Greg isn't using the Diebold software for his vote tabulations. Though I am glad that his attempts to program a butterfly ballot failed though—or everyone would have ended up voting for Pat Robertson... :eek:

Hmm... all-in-all sounds like democracy as usual...
  • #13
Moonbear said:
Okay, I had to read this one just because I couldn't for the life of me figure out why tribdog was starting a topic asking to keep things clean. :smile:

Makes note to ask admins to delete tribdog's burning the carpet with blowtorch and soda can thread; it gives him an unfair advantage in this race.

You can't delete that thread!1 That thread was awesome!
  • #14
franznietzsche said:
You can't delete that thread!1 That thread was awesome!

But, keep this thought in mind: does the fact that we laugh at him on a regular basis mean he is actually funny? :biggrin:
  • #15
Moonbear said:
But, keep this thought in mind: does the fact that we laugh at him on a regular basis mean he is actually funny? :biggrin:
you laugh AT me? :eek: :cry:
  • #16
moonbear, do you ever work? or sleep?
  • #17
tribdog said:
With the voting going on right now I think we all need to make sure we don't resort to any underhanded tricks to try to get votes.
Tribdog is right. We should all be as fair and honest as possible.

In the interest of fair play, I have arranged a special trip for all of us, so we can all learn to get along and work together. o:)

Now if you all will just get on the bus we can get started. Oh...I almost forgot, I will have to meet you at our destination later, I have a previous engagement that I just can't break. I will join you all later. Now please just get on the bus because the bomb is ticking...I mean the clock is ticking and we don't want you to be late. o:)
  • #18
tribdog said:
moonbear, do you ever work? or sleep?

Work, yes. I was home a lot last week though...usually put in too many hours and just needed some time to track down the remnants of my sanity. But even when at work, I'm in front of a computer most of the time (except the days they chain me to the lab bench), so can check on and off. While I was working, I was proofreading a grant proposal (I'll get it back again tonight to proofread again, so should be awake until all hours again tonight), and can only read those in little bits at a time before my brain starts to turn to pudding (not exactly light reading for the evening hours).

Sleep? What's that? I've somehow lost all concept of day and night. I do get sleep, just not in your typical 8 hour block of time at night. My mistake for dabbling in circadian rhythms research...biologists always seem to wind up afflicted with some malady related to what they are studying. Actually, last night I managed to be asleep by I think 4 AM ish, and got up today about 8 AM ish.

So, yeah, I have a lot of posts from last week when I was online a lot, but that will change. Don't forget, I often "appear" to be on PF when I'm not (I'll get distracted doing something else and not logoff).
  • #19
Moonbear said:
Work, yes. I was home a lot last week though...usually put in too many hours and just needed some time to track down the remnants of my sanity. But even when at work, I'm in front of a computer most of the time (except the days they chain me to the lab bench), so can check on and off. While I was working, I was proofreading a grant proposal (I'll get it back again tonight to proofread again, so should be awake until all hours again tonight), and can only read those in little bits at a time before my brain starts to turn to pudding (not exactly light reading for the evening hours).

Sleep? What's that? I've somehow lost all concept of day and night. I do get sleep, just not in your typical 8 hour block of time at night. My mistake for dabbling in circadian rhythms research...biologists always seem to wind up afflicted with some malady related to what they are studying. Actually, last night I managed to be asleep by I think 4 AM ish, and got up today about 8 AM ish.

So, yeah, I have a lot of posts from last week when I was online a lot, but that will change. Don't forget, I often "appear" to be on PF when I'm not (I'll get distracted doing something else and not logoff).
Oh be quiet and get on the bus. I mean, you wouldn't want to miss the trip, would you? o:)
  • #20
Artman said:
Oh be quiet and get on the bus. I mean, you wouldn't want to miss the trip, would you? o:)

Sorry, I'm just way too swamped with work to go on a bus trip. :frown: It sounded really nice, but, well, you know how it goes. :wink:

Back to that lack of sleep - do you suppose it might be related to the fact that EVERYONE who works in the Starbucks in the hospital has my drink order memorized? No, not just one or two employees, but every single one of them (and they seem to have a lot of employees). A few even know me by name already. I drink WAAAAYYYY too much coffee.
  • #21
Moonbear said:
Sorry, I'm just way too swamped with work to go on a bus trip. :frown: It sounded really nice, but, well, you know how it goes. :wink:

Back to that lack of sleep - do you suppose it might be related to the fact that EVERYONE who works in the Starbucks in the hospital has my drink order memorized? No, not just one or two employees, but every single one of them (and they seem to have a lot of employees). A few even know me by name already. I drink WAAAAYYYY too much coffee.
Did I mention the Starbucks bar on the bus? :smile: o:)
  • #22
Artman said:
Tribdog is right. We should all be as fair and honest as possible.

In the interest of fair play, I have arranged a special trip for all of us, so we can all learn to get along and work together. o:)

Now if you all will just get on the bus we can get started. Oh...I almost forgot, I will have to meet you at our destination later, I have a previous engagement that I just can't break. I will join you all later. Now please just get on the bus because the bomb is ticking...I mean the clock is ticking and we don't want you to be late. o:)
HA! Nice try Artman, but we know better. :devil:

Besides, I understand that the winner of the funniest PF member award will be sacrificed by being thrown into a live volcano. The first runner up will then take their title. Gee, I sure feel sorry for the poor first place winner...<snicker> :biggrin:
  • #23
Tribdog eats out of trash cans. He insults his girlfriends.

For clean living childish fun, vote Jimmy P!

This post has been approved by tribdog.
  • #24
Evo said:
HA! Nice try Artman, but we know better. :devil:

Besides, I understand that the winner of the funniest PF member award will be sacrificed by being thrown into a live volcano. The first runner up will then take their title. Gee, I sure feel sorry for the poor first place winner...<snicker> :biggrin:
Try? Whatever do you mean? o:) You don't suspect me of trying something, do you? By the way, the bus is going to Disney World! And there is still plenty of room! The Starbucks bar is in the back, and just ignore the bars on the windows, they're for your own protection. o:)
  • #25
Say, uh, what's keeping us from registering a hundred different screen names and voting for ourselves a hundred times?
  • #26
loseyourname said:
Say, uh, what's keeping us from registering a hundred different screen names and voting for ourselves a hundred times?

Okay, nobody vote for loseyourname. We suspect there may be some ballot stuffing going on, so if nobody votes for him, it will make it easier to detect the fake votes. :smile:
  • #27
loseyourname said:
Say, uh, what's keeping us from registering a hundred different screen names and voting for ourselves a hundred times?

If you are going to do that you will probably need to change your ip so it doesn't get too suspicious. Or you could just go around town one of these days and visit every computer you can and vote (libraries, schools, etc) :smile:
  • #28
Moonbear said:
Okay, nobody vote for loseyourname. We suspect there may be some ballot stuffing going on, so if nobody votes for him, it will make it easier to detect the fake votes. :smile:

I'm actually up for something? I didn't even post for three months.
  • #29
loseyourname said:
I'm actually up for something? I didn't even post for three months.

I guess that means the vote you got wasn't you voting for yourself. Cool!

By the way, everyone, I'm officially announcing that I'm running on the Sex Party Ticket. Remember, cast your votes for the Sex Party! :smile:

The Sex Party has just announced the candidates running on the Official Sex Party Ticket:
Moonbear has already announced her candidacy for Biology.
The Sex Party relies on chemistry and strong bonds, so we nominate chem_tr.
For those who are team players and like to get in on the group activity, we nominate, for Community Spirit, Gokul43201.
And there's no point in sex if it isn't fun, so we nominate tribdog as Funniest Member.
Lastly, for those who like to think about it, the Philosophy candidate is Les Sleeth.

Remember, vote for the Sex Party Ticket!

This post sponsored by the Sex Party
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  • #30
Would I seem weird if I said, "I want to win so bad." I'm actually nervous. I made myself stay offline today so that I wouldn't be constantly checking the voting. I told the guy at work I was nominated and that I wanted to win and he thought I needed to park the truck and let him drive because I was probably drunk.
  • #31
tribdog said:
Would I seem weird if I said, "I want to win so bad." I'm actually nervous. I made myself stay offline today so that I wouldn't be constantly checking the voting. I told the guy at work I was nominated and that I wanted to win and he thought I needed to park the truck and let him drive because I was probably drunk.

You mean you aren't glued to your computer constantly refreshing the polls to see the latest numbers as they come in like the rest of us? You've got a huge lead! Everyone wants to see you thrown into a volcano it seems. :smile:
  • #32
Don't forget how close the Technology Guru award is. cough cough.
  • #33
graphic7 said:
Don't forget how close the Technology Guru award is. cough cough.

Graphic7, are you asking to affiliate with the Sex Party? There's always a place for *cough* technology *cough* in the Sex Party. I haven't voted in that category yet, so we can still put you on the ticket.
  • #34
Moonbear said:
Graphic7, are you asking to affiliate with the Sex Party? There's always a place for *cough* technology *cough* in the Sex Party. I haven't voted in that category yet, so we can still put you on the ticket.

Does the Sex Party accept minors? I'm not declining the invite, but the number of pedos that I've observed roaming PF is increasing, not that I'm complaining - stay away Tribdog. :smile:

I'm sure I can offer a bit of technological advice to the Sex Party. :devil:
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  • #35
graphic7 said:
Does the Sex Party accept minors? I'm not declining the invite, but the number of pedos that I've observed roaming PF is increasing, not that I'm complaining - stay away Tribdog. :smile:

No problem: SEX party = Science EXperts :biggrin:
Now get those dirty thoughts out of your head, you young whippersnapper you! :smile:

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