Is He the Right Match for Evo?

  • Thread starter Tsu
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In summary, Tsunami thinks that Evo needs a man, and she is offering her services to be Evo's man. She thinks that Evo is a lonely woman who needs someone to take care of her, and she is confident that she can be that person. She also thinks that Evo is a smart woman who does not need a man to complete her. She is confident that she can be a good match for Evo.
  • #281
Astronuc said:
Hmmm. I used to listen to KPFT (90.1 FM) or K101. Good stations.

Gentlemen, be nice to lady Evo.
Yes, KPFT. You lived in Houston?
Physics news on
  • #282
Evo said:
Oh yeah...NO SMOKING!

I don't date men that smoke!

Chewing tobacco is equally disgusting.

No drugs either.

And you have to love coffee. LOTS OF COFFEE.

And no wimps that can't handle being cold at night, I can't sleep if it's warm. I control the thermostat! :devil: :devil: :devil: If you get cold, drink some coffee!

And if you meet all those qualifications, but like to turn up the thermostat (or generate enough heat for two), I'll take you! I can't sleep when I'm cold. I guess Evo and I could never be roommates, we'd have thermostat wars at night! :biggrin:

I'll revise that a bit...I don't require anyone who drinks coffee, just is tolerant of me drinking lots of coffee. Someone who knows how to make coffee is good though, especially if you're a morning person (because I'm not). I can tolerate morning people if they have a cup of coffee ready to shove into my hand as I walk bleary-eyed into the kitchen. But if you're a really talkative morning person, you're out! No talking to me until I've started the second cup of coffee!
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  • #283
Blast from the past. :wink:
  • #284
Evo said:
Yes, KPFT. You lived in Houston?

They gave a radio station the call letters KPFT? :smile: "Tune into Pffffft radio for all your favorite..." :smile:
  • #285
Astronuc said:
Blast from the past. :wink:
Did you listen to KFMK, or were you too young?
  • #286
Evo said:
The singing or the bombing? Well, actually they're tied together.

When I was 15 I worked at Pacifica Radio in Houston, TX. I did comedy skits late night, news, etc... Pacifica, for those not familiar, especially back then, was a bit "liberal", or as my dad would tell me "a bunch of commies".

We were not popular with the Ku Klux Klan and they bombed our tower. Arlo Guthrie's record was playing when the station was bombed and we went off the air.

When we went back on the air many months later, the PBS show "Great American Dream Machine" did a documentary about us and had Arlo Guthrie come to the station to sing a song he wrote about the bombing. I was placed next to Arlo to "sing along" on the tv show (along with a group of station workers).

note - I found that the show has been archived in the Library of Congress. I have been immortalized. :smile: :smile:

Wow ! Great stuff ! :approve:
  • #287
Moonbear said:
They gave a radio station the call letters KPFT? :smile: "Tune into Pffffft radio for all your favorite..." :smile:
:smile: I never thought of that! :smile:

You'd die in my house. My poor daughter bundles up like an Eskimo, she can't take the cold.
  • #288
I think once in a while (97.9FM), but mainly KLOL. Good 'ol times.

Then things started going C&W.

Had to leave town.
  • #289
Astronuc said:
I think once in a while (97.9FM), but mainly KLOL. Good 'ol times.

Then things started going C&W.

Had to leave town.
Darn now I can't remember if it was KFMK or KLOL that was great for a VERY short period of time, it was an underground station, then it was sold and became more "popular" music. Maybe it was KLOL. This was back when Cy Statum was the late night DJ. You were probably too young. :smile:
  • #290
It must have been KFMK. I think they disappeared right after I started listening to them more regularly.

KLOL was the premiere Rock (then Classic Rock) station in the early to late 70's. Crash was the principal 101 DJ.

But then we had a bad-ass LP collection and one of the wildest places in town. :biggrin:
  • #291
Andy said:
Before i take credit for that, i spent much a time searching for that and still found nothing so asked Evo herself. And even the great wise (have a mentioned gorgeous before?) wasnt sure of the answer. But a thoguht seeing as nobody else had posted the right answer a mite as well use my initiative.

I dredge up two old threads from the past, (one just prior to and one just after), ramble on about one of the weird things I did as a kid, and you guys still couldn't find the thread? :rolleyes:
  • #292
Astronuc said:
KLOL was the premiere Rock (then Classic Rock) station in the early to late 70's. Crash was the principal 101 DJ.
101 KLOL is now tejano/conjunto/la invasion :cry: There used to be a station called KBRZ and if I remember correctly the "hot" DJ was Johnny Bond.
  • #293
Echo 6 Sierra said:
101 KLOL is now tejano/conjunto/la invasion :cry:

:cry: :cry: Say it ain't so! :cry: :cry:
  • #294
loseyourname said:
Hmm, I could go for some gourmet eating. I love gardens, but not gardening.
Perfect, someone to eat my cooking and appreciate my gardens.

Used to be an award-winning portrait artist, but gave it up a couple of years ago.
Why did you give it up?

I have to admit my own interests have been all over the board. I used to write a ton in addition to the portrait thing. Never tried to publish anything, but I took part in a lot of workshops and did public readings, mostly of short stories. I completed about 2/3 of a novel, but lost the file (long story). I used to be big on road-tripping, especially to desert locations, but not so much anymore. God I'm boring now. I just read all the time and take part in discussions like the ones here. I've become so academic I'm barely human any more.
Sounds perfect. That's really bad about losing the novel though. :frown:

So what's your parenting style?
Hard to explain. I raised my two girls (you know this right?) to be self confident. I always made them make their own decisions from the very beginning. Clothes, toys, food. Of course they had a limit to what they could choose from, but I didn't stress over if they chose to wear pink shorts with a green top and blue shoes. They didn't have to look like pictures in a catalog. We talked about things and we did what made sense. It was how I was raised and it worked great with my girls. They are well adjusted, bright, and not rebellious. My younger daughter (the child of Evo) complains that I don't call and check on her enough. We're very close. She has a 4.0 grade average, doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs, but she loves to shop.

Movement is great. There's just something about being on the move, even if I never stop. The qualities of the atmosphere shifting against the background mountains and the foreground vineyards; I think I could drift forever and be happy.
I'm the same way.

Well heck, is there any particular reason that a dream shouldn't come true? What exactly are you waiting for?
The child of Evo doesn't graduate from high school until next year. Until then, I won't move. Then she'll go away to college so it won't matter.
  • #295
Are there any more questions for those still in the running or are they down to the on-the-knees-begging and the hand-feeding of the peeled grapes yet?
  • #296
Echo 6 Sierra said:
Are there any more questions for those still in the running or are they down to the on-the-knees-begging and the hand-feeding of the peeled grapes yet?

Oh, we're still setting up the obstacle course for the tests of strength, endurance, agility, and bravery! :biggrin:
  • #297
loseyourname said:
I completed about 2/3 of a novel, but lost the file (long story).

Not to hijack the thread or anything, but what was the novel about? What style? Just curious.
  • #298
*thinks to self* ...what a slick way to chime in... o:)
  • #299
15 pages and still no man, Evo?
  • #300
Chrono said:
15 pages and still no man, Evo?
Everyone is so great, how can I possibly choose just one? Can I have several? :-p
  • #301
Evo said:
Everyone is so great, how can I possibly choose just one? Can I have several? :-p

Fine with me, as long as I'm one of them. I think it's time for some good luck, don't you think?
  • #302
Chrono said:
Fine with me, as long as I'm one of them. I think it's time for some good luck, don't you think?
You're in. :approve:

Hey Tsu, looks like we'll be having more riders on the RV than originally planned! :biggrin:
  • #303
hypnagogue said:
Not to hijack the thread or anything, but what was the novel about? What style? Just curious.

I'm going to paint myself as a real odd-ball with this one. The main character was a guy that obsessed over an ex-girlfriend of his (high school sweetheart), a painter that lived with and took care of her sick mother. He had no contact with her any longer, but followed her around to see how she was doing. He had a good deal of time on his hands because he had won the lottery on his 18th birthday - never went to college and never had a job. He got to be really bored after buying all of the things he had ever wanted and seeing all of the places he wanted to see by the time he was in his mid-20's. He had only one friend, about the greatest jerk you could imagine, a complete oaf that spent most of his time at bars finding women to abuse, an endeavor upon which my main character often tagged along. The story gets going when the protagonist finds out his ex has inoperable brain cancer and that she is slowly losing her mind as she nears death. The guy feels very guilty and spends the remainder of the book formulating the perfect murder/suicide by which he can end his friend's and his own life, as a sort of atonement for the injustice of fate.

I know it doesn't sound like much to fill a book with, but a good deal is spent on flashbacks to tell the story of how all of the characters got to the current point in time, just to get an idea of how devastating the onset of adulthood can be to those who are not ready but not willing to admit as much. I hate summarizing like that; it makes it sound so melodramatic. You get the gist, though.
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  • #304
Evo said:
Why did you give it up?

To be honest, I was too much of a perfectionist. The portraits were so detailed that they took me about six months each. I initially started out in college as a double major in fine art and creative writing and fell in love more with the writing. Of course, I eventually put that on the side-burner, although I do still plan to write someday when I have the time.

Sounds perfect. That's really bad about losing the novel though.

Well, I'm glad to hear you won't mind if I'm a terribly boring person. Well, I shouldn't say that. I think I'm an incredibly interesting person. I just have a very boring life. Hasn't always been the case, though.

Hard to explain. I raised my two girls (you know this right?) to be self confident. I always made them make their own decisions from the very beginning. Clothes, toys, food. Of course they had a limit to what they could choose from, but I didn't stress over if they chose to wear pink shorts with a green top and blue shoes. They didn't have to look like pictures in a catalog. We talked about things and we did what made sense. It was how I was raised and it worked great with my girls. They are well adjusted, bright, and not rebellious. My younger daughter (the child of Evo) complains that I don't call and check on her enough. We're very close. She has a 4.0 grade average, doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs, but she loves to shop.

That sounds great. Of course, I'd have to see you in action, but I'm sure you'd be a much better parent than I would be. I guess I sort of helped raise my two youngest sisters. I was good with them and all, but I absolutely refuse to baby anybody. If they cry, they cry and I don't give in. People probably think I'm heartless. I suppose I treat children as if they were adults.

I'm the same way.

That's great. It's been a couple of years since I've been on a really good roadtrip, unless you consider LA to Portland and back - but we only spent two days there. There's a decent chance I'll be taking a friend of mine out to Providence, RI next week, which would be interesting. It'll be the second time we've driven across the country together in the dead middle of winter. Last time we almost stranded ourselves on a clay mountain road somewhere on a Navajo reservation.

The child of Evo doesn't graduate from high school until next year. Until then, I won't move. Then she'll go away to college so it won't matter.

Well, heck, if I'm single next year, I'll give you a call! Ha ha.
  • #305
loseyourname said:
I know it doesn't sound like much to fill a book with, but a good deal is spent on flashbacks to tell the story of how all of the characters got to the current point in time, just to get an idea of how devastating the onset of adulthood can be to those who are not ready but not willing to admit as much. I hate summarizing like that; it makes it sound so melodramatic. You get the gist, though.
Damn, how'd you lose the manuscript. Don't tell me it was electronic and you had no backups.
  • #306
loseyourname said:
To be honest, I was too much of a perfectionist. The portraits were so detailed that they took me about six months each. I initially started out in college as a double major in fine art and creative writing and fell in love more with the writing. Of course, I eventually put that on the side-burner, although I do still plan to write someday when I have the time.
My portraits look like photographs, but I do them very quickly, most of it in 30 minutes to an hour, then spend the next few days perfecting it. I use pencil & charcoal mainly, pastels not as often, so it doesn't take the time oils or even acrylics would take. What is weird is that I don't know how I do it. After I draw something, I can't believe I did it. Do you know what I mean, or maybe I am just odd? After all of my artwork was destroyed in a flood a few years ago, I haven't had the heart to do it again.

Well, I'm glad to hear you won't mind if I'm a terribly boring person. Well, I shouldn't say that. I think I'm an incredibly interesting person. I just have a very boring life. Hasn't always been the case, though.
I think you are incredibly interesting, but then I am a boring person. :-p

That sounds great. Of course, I'd have to see you in action, but I'm sure you'd be a much better parent than I would be.I suppose I treat children as if they were adults.
I treated my kids like they were adults. I didn't talk down to them, never tried to control them, I never needed to. I explained why I knew from experience why certain things had to be done, they learned quickly that I knew what I was talking about. :biggrin: I guess you have to have intelligent children for that type of parenting to work. My kids never did stupid stuff.

It's been a couple of years since I've been on a really good roadtrip, unless you consider LA to Portland and back - but we only spent two days there. There's a decent chance I'll be taking a friend of mine out to Providence, RI next week, which would be interesting. It'll be the second time we've driven across the country together in the dead middle of winter. Last time we almost stranded ourselves on a clay mountain road somewhere on a Navajo reservation.
Driving across country in winter can be quite a challenge. :bugeye: This country is huge and the weather changes can be sudden and extreme. I hate driving on ice.

Well, heck, if I'm single next year, I'll give you a call! Ha ha.
Since you're not available right now, who knows? :approve:
  • #307
Evo said:
You're in. :approve:

Sweetness! My luck's finally chanced, that it has.
  • #308
Evo said:
Do you know what I mean, or maybe I am just odd?
excuse me... maybe?
  • #309
Evo said:
My portraits look like photographs, but I do them very quickly, most of it in 30 minutes to an hour, then spend the next few days perfecting it. I use pencil & charcoal mainly, pastels not as often, so it doesn't take the time oils or even acrylics would take. What is weird is that I don't know how I do it. After I draw something, I can't believe I did it. Do you know what I mean, or maybe I am just odd? After all of my artwork was destroyed in a flood a few years ago, I haven't had the heart to do it again.

What size were they? I actually worked entirely in pencil, although I used such soft pencils that there was no qualitative difference between the lead I used and charcoal. My portraits were always about 3' x 5' or so. Maybe that's why they took so much longer. I actually have only a photograph of one of them left - it is part of an anthology. I could scan it and show you if I can find it.

I think you are incredibly interesting, but then I am a boring person.

Just seems to happen, doesn't it? I don't even care about being interesting or doing interesting things any more. It used to be such a big deal to me.

I treated my kids like they were adults. I didn't talk down to them, never tried to control them, I never needed to. I explained why I knew from experience why certain things had to be done, they learned quickly that I knew what I was talking about. :biggrin: I guess you have to have intelligent children for that type of parenting to work. My kids never did stupid stuff.

Well, my experience really just lies with small children. Once they're old enough to even understand the concept of wisdom and knowledge, they are no longer my concern. Well, my own kids would be my concern, but my sisters were not.

Driving across country in winter can be quite a challenge. :bugeye: This country is huge and the weather changes can be sudden and extreme. I hate driving on ice.

We took a southern route last time (I-40 most of the way). There was minimal snow in Virginia driving down to the 40, but once we were on it, we were pretty good. The only bad weather came in New Mexico and Arizona, and that was when we veered off of the interstate onto tribal lands (we were picking up a third person).

Since you're not available right now, who knows? :approve:

Nothing wrong with having more friends. What do you do for work that allows you to be so mobile, anyway? I think I remember you saying something about systems management.

Oh, and I did lose the manuscript because it was all electronic. You'd be amazed at how quickly I wrote this stuff. I spent a couple of weeks fleshing out the basic ideas and main plot points in my head, then when I hit the keys, I had 200 pages in a week. I was moving so fast it never even occurred to me to back it up.
  • #310
take another week and write the 200 pages again, if they were any good. Heck should be able to do it in 4 days this time.
If you had said it took a year or so to write those 200 pages you might get sympathy, but 1 week? And you weren't writing 24 hours a day, probably at most 5 hours a day. 35 hours, maybe? I've lost 35 hours worth of work by grabbing the wrong suitcase on the way out the door, or by telling my ex I would rather be working than sleeping with her. Heck I've spent 35 hours this week trying to levitate my Levitron.
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  • #311
I'm hoping a homemade video gets leaked onto the Internet.

polyb said:
I'll give you a sneek preview of mine! :-p

Evo, I have considered the matter and think you should give more consideration to polyb! :-p
  • #312
not that I'm impatient or anything but has a decision been made on the lucky fella? or are you going to go for as many as possible?
  • #313
...only 27 more shopping days till V-Day Evo. You probably need to give a few days notice of your pick because if you don't you'll wind up with a cruddy silk rose in a plastic tube from a gas station vs a box of delicious Dark Belgian Chocolates. Just a thought, because you know how guys are. :zzz:
  • #314
Echo 6 Sierra said:
...only 27 more shopping days till V-Day Evo. You probably need to give a few days notice of your pick because if you don't you'll wind up with a cruddy silk rose in a plastic tube from a gas station vs a box of delicious Dark Belgian Chocolates. Just a thought, because you know how guys are. :zzz:
Good point. :biggrin:
  • #315
Andy said:
not that I'm impatient or anything but has a decision been made on the lucky fella? or are you going to go for as many as possible?
You have the most points right now. :-p

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