Is Google Too Powerful in the Search Engine Market?

In summary, the US government has determined that Google may be abusing it's power and influence and has hired a noted outside lawyer to help with the investigation. Alternatives to Google are available.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
2023 Award
It appears that the US government has determined that Google is perhaps too successful, or that in being successful in it's market has abused it's power/influence.

U.S. Escalates Google Case by Hiring Noted Outside Lawyer

Meanwhile, there are alternatives to Google. (interestingly a number a Chinese)!_Search
According to the article Yahoo search is second largest (6.42%) after Google (85.35%), but Yahoo has agreed with Microsoft to use Bing to power Yahoo! Search. Apparently, all Yahoo! Search global customers and partners are expected to be transitioned by early 2012.

What is one's experience with Google and search engines in general.

I tend to ignore ads, which I find annoying.
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  • #2
I like Google's search engine, I like the way it looks, I do not like gmail. I haven't tried anything else they offer.
  • #3
I like Google's search engine because when I go to, all I see is a search bar and the Google logo. I like simplicity when simplicity is all that's required.

But I think there's a lot of websites out there that I'm not seeing when I do a Google search.
I just wish there was a search engine where everything after the first page list of websites isn't garbage.
  • #4
I like Google's search. The Image search is also pretty good. I like and use Gmail, love the way it organises conversations, and the speed and success of searching for old emails. Google Maps is awesome, and often better than my GPS in finding the best route. I often use Google calculator for quick and dirty calculations. Youtube (I guess it's part of the Google stable now) has always been ubiquitous. Google apps are beginning to grow on me - I find myself using the Box file storage app more and more nowadays. I use Google Finance more often than Yahoo or anything else.

I've found the only let-down to be Google Scholar. Sometimes even the basic Google search gets better journal results than Scholar.

I don't use the rest of the functions.
  • #5
I really like Google's search engine. I tried Bing when it came out but it totally sucks. Maybe they'll get it right eventually and be able to compete with Google but I'm not holding my breath on the likelihood of that ever happening.
  • #6
Everyone I know including myself uses Google for search.

However, I always wondered how sound is Google's business. They seem to be making money out of nowhere (ads).
  • #7
I like using It uses google, but does not record your IP address. DuckDuckgo is also another one that is decent that is less privacy invasive.
  • #8
I use Google search, maps, email, reader, images, translate on a daily basis.
Yeah, I'm sold on Google.

I particularly like that their pages are very functional and do not contain clutter.
The couple of adds do not attract overly much attention I'm glad to say.
  • #9
Everything google makes is gold.

Except google+, I don't think they stand a chance against facebook.
  • #10
If there is any large company which I think has earned a lot of, "Good Will", it is Google. They are much more in the spirit of free and open competition then their compitors. They have given a lot to the open source comunity. Google continues to break down boundaries when it comes to the availbity of information from services such as youtube to the massive digitization of books.

In the battle against the much more anti competitive companies of Apple and Microsoft; Google is my hero. This is the problem with anti-competition laws. They are left to the whim of a bureaucrat. It is certainly convenient for Apple and Microsoft that there main compition, Google, will be dragged through the courts. Maybe Apple, Microsoft and Oracle did a much better job of lobying congress then did Google.

Google on the contrary took a stand against oppressive government measures such as internet spying. Google stood for us so maybe we should stand for them.
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  • #11
To add to this. They won't break up the big banks who are subsidized by the government and charge unjustified fees but they have no problem attacking a company which offers free services and promotes excellence within the organization to a much greater degree then many corporations. Google hires only the best programmers while Yahoo failed in part because it did exact the opposite.
  • #12
Pengwuino said:
Everything google makes is gold.

Except google+, I don't think they stand a chance against facebook.

And Buzz. And Knol. And Video. And Page Creator. And Wave. And if any of those makes you think "ehwat?": Exactly. :wink:
  • #13
It's still the best and until something else comes around to compete, get the heck out of its way!
  • #14
Greg Bernhardt said:
It's still the best and until something else comes around to compete, get the heck out of its way!

That's the worse thing about this case. I don't like having Microsoft as the default search engine at work and I certainly don't want the government telling me which one to use.
  • #15

Seriously, Yahoo wants to charge for email forwarding.

If they want more market share, tell them to Suck Less™.
  • #16
Hobin said:
And Buzz. And Knol. And Video. And Page Creator. And Wave. And if any of those makes you think "ehwat?": Exactly. :wink:

They never existed. And even if they did, it's not googles fault that people suck at using their products.

  • #17
Astronuc said:
It appears that the US government has determined that Google is perhaps too successful, or that in being successful in it's market has abused it's power/influence.

U.S. Escalates Google Case by Hiring Noted Outside Lawyer

Meanwhile, there are alternatives to Google. (interestingly a number a Chinese)!_Search
According to the article Yahoo search is second largest (6.42%) after Google (85.35%), but Yahoo has agreed with Microsoft to use Bing to power Yahoo! Search. Apparently, all Yahoo! Search global customers and partners are expected to be transitioned by early 2012.

What is one's experience with Google and search engines in general.

I tend to ignore ads, which I find annoying.
Here's some info from

I use both Google and Yahoo. Sometime's I get better results with Yahoo, but usually, it seems anyway, Google is a bit better. I use both gmail and yahoo mail. Not much difference. Google maps is great. Love the "streetviews". I've spent hours at a time navigating places where I've lived or visited. And then there's the Google association with YouTube.

It would be interesting to compare indexed pages, backlinks and crawling activitiy of Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Does Google, due to their market share, have a potential advantage? I would suppose so. Are they tweaking their search algorithms to maximize Google sponsored/associated results, so that they have a real advantage. I would suppose so.

But Google isn't in any way a monopoly, because, as they've said, "the competition is just a click away". So, Google's advantage can't be construed as being in any way unfair -- because there are real, present, and easily accessible alternatives.

So, I predict that if the government does bring an antitrust suit against Google, then it's quite possible that the government will lose. But then one has to remember that the deck is somewhat stacked in the government's favor, and one might wonder about the government's motives. (All of this is, of course, just my current opinion.)
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  • #19
I am not sure but I think that Google's searches have actually gone a bit soft. I remember being able to look up very specific things and get at least a couple hits and often relevant. Nowadays it seems that even if I put everything in quotes I'll get skads of hits based on variations of what I queried including using different words. I'm left wondering if the damn thing might actually be not finding or bringing up more relevant hits because it would have taken longer than shoving all these "almost" hits in my face.

Ether way, google still works better than anything else I have used.
  • #20
Oh, I forgot Google Chrome.

  • #21
TheStatutoryApe said:
I am not sure but I think that Google's searches have actually gone a bit soft.
I've noticed this too. Google searches don't seem to be as good, as thorough, as they used to be. Which might support the contention that Google is maximizing search results based on their business/advertising associations. So I use Yahoo and other search engines as well as Google -- sometimes with better results than Google.
  • #22
ThomasT said:
I've noticed this too. Google searches don't seem to be as good, as thorough, as they used to be. Which might support the contention that Google is maximizing search results based on their business/advertising associations. So I use Yahoo and other search engines as well as Google -- sometimes with better results than Google.

I think it's far more likely that their search algorithms are being compromised more and more by companies that try to get you a boost on search engine listings for a fee.
  • #23
I used to use google and gmail, but not anymore. I'm trying to run from google. I'm now using gmx ( as my email service and duckduckgo as my search engine ( or Something I still use from google is the browser. I tried opera and firefox but I just hate them. Chrome really is an amazing browser.

I also use some extensions on chrome:

- adblock (adblock plus does the same)
- HTTPS everywhere
- Ghostery

There's a couple more usefull extensions on (at the very bottom).

PS: duckduckgo has a partnership with wolframalpha, which is kinda of nice if you ask me. Also, they have a bang system. If i wanted to search something on google, let's say physicsforums, all I had to do would be "!g physicsforums", or physicsforums on amazon "!a physicsforums"...
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  • #24
Google search is a steam-roller. Posers should stand aside or become part of the dirt. Fast, lean, and flexible. What more could we ask for?

BTW, I never use any of their other functionality except on demand (aside from my browser, Chrome). Google scholar is handy, the maps are OK, and the news option is so-so, having been much better implemented by other providers.
  • #25
turbo said:
Google search is a steam-roller. Posers should stand aside or become part of the dirt. Fast, lean, and flexible. What more could we ask for?

BTW, I never use any of their other functionality except on demand (aside from my browser, Chrome). Google scholar is handy, the maps are OK, and the news option is so-so, having been much better implemented by other providers.

We could ask for a better privacy policy? (Am I being paranoid?)
  • #26
staddum said:
I used to use google and gmail, but not anymore. I'm trying to run from google. I'm now using gmx ( as my email service and duckduckgo as my search engine ( or Something I still use from google is the browser. I tried opera and firefox but I just hate them. Chrome really is an amazing browser.

I also use some extensions on chrome:

- adblock (adblock plus does the same)
- HTTPS everywhere
- Ghostery

There's a couple more usefull extensions on (at the very bottom).

PS: duckduckgo has a partnership with wolframalpha, which is kinda of nice if you ask me. Also, they have a bang system. If i wanted to search something on google, let's say physicsforums, all I had to do would be "!g physicsforums", or physicsforums on amazon "!a physicsforums"...

Don't get me wrong, the gf uses chrome, but I love my firefox customisation far too much.

Note that I was already using the best ones of the recommendations on firefox except the https everywhere, though I have a setting that does most of that already from about:config tweaks.

You can delete your google info, and I wouldn't use google+ myself, but the search engine is too useful to ignore, just set up a fake account to search with, this is like 1996 era stuff.Note: I assumed that everyone knew how to opt out of google ad targeting, turn off web history, and how to block said cookies/tracking... that might not be so, go to your account > web history > is this everything > ads/search/etc and check which settings you want are how you want them.
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  • #27
Max™ said:
Don't get me wrong, the gf uses chrome, but I love my firefox customisation far too much.

Note that I was already using the best ones of the recommendations on firefox except the https everywhere, though I have a setting that does most of that already from about:config tweaks.

You can delete your google info, and I wouldn't use google+ myself, but the search engine is too useful to ignore, just set up a fake account to search with, this is like 1996 era stuff.

Note: I assumed that everyone knew how to opt out of google ad targeting, turn off web history, and how to block said cookies/tracking... that might not be so, go to your account > web history > is this everything > ads/search/etc and check which settings you want are how you want them.

I tried firefox but it lags whenever i change/open a new tab. I tried firefox on other computers and I really enjoy it, but it is just laggy on mine. Opera doesn't have enough addons for my own taste.

I still see no reason for one to use google instead of ddg.
  • #28
I'm sure there's about:config tweaks to fix the new tab lag, I wouldn't mind chrome if they'd let me move the buttons around like ff does.
  • #29
Max™ said:
I'm sure there's about:config tweaks to fix the new tab lag, I wouldn't mind chrome if they'd let me move the buttons around like ff does.
That's my problem with chrome, I can't customize it and make it "user friendlly" for the functions I use several times daily. Don't tell me to search for an app.

I also find yahoo search better in some instances, but google is still my default.
  • #30
Evo said:
That's my problem with chrome, I can't customize it and make it "user friendlly" for the functions I use several times daily. Don't tell me to search for an app.

I use Firefox myself, but may I ask what features you think Chrome is missing?
  • #31
Evo said:
That's my problem with chrome, I can't customize it and make it "user friendlly" for the functions I use several times daily. Don't tell me to search for an app.

I think once I moved to Chrome I realized I didn't need anything other than a minimal, fast and clean interface.
  • #32

Don't get me wrong, I like the chrome(ium) layout too, but you can clean firefox up pretty nicely.
  • #33
Unfortunately, your Gnome menu bar makes it look messier than it really is. :wink:
  • #34
Well, I like it with all my gadgets on there, I've got a lot of stuff on Docky but since this is a square acer monitor I've got extra vertical real estate.

It looks cleaner with autohide on (that's how the gf's comp is set up since it's a netbook) but I use the stuff up there too much, like the ™ insert gadget!
  • #35
Max, it does look nice tbh. But chrome is still faster.

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