How would Earth's atmosphere change in the absence of life?

In summary, if a person returned to Earth after a catastrophic event that destroyed all surface and ocean life, the atmosphere would still be breathable. The main pathways for oxygen decrease would be through burning of organic material, and through geological processes. The CO2 production from plant biomass would be only around 20% increase in CO2.
  • #1
Hey guys, I'm writing a story where Earth suffers a catastrophic event, destroying all surface and ocean life. The surface is basically bathed in intense radiation.

To be more specific, Earth is attacked by aliens, and ships destroyed during the battle in orbit crash into the planet below, spreading massive amounts of radioactive debris (from reactors, nuclear weapons etc). The aliens might even deliberately "salt the fields" with radioactive materials to ensure complete destruction.

My question is this: if a person (who could survive the radiation) returned to Earth, say 30 years after this event, would the atmosphere still be breathable? What would happen to the composition of the atmosphere, especially oxygen and CO2 content? I assume that O2 would decrease, but what would be the main pathways for that to happen, and how long would it take?
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  • #2
Organic material would burn at some point, reducing the O2 content of the atmosphere a bit. Geological processes are more effective, but they need way longer than 30 years.

There are ~1018 kg of O2 in the atmosphere (WA). It is hard to find numbers for the flow, but we can use the CO2 numbers as upper estimate: about 8*1014 kg of CO2 cycle each year, which means plants generate at most ~6*1014 kg of O2 per year. Even if we neglect that animals won't need oxygen any more, and that my estimate is very conservative, the oxygen will stay in the atmosphere for (at least) thousands of years.
  • #3
Very interesting, thanks for the info. I should have realized that O2, being ~20% of the atmosphere, wouldn't be significantly changed.

I was also wondering how much the CO2 would increase, if you burned all the plants. The current CO2 mass in the atmosphere is 1.8*10^15 kg. I looked up plant biomass, and it appears to be around 400 billion tonnes (4*10^14 kg). Do you know how to estimate the CO2 production from that?

EDIT: I suppose it's enough to know that even 100% conversion of plant mass into CO2 would only be about 20% increase in CO2. It's kind of impressive to consider that burning literally everything would have such a small effect.
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  • #4
Even less: using the composition of humans as an example, we have 20% carbon (by mass). This would form CO2 with roughly three times the mass of a carbon atom, so we get 60% of the biomass as CO2, assuming a human has a typical composition for biomass in general.

Related to How would Earth's atmosphere change in the absence of life?

1. How would the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide change in the atmosphere without living organisms?

In the absence of life, the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere would significantly change. Oxygen levels would decrease due to the lack of photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants and other organisms produce oxygen. Carbon dioxide levels, on the other hand, would increase due to the absence of respiration, which is the process by which living organisms release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Overall, the atmosphere would become less oxygen-rich and more carbon dioxide-rich.

2. What would happen to Earth's temperature if there were no living organisms?

Without living organisms, the Earth's temperature would likely be much colder than it is now. This is because living organisms, particularly plants, play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's temperature through processes like photosynthesis and respiration. Without these processes, the Earth's temperature would not be regulated, leading to extreme temperature fluctuations.

3. Would the Earth's ozone layer still be present without living organisms?

It is unlikely that the Earth's ozone layer would exist without living organisms. The ozone layer is primarily created and maintained by living organisms, specifically plants, through the process of photosynthesis. Without plants, there would be no mechanism for producing and replenishing the ozone layer, which protects us from harmful UV radiation from the sun.

4. How would the absence of life impact the Earth's nitrogen cycle?

The absence of life would have a significant impact on the Earth's nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen is a vital element for living organisms, and it is cycled through the environment by various processes involving living organisms. Without these processes, the nitrogen cycle would cease, leading to a buildup of nitrogen in the atmosphere and a lack of usable nitrogen for future life forms.

5. Would the Earth's atmosphere be able to support human life without any living organisms?

No, the Earth's atmosphere would not be able to support human life without any living organisms. As mentioned earlier, living organisms play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's atmosphere and maintaining a balance of gases necessary for life. Without them, the atmosphere would be inhospitable to human life, with low levels of oxygen and high levels of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases.

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