How do we infer a closed universe from FLRW metric?

In summary, the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric is a solution of the field equations of GR and tells us the local behavior of spacetime. When the matter density is high enough, the curvature is positive, indicating a closed universe. This global property of the manifold is inferred from the local metric through the cosmological principle, which requires space to be a maximally symmetric Riemannian manifold. An infinite universe with positive local curvature is ruled out because it would violate the cosmological principle. To estimate large-scale curvature in a static universe, one could measure the volume of a ball and see if it increases as the cube of the radius, or count galaxies assuming a constant number per unit volume.
  • #1
The Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric is a solution of the field equations of GR. It tells us the local behavior of spacetime, that is, g(x) at a given spacetime point x

If the matter density is high enough, the curvature is positive. It is said then that the universe is closed. How is this global property of the manifold inferred from the local metric? Why is an infinite universe of positive local curvature ruled out?
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  • #2
you measure curvature on the largest scale you can
if it kept coming up positive, you might think "closed" was the most plausible explanation
though you could never be entirely sure of course.

so far there is no clear indication. the large scale curvature when measured comes out near zero but the 95% confidence interval straddles zero. both pos and neg are possible

while you are waiting to hear more conclusive indications you might like to think about how largescale curvature is measured. we could talk about that in this thread. it's fascinating. real ingenuity is involved.
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  • #3
pellman said:
The Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric is a solution of the field equations of GR. It tells us the local behavior of spacetime, that is, g(x) at a given spacetime point x

If the matter density is high enough, the curvature is positive. It is said then that the universe is closed. How is this global property of the manifold inferred from the local metric? Why is an infinite universe of positive local curvature ruled out?

I believe the cosmological principle, i.e., spatial homogeneity and isotropy, requires space (not spacetime) to be a maximally symmetric Riemannian manifold. The maximally symmetric 3-dimensional Riemannian manifold with positive intrinsic curvature is S^3 with the standard spatial metric.
  • #4
just as a thoughtexperiment, suppose distances were not expanding, imagine a static universe---how then might you estimate largescale curvature?

Well you could see if the volume of a ball increases as the cube of the radius, or whether at very large radius it begins to grow more slowly than the cube.

How would you estimate volume? In a static situation you might simply count galaxies, assuming a constant number per unit volume
  • #5

I would like to clarify that the inference of a closed universe from the FLRW metric is based on the assumption that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scales. This means that the universe looks the same in all directions and at all points in space.

The FLRW metric is a solution to the Einstein field equations, which describe the relationship between the curvature of spacetime and the matter and energy content of the universe. In this metric, the curvature is directly related to the matter density, with higher density leading to positive curvature and lower density leading to negative curvature.

Therefore, if the matter density is high enough, the curvature will be positive, and the universe will be closed. This is because positive curvature causes the expansion of the universe to eventually slow down and reverse, resulting in a closed, finite universe. On the other hand, if the matter density is too low, the curvature will be negative, and the universe will be open and infinite.

The inference of a closed universe from the FLRW metric is based on the understanding that the local curvature of spacetime is directly related to the overall global properties of the universe. This means that if the local curvature is positive, the overall universe must also be closed.

As for why an infinite universe of positive local curvature is ruled out, this is because an infinite universe would require an infinite amount of matter and energy, which is not supported by our observations. In a closed universe, the total amount of matter and energy is finite, allowing for a positive curvature without requiring an infinite amount of matter.

In summary, the inference of a closed universe from the FLRW metric is based on the assumption of homogeneity and isotropy, and the understanding that the local curvature is directly related to the overall global properties of the universe. An infinite universe of positive local curvature is ruled out due to the finite amount of matter and energy observed in our universe.

Related to How do we infer a closed universe from FLRW metric?

1. How does the FLRW metric provide evidence for a closed universe?

The FLRW metric, which is a mathematical model used to describe the expansion of the universe, includes a parameter called the curvature constant. This constant can have three possible values - positive, negative, or zero - which correspond to a closed, open, or flat universe, respectively. Observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the distribution of galaxies have shown that the curvature constant is likely positive, providing evidence for a closed universe.

2. What other evidence supports the idea of a closed universe?

In addition to the FLRW metric, there are other observational data that support the idea of a closed universe. These include the observed Hubble constant, which is a measure of the rate of expansion of the universe, and the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the remnant heat from the Big Bang. Both of these observations are consistent with a closed universe and provide further evidence for its existence.

3. Can the FLRW metric alone prove the existence of a closed universe?

No, the FLRW metric alone cannot prove the existence of a closed universe. It is simply a mathematical model that describes the expansion of the universe and provides evidence for a closed universe through its curvature constant. Other observational data and theories, such as the Big Bang theory, are also needed to support the idea of a closed universe.

4. Is there any uncertainty in inferring a closed universe from the FLRW metric?

Yes, there is some uncertainty in inferring a closed universe from the FLRW metric. While the observations and mathematical models suggest a closed universe, there is still ongoing research and debate in the scientific community about the true nature of the universe and whether it is truly closed or not. Additionally, there may be other unknown factors that could affect the interpretation of the FLRW metric.

5. Can the FLRW metric be used to prove the existence of other types of universes?

Yes, the FLRW metric can be used to infer the existence of other types of universes, such as open or flat universes. By studying various parameters within the FLRW metric, scientists can make predictions and observations that support different types of universes. However, like inferring a closed universe, this is not the sole piece of evidence and other observations and theories are needed to fully support the existence of other types of universes.

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