How Can Identity Operators in Quantum Mechanics Be Demonstrated?

In summary: I'm confused :/In summary, the conversation discusses the use of discrete and continuous bases in the space Lw2(a,b) and how it affects the representation of the identity operator. The first part of the conversation is about the discrete form of the identity operator, while the second part focuses on the continuous form. The attempt at a solution involves using the orthonormality condition to show that the identity operator can be written in both forms. However, there is confusion about the second part and the orthonormality condition is modified to account for the weight in the continuous form.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For the space Lw2(a,b), we can write the basis in a discrete fashion as {en|n∈ℤ} or in a continuous fashion as |x> (as we would in quantum mechanics for the position representation), such that we may write the identity operator as either

Show that these are identity operators, and hence show that δ(x-x0)/√[w(x)w(x0)]=∑nen(x)en*(x0).

The Attempt at a Solution

I have done the first bit. For the discrete form,
where gn is the coordinate of |g> with respect to the orthonormal basis vector |en>
For the continuous form,
as <x|g>=g(x) (note the |g>=∫abg(x)w(x)|x>dx in this representation)

I'm struggling with the second bit. The RHS makes me think I need to consider <x|x0> and write
and then use the discrete form of I so that
which sorts out the RHS. This should equal <x|I|x0> with the continuous identity inserted, but I get
using the continuous orthonormality condition so <x|x'>=δ(x-x')
because of the delta function property, so then I obtain
again using orthonormality. So I have
so my LHS has failed somewhere. Can anyone help, thanks :)
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  • #2
I think that when you define ##|x\rangle## so that ##I=\int \mathrm d x\, w(x)|x\rangle\langle x|## (with ##w\neq 1##) rather than ##I=\int \mathrm dx\, |x\rangle\langle x|##, it's simply not true that ##\langle x|x'\rangle=\delta(x-x')##.
  • #3
Fredrik said:
I think that when you define ##|x\rangle## so that ##I=\int \mathrm d x\, w(x)|x\rangle\langle x|## (with ##w\neq 1##) rather than ##I=\int \mathrm dx\, |x\rangle\langle x|##, it's simply not true that ##\langle x|x'\rangle=\delta(x-x')##.

Oh I see. However how would I go about modifying this orthonormality condition - I can't think how it would work :/

Thinking about this question confuses me a lot - how can we say that the space has a discrete basis (which presumably implies finite dimensionality) and a continuous basis (implying infinite dimensionality) when obviously the dimensionality is fixed regardless of basis.
  • #4
physiks said:
Oh I see. However how would I go about modifying this orthonormality condition - I can't think how it would work :/

Thinking about this question confuses me a lot - how can we say that the space has a discrete basis (which presumably implies finite dimensionality) and a continuous basis (implying infinite dimensionality) when obviously the dimensionality is fixed regardless of basis.
The set of square-integrable functions is an infinite-dimensional vector space, with a semi-inner product. It has a countable basis. However, the relationship between a square-integrable function ##f## and its Fourier transform ##\tilde f##,
$$\tilde f(p)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(x)e^{-ipx}\mathrm dx,\qquad f(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \tilde f(p)e^{ipx}\mathrm dp,$$ is a reason to think of the set ##\{u_p|p\in\mathbb R\}##, where each ##u_p## is defined by ##u_p(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{ipx}## for all ##x\in\mathbb R##, as a kind of "basis" for the space, even though none of its elements is actually in the space. So apparently we are now considering a larger vector space, that includes not only the square-integrable functions, but also things like momentum eigenfunctions.

We can also consider things like ##\delta(x-x')## (position "eigenfunctions"...which aren't even functions). Now things are getting pretty complicated, and it's hard to see how it can even make sense. To see how to make sense of it all, you would have to study rigged Hilbert spaces, but that shouldn't be necessary to understand QM at this level.
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  • #5
Fredrik said:
The set of square-integrable functions is an infinite-dimensional vector space, with a semi-inner product. It has a countable basis. However, the relationship between a square-integrable function ##f## and its Fourier transform ##\tilde f##,
$$\tilde f(p)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(x)e^{-ipx}\mathrm dx,\qquad f(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \tilde f(p)e^{ipx}\mathrm dp,$$ is a reason to think of the set ##\{u_p|p\in\mathbb R\}##, where each ##u_p## is defined by ##u_p(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{ipx}## for all ##x\in\mathbb R##, as a kind of "basis" for the space, even though none of its elements is actually in the space. So apparently we are now considering a larger vector space, that includes not only the square-integrable functions, but also things like momentum eigenfunctions.

We can also consider things like ##\delta(x-x')## (position "eigenfunctions"...which aren't even functions). Now things are getting pretty complicated, and it's hard to see how it can even make sense. To see how to make sense of it all, you would have to study rigged Hilbert spaces, but that shouldn't be necessary to understand QM at this level.

Thanks for explaining that :)

With regards to the original problem then, I have managed to work out by going backwards from the answer that
would be an orthonormality condition that would make things work. However, if this is correct, I don't know how I would be able to know this for myself at all, as it doesn't seem very obvious. Would you be able to explain this to me? Thankyou.

Edit: According to my understanding, for unit weight, we did (using the fact that the eigenfunctions are delta functions)
So now, we should have
which doesn't make this problem work.
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  • #6
In the problem statement, you're saying "show that these are identity operators". So it seems that we're supposed to show in particular that ##\int \mathrm dx\, w(x)|x\rangle\langle x|=I##. But how can we, unless the function ##w## is given in the problem? If we don't know what ##w## is, then we don't know what operator we're supposed to show is equal to the identity. So are we supposed to show that there exists a ##w## such that ##\int \mathrm dx\, w(x)|x\rangle\langle x|=I##? Have you quoted the problem exactly as it was given to you, or are you paraphrasing?

Edit: And how is ##|x\rangle## defined? An orthonormality condition is usually part of the definition.

I'm going to move this thread to the advanced physics homework forum, because we're doing non-rigorous "physicist's math" here.
  • #7
Fredrik said:
In the problem statement, you're saying "show that these are identity operators". So it seems that we're supposed to show in particular that ##\int \mathrm dx\, w(x)|x\rangle\langle x|=I##. But how can we, unless the function ##w## is given in the problem? If we don't know what ##w## is, then we don't know what operator we're supposed to show is equal to the identity. So are we supposed to show that there exists a ##w## such that ##\int \mathrm dx\, w(x)|x\rangle\langle x|=I##? Have you quoted the problem exactly as it was given to you, or are you paraphrasing?

Edit: And how is ##|x\rangle## defined? An orthonormality condition is usually part of the definition.

I'm going to move this thread to the advanced physics homework forum, because we're doing non-rigorous "physicist's math" here.

The question follows on from a section of notes, so I have paraphrased to an extent otherwise it would sound a bit weird. So the actual wording is

Let |en> with n∈ℤ be a (discrete) orthonormal basis for the space Lw2(a,b). Explain why the identity operator can be expressed as
and also, applying the formal notation introduced in this subsection, as
Hence show that δ(x-x0)/√[w(x)w(x0)]=∑n<x|en><en|x0>

When it says 'formal notation introduced in this subsection', well in the section, first
was written, and then it was proven that the identity can be written as
  • #8
I still can't make sense of it. For a statement that involves a variable to make sense, the variable must be assigned a value, or be the target of a "for all" or "there exists". The ##w## in the problem appears to be neither of those things. Sure, we can say that there's a ket ##|w\rangle## such that ##w(x)=\langle x|w\rangle## for all ##x##, but that just moves the problem from ##w## to ##|w\rangle##. Maybe the idea is to prove that the equality in the problem holds for all ##w## such that ##I=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\mathrm dx\, w(x)|x\rangle\langle x|##. (But is there really more than one such ##w##?)

I'm very curious about how your book "proves" that ## I=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\mathrm dx\, |x\rangle\langle x|##. Maybe that proof could be a clue about what you're supposed to do (or maybe not...this result seems to contradict the problem). What book is it?
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  • #9
Fredrik said:
I still can't make sense of it. For a statement that involves a variable to make sense, the variable must be assigned a value, or be the target of a "for all" or "there exists". The ##w## in the problem appears to be neither of those things. Sure, we can say that there's a ket ##|w\rangle## such that ##w(x)=\langle x|w\rangle## for all ##x##, but that just moves the problem from ##w## to ##|w\rangle##. Maybe the idea is to prove that the equality in the problem holds for all ##w## such that ##I=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\mathrm dx\, w(x)|x\rangle\langle x|##. (But is there really more than one such ##w##?)

I'm very curious about how your book "proves" that ## I=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\mathrm dx\, |x\rangle\langle x|##. Maybe that proof could be a clue about what you're supposed to do (or maybe not...this result seems to contradict the problem). What book is it?

Hmm I've pretty much given up on it now.

The proof is as follows:
if that helps.

It's not actually a book, just some notes written designed for a maths course that contains a few exercises...

If the above is of no help, then thanks for your time anyway :)
  • #10
physiks said:
Hmm I've pretty much given up on it now.

The proof is as follows:
if that helps.

It's not actually a book, just some notes written designed for a maths course that contains a few exercises...

If the above is of no help, then thanks for your time anyway :)
A math course doing super-non-rigorous math. :confused: I didn't expect that. I assumed that this was homework for a QM course based on Sakurai or a similar book.

The calculation above looks very strange as it's written. The first equality is essentially the result that the calculation is supposed to prove, and the third line is just showing what the second line would look like when we use the ##f(x)=\langle x|f\rangle## notation. Things make more sense if we write these results like this:
$$\langle f|I|g\rangle =\langle f|g\rangle =\int\mathrm dx\, \langle f|x\rangle\langle x|g\rangle =\langle f|\left(\int\mathrm dx\, |x\rangle\langle x|\right)|g\rangle.$$ Now the first equality follows from the definition of the identity operator. The second should be viewed as a definition of ##\langle f|g\rangle## (which is a notation for something similar to an inner product of ##|f\rangle## and ##|g\rangle##. The third is something that we'd expect to hold, but can't prove rigorously without an adequate definition of kets, bras and the integral. If these equalities hold for all ##|f\rangle,|g\rangle##, then we should have ##I=\int\mathrm dx\, |x\rangle\langle x|##. We would certainly be able to conclude this if we could be sure that ##|f\rangle##, ##|g\rangle## and ##\left(\int\mathrm dx\, |x\rangle\langle x| \right)|g\rangle## have well-defined norms.

Even when we write things this way, and explain it as I did, I find this argument kind of bizarre. I think it's more standard to take the existence of an operation that ensures that ##\langle f|g\rangle## is a complex number, and the result ##I=\int\mathrm dx\,|x\rangle\langle x|##, as axioms, and then use them, and the definition of the ##f(x)## notation, to show that ##\langle f|g\rangle## can be written as ##\int\mathrm dx\, f^*(x)g(x)##. Maybe this is what your text is trying to do? The calculation would be written almost as you wrote yours. I would just remove the =<f|g> at the end and put <f|g>= at the start instead.

Unfortunately I still can't make sense of the problem statement, and in particular that w.
  • #11
physiks said:
Oh I see. However how would I go about modifying this orthonormality condition - I can't think how it would work :/
If you consider
$$\lvert x_0 \rangle = I \lvert x_0 \rangle = \int dx\, w(x) \lvert x \rangle\langle x \vert x_0 \rangle,$$ it appears you need ##\delta(x-x_0) = w(x) \langle x \vert x_0 \rangle##.

Related to How Can Identity Operators in Quantum Mechanics Be Demonstrated?

What is "Resolution of the identity"?

"Resolution of the identity" is a mathematical technique used in quantum chemistry and physics to simplify calculations involving integrals and matrix elements. It involves expressing a function or operator as a sum over a complete set of functions or operators.

Why is "Resolution of the identity" useful?

"Resolution of the identity" is useful because it allows for the simplification of complex integrals and matrix elements, making calculations more efficient and accurate. It also allows for the use of basis sets in quantum chemistry, which are necessary for representing molecular orbitals and other properties of molecules.

What are the basic principles behind "Resolution of the identity"?

The basic principles behind "Resolution of the identity" involve the use of orthogonal functions or operators, which form a complete set. This means that any function or operator can be expressed as a sum over these orthogonal functions or operators, making calculations easier to perform.

How does "Resolution of the identity" relate to the variational principle in quantum mechanics?

"Resolution of the identity" is closely related to the variational principle in quantum mechanics, which states that the expectation value of an operator is minimized with respect to the variational parameters. By using "Resolution of the identity", the minimization of integrals and matrix elements becomes easier, allowing for more accurate calculations.

What are some common applications of "Resolution of the identity"?

"Resolution of the identity" is commonly used in quantum chemistry and physics for calculations involving molecular properties, such as energies, forces, and electronic structures. It is also used in other branches of physics, such as quantum field theory, for simplifying calculations involving operators and their matrix elements.

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