How can I improve my studying habits at home?

In summary, people have trouble studying at home because they are tired or distracted and the best way to study is to go to the library or get good sleep.
  • #1
I have trouble studying at home. It seems like I'm not the only one - I have a few other friends who are like this.

I can't seem to sit down and focus at home. It could be because of the computer and what not, but that's not a problem if I have my laptop in school. Usually, from 5-10, the TV is on in another room, I can hear it slightly. That's my parents watching TV. It doesn't really bother me as much. Also, I get sleep/tired really easily. My bed is like 2 feet away and sometimes I wish I were sleeping. (Today is an extreme case - I just ate too much, so I'm under some major food coma... but it happens other times, too).

Could it also be that I'm not "forced" to study because I don't have any upcoming tests?

I'd really like to stop messing around at home and not studying. Any tips?
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  • #2
Maybe try studying at the library?
Or get some ear plugs and remove some distractions?
  • #3
user101 said:
I have trouble studying at home. It seems like I'm not the only one - I have a few other friends who are like this.

I can't seem to sit down and focus at home. It could be because of the computer and what not, but that's not a problem if I have my laptop in school. Usually, from 5-10, the TV is on in another room, I can hear it slightly. That's my parents watching TV. It doesn't really bother me as much. Also, I get sleep/tired really easily. My bed is like 2 feet away and sometimes I wish I were sleeping. (Today is an extreme case - I just ate too much, so I'm under some major food coma... but it happens other times, too).

Could it also be that I'm not "forced" to study because I don't have any upcoming tests?

I'd really like to stop messing around at home and not studying. Any tips?

If you are getting tired while studying you probably aren't sleeping enough, and I don't mean just lying in bed, I mean actually having a good nights sleep. Do you feel rested after you wake up in the morning or are you drowsy for a good while after?

I've always found it difficult to study with certain background noise, like TV for example. If it is more of a white noise like the A/C running then it's not a problem.

The library is a good choice as previously mentioned. It may be a mental issure for you with the distractions around at home.

  • #4
I have the exact same problem. My soln: I end my classes at 3 pm and then head over to the library till 8pm and then head home. After coming home, I eat and watch TV for an hour or so, and then hit the sack to wake up around 3 am. This way I get enough sleep and avoid the noise period. The last week and a half have been exceptions due to some personal stuff. I used to waste a lot of time on facebook, deleting that account was the best thing I ever did LOL.
  • #5
Same with me. Usually I just try to go to the library then to study. Glad I'm not the only one.
  • #6
I think a lot of us are like that. Personally I always do my homework in my office. I used to grade papers at home, but these days I even do that in my office as well. I suppose it differs from person to person, but it works better for me this way. Now, when I'm at home, I don't have to worry about getting work done. Granted, I only spend about 45 waking minutes to an hour at home on the average day...
  • #7
I find it extremely difficult to study at home. Mostly since by the time I get home, I am 15 hours into my day. Partly because my wife and I still really enjoy each others company. I try to spend the first couple hours at work doing homework.
  • #8
leakin99 said:
I have the exact same problem. My soln: I end my classes at 3 pm and then head over to the library till 8pm and then head home. After coming home, I eat and watch TV for an hour or so, and then hit the sack to wake up around 3 am. This way I get enough sleep and avoid the noise period. The last week and a half have been exceptions due to some personal stuff. I used to waste a lot of time on facebook, deleting that account was the best thing I ever did LOL.

deleting facebook account?? gahh..I wish I had the nerve to do that, but it would probably save like a few hours for other things each week of my life
  • #9
go out and study. simple solution
  • #10
ooooh studyin at home is a hella issue. I never studied at home since the environmnet not very much approperiate. The best place to go is the library it's my shelter during my exams.. sometimes i do my homeworks at Cafes like starbucks and so on but just homeworks ..
  • #11
Try discipline. If you are stressed at school and home is a comfort zone, it can be easy to slack off. In my first year of engineering school, my dorm room was too comforting, with a nice stereo, lots of albums, and friends popping in and out. When I needed to study, I would pick a relatively abandoned lounge or game room, where the other occupants (if any) had their own agendas, and I could ignore them and get some real work done. These days, it would be even easier. I would have loaded all my Brandenberg concertos on an MP3 player, plugged in some headphones and worked in relative isolation. Bach is great background music for working with maths and sciences.
  • #12
leakin99 said:
I used to waste a lot of time on facebook, deleting that account was the best thing I ever did LOL.

Please tell me how to do this! I would love to delete my profile from that god forsaken website. I've used it about 5 times, but I get far more soliciting through that website than I would like.

I agree with the library suggestion. I used to do this all the time back when I had classes with extremely long homework. Now I have my own office space at school though, so if I really need to buckle down I head in there. The worst thing you can do is a) be at a computer or b) be near a TV. I decided enough was enough and tossed my TV a few years back and go over to a friend's place if something we mutually like is on.
  • #13
i have the same problem - what worked for me was going to a busy yet quiet library (yes they do exist ) and study there - whenever you seem like you're loosing focus just look around you and you'll be surrounded by others that aren't - gives you more motivation and drive to get through your work.

Best of luck
  • #14
To the OP: Make your study space somewhere other than your bedroom.
  • #15
If you can't study at home, don't fight it! What you can do is self-study something that interest you, so then at least you're being productive. I only study for my classes at school, and read/learn what I feel like at home :-]
  • #16
lol unplug your computer, turn off your cell & ask family members to tell whoever calls that you're busy. set up a reasonable goal, (e.g. make notes on chapter 2 by 5 pm), write it down and stick it on a wall somewhere to help you if you can't stay on task.
avoid looking at/ thinking of your bed at all costs if you're sleepy and you have a big test to study for! it's too much temptation :)
take short 10 min breaks in between to clear your head. i find that playing classical music helps when you're easily distracted.
it's hard for me to study in libraries--i always end up meeting up with people and forgetting about work completely

Related to How can I improve my studying habits at home?

1. Why is it harder to study at home compared to a classroom environment?

There are several reasons why studying at home may be more challenging. Firstly, home is often associated with relaxation and leisure activities, making it difficult to switch into a focused mindset for studying. Additionally, there may be distractions at home such as family members, pets, or household chores that can interrupt studying. The lack of structure and routine that a classroom setting provides can also make it harder to stay motivated and on track with studying at home.

2. How can I create a more conducive studying environment at home?

Creating a designated study space at home can help to minimize distractions and create a more focused environment. This could be a separate room or a specific area in your home that is free from distractions. It is also important to establish a study routine and stick to it, just like you would in a classroom setting. This includes setting specific study times, taking breaks, and avoiding distractions such as social media or TV.

3. How can I stay motivated and focused while studying at home?

Staying motivated and focused while studying at home can be challenging, but there are some strategies that can help. One approach is to break up study sessions into smaller, manageable chunks with short breaks in between. This can help prevent burnout and maintain concentration. Setting achievable goals and rewarding yourself after completing them can also help to stay motivated. Additionally, finding an accountability partner or joining an online study group can provide support and help maintain motivation.

4. What are some tips for managing time effectively while studying at home?

Time management can be a major hurdle when studying at home. To effectively manage your time, it can be helpful to create a study schedule or to-do list. This will help you prioritize tasks and stay on track. It is also important to eliminate any unnecessary time-wasting activities, such as checking social media or watching TV. Using a timer or setting specific time limits for each task can also help you stay focused and organized.

5. How can I deal with the lack of interaction with teachers and classmates while studying at home?

The lack of interaction with teachers and classmates can be challenging while studying at home. To overcome this, it is important to stay connected through virtual platforms such as video conferencing or online discussion forums. This will allow you to ask questions, receive feedback, and engage in class discussions. Additionally, reaching out to classmates and forming study groups can provide a sense of community and support while studying at home.

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