Have you ever had a dream about walking corpses stealing your shoes?

In summary: I had to go in. So I did. And then the nightmare really got bad.In summary, a young girl dreamed of a garden turning into a mud field, and then descending to the bottom where she finds herself in a corridor with dead faces floating past her. The nightmare eventually leads her to a door with a plaque that reads "Office".
  • #1
A month or so ago, yet I remember it clearly, I had a funny dream. I was walking in a public place, when I look down and see that my shoes are gone. I say in a loud voice for all to hear, "Alright! Who's the walkin' corpse that took my shoes??"

Pretty weird huh? You? jimmy?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
wierd thought

Have you recently bought a new pair of shoes!
I love dreams anything can happen anything is posibill. But unlike the physical world nothing can harm you!
  • #3
Well I get starnge dreams that lead everywhere but sometimes I see myself falling and then suddenly I feel like I am and have to catch myself, which I can't because I am on a bed, so my legs and arms raise sharp and then I relax in a minor cold sweat.

Not the best one to have.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #4
no! I've tried that one myself!
  • #5
Matter said:
no! I've tried that one myself!

Not nice, right?

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #6
strange that even though I don't remember the dream,I can feel it's effect. I've wondered what dreams really mean. or should I say what is there purpose!
  • #7
Matter said:
strange that even though I don't remember the dream,I can feel it's effect.


Matter said:
I've wondered what dreams really mean. or should I say what is there purpose!

To sort out the subconscious mind is what I have always believed.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #8
Lucid dreaming is fun, but tough to do

I've dreamed of a few places that I've never been before but then end up visiting. That's pretty odd. My dreams are always pretty intense. I can feel pain, smell and taste things.

Ah, I love to dream. Speaking of which, I think I'll go do that now.
  • #9
do you think there could be more to it than that? I mean we spend a lot of 'time' in our dream world. What is frustrating is that I don't seem to know what my own subconscious is up to.
and if dreams are purely to sort out the subconscious then why do I sometimes remember them in great detail! Wich would sagest it's my conscious mind.
  • #10
check said:
I've dreamed of a few places that I've never been before but then end up visiting. That's pretty odd.

No, same here. I dreamed and then remembered being asked to go with some people and the same day, it happened. :biggrin:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #11
sweet dreams
  • #12
Matter said:
do you think there could be more to it than that? I mean we spend a lot of 'time' in our dream world. What is frustrating is that I don't seem to know what my own subconscious is up to.
and if dreams are purely to sort out the subconscious then why do I sometimes remember them in great detail! Wich would sagest it's my conscious mind.

Hum... well it was either that or your mind pouring out everything that has happened in that day before sleep and anything relatde to it. This is how most of mine are related.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #13
I wonder how come it's posibill to dream of something happening before it actually happens!
  • #14
Matter said:
I wonder how come it's posibill to dream of something happening before it actually happens!

I think it is more of a hope:

I dreamt and hoped that I would have the girl I wanted. 10 months later, I have the girl I wanted;

I dreamt and hoped that I would go on holiday with some friends. The same day it was organised and agreed.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #15
The Bob said:
I think it is more of a hope:

I dreamt and hoped that I would have the girl I wanted. 10 months later, I have the girl I wanted;

I dreamt and hoped that I would go on holiday with some friends. The same day it was organised and agreed.

The Bob (2004 ©)
I was thinking more along the lines of a dream were you see a place you've never been, or an actual event! And when you go there or experience it ,it is almost exactly as you dreamed.
  • #16
Matter said:
I was thinking more along the lines of a dream were you see a place you've never been, or an actual event! And when you go there or experience it ,it is almost exactly as you dreamed.

Oh right. I see. I don't know. I will think about it.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #17
Anyone else having had recurring nightmares?
Here's one I had quite often in the age 7-11 :
The garden outside my home had turned into a morass/mud field.
Since this was a nightmare, I always stepped into it and sunk down to the bottom.
On my way down, pale, dead faces floated past me (it was rather scary).
When I reached the bottom, I found myself in a dimly lit corridor (please don't try to find the logic in that :wink:).
I went along, shivering, because I knew what awaited me:
A closed door, with a plaque on which stood the word "Office".
I knew I had to go inside..

And behind a large desk, turning around as I went in, sat a large human skeleton with a black top hat on his grinning skull!

That's when I woke up sweating and shivering with fright..
  • #18
My last nightmare was when I was about 12 and it was about my school being run by vampires that couldn't get in, and a train would come in our playground and we would have to run inside for ages. I was strange.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #19
I had one which went on for years after Id snuck into a movie I wasn't aloud to see. I think it stopped when I was around 11 or 12! :blushing: It was a twilit zone movie about a bear like 'man' that started ripping a plain apart from the outside and only one person saw it and no one would believe him! amazing I can recall it frame for frame even now!?
That bear hunted me for years!
  • #20
I hate dreaming about real problems and not being able to wake up.

For example, a while ago, I dreamed I had kicked the covers off and left the windows open and then the temperature dropped during the night. In my dream, I pulled the covers back on, and then the weather got worse. A cold wind was blasting through the open windows, so I was still freezing. Then, I dreamed I closed the windows, and it got colder still. It seemed to take forever before I really woke up, closed the windows, and pulled the covers back on.

I think the weirdest thing that happened to me, though, was dreaming I had lost my arm. I woke up and realized my arm was asleep. And then I couldn't find it!

Turned out I had it running under the pillow and had caught my hand in the headboard, which is why my arm had fallen asleep. But it caused a few seconds panic to wake up from a dream like that and then having to search around the bed to find my arm.
  • #21
One that I always hate is where I go through a day of school in my dream, then wake up to go to school again. I can't escape!
  • #22
BobG said:
I hate dreaming about real problems and not being able to wake up.

For example, a while ago, I dreamed I had kicked the covers off and left the windows open and then the temperature dropped during the night. In my dream, I pulled the covers back on, and then the weather got worse. A cold wind was blasting through the open windows, so I was still freezing. Then, I dreamed I closed the windows, and it got colder still. It seemed to take forever before I really woke up, closed the windows, and pulled the covers back on.

I think the weirdest thing that happened to me, though, was dreaming I had lost my arm. I woke up and realized my arm was asleep. And then I couldn't find it!

Turned out I had it running under the pillow and had caught my hand in the headboard, which is why my arm had fallen asleep. But it caused a few seconds panic to wake up from a dream like that and then having to search around the bed to find my arm.
I'm glad you found it :wink:
One of my weirdest dreams ever was about dreaming that I woke up:
This happened when I was about 12, and played clarinetto (clarinet??) in the local school music band. It was midwinter (and there was lots of snow), and I had been exercising(?) earlier that evening.

I re-dreamt my walking back from the session, and somehow I lost the case containing my instrument on the ground, and since it was a lot a snow, I wasn't able to find it for some time (the logic in dreams sometimes beats me..).
When I finally found it, I opened the case, and DISASTER! my clarinetto was all wet (and it was d**n expensive, too).

Somehow, I managed to sneak past my parents' attention (yet another bit of mysterious dream-logic), I put the oven on in order to dry my clarinetto in a surreptitious way..
Unfortunately, I forgot all about it..

I then woke up in the middle of the night, I suddenly remembered (OMG, the clarinetto!) and I rushed down to the oven, only to find some charred pieces left..

Then I woke up for REAL, rushed down to the oven, and there was no clarinetto there at all. It lay nice and dry within its case..
  • #23
photon said:
One that I always hate is where I go through a day of school in my dream, then wake up to go to school again. I can't escape!
bad news those dreams don't stop even after years of having finshed school!
I still have one from time to time!
But then maybe I'm just a bit strange :)
  • #24
I dreamt and hoped that I would have the girl I wanted.

You get that one too?
  • #25
I dreamt that Roger Waters is a cigarette smoking physicist who dresses like Batman and works as an Olympics commentator.
  • #26
Woo, thanks to this thread I had another lucid dream last night. That was pretty cool. I caught on that I was dreaming so I started flying around like Superman and started knocking over people. :) Oh, I'm a jerk.
  • #27
photon said:
You get that one too?

I did. I now go out with the one and only girl I have ever really wanted. :smile:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #28
I did. I now go out with the one and only girl I have ever really wanted.

Good things are coming my way!
  • #29
photon said:
Good things are coming my way!

Do tell. :wink: :biggrin:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #30
I can tell. I know who he's had his :bugeye: on for a long time. The problem is, Photon will attempt murder if I reveal his fantasies. If I did, however, it would almost be worth it to see the expression on his face. It would be somewhere among :blushing: :mad: :mad: :devil: :redface: :blushing: and a little bit of :eek: too.

Chaos. Disorder. Widespread panic. My work is done here.
  • #31

I have a bit of odd dreaming knowledge. My friends and I call it dreamcasting, but if there's a real name for it, I don't know it. I believe that it is related to hypnosis. I often perform it whenever we have sleepovers and such.
It goes like this: The Castee must be on the brink of sleep. Once this is attained, the Caster whispers soothing, sleep-inducing metaphors to the Castee, like tranquil lakes and the like. Thus will the Castee fall into a deeper sleep than normal, but their subconscious remembers the Caster's voice, and will hopefully respond to it, even while asleep. Once the Castee is completely asleep, the Caster then can control their dreams by describing what they want to happen to the slumbering Castee.
Much hilarity often occurs when the Castee is fully under the command of the Caster, as he can make the Castee do, feel, and see just about anything he wants. I myself once Casted a friend of mine into making out with his pillow. That same night, I Casted that same friend into tackling, and subsequently pounding on, another friend present. Funny to me and onlookers, not so funny to the victim and the Castee. (Who woke up after that first Casting with a mouth full of pillowcase.) :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Chaos. Disorder. Widespread panic. My work is done here.
  • #32
I can tell. I know who he's had his on for a long time.

Watch it, kid. Besides, you don't know the quarter of it.

Back to weird dreams. You know the rock band 'Jefferson Airplane', that changed their name to 'Jefferson Starship'? Well about a week ago, I had dreamt that their also was a 'Jefferson Schoolbus', and a 'Jefferson Garbage Truck', etc.
Pretty surreal, eh?
  • #33
photon said:
Watch it, kid. Besides, you don't know the quarter of it.

Back to weird dreams. You know the rock band 'Jefferson Airplane', that changed their name to 'Jefferson Starship'? Well about a week ago, I had dreamt that their also was a 'Jefferson Schoolbus', and a 'Jefferson Garbage Truck', etc.
Pretty surreal, eh?

Well wait because they might change their name again. :biggrin:

The Bob (2004 ©)

Related to Have you ever had a dream about walking corpses stealing your shoes?

1. What causes dreams about walking corpses stealing your shoes?

Dreams are a complex and often mysterious aspect of human psychology. There is no one definitive answer to what causes dreams about walking corpses stealing your shoes, as it can vary from person to person. Some theories suggest that dreams are a way for our subconscious to process and make sense of our thoughts and experiences. Others believe that dreams are a manifestation of our fears and anxieties.

2. Are dreams about walking corpses stealing your shoes a sign of something deeper?

Dreams can be a reflection of our subconscious thoughts and emotions, but they do not necessarily have a deeper meaning. It is important to remember that dreams are not always literal and can be influenced by a variety of factors such as daily experiences, stress, and even what we eat before bed. If you are consistently having dreams about walking corpses stealing your shoes, it may be helpful to explore any underlying fears or anxieties that could be contributing to these dreams.

3. Can dreams about walking corpses stealing your shoes become a reality?

No, dreams are not a prediction of future events and cannot become a reality. Dreams are a product of our imagination and do not have the power to manifest in the physical world. However, if you are experiencing recurring nightmares or distressing dreams, it may be helpful to seek professional help to address any underlying issues.

4. How can I prevent or stop dreams about walking corpses stealing your shoes?

Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to prevent or stop specific dreams from occurring. However, practicing good sleep hygiene and managing stress and anxiety levels can help reduce the frequency of disturbing dreams. It may also be helpful to engage in relaxation techniques before bed, such as deep breathing or meditation, to promote more peaceful sleep.

5. Are there any cultural or psychological interpretations of dreams about walking corpses stealing your shoes?

Dream interpretations can vary greatly depending on cultural and psychological beliefs. In some cultures, dreams about the dead may be seen as a sign of impending danger or a message from ancestors. In psychology, dreams about corpses may be linked to feelings of powerlessness or fear of losing control. However, it is important to remember that dream interpretations are subjective and can vary from person to person.

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