Grad schools emphasizing teaching

In summary, the speaker is seeking advice from people in physics, astronomy, or astrophysics graduate programs. They have had personal and academic difficulties in their past and are now looking to return to graduate school with a focus on teaching rather than research. They are asking for recommendations on small to medium-sized institutions with a strong emphasis on teaching and undergraduate research opportunities. Some suggested schools include the University of Wyoming, the University of Arizona, and the College of William & Mary.
  • #1
Hello all,

I'm looking for advice from people in any physics/astronomy/astrophysics graduate program. If you're short on time, please feel free to skip to the last paragraph; I would really appreciate any help. I did my undergraduate degrees in physics and math, and if you don't mind me tooting my own horn a little, I did really well. I had no trouble getting into a top-tier physics grad school and I was pretty excited to take that well-beaten track "grad school-->postdoc(s)-->tenure track at R1". Then my life fell apart. I won't go into too much detail, but a combination of severe personal problems and the sheer workload proved to be too much, my motivation and passion dropped to zero, and I made a right mess of things.

Anyway, two years in I took my Masters and ran. I was seriously depressed. Physics is the only thing I've ever wanted to do with my life (seriously --- my parents have videos of my 3-year-old self), and suddenly I found myself in a deep hole with seemingly no way to climb back up. But then my undergrad institution called and offered me a short-term teaching position. And coming back to the place that helped shape and develop my career so far has clarified a few things for me: I don't want to be at an R1. I don't want to have the publish-or-perish mentality and I don't need to do foundational research to be happy. My true passion lies in teaching, in those formative moments when a spark lights up in someone's eyes, in helping people to understand the subject that I love.

So I'm ready to go back, to a different institution, and finish my Ph.D. I want to focus on schools with a small to medium-sized department, with strong collegiality, where undergraduates are encouraged to research early and graduate students get strong teaching experience in addition to their primary research. Do any of you know of such an institution or have first-hand recommendations? I'm putting together my preliminary list of places to apply and I would really appreciate any input on the subject.

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  • #2
The University of Wyoming isn't too hard to get into, and they have a strong physics education department. A few friends of mine graduated from there and loved it. U of Arizona also has a great physics education program, but they are much harder to get into.
  • #3
Sounds like the College of William & Mary is exactly what you're looking for. They have the only physics phd program that puts explicit importance on gaining teaching experience I have seen. Word of mouth I've heard from a my senior adviser corroborates this.
  • #4
Interesting. William and Mary and Arizona were schools I looked into when I applied the first time around, but didn't actually end up applying to. I'll have to give all three a closer look. Thanks to both of you!
  • #5

I completely understand and support your decision to focus on graduate schools that emphasize teaching. In fact, I believe that teaching is just as important as research in the field of science. Not only does it allow us to share our knowledge and passion with others, but it also helps to shape and inspire the next generation of scientists. Your experience highlights the importance of finding a graduate program that aligns with your values and goals. I would recommend reaching out to current graduate students or alumni at different institutions to get a better understanding of their teaching opportunities and experiences. Also, don't be afraid to ask about the department's overall focus on teaching versus research. Good luck in your search and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

Related to Grad schools emphasizing teaching

What is a graduate school emphasizing teaching?

A graduate school emphasizing teaching is a type of graduate program that focuses on developing the skills and knowledge needed to become an effective teacher. This type of program is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career in teaching at the college or university level.

What are the requirements for admission to a graduate school emphasizing teaching?

The specific requirements for admission to a graduate school emphasizing teaching may vary depending on the institution. However, most programs require applicants to have a bachelor's degree, a minimum GPA, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose. Some programs may also require applicants to have teaching experience or pass a standardized test, such as the GRE.

What courses are typically included in a graduate school emphasizing teaching?

Courses in a graduate school emphasizing teaching may include educational psychology, curriculum development, instructional strategies, assessment and evaluation, and educational technology. Some programs may also offer courses specific to the subject area the student plans to teach, such as math, science, or English.

What types of teaching opportunities are available after completing a graduate school emphasizing teaching?

After completing a graduate school emphasizing teaching, individuals may have opportunities to teach at the college or university level. They may also be qualified to work in educational leadership roles, such as curriculum developer, instructional coach, or educational consultant.

How can I determine if a graduate school emphasizing teaching is the right fit for me?

To determine if a graduate school emphasizing teaching is the right fit for you, consider your career goals, interests, and strengths. Research the curriculum and teaching methods used in the program to see if they align with your goals and learning style. You can also speak with current or former students to get an understanding of their experiences in the program.

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