Ghosts Coming & Going: Exploring Physical Presence

  • Thread starter ashencrumbs
  • Start date
In summary, researchers have a new model for why time travel is not possible. It is possible to travel back in time, but only in a way that is complementary to the present.
  • #1
The context of this question may seems strange but there is a physical phenomenon at work in my home that I’d like to see if it can be explained. Please, if you don’t believe the story that has given rise to the question, do not disregard the question itself. Several years ago I was playing around with an audio tape recorded in a cemetery. I was trying to record the voices of any spirits that might be there. I met with some success. But the one major problem was that these ghost followed me home an have taken up residence in my home. Over the years I have been able to glean some information about who they are and where they are. From what I’ve been told or have gathered these ghost exist in a place that consists of only them. No other naturally occurring materials. Now there seems to be a inability to make physical contact with anything including one another. Something I noticed. It seems that the plane ( just a word I choose) they exist in can intersect with our world. Even though they seem to have a prefect view of us. When this intersection takes place they can, to a limited extent and in a very small way physically interact with thing in our environment. That sparked a question in my mind. Could their inability to be physical be more a condition of where they are than what they are made of? Put another way; Could a environment dictate whether or not a thing has a tangible physical presence? So, a quick example, a ghost exists in it’s plane and is unable to touch or effect
anything in that plane as it exists in a non-solid state as a result of the physical laws that govern that plane but once that ghost manages to cross over to another plane (say, ours) the physical laws change and impact the ghost differently. This spirit then is able to take on a more physically solid state.
I guess if I where to put the question in a less paranormal way... Why would it be that when Item A is in “Place Z” it exists but in a non-solid state but when it moves from “Place Z” to “Place Y” it becomes far more dense?
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  • #2
Ghosts don't exist.
Post reported.
  • #3
dont completely discredit his question you are no one to say that there is no proof that they do or don't exist. I personnally believe that they do. And his question is a valid one even without the ghost no one here is able to say that people like you are why some people hate scientist they are to hard headed and sometimes say things on just assumptions you must have proof before you say that.

And in acordance with your question though i am not even close to an expert it may have to do with fluids. Mabey in his world there is a factor that makes them so undense that they can't touch or do anything but watch. But while there in our world they something here makes them more dense mabey its gravity that can be the only thing i could think of or mabey dark matter or something we don't even know about yet
  • #4
arildno said:
Ghosts don't exist.
Post reported.
If posts can be reported for a reason like "Ghosts don't exist", then think of the amount of time it will take people from the LQG camp just to report messages from the other camp! :-p
  • #5
R34p3r said:
dont completely discredit his question you are no one to say that there is no proof that they do or don't exist.
There is never any proof that something doesn't exist. By not being there, no evidence of its non-existance is available.

This is why, in a science forum, things are assumed to not exist until plausible evidence of existence is seen. Everything, and I mean everything, that I have seen and heard as evidence of ghosts has other plausible and more likely explanations, up to and including the outright lying of the "witness." I'm not accusing anyone here of lying, but I have met people who are obviously lying while claiming a sighting of a ghost.
  • #6
Well,I for one am not interested in having PF degenerate into a crackpots' playground where the posting of half-baked ideas and personal fancies count for meaningful, scientific discussion.
  • #7
It reminds me of this newsstory about timetravellers:

Researchers speculate that time travel can occur within a kind of feedback loop where backwards movement is possible, but only in a way that is "complementary" to the present.

In other words, you can pop back in time and have a look around, but you cannot do anything that will alter the present you left behind.

The new model, which uses the laws of quantum mechanics, gets rid of the famous paradox surrounding time travel.
I think this sounds a lot like what seems to happen to ghosts (in movies atleast). In movies u always see ghosts who can walk through walls and when they try to drink a cup of tea, their hand passes through the cup and the ghost-actor is usually shocked that he can't interact with the physical world anymore.

So assumed that the timetravellers(or in this case ghosts from the future) can travel to the past, then they can then only observe and not change anything. They actually have to be invisible, because if they were observed by the living people, the living peoples behaviour would be altered, which would change the future, which is not allowed according to this theory.
  • #8

How, beside the tape sounds, has anything made itself known to you. Where are you getting the details about the "ghosts"?
  • #9
Sigh. Ashencrumbs, before your post of such a generally acknowledged mythical nature is indulged, perhaps you should confirm your initial statements. Remembering that the existence of ghosts has not been proven so please consider a few pertinent questions.

I was trying to record the voices of any spirits that might be there. I met with some success.

Define "some" success. What do you have? Explain why your recordings are necessarily from spirits.

these ghost followed me home an have taken up residence in my home.

Substantiate this far-fetched claim.

I have been able to glean some information about who they are and where they are.

How? From what source? How was this information verified?

The rest of your post is immaterial (pun intended) if all you have is your own unsubstantiated claims.
  • #10
We can't have discussion like this based on one unsubstantiated claim. Before speculating on the nature of "ghosts", we would first have to know that they exist.

Related to Ghosts Coming & Going: Exploring Physical Presence

1. What is the scientific explanation for ghosts?

There is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of ghosts. Many researchers believe that supposed ghost sightings can be explained by natural phenomena, such as hallucinations, optical illusions, or hoaxes.

2. Can ghosts physically interact with objects?

There is no scientific evidence that ghosts can physically interact with objects. The laws of physics do not allow for the existence of beings that can pass through solid objects or move them without any physical force.

3. How do researchers study ghosts?

Researchers use various methods to study supposed ghost phenomena, such as interviewing witnesses, analyzing video and audio recordings, and conducting experiments in reportedly haunted locations. However, these methods do not provide conclusive evidence for the existence of ghosts.

4. Are ghost sightings real experiences or just psychological phenomena?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it is difficult to determine the true nature of ghost sightings. Some believe that they are real experiences, while others argue that they are psychological phenomena triggered by various factors, such as belief in the supernatural or suggestion.

5. Can science ever prove the existence of ghosts?

It is highly unlikely that science will ever be able to prove the existence of ghosts. The concept of ghosts falls outside of the realm of scientific inquiry as it cannot be tested or observed using the scientific method. Additionally, current scientific understanding does not support the existence of ghosts as physical beings.

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