Extracurricular activities and studying

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In summary, the speaker is seeking advice on how to manage their time better while dealing with a stressful week of 7 tests and 2 extracurricular activities. They are asking for suggestions on how to create an efficient schedule and considering quitting their activities to focus on studying. They are also in the IB program and doing well.
  • #1
Hi everyone,
I haven't been here in a long time (well, I post every now and then but not like I used to...good old days...).
I'm here now because I need advice on how to manage my time properly.
I'm in the wonderful IB program, and I know most of u realize just how much work (not to mention the competition with kids who always get As ) we get. Well, this is pretty much the most stressful week I've had in a really long time. I have 7 tests this week, 2 of which are done. One test is really a 1000 word essay I have to write, one is a math test (not 2 worried about that one), 3 are spanish tests. Also I have 2 extracurricular activities which require even more studying ; debate club and science bowl. I'm having a really hard time managing my time and sticking with it. so how should I go about comming up with a schedule that I can stick to? what is the process I should follow in deriving an efficient schedule?

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  • #2
I would quit out the afterschool activities, as much fun (or not) they are, the important thing is doing well in your classes.

You sound like you're doing great for yourself in the IB program!

Are you in the US?

Be sure to study! lol, if you never thought about that.
  • #3

I understand the importance of time management and balancing extracurricular activities with studying. It can be a challenging task, especially in a rigorous program like the IB. My first advice would be to prioritize your tasks and make a list of all the tests and assignments that you have coming up. This will help you see the bigger picture and allocate your time accordingly. Additionally, it may be helpful to break down your studying into smaller, more manageable chunks. For example, instead of trying to study for all 7 tests in one day, spread it out over a few days and focus on one or two subjects at a time.

It is also important to schedule breaks and rest periods in your study schedule. Giving your brain time to relax and recharge will actually make your studying more effective. As for your extracurricular activities, try to find a balance between your academic commitments and these activities. Perhaps you can set aside certain days or times specifically for these activities, while still leaving enough time for studying.

When creating your schedule, be realistic and take into account your own personal strengths and weaknesses. Some people may need more time to study for certain subjects, while others may be able to grasp concepts quickly. Don't compare yourself to others and their study habits, as everyone is different. And most importantly, don't forget to take care of yourself physically and mentally. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating well, and taking breaks to do activities that you enjoy.

In terms of the process for creating an efficient schedule, it ultimately depends on what works best for you. Some people may prefer to use a planner or calendar to map out their days, while others may prefer to make a to-do list. Experiment with different methods and find what works best for you.

Overall, time management and finding a balance between extracurricular activities and studying takes practice and patience. But with a little bit of planning and prioritizing, you can successfully manage your time and excel in both areas. Best of luck to you!

Related to Extracurricular activities and studying

1. How do extracurricular activities impact academic performance?

Participating in extracurricular activities can have both positive and negative effects on academic performance. On one hand, it can help improve time management skills, build social connections, and provide a break from academic studies. On the other hand, it can also lead to burnout, lack of focus, and less time for studying. It ultimately depends on the individual and how they balance their extracurricular activities with their studies.

2. Are there any extracurricular activities that are particularly beneficial for studying?

While it varies for each person, there are some extracurricular activities that have been shown to have a positive impact on studying. These include activities that involve critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills such as debate team, academic clubs, and volunteering. Additionally, physical activities like sports or yoga can also help reduce stress and improve focus.

3. How much time should I dedicate to extracurricular activities while also studying?

The amount of time you dedicate to extracurricular activities should depend on your individual capabilities and priorities. It's important to find a balance between your studies and extracurriculars, and not let one take over the other. Some students may only have a few hours a week to spare, while others may have more flexibility. It's important to prioritize your academic responsibilities and make sure they are not being neglected due to extracurricular activities.

4. Can participating in too many extracurricular activities negatively impact studying?

Yes, participating in too many extracurricular activities can have a negative impact on studying. It can lead to burnout, lack of focus, and less time for studying. It's important to prioritize and limit the number of activities you participate in, and make sure they do not interfere with your academic responsibilities.

5. How can I balance extracurricular activities and studying effectively?

The key to balancing extracurricular activities and studying effectively is time management and prioritization. Make a schedule that includes both your academic and extracurricular commitments, and stick to it. It's also important to communicate with your teachers or professors and let them know about your extracurricular activities. They may be able to provide guidance and support to help you balance both successfully.

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