Express wave function in spherical harmonics

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the expectation values of L2 and Lz for a given wave function ψ(r) in spherical coordinates. It is suggested to express the wave function in terms of spherical harmonics in order to find these values. The process of converting from Cartesian to spherical coordinates and expressing cosø and sinø in their complex exponential forms is also discussed. To find the expectation values, the wave function must first be normalized using a normalization constant and then acted upon by L2 and Lz, with the resulting eigenvalues being l(l+1)h2 and mh, respectively.
  • #1
1. Problem:
I have a wave function ψ(r) = (x + y + z)*f(r) and want to find the expectation values of L2 and Lz. It is suggested that I first change the wave function to spherical coordinates, then put that in terms of spherical harmonics of the form Yl,m.

2. Homework Equations :
Spherical harmonics and conversions from Cartesian to spherical coordinates

3. Attempt at solution:
So I know how to express the wave function in spherical coordinates (which should be ψ(r) = r*f(r)*(sinΘcosø + sinΘsinø + cosΘ). I am having a hard time going from this to spherical harmonics though (I am sort of new to this). I can see from a table of spherical harmonics that Y1,0 does have a cosΘ, but how would I get the terms that have Θ and ø? (I can see that there are some spherical harmonics that have e, but this would give me cosø + isinø, so it doesn't look like that would get me what I want.)
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  • #2
Hi z2394,
The wavefunction can be written rf(r)sinθ[cosø + sinø] + rf(r)cosθ. As you said, the second term here can be written in terms of a single spherical harmonic. To get the first term as a linear combination of spherical harmonics, try expressing cosø and sinø in their complex exponential forms.
  • #3
So I see how to do that now, and I get ψ(r) = r*f(r)*([itex]\sqrt{2{\pi}/3}([/itex]-Y1,1+Y1,-1) - (1/i)[itex]\sqrt{2{\pi}/3}[/itex](Y1,1 + Y1,-1) + [itex]\sqrt{4{\pi}/3}[/itex]Y1,0). But now how do I use this to get <L2> and <Lz>? I know to do <ψ| L2 |ψ> and <ψ| Lz |ψ>, but does L2 acting on ψ here still give me the l(l+1)h2 eigenvalue, and Lz the mh eigenvalue, (where h is actually the reduced Planck constant), when acting on this ψ?
  • #4
z2394 said:
I know to do <ψ| L2 |ψ> and <ψ| Lz |ψ>, but does L2 acting on ψ here still give me the l(l+1)h2 eigenvalue, and Lz the mh eigenvalue, (where h is actually the reduced Planck constant), when acting on this ψ?
When L2 and Lz act on the spherical harmonics, then the eigenvalue returned is l(l+1)h2 and mh respectively. First though, you will need to normalize ψ. Introduce some normalization constant, say A, and solve for A using the fact that the spherical harmonics are a complete set of orthonormal functions.
  • #5

To express a wave function in terms of spherical harmonics, you will need to use the following formula: ψ(r,θ,φ) = ΣClm Ylm(θ,φ), where Clm are coefficients and Ylm are the spherical harmonics. In this case, you will need to expand the wave function ψ(r) in terms of spherical harmonics Ylm(θ,φ) and then solve for the coefficients Clm. This can be done by using the orthogonality of spherical harmonics and integrating over the entire solid angle.

In order to expand the wave function in terms of spherical harmonics, you will need to use the following relation: Ylm(θ,φ) = (-1)^m √[(2l+1)/(4π)(l-m)!/(l+m)!] Plm(cosθ)eiφ, where Plm(cosθ) are the associated Legendre polynomials. You can then solve for the coefficients Clm by using the orthogonality relation: ∫∫Y*lm(θ,φ)ψ(r,θ,φ)r^2sinθdθdφ = Clm∫∫Y*lm(θ,φ)Ylm(θ,φ)r^2sinθdθdφ. This will give you the coefficients Clm in terms of the wave function ψ(r).

Once you have the wave function expressed in terms of spherical harmonics, you can then use the standard formulas for calculating the expectation values of L2 and Lz in terms of spherical coordinates. These can be found in most textbooks on quantum mechanics or online resources. By substituting the spherical harmonics expansion of ψ(r) into these formulas, you can then find the expectation values of L2 and Lz. I hope this helps clarify the process for you. Good luck with your calculations!

Related to Express wave function in spherical harmonics

1. What is a spherical harmonic?

A spherical harmonic is a mathematical function that describes the behavior of waves in a spherical coordinate system. It is used to express the wave function of a system in terms of its angular dependence.

2. Why is it important to express the wave function in spherical harmonics?

Expressing the wave function in spherical harmonics allows for a more efficient and accurate description of the behavior of a system. It also simplifies mathematical calculations and makes it easier to interpret the physical properties of the system.

3. How do you express a wave function in spherical harmonics?

To express a wave function in spherical harmonics, you need to decompose it into a sum of individual spherical harmonic functions. This can be done using the method of separation of variables, where the radial and angular components of the wave function are separated.

4. What are the benefits of using spherical harmonics in quantum mechanics?

Spherical harmonics are particularly useful in quantum mechanics because they provide a complete set of functions to describe the angular dependence of a system. This allows for a more accurate and efficient representation of the system's wave function and makes it easier to solve complex problems.

5. Can spherical harmonics be used to describe any type of wave?

Yes, spherical harmonics can be used to describe any type of wave that exhibits spherical symmetry, such as electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and quantum mechanical waves. However, they are most commonly used in the context of quantum mechanics.

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