Equivalent Metrics From Clopen Sets

In summary: If you want to show that two metrics are equivalent, you need to show that they generate the same topology.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that if ##(X,d)## is a metric space and ##C## and ##X \setminus C## are nonempty clopen sets, then there is an equivalent metric ##\rho## on ##X## such that ##\forall a \in C, \quad \forall b \in X \setminus C, \quad \rho(a,b) \geq 1##.

I know the term "clopen" is not a very formal definition, at least not to my knowledge, but it does describe the two properties of the given sets: they are both open and closed.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Would I have to show that the metric ##\rho## satisfies the properties of a metric or would I need to show that the metric ##d## and the metric ##\rho## generate the same topology to show they are equivalent?

If I define a function ##\rho: X \times X \to \mathbb{R}_+## by the following:

if both ##x,y## lie in either ##C## or ##X \setminus C##, then ##\rho(x,y) = d(x,y)##. Otherwise, let ##\rho(x,y) = d(x,y) +100##, say. How do I proceed to show that this function satisfies the properties of a metric, that it is equivalent to ##d##, and that it satisfies the desired property of ##\rho(x,y) \geq 1 ##?

As a side thought, would using sequences be useful here, or would this be a completely different approach?

Any help with this problem is greatly appreciated as I do not know where to begin or how to proceed in writing up a correct proof.

Thanks in advance for your time and patience.
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  • #2
Do you know what property follows , i.e., is equivalent to having a clopen set other than X and the empty set?
  • #3
Would it have something to do with being connected? My textbook states that a space ##X## is connected if there do not exist open subsets ##A, B## of ##X## such that ##A \neq \emptyset, \quad B \neq \emptyset, \quad A \cap B = \emptyset, \quad A \cup B = X##. Is this equivalent? Thank you for your prompt response.
  • #4
Precisely, good going.
  • #5
Ok, so if ##C \cup X \setminus C = X##, then this creates a separation, according to what I am reading from Fred H. Croom's Principles of Topology. How do I tie this together with metric spaces to show equivalence? Again, many thanks for your feedback.
  • #6
jamilmalik said:
Ok, so if ##C \cup X \setminus C = X##, then this creates a separation, according to what I am reading from Fred H. Croom's Principles of Topology. How do I tie this together with metric spaces to show equivalence? Again, many thanks for your feedback.

There are two notions of equivalent metrics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivalence_of_metrics Which one are you using? I'm guessing you are just looking for topological equivalence.
  • #7
Yes, we are using topological equivalence. To be honest, I do not think I have seen strong equivalence before. Thank you for this clarification.
  • #8
jamilmalik said:
Yes, we are using topological equivalence. To be honest, I do not think I have seen strong equivalence before. Thank you for this clarification.

Well then, just go ahead with your idea. Show ##\rho## is a metric. That should be easy. Then show they both generate the same topology. That's where you use the 'clopen'.
  • #9
The basic properties of [itex]\rho [/itex] as a metric follow from those of [itex]d(x,y) [/itex]. Just consider the cases for x,y,z are not all in the same component.
  • #10
So by construction, ##\rho(x,y) = d(x,y)## if both ##x,y \in C## or ##x,y \in X \setminus C##. As for considering the cases where ##x,y,z## are not all in the same component, my book defines component of a topological space as a connected subset ##C## of ##X## which is not a proper subset of any connected subset of ##X##. There is also a list of properties of the components which follow the definition, but I am unsure how to properly use this.

I get the feeling that showing the triangle inequality would look something like this:

if ##\rho(x,z) \leq \rho(x,y) + \rho(y,z)##, then let ##\rho(x,y) = d(x,y)+50## and let ## \rho(y,z) = d(x,y)+50## so that we get ##\rho(x,z) \leq d(x,y) +100##. Does this seem correct? Many thanks for your time and assistance.
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  • #11
jamilmalik said:
So by construction, ##\rho(x,y) = d(x,y)## if both ##x,y \in C## or ##x,y \in X \setminus C##. As for considering the cases where ##x,y,z## are not all in the same component, my book defines component of a topological space as a connected subset ##C## of ##X## which is not a proper subset of any connected subset of ##X##. There is also a list of properties of the components which follow the definition, but I am unsure how to properly use this.

I get the feeling that showing the triangle inequality would look something like this:

if ##\rho(x,z) \leq \rho(x,y) + \rho(y,z)##, then let ##\rho(x,y) = d(x,y)+50## and let ## \rho(y,z) = d(x,y)+50## so that we get ##\rho(x,z) \leq d(x,y) +100##. Does this seem correct? Many thanks for your time and assistance.

WWGD was just using the word 'component' to refer to either ##C## or ##X \setminus C##. You know ##d## is a metric so use that to show the ##\rho## you defined in first post is also a metric.

So you can start by assuming ##d(x,y) \le d(x,z) + d(z,y)## for any ##x, y, z##. You want to show ##\rho(x,y) \le \rho(x,z) + \rho(z,y)##. Just consider the cases. It's pretty obvious if ##x##, ##y## and ##z## lie in the same set, yes? Now just consider other cases, like ##x## and ##y## lie in the same set and ##z## lies in the other. Or ##x## and ##z## are in the same set and ##y## is in the other. Is the ##\rho## inequality also true then? Just substitute for what ##\rho## is in terms of ##d##. Do you still get true inequalities?

Related to Equivalent Metrics From Clopen Sets

What is the concept of "Equivalent Metrics From Clopen Sets"?

The concept of "Equivalent Metrics From Clopen Sets" is a mathematical concept that involves studying the relationship between two metrics on a set that are induced by clopen sets. Clopen sets are sets that are both closed and open, meaning that they contain their boundary points and do not contain any of their limit points. This concept is important in topology and can help us understand the properties of different metrics on a given set.

How are the two metrics related in this concept?

In this concept, the two metrics are considered to be equivalent if they induce the same topology on the set. This means that the open sets in one metric are the same as the open sets in the other metric. In other words, any property or statement that is true in one metric is also true in the other metric.

What is the significance of studying equivalent metrics from clopen sets?

Studying equivalent metrics from clopen sets can help us understand the structure and properties of different metrics on a given set. It also allows us to compare and contrast different metrics and see how they relate to each other. This concept is particularly useful in topology and can help us prove theorems and make connections between different areas of mathematics.

Are all metrics on a given set equivalent?

No, not all metrics on a given set are equivalent. Equivalent metrics from clopen sets is a specific concept that only applies to certain metrics. Two metrics are only considered equivalent if they induce the same topology on the set, which means that not all metrics will satisfy this condition.

Are there any real-world applications for this concept?

While this concept may seem abstract, there are actually several real-world applications for studying equivalent metrics from clopen sets. For example, in computer science, this concept is used to study different metrics on a set of data points and determine which metric is the most suitable for a given problem. It is also used in physics and engineering to analyze the properties of different physical systems and phenomena.

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