Does the series sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) converge or diverge?

In summary, the series sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) diverges by the divergence test. There is some disagreement about its convergence, with some sources saying it converges due to comparison with the convergent series sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2, and others saying it diverges due to the alternating nature of cos(k). Further discussion includes the possibility of using the comparison test or the limit comparison test, but the issue of whether cos(k) is bounded and undefined for large values of k makes it difficult to state strict comparisons.
  • #1
State if the following series converges or diverges
sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1)

I applied the convergence test
lim k->inf cos(k)/(k^2+1) =H lim k->inf -sin(k)/(2k) =H lim k->inf -cos(k)/2 = some undefined value bounded by -1 and 1 =/= 0 so the series diverges by the divergence test. I guess my answer is wrong.

This question came up on a assignment in class. We went over the answer after handing in the the assignment. The lecturer stated that the the series did not converge and compared it to sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2 and stated that

0 < sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) < sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2

and because sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2 is convergent by the p-series test, 2>1, sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) must also converge by the comparison test sense sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) < sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2.

I believed this to be true at the time this was stated. I however have a problem accepting this because
0 < sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1)
is not true statement because cos(k) alternates between positive values and negative values.

I also have a problem with this statement
sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) < sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2

cos(k) is bounded by positive and negative one and is undefined as k goes to infinity but stuck in between these two values. As k goes to infinity
k^2+1 = k^2
so the denominators would be equal to each other
and at some very large values cos(k) = 1
so wouldn't this statement be more correct
sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) <= sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2
and I'm not sure the comparison test works here when you have >= or <= comparisons. I thought they had to be strictly < or >

Just from thinking about it... I would like to believe that we cannot say anything at all about the series with comparison tests with >= or <=... but I'm not so sure as to exactly why at the moment...

I checked with wolfram alpha[n=1,+inf]+of+cos(k)/(k^2+1)"
and it says the series does not converge by the limit test as I showed. I however know computers can be wrong sometimes and have seen wolfram alpha return wrong results before, but I'm not so sure that the series converges and don't see any test that I know of that would be practical to use besides the comparison test or the limit comparison test in which it's hard to state < or > or <= or >= because cos(k) alternates between positive one and negative one and is undefined as k goes to infinity but and is stuck some were in between positive and negative one including those values.

Thanks for any help.
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  • #2
GreenPrint said:
State if the following series converges or diverges
sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1)

I applied the convergence test
lim k->inf cos(k)/(k^2+1) =H lim k->inf -sin(k)/(2k) =H lim k->inf -cos(k)/2 = some undefined value bounded by -1 and 1 =/= 0 so the series diverges by the divergence test. I guess my answer is wrong.

This question came up on a assignment in class. We went over the answer after handing in the the assignment. The lecturer stated that the the series did not converge and compared it to sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2 and stated that

0 < sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) < sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2

and because sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2 is convergent by the p-series test, 2>1, sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) must also converge by the comparison test sense sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) < sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2.
So what did your lecturer say? You have said he "stated that the the series did not converge" and that he said it "must also converge by the comparison test".

I believed this to be true at the time this was stated. I however have a problem accepting this because
0 < sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1)
is not true statement because cos(k) alternates between positive values and negative values.
Did you try calculating a few terms? If k= 1, cos(1)/(1+1)= 0.2702. If k= 1 cos(2)/(4+1)= -0.0832 so the sum is 0.1870, still positive. The denominator, [itex]k^2+ 1[/itex], decreases the value of the fraction fast enough that every partial sum is positive.

I also have a problem with this statement
sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) < sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2

cos(k) is bounded by positive and negative one and is undefined as k goes to infinity but stuck in between these two values. As k goes to infinity
k^2+1 = k^2
No, that is not true. [itex]k^2+1> k^2[/itex] for all k. You cannot say "as k goes to infinity" and then use k in the formula. As k goes to infinity, the difference between [itex]k^2+1[/itex] and [itex]k[/itex] is always 1.

so the denominators would be equal to each other
and at some very large values cos(k) = 1
No, that is not true. cos(x)= 1 only for x a multiple of [itex]2\pi[/itex]. An integer, k, is never a multiple of the irrational number, [itex]2\pi[/itex].

so wouldn't this statement be more correct
sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) <= sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2
and I'm not sure the comparison test works here when you have >= or <= comparisons. I thought they had to be strictly < or >
Well, if it is "=" and the sum on the right converges, the sum on the left must also converge!
No, it does not have to be "strictly < or >":'

I checked with wolfram alpha[n=1,+inf]+of+cos(k)/(k^2+1)"
and it says the series does not converge by the limit test as I showed. I however know computers can be wrong sometimes and have seen wolfram alpha return wrong results before, but I'm not so sure that the series converges and don't see any test that I know of that would be practical to use besides the comparison test or the limit comparison test in which it's hard to state < or > or <= or >= because cos(k) alternates between positive one and negative one and is undefined as k goes to infinity but and is stuck some were in between positive and negative one including those values.

Thanks for any help.
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  • #3
GreenPrint said:
State if the following series converges or diverges
sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1)

I applied the convergence test
What you're applying is the divergence test (AKA nth term test for divergence).
GreenPrint said:
lim k->inf cos(k)/(k^2+1) =H lim k->inf -sin(k)/(2k) =H lim k->inf -cos(k)/2 = some undefined value bounded by -1 and 1 =/= 0 so the series diverges by the divergence test. I guess my answer is wrong.

Your first mistake is using L'Hopital's Rule to evaluate the limit. L'Hopital's Rule can be used for limits that have the indeterminate form [0/0] or [±∞/∞]. Although k2 + 1 approaches 0 as k approaches ∞, cos(k) does not have a limit as k approaches ∞.

The expression has a limit that can be evaluated directly:

[tex]\lim_{k \to \infty} \frac{cos(k)}{k^2+1} = 0[/tex]

If you're using the nth term test for divergence, this fact does you no good. You can conclude that a series diverges only if lim an [itex]\neq[/itex] 0.
  • #4
So what did your lecturer say? You have said he "stated that the the series did not converge" and that he said it "must also converge by the comparison test".
Well he said that the answer was that it converges. Sorry if I got that mixed up. He used

0 < sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) < sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2

and because sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2 is convergent by the p-series test, 2>1, sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) must also converge by the comparison test sense sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) < sum[k=1,inf] 1/k^2.

Did you try calculating a few terms? If k= 1, cos(1)/(1+1)= 0.2702. If k= 1 cos(2)/(4+1)= -0.0832 so the sum is 0.1870, still positive. The denominator, k^2+1, decreases the value of the fraction fast enough that every partial sum is positive.

I did not realize this at the time. The numerator is always strictly less than 1 and strictly greater than -1 and the denominator increases with each term. Can we say though that every partial sum is always positive? I don't see how we can.

No, that is not true. k^2+1>k^2 for all k. You cannot say "as k goes to infinity" and then use k in the formula. As k goes to infinity, the difference between k^2+1 and k is always 1.

Interesting. I thought the difference of 1 was irrelevant as k goes to infinity and that we could consider them to be about the same value.

Your first mistake is using L'Hopital's Rule to evaluate the limit. L'Hopital's Rule can be used for limits that have the indeterminate form [0/0] or [±∞/∞]. Although k2 + 1 approaches 0 as k approaches ∞, cos(k) does not have a limit as k approaches ∞.

Right because cos(x) is bounded by +/- 1 and so L'Hopital's rule can not be used. I didn't realize I made this mistake.So does the series converge or diverge? Wolfram Alpha says that the sum diverges.
  • #5
[tex]\frac{-1}{k^2+1} \leq \frac{cos(k)}{k^2+1} \leq \frac{1}{k^2+1}[/tex]

Also, since [itex]\frac{1}{k^2 + 1} < \frac{1}{k^2}[/itex], we can say that [itex]\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k^2+1}[/itex] converges. A similar argument shows that [itex]\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{-1}{k^2+1}[/itex] converges.

What can you conclude from this and your instructor's explanation? I don't trust what you're reporting that wolframalpha found, since I don't know what you entered there.
  • #6
Interesting. So the series converges by the squeeze therom. This explanation is much more convincing.

I entered this into wolfram alpha
sum[n=1, inf] of cos(k)/(k^2+1)
and it said that the sum does not converge.
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  • #7
I followed your link to wolframalpha to see for myself what you had done.
Your link shows this expression: sum[n=1, inf] of cos(k)/(k^2+1)

The expression should actually be sum[k=1, inf] of cos(k)/(k^2+1).

After fixed that, I got a slightly different result, but still one that said the series doesn't converge. What I have in post #5 doesn't guarantee that the series converges, only that the sequence of partial sums is bounded below by whatever [itex]\frac{-1}{k^2+1}[/itex] converges to (about -1.08), and above by whatever [itex]\frac{1}{k^2+1}[/itex] converges to. That's not enough to guarantee the the series in this thread converges. Wolframalpha says that the series diverges by the integral test, but I don't think it's trivial to evaluate that integral.
  • #8
Your link shows this expression: sum[n=1, inf] of cos(k)/(k^2+1)

The expression should actually be sum[k=1, inf] of cos(k)/(k^2+1).

Ah thanks for pointing out my error.

After fixed that, I got a slightly different result, but still one that said the series doesn't converge. What I have in post #5 doesn't guarantee that the series converges, only that the sequence of partial sums is bounded below by whatever −1k2+1 converges to (about -1.08), and above by whatever 1k2+1 converges to. That's not enough to guarantee the the series in this thread converges. Wolframalpha says that the series diverges by the integral test, but I don't think it's trivial to evaluate that integral.

Oh that makes sense because -1/(k^2+1) and 1/(k^2+1) converge to different values, not the same value, so the series must be bounded between the two values but does not necessarily converge.

I thought about applying the integral test when I was doing this assignment and like you said got stuck and thought it wasn't possible. I saw the term
k^2 + 1
and automatically thought of doing a trig substitution, which would work fine but you would have to substitute k into cosine... hmm... I can't think of any way to solve this problem :cry:
  • #9
Well by trig substitution...

integral cos(k)/(k^2+1) dk = - integral cos( cos(theta)/sin(theta) ) dtheta

I'm stumped.
  • #10
Yeah, I don't have any ideas, either. The best I can offer is to think about all of the tests you could possibly use, and see if there's one that applies here.
  • #12
One criterion for the integral test is that the integrand must be nonnegative. The function you're integrating doesn't satisfy that condition.
  • #13
One criterion for the integral test is that the integrand must be nonnegative. The function you're integrating doesn't satisfy that condition.

Right I forgot about this. So how is wolfram alpha able to say by the integral test the series is does not converge than?
  • #14
could I separate the integral?

integral cos(k)/(k^2+1) dk = integral cos(k) dk * integral 1/(k^2+1) dk

or is this illegal?
  • #15
No you can't do that. This would be like saying that
[tex]\int x^2 dx = \int x dx \cdot \int x dx[/tex]

As far as WolframAlpha being able to integrate it, they're using some techniques that I don't know about.
  • #16
If t(k) = cos(k)/(1 + k^2), we have |t(k)| < 1/k^2, so the series sum_k t(k) is absolutely convergent.

  • #17
Right I was thinking multivariable
why does wolfram alpha say that the sum does not converge by the integral test?

Related to Does the series sum[k=1,inf] cos(k)/(k^2+1) converge or diverge?

1. What are infinite series in Calculus 2?

Infinite series in Calculus 2 involve the summation of an infinite number of terms in a sequence. This is a key concept in understanding the behavior of functions and their limits.

2. How do you determine the convergence or divergence of an infinite series?

To determine convergence or divergence of an infinite series, you can use various tests such as the comparison test, ratio test, and integral test. These tests analyze the properties of the series and provide information about its behavior.

3. How is the concept of convergence related to infinite series?

Convergence refers to the behavior of a series when the number of terms in the sequence becomes arbitrarily large. In the context of infinite series, convergence is an essential concept in determining the behavior of the series and whether or not it can be summed to a finite value.

4. What is the difference between a convergent and a divergent infinite series?

A convergent infinite series is one in which the sum of its terms approaches a finite value as the number of terms increases. On the other hand, a divergent infinite series is one in which the sum of its terms approaches infinity as the number of terms increases.

5. How are infinite series used in real-world applications?

Infinite series are used in various areas of science and engineering to model and analyze the behavior of real-world phenomena. They are particularly useful in calculating distances, volumes, and other physical quantities that can be approximated by an infinite number of smaller segments or units.

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