Dating for Nerds: A Shy Guy's Guide to Meeting Women

  • Thread starter Winzer
  • Start date
In summary: Then I started talking to her and it turned out she was a really cool person.In summary, the shy and reserved person stumbles upon a hot German girl across the street and is considering asking her out, but is worried about what other girls might think of him.
  • #1
Ok, so I have little to no experience with girls. I am the shy and reserved person who struggles to meet people. Some how I have friends that are completely opposite. Dating different girls every other week.

Recently I have been thinking about breaking out of my shell, for an obvious reason. I am staying with some relatives and I just realized this hot GERMAN girls lives across the street! Now I am thinking about approaching her, but this is completely out of character for me.

What do I do? I am in unchartered waters.
Is there a simple PDE I can solve for this?

For the girls:
If a guy approaches you and asks for your number is it creepy?
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes there is a PDE, however the solutions have multiple singularities that destroy the fabric of space-time. It is considered the most accurate model to date.
  • #3
Pengwuino said:
Yes there is a PDE, however the solutions have multiple singularities that destroy the fabric of space-time. It is considered the most accurate model to date.
Darn. I always thought the PDE would be the heat equation with simple boundary conditions.
  • #4
Locked pending Cyrus' return.
  • #5
TheStatutoryApe said:
Locked pending Cyrus' return.

Where is that **** anyways? My Cyrus-Siren hasn't gone off lately alerting me to a new thread of his for me to trash.
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  • #6
Oh wait was there a question to this thread?

Yah anyhow, do you actually know this girl? is there anywhere you see her often?
  • #7
Pengwuino said:
Oh wait was there a question to this thread?

Yah anyhow, do you actually know this girl? is there anywhere you see her often?
No, I don't know her. I have seen her take the same bus from time to time.
  • #8
Winzer said:
No, I don't know her. I have seen her take the same bus from time to time.

Is this a bus you ride? or is this just some hot chick you saw and want to hit that :smile:
  • #9
Winzer said:
No, I don't know her. I have seen her take the same bus from time to time.

I once asked out a girl I met while riding the bus. She had started talking to me first so it was a bit easier than it may be in your case. I also once asked a girl for her number even though I had never talked to her before. She had a boyfriend apparently but seemed flattered, at least she was nice to me and tried striking up a conversation with me the next time she saw me.
Different girls will react differently though.
  • #10
Pengwuino said:
Is this a bus you ride? or is this just some hot chick you saw and want to hit that :smile:

Isn't that classed as stalking in most places?
  • #11
cristo said:
Isn't that classed as stalking in most places?

only if you get caught.
  • #12
cristo said:
Isn't that classed as stalking in most places?
It could be noted as simple observation.
I am not stalking her.

How should I strike up a conversation?
"So..that economy is somethin..."

Or should I go right for the kill and ask her out?
  • #13
Why don't you just introduce yourself to her, and see where the conversation goes?
  • #14
TheStatutoryApe said:
I once asked out a girl I met while riding the bus. She had started talking to me first so it was a bit easier than it may be in your case. I also once asked a girl for her number even though I had never talked to her before. She had a boyfriend apparently but seemed flattered, at least she was nice to me and tried striking up a conversation with me the next time she saw me.
Different girls will react differently though.
Did you honestly say" What is your number?".
Sounds like things didn't turn out too bad. Did you become friend with this girl later on?
  • #15
cristo said:
Why don't you just introduce yourself to her, and see where the conversation goes?
Is this normal? I have not seen anyone go up to some girl and say: "Hi, I'm such and such.."
  • #16
Winzer said:
How should I strike up a conversation?
"So..that economy is somethin..."

Or should I go right for the kill and ask her out?

If you've never talked to her and you "run into her", say something like "hey, don't you live down the street?" and then introduce yourself. If you just want to just flat up go up to her just say "hey there, I am so and so, i live down the street and wanted to say hi" and go from there. I honestly think any girl with great looks that goes out with anyone that walks up to them and asks them to go out must be a little... you know!
  • #17
Winzer said:
Is this normal? I have not seen anyone go up to some girl and say: "Hi, I'm such and such.."

It works. I remember I was doing some homework in one of the bulidings on campus last year and I sat next to this girl. I wasnt looking to talk to her, i just needed a place to sit. She commented on my homework and we talked and introduced ourselves, nothing awkward or anything.
  • #18
Winzer said:
Is this normal? I have not seen anyone go up to some girl and say: "Hi, I'm such and such.."

Obviously if you just stroll up to a random and do it it'll be a bit weird, but there's nothing wrong with introducing yourself to the neighbours!
  • #19
Pengwuino said:
"hey there, I am so and so, i live down the street and wanted to say hi" !
Seriously? It sounds so incomplete. Girls respond to this?
  • #20
Winzer said:
Seriously? It sounds so incomplete. Girls respond to this?

They're human too*. If someone came up to you and said they were your neighbor and wanted to say hi, you'd introduce yourself too right? Then you can start up a conversation... what do you do... how long have you lived in the neighborhood... whatever

*Disclaimer: False
  • #21
Looks like conversation is most of the battle.
  • #22
Winzer said:
Looks like conversation is most of the battle.

Just ask questions and try not to ... act like a nerd?. No one likes being approached by people who are seemingly only interested in talking about themselves. Also don't ask anything too private. Also remember, at some point the conversation just needs to end, there's always the next time!
  • #23
Pengwuino said:
Just ask questions and try not to ... act like a nerd?. No one likes being approached by people who are seemingly only interested in talking about themselves. Also don't ask anything too private. Also remember, at some point the conversation just needs to end, there's always the next time!
So would the following be good strategy?
1) Get her to talk about herself as much as possible--they like this??
2) Agree with most things she says
3) Flatter her as much as possible
  • #24
Winzer said:
So would the following be good strategy?
1) Get her to talk about herself as much as possible--they like this??
2) Agree with most things she says
3) Flatter her as much as possible

Depends, are you just looken for a good time or are you actually trying to look for a real relationship as the end-game here?
  • #25
Pengwuino said:
Depends, are you just looken for a good time or are you actually trying to look for a real relationship as the end-game here?
Depends on what she turns out to be. Even just being a friend I would be cool with.
  • #26
Winzer said:
Depends on what she turns out to be. Even just being a friend I would be cool with.

Oh, ok. Well for one, no, don't just get her to talk about herself, just make sure you're not always talking about yourself. The agreeing and flattering her stuff is stupid, however. For one, people can see right through it sometimes. You need to actively talk to people. If they say something you disagree with, engage them in a discussion about it. Don't do the whole "wow that's soooo wrong, this is what I think!" stupidity, but talk to them... probably in the same way you'd talk to say, a teacher of yours. You don't want to be condescending and you don't want to violate any boundaries with how aggressive you are, but you don't want to be talked down to. The Golden Rule applies.
  • #27
You are not" ...
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  • #28
Winzer said:
So would the following be good strategy?
1) Get her to talk about herself as much as possible--they like this??
2) Agree with most things she says
3) Flatter her as much as possible

I agree with Cristo and Pengwuino that you should just introduce yourself because she's your neighbor. Something like, "Hi, I thought I should finally get around to meeting my neigbors. I'm..."

As for what to talk about, find topics that you can share conversation about. It won't go well if you spend all your time grilling her with questions or just nodding about everything she says, nor will it go well if you start overdoing it with flattery. A little goes a long way when it comes to flattery, otherwise it gets embarrassing and you come across as a love-sick puppy dog.

Also, keep in mind, you do not yet know anything about her, including if she has a boyfriend already. Go easy at first until you can determine if she is available to date.

And, unless she tells you that she's studying physics, don't talk about physics until you put a ring on her finger! :biggrin: Okay, not that extreme, but the biggest mistake self-proclaimed nerds seem to make is to start gushing on about their OTHER passion...physics, math, whatever subject...and forget about the woman they are talking with and her interests. You can talk a little about it, but if it's not a common interest, try not to bore her with hours of lectures about it.
  • #29
Wallace said:
You are not" ...

The fifth method actually works. You should practice a few times before interacting with humans, though.
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  • #30
Just go over there and ask if you can borrow a cup of sugar for baking a chocolate cake (girls love chocolate cake). If you don't like baking then go over there and ask her if she has any tape followed by "because I'm ripped!" (do this while flexing your muscles, chicks love this).
  • #31
Realize this, if the girl is even remotely interested in pursuing any sort of relationship with you, she will be wanting to break the ice as well. If she doesn't respond to you, at least you know where you stand.

There are simple things you can do to see her level of interest.

Ask her her name. Does she ask you for yours?

I wouldn't try to get her info on your first interaction. Your first interaction is to inform her that you are interested.

This is of course assuming that she is not blatantly eyeing you up. If so, just start talking. Your first pseudo-date is now on the bus.
  • #32
Winzer said:
Pengwuino said:
"hey there, I am so and so, i live down the street and wanted to say hi" !
Seriously? It sounds so incomplete. Girls respond to this?
Some/many girls/women do.

When I worked at university in the maintenance department (job paid for school), I encountered a very attractive woman. I would ocassionally just happen to come across her while she was walking across campus. At first our exchanges were just an exchange of smiles, then exchanges of 'hellos', and then I started stopping and just chatting with her. I eventually found out in which department she worked, and stopped by. That's when I asked her out. We went to a great concert, and afterwards we went back to her place. Unfortunately, that's when I found out she was married - but separated. We remained friends for years (during which she divorced, re-married, divorced, ?), until I got married, and we lost track (she disappeared).
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  • #33
Winzer said:
Did you honestly say" What is your number?".
Sounds like things didn't turn out too bad. Did you become friend with this girl later on?

I saw her at her work. I only saw her again at her work once afterward and she was nice but I was embarassed.

Its not something I had ever done before (or since). I think I said something along the lines of "I'm not usually this forward but I was wondering if maybe I could get your number?"

I only did it because I never expected to see her again. Normally I would start by just smiling and saying hello. Then maybe saying more the next time I saw her. Something much the sort that Astro described.
  • #34
Since she lives near you, surely you can do something.

When I first lived in a new town, I was checking out a neighbor as a potential friend for weeks after she moved in (about three months later). I made friends with her cat on my front porch and felt guilty about it... but she seemed to never be around when me and the cat were hanging out. Finally one day I got a knock on my door... and she needed help getting a bird out of her fireplace (it came down the chimney... the flue was broken)... and she'd spied me going into my place. Afterwards, she said... I'm just about to start a movie... and I had beer in my fridge to bring over... and we pretty much best friends after that.

So you can seize the bull by the horns and do something neighborly (like take over something and introduce yourself)... or you can wait and see if you run into each other via some set of circumstances. I'll say I'm sure glad that circumstances made me make a friend... and we BOTH said we wished we hadn't waited so long (we' been spying on each other for about a month) and just really introduced ourselves straightforward-like.

Of course we didn't have romantic intent (so no creepiness factor)... but like others have said... just try to get to know her if you're genuinely interested in a possible relationship (and then even if she's involved she may become friend to introduce you to other girls she knows!).
  • #35
Winzer said:
Recently I have been thinking about breaking out of my shell, for an obvious reason. I am staying with some relatives and I just realized this hot GERMAN girls lives across the street! Now I am thinking about approaching her, but this is completely out of character for me.

What do I do? I am in unchartered waters.
Is there a simple PDE I can solve for this?

For the girls:
If a guy approaches you and asks for your number is it creepy?

Actually, the appropriate PDE could be a good idea.

Remember, this isn't a one-way street where she's a trophy to be won by passing some hidden test. The "trophy" you win will be making massive changes to your life catering to her every whim just on the hope you get to make out once in a while.

You also want to see if she's worth winning - and nobody wants to date a girl that's clueless about PDE's.

Or, at least pick a topic of conversation that helps you figure out whether she's an airhead or not before you waste too much time on her.

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