Currently studying Nicomachean Ethics

In summary, Aristotle believes that happiness is the ultimate goal for humans and is achieved by practicing virtues outlined in his Nicomachean Ethics. He also argues that contemplative reason is the highest good, as it is the result of all other activities and allows for the direct experience of happiness. However, this view contrasts with Indian philosophy, which proposes that happiness can be directly experienced without the need for virtues or good actions.
  • #1

Im currently studying Nicomachean Ethics, and was wondering someone can help me out with this question. I'm actually an Electrical Engineering major, so obviously I am not very good with this philosophy thing. If anyone could help me, it would greatly be appreciated.

According to Aristotle, what kind of life will make a man achieve his highest goal of happiness? Why does he think this?
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  • #2
vptran84 said:
According to Aristotle, what kind of life will make a man achieve his highest goal of happiness? Why does he think this?

Aristotle's idea is that the things we do are all working toward some good (what's good for us). So "good' is what makes us happy. Nicomachean Ethics are virtues Aristotle believed make humans most happy. He runs through various activities most humans are involved in, and then suggests how each can be practiced to produce good. In the end he concludes that of all activities, contemplative reason is the highest good. Considering the tradition he's within, and that all his work is the result of contemplative reason, it is no surprise reason is his choice for the highest good.

As an aside, it's interesting Aristotle proposes the highest good is realized through activities done for their own sake and not as a means to some other goal. Yet according to Aristotle happiness in all cases is achieved by other activities; so it seems that Aristotle cannot offer us a philosophy which allows us to achieve what he claims is "highest" (i.e., because he suggests no way to directly experience happiness).

One might contrast Aristotle's view to the aspect of Indian philosophy which claims there actually is a direct route to happiness. That is, within each of us is an experience which we can develop, and that experience is itself bliss. One does not need to do good to experience it, one does not need virtues to experience it. One only needs to know how to experience it.
  • #3

Aristotle believed that the ultimate goal of human life is to achieve happiness, or what he called eudaimonia. He believed that this can only be achieved by living a life of moral virtue, which is the mean between two extremes - excess and deficiency. This means finding the right balance in our actions and emotions, and making choices that are in accordance with reason and moral principles.

Aristotle thought that living a life of moral virtue would lead to a state of inner harmony and contentment, as well as good relationships with others. He believed that this type of life is the most fulfilling and satisfying, as it allows us to fully develop our human potential and fulfill our purpose as rational beings.

Furthermore, Aristotle argued that happiness is not a fleeting emotion or pleasure, but rather a state of being that we can attain through consistent and deliberate effort. He believed that happiness is not dependent on external factors, such as wealth or fame, but is rather an internal state that we can cultivate through our actions and choices.

In summary, Aristotle believed that living a life of moral virtue is the key to achieving true happiness because it allows us to fulfill our human potential and live in accordance with our rational nature.

Related to Currently studying Nicomachean Ethics

What is Nicomachean Ethics?

Nicomachean Ethics is a philosophical treatise written by Aristotle that explores the nature of human happiness and how it can be achieved through virtuous living.

Why is it important to study Nicomachean Ethics?

Nicomachean Ethics is considered to be one of the most influential works in the field of ethics and has had a lasting impact on Western philosophy. It offers insights into human nature and provides a framework for understanding the moral and ethical principles that guide our actions.

What are some key themes in Nicomachean Ethics?

Some key themes in Nicomachean Ethics include the concept of eudaimonia (human flourishing), the role of virtues in achieving happiness, the relationship between actions and character, and the importance of moral education.

How does Nicomachean Ethics relate to other works by Aristotle?

Nicomachean Ethics is part of Aristotle's larger works on ethics, which also includes Eudemian Ethics and Magna Moralia. These works share similar themes and ideas, but Nicomachean Ethics is considered the most complete and comprehensive of the three.

How can the teachings of Nicomachean Ethics be applied in modern society?

The principles and teachings of Nicomachean Ethics can be applied in modern society to guide individuals in making ethical decisions and living a virtuous life. It can also be used as a basis for moral education and personal development, as well as informing ethical debates and discussions in fields such as politics, business, and healthcare.

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