Creative Toppings for Fast Food: Ideas Needed

In summary, Woolie loves potatoes with bacon, cheese, and garlic. He recommends baking the potatoes instead of frying them so that the skin can be crispy.
  • #1
Gold Member
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They are my favorite fast food, well not fast as in cooking time, but fast as in prep time, the problem is the toppings, i have ran out of ideas, cheese is
good as is chili (from a tin), whatever, it must be a strong tasting topping,
any ideas?
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  • #2
Sour cream, bacon bits, fresh chives and cheese ...bad for you but tastes great.
  • #3
I stick with butter :smile:
  • #4
wolram said:
They are my favorite fast food, well not fast as in cooking time, but fast as in prep time, the problem is the toppings, i have ran out of ideas, cheese is
good as is chili (from a tin), whatever, it must be a strong tasting topping,
any ideas?
Cheese, bacon bits, Ranch dressing.
  • #5
wolram said:
They are my favorite fast food, well not fast as in cooking time, but fast as in prep time, the problem is the toppings, i have ran out of ideas, cheese is
good as is chili (from a tin), whatever, it must be a strong tasting topping,
any ideas?
I top mine with lemon pepper and hot sauce.
  • #6
Frankfurter onions and mustard. Brie and coleslaw with extra red onions. Onions :biggrin:
  • #7
I do pretty much all of the above.

I've had baked potatoes with butter, salt and pepper,

with Sour cream, bacon bits, fresh chives and cheese! :-p (garlic optional)

with chili, cheese and jalapeños, with or without hot (tobasco) sauce :-p

with sour cream, cheese and picante sauce or salsa, :-p

and various other combinations.

I don't remember Ranch dressing - but it's on my list - Thanks, larkspur!

Brie is another ingredient I have yet to try. Thanks, Kurdt!

Also curries and chutneys are good!
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  • #8
light sour cream and black caviar


cottage cheese and salsa


cottage cheese and A1 steak sauce
  • #9
Lemon peppers? never heard of those ones, jalapeños are bland almost like
eating pea pods.
  • #10
wolram said:
Lemon peppers? never heard of those ones
It's a blend of lemon & pepper.
  • #11
wolram said:
Lemon peppers? never heard of those ones, jalapeños are bland almost like eating pea pods.
Substitute habaneros for jalapeños. I think lemon pepper refers to black pepper soaked in lemon juice, which is then dried and powdered.
  • #12
rotel tomato hot cheese dip is good on potatoes, that's canned diced tomatoes with green chiles in it.
  • #13
Evo said:
It's a blend of lemon & pepper.

Oh, you Americans do have some fine concotions:smile:
  • #14
How about, habaneros, pineaple, cheese and tomatoes ,all mixed up some way
it (sounds) good, maybe make it like a chunky chutney?
  • #15
Woolie, you must try this! Bake the potatoes, rescue from the oven and scoop out most of the flesh (for use in other dishes). Scuff up the remaining flesh and drizzle finely-minced sauteed fresh onion and garlic into the potato skins along with the butter that they were browned in, shake on salt and pepper, then top with a very sharp cheddar and re-bake until the cheese starts to brown. These are not describable in any real terms! You have to experience them, and then fight off your relatives who are convinced that you are THE chef.
  • #16
wolram said:
How about, habaneros, pineaple, cheese and tomatoes ,all mixed up some way
it (sounds) good, maybe make it like a chunky chutney?
:bugeye: Pineapple?
  • #17
turbo-1 said:
Woolie, you must try this! Bake the potatoes, rescue from the oven and scoop out most of the flesh (for use in other dishes). Scuff up the remaining flesh and drizzle finely-minced sauteed fresh onion and garlic into the potato skins along with the butter that they were browned in, shake on salt and pepper, then top with a very sharp cheddar and re-bake until the cheese starts to brown. These are not describable in any real terms! You have to experience them, and then fight off your relatives who are convinced that you are THE chef.

mmm, potato skins :) Very tasty indeed.

Very good with some sour cream
  • #18
dontdisturbmycircles said:
mmm, potato skins :) Very tasty indeed.

Very good with some sour cream
Yes, I am in heaven when I devour these potatoes, but my wife insists on adding sour cream.
  • #19
turbo-1 said:
Woolie, you must try this! Bake the potatoes, rescue from the oven and scoop out most of the flesh (for use in other dishes). Scuff up the remaining flesh and drizzle finely-minced sauteed fresh onion and garlic into the potato skins along with the butter that they were browned in, shake on salt and pepper, then top with a very sharp cheddar and re-bake until the cheese starts to brown. These are not describable in any real terms! You have to experience them, and then fight off your relatives who are convinced that you are THE chef.

Sounds yummy! I love potatoe skins.
  • #20
bacon on top always is delicous mmmmm with a cheese sauce, maybe a little garlic and onion and spinkled with parsley and beadcrumb place bake in oven ( goes so nice and crispy) mmmmm
  • #21
Evo said:
:bugeye: Pineapple?

What is bad about the pineaple :confused: I think they go well with chili, almost the perfect ying and yang or is that zing and bang.
Your one sounds great Turbo, trouble is all our baking tatters have thin skin
of late all most skinless
  • #22
wolram said:
What is bad about the pineaple :confused: I think they go well with chili, almost the perfect ying and yang or is that zing and bang.
Your one sounds great Turbo, trouble is all our baking tatters have thin skin
of late all most skinless
You can still try the recipe, though. I never scoop out all the potato, just enough to make a recess for the garlic, onion and butter to go into. And once I make the hollow, I score it with a fork or butter knife to make lots of little crevices for the butter to run into. I top mine with sharp cheese before re-baking, and sometimes grate a thin layer of romano on top of that for a little extra snap. These are wonderful served with chili, though they are great all by themselves with some of our hot home-made habanero-jalapeno salsa on the side. As others have suggested, crumbled bacon and sour cream are popular toppings, though nothing beats salsa or chili in my book. There is a tavern in my old home town that serves baked potato skins filled with chili and topped with cheese, though their chili is far too bland for my taste.
  • #23
wolram said:
They are my favorite fast food, well not fast as in cooking time, but fast as in prep time...

You can make them fast food by microwaving them for 5-7 minutes then doing 5 minutes in a pre-heated oven to finish them off. Microwave time depends on how big the potato is and the microwave power rating.
  • #24
Am I the only person who puts nothing on them?
  • #25
no butter or salt or anything?
  • #26
Another tasty baked potato recipe is to bake the potatoes along with 2 cloves of garlic per potato. When the potatoes are done, cut them in halves on a baking sheet, squeeze a roasted clove of garlic onto each half and mash the garlic into the potato. Lightly season with salt and pepper, top with a little cheese and broil until the cheese is browned. Not as fatty as using butter, and they are delicious.

Note: when garlic is properly roasted, you can nip off one end of a clove and squeeze the garlic out like toothpaste. These are VERY easy to make.
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  • #27
scorpa said:
Sounds yummy! I love potatoe skins.

Do you eat them with Quayle?:biggrin:

Just don't accidently set the microwave timer for 2 hours instead of 2 minutes. The fire department shows up and you have to share. Plus, the smell makes the room nearly uninhabitable even two days later, especially if the coffee maker was also left on.

One of the places I worked, we let the crew use the front part of our office as their break room - at least a place to put the refrigerator, coffee maker, and microwave. The crew had a slight mishap with the microwave, then closed the door to keep the smell from wafting out onto the ops floor and never opened the door again - not even to check the coffee maker. It made for an interesting Monday morning surprise.
  • #28
I've always liked to top up my potatoes with steamed vegetables (especially broccoli). You could also just zap the veggies in the microwave too, but I don't think it really takes that much longer to boil water and cook them that way.

You can top the veggies with some cheddar cheese or sour cream if you prefer, or just butter.
  • #29
Moonbear said:
I've always liked to top up my potatoes with steamed vegetables (especially broccoli).

You are one very sick woman.
  • #30
I followed Turbos advice, the result? tasty :smile: pity about the thin skin though, i like the crunch.
The micro wave idea is good, but i do not like them, not since i found out they can make people infertile.
  • #31
dontdisturbmycircles said:
no butter or salt or anything?

Nope. Just potato.
  • #32
wolram said:
I followed Turbos advice, the result? tasty :smile: pity about the thin skin though, i like the crunch.
The micro wave idea is good, but i do not like them, not since i found out they can make people infertile.

How so? I can't find any information on the net and unless your sitting on the microwave...

I hate the microwave because it heats unevenly :(. But for pre-heating its ok :)
  • #33
Today I had just potato, too, and it was delicious. With a bit of olive oil and broccoli, of course, but the potatoes remained untouched. :-p
  • #34
dontdisturbmycircles said:
How so? I can't find any information on the net and unless your sitting on the microwave...

I hate the microwave because it heats unevenly :(. But for pre-heating its ok :)

I have racked my tiny mind to try an remember where i found this, but it must have been an article that stuck in my memory.
  • #35
Heh, I don't mean to confront you. I am genuinely interested, but I doubt there is much truth to it. Or it will be something weird like if you take off the casing of your microwave and sit on it while it heats for 10 years. :-p :smile:

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