Cutest Guy/gal At Physicsforums

  • Thread starter PrudensOptimus
  • Start date
In summary, participants are asked to post pictures and give ratings on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the cutest. Some participants express concerns about the gender ratio and eligibility for judging. The conversation also includes introductions and discussions about interests, locations, and funny pictures. There is also a suggestion to have additional criteria for the judging process.
  • #106
I have a bunch of horses. None are white though. One is grey.
Physics news on
  • #107
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
what lang do you guys speak at AMSTERDAM?! I want to learn!
Nederlands! Je bent welkom om langs te komen, als je een paar jaartjes ouder bent, maar dan moet je natuurlijk wel een paar woordjes kunnen spreken hè?

Adam, I won't settle for anything less than a spotless white horse..
  • #108
Originally posted by Monique
Nederlands! Je bent welkom om langs te komen, als je een paar jaartjes ouder bent, maar dan moet je natuurlijk wel een paar woordjes kunnen spreken hè?

Adam, I won't settle for anything less than a spotless white horse..

Is it related to Swedish? the first girl I was talking about in Girl trouble grew up in Sweden, she's Chinese Swedish.
  • #109
Originally posted by Monique

Adam, I won't settle for anything less than a spotless white horse..

Sorry, just a bunch of greys and browns. We have a white dog though...
  • #110
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
Is it related to Swedish? the first girl I was talking about in Girl trouble grew up in Sweden, she's Chinese Swedish.
I once met a bunch of (jealously pretty) Swedish girls, who told me that our languages are very similar, so I guess so :P I'd have to go to Sweden to find out :D
  • #111
Originally posted by Monique
I once met a bunch of (jealously pretty) Swedish girls, who told me that our languages are very similar, so I guess so :P I'd have to go to Sweden to find out :D

Yes, why are swedish area girls soo hot? You live near Sweden right?
  • #112
The girl who lied with every breath, ripped my heart out and crushed it with cold, hard cruelty was Swedish. So
  • #113
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
Yes, why are swedish area girls soo hot? You live near Sweden right?
Geographically near, but it is quite far, never been there. But yeah, those were Swedish scientist girls, but they might as well've been supermodels.. really..
  • #114
Originally posted by Monique
Geographically near, but it is quite far, never been there. But yeah, those were Swedish scientist girls, but they might as well've been supermodels.. really..

I want to move to Stockholm! That way I can win girls and walk to Nobel Ceremony :p
  • #115
So here are my swimsuit competition entries:

For the talent competition, I ask that you simply use the site's search feature and read some of my 11.2 gigaposts. Oh, and I also ask that you only read the posts without profanity. Here's a good place to start:

- Warren
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  • #116
Originally posted by Monique
NOW do I win?

You were winning before, but I think that pic cinches it!
  • #117
Well, Chroot is in top top position in the mentor section at the moment. You are not going to let him win, are you? You are not going to tell me that freckled boy is you, is it?
  • #118
You don't believe I'm Alfred E. Neumann?

I'm working on getting a picture; I don't have a scanner so I've recruited my sister to scan and e-mail me one of my photos.
  • #119
Originally posted by Monique
Well, Chroot is in top top position in the mentor section at the moment...
Woohoo! Now, if you want to see an X-rated picture, you'll have to ask very nicely.

- Warren
  • #120
Good, the ladies are getting impatient, aren't we? :wink:

Alfred E. Neumann.. I actually don't know who that is.. is that bad? the only clue I get is.. german?
  • #121
OK, this is the best I got:

An icon from the 50s.. were you.. around at that time? :wink:
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  • #122
Yah, Alfred E. Neumann is the mascot for Mad Magazine. My avatar is him. (Though I'm not!)
  • #123
Originally posted by chroot
Woohoo! Now, if you want to see an X-rated picture, you'll have to ask very nicely.

- Warren
I have already seen an x-rated picture of you before here:
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  • #124
Originally posted by Monique
I have already seen an x-rated picture of you before

Oh, that, yes... my stamen is big and purple, now that you mention it.

- Warren
  • #125
Originally posted by chroot
So here are my swimsuit competition entries:

For the talent competition, I ask that you simply use the site's search feature and read some of my 11.2 gigaposts. Oh, and I also ask that you only read the posts without profanity. Here's a good place to start:

- Warren

WOW! Warren is denfinitely in the lead. Looks AND brains! and a large purple stamen? Are we giving extra points in that category?
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  • #126
Originally posted by Monique
OK, I usually don't show off my hourglass figure.. but I'll show my guts (together with Prudens, Adam, Descartes and Integral) unlike you other guys with big mouths but no actions!
if the link doesn't work: copy n past to new window

Do I win?

Yes! Monique wins the cute girl title!

Ok, guys, step up to the plate.
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  • #127
But you haven't submitted a photo Evo! You're not off the hook just because we're all smitten with Monique. :wink:
  • #128
Originally posted by Hurkyl
But you haven't submitted a photo Evo! You're not off the hook just because we're all smitten with Monique. :wink:

My photo is on here. Go back to page 4. But, I'm not competing.
  • #129
Bah, I searched back and I didn't see it; musta skipped page 4. :frown: Do now, though.
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  • #130
BTW Monique, I meant to ask, why are your feet in that bowl in that photo?
  • #131
Originally posted by Monique
Well, Chroot is in top top position in the mentor section at the moment. You are not going to let him win, are you? You are not going to tell me that freckled boy is you, is it?

No! I am in top top position1!
  • #132
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
No! I am in top top position1!
You are :D (don't tell the other guys) but male mentors are judged seperately ;)

Hurkyl, Can't you see that food is supposed to be eaten with your feet?? Why do you think the table is so low?
  • #133
Originally posted by chroot
Woohoo! Now, if you want to see an X-rated picture, you'll have to ask very nicely.

- Warren

Asking VERY NICELY. :smile:
  • #134
Originally posted by Evo
Asking VERY NICELY. :smile:
LOL -- are you serious? *meek grin* Serves me right for offering! You'll have to use the private messaging feature for that. :smile:

- Warren
  • #135
Oh my, I was thinking more along the lines of what Monique posted of your flower...
  • #136
Originally posted by Monique
Uhmm, yeah, Ivan, you need to go to Amsterdam, SOON!

It took me about 3.5 min for it to sink in what you meant: Dankjewel!
Yikes! I really massacred that, didn't I? So, you're saying phonics doesn't quite work with Dutch? Are there idiomatic spellings to the word? Ivan is amazed at the correct spelling, too. We would see the word posted on signs as we left stores in Utrecht and it seemed to NOT be that one! But, like I said... It's been a long time. I've started working on him about that trip! I'm dying to see Spain, Portugal and Italy this time, too. Ivan's cousin may be living in the south of France by now. He was in Belgium last we heard. I must see his woman again. What a sweet lady she is. Sorry, I digress...
  • #137
Originally posted by chroot
Woohoo! Now, if you want to see an X-rated picture, you'll have to ask very nicely.

- Warren
At least give us a picture of you in a 'swimsuit' that won't be counterproductive to actually staying AFLOAT! (Actually shirt #2 probably won't sink ya, but #1 looks a tad bulky. Or is that special military-type 'swimwear'?)
  • #138
Originally posted by Monique
You are :D (don't tell the other guys) but male mentors are judged seperately ;)

Hurkyl, Can't you see that food is supposed to be eaten with your feet?? Why do you think the table is so low?

I'm a mentor!
  • #139
Originally posted by Monique
That IS a real picture :wink:

OK, I give in, can't lie.. here is the real picture

*Welcome to my house, pani puri anyone??*

(my scanner is colorblind, the shirt I was wearing was lilac :()
Sorry, no action photo's.. I am always behind the camera..

NOW do I win?

As I suspected, very pretty. You have a very sweet and sincere look about you as well.
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  • #140
Originally posted by Monique
I have already seen an x-rated picture of you before here:
That's right! That WAS him! That was a very compelling shot!
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