Can You Solve the Mystery of the Tape Recorder Riddle?

  • Thread starter JamesU
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In summary, the scientists were given a symbol to which they had to guess the meaning. If they got it right, they earned a point. If they were wrong, they lost a point. The head of the scientist position decided who was the most intelligent of the three based on their points.
  • #1
Gold Member
The GREAT thread of riddleness!

I've got an idea, not a good one, but here goes:

I'll post a logic problem/riddle here. Whoever answers it correctly gets to post another logic problem/riddle, the person who answers that one gets to post the next and so on.

The police found a dead body in an office. It looked like a scuicide, the victim had shot himself in the head. There's a note that says to listen to the tape. There's a tape recorder on the deask, a tape inside. the police pres "play" and listen to it. they hear the man's voice- "my life is a mess, I can't take it" then they hear a gunshot. The police knew it was a murder, but how?

kinda easy. the answer is right in the paragraph
Physics news on
  • #2
It's not a suicide

He did not commit suicide somebody killed him...bec.of the recorder, who rewind it if he committed suicide. :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #3
The problem with this 'contest' is that anyone can post a riddle anytime they want.
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  • #4
What if the person who answers doesn't post/doesn't know a riddle? Does that mean that we can post a riddle instead of him?
  • #5
yomamma said:
I've got an idea, not a good one, but here goes:

I'll post a logic problem/riddle here. Whoever answers it correctly gets to post another logic problem/riddle, the person who answers that one gets to post the next and so on.

The police found a dead body in an office. It looked like a scuicide, the victim had shot himself in the head. There's a note that says to listen to the tape. There's a tape recorder on the deask, a tape inside. the police pres "play" and listen to it. they hear the man's voice- "my life is a mess, I can't take it" then they hear a gunshot. The police knew it was a murder, but how?

kinda easy. the answer is right in the paragraph
"...the police press "play" and listen to it..."
"...-''my life is a mess,I can't take it'' then they hear a gunshot"

The policeman must have asked himself who had turned off the tape recorder
  • #6
How do you know the gunshot you heard on the tape was the gunshot which killed the man?
  • #7
The police pressed PLAY, yet did not REWIND. If the man really did kill himself, then he couldn't have rewinded the tape for the police to listen.
  • #8
i guess all of you got it ? yomama ?
  • #9
i guess all of you got it ? yomamma ?
  • #10
someone just post one
  • #11
Icebreaker said:
The police pressed PLAY, yet did not REWIND. If the man really did kill himself, then he couldn't have rewinded the tape for the police to listen.
1) Man fires a shot which is recorded on tape
2) Man stops tape and rewinds it.
3) Man kills himself with a second shot
  • #12
The question did not give indication that there were multiple shots fired.
  • #13
The question was about how they could KNOW that a murder had been committed.
They can't..
  • #14
Yoy guys got the answer I was looking for, arildno, you have the honor of giving the next riddle :rolleyes:
  • #15
Oh dear, riddle piddle, middle..I've got to think about this..
  • #16
Oh well, just to get this off my chest:

A man lives in an apartment at 10th floor, and each morning, he takes the elevator down and goes to work.
But, returning from work, he always walks the stairs rather than using the elevator.
Why is that?
  • #17
Umm, in white He's too short to reach the button?
  • #18
icvotria has the honour of posting the next riddle..
  • #19
Bill and Bob are twins. Bill was born 45 mins before Bob, but the birth certificates show that Bob was born 15 mins before Bill. The birth certificates are accurate. How could this be?
  • #20
The clocks went back one hour sometime after Bob was born. 15 minutes later Bill was born.
  • #21
Icvotria? did huckleberry get it right? huh? HUH!?
  • #22
Yep, he did. Sorry it took me so long to reply! Huckleberry's go.
  • #23
How would you rearrange the letters in the words "New Door" to make one word?
  • #24
Huckleberry said:
How would you rearrange the letters in the words "New Door" to make one word?


"one word"

As far as how that's done... well... just take the "n" and move it to... etc... voila! You now have "one word"
  • #25
Yeah, that's right. I didn't know any good ones. Okay, your turn.
  • #26
I'll post this one from my Small Problem; (which no one has figured out yet by the way). T@P can't answer since he already knows it. :wink:

Three scientists claim to be the most intelligent. The head of the most highly coveted scientist position will give up his place to the one deemed to be most intelligent of the three.
To do this, he has setup a test where they will compete against the other two.
Each scientist was blind folded and then a symbol was painted on their foreheads. The color of the symbol can be red or blue and can be either a stone, a leaf or a bird.
When the blindfolds were removed, the head scientist told each of them that they had either a red or a blue symbol on their forehead.
The head scientist then asked them to raise one hand if they saw a red symbol on the head of at least one person. Each of them raised one hand.
After that, the head scientist told them to figure out what color of symbol was on their own foreheads. Time passed and none of the scientists said anything.
Then one scientist stepped forward to give his answer. His answer was correct. What did he say? And why?
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  • #27
I would say that he guessed red because otherwise this would be too easy of a test.

edit, assuming all the scientists told the truth.
  • #28
Sorry... I left out something... "And why?" From the very end of the question. Also, please do not just read the answer that T@P gave so that you have something to write. :smile:
  • #29
:smile: I read T&P's answer already after posting mine. To be honest I didn't know how he could differentiate between 2 or 3 red spots. I just figured it would be easy if only two were red so the answer must be more complicated. Now I see I was on the right track. Makes me wish I had completed that thought before looking.
  • #30
One of the scientists with a red symbol stepped forward and said red. There are at least 2 reds and 1 blue because if otherwise, one person would see 2 blues, and would not have raised the hand. Therefore if the scientist who stepped forward sees one blue, then he knows he has a red one.
  • #31
Icebreaker said:
One of the scientists with a red symbol stepped forward and said red. There are at least 2 reds and 1 blue because if otherwise, one person would see 2 blues, and would not have raised the hand. Therefore if the scientist who stepped forward sees one blue, then he knows he has a red one.

Nope. If that was the case then the puzzle would be too simple and they would have figured it out quickly. Because of the reasons you just put there.
  • #32
You're assuming all scientists are that fast and brilliant. Perhaps the scientist that is confused by seeing 2 red ones and has a blue one on his forehead is simply faster than the other two, who are still contemplating the situation. After all, if every one of them sees 2 reds, how long should one deem "enough" to wait?
  • #33
colder, colder...

Rahmuss, this is a great riddle. I like it because it is both logical and psychological. IT really is a good test of intelligence.
  • #34
The other "possibility" is that they are all confused by the fact that they each see 2 reds, and therefore stayed in silence for a "long" time. But this is all subjective, as even in the other case there would have been a pause before any scientist replied.
  • #35
I'm not incredibly intelligent and it only took me a few seconds to realize that there were at least two red spots. But I didn't know if there were two or three spots. There is no logical way to know this. Assuming that all the scientists told the truth then they would quickly realize that nobody knew if there were 2 red spots or three. That would mean that nobody saw a blue dot. Thus all the dots must be red. It would take a while to guess that the other scientists had already come up with the easy logical answer. The smartest one would be the first to examine the psychology of the other scientists.

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