Ben Stein's New Movie "Expelled" | Intelligent Design Support

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In summary, Ben Stein is a smart guy who has been brainwashed by his parents into thinking that Darwinian evolution is a bad thing. His new movie, "Expelled," supposedly in support of intelligent design, is not very good.
  • #36
Richard Dawkins runs amok in Minnesota Movie theater!

UPDATE: Shocking information has reached us that PZ Meyers trophy wife (paid for by the tax payers of state of Minnesota) was taking names of the movie goers to, and I quote her words, "be put first in line for the gas chambers once we overthrow the Constitution". That is correct, this state funded mistress was making a list of local Christians for eventual extermination.

Lets face it my fellow Christian (Republican Baptists); the Constitution is nothing more than a rag to atheist that they could wipe their backsides on. The have no respect for anything outside their narrow agenda and firmly believe that evolution justifies anything they do. Atheists will lie, cheat and steal without blinking just to achieve their ends.


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  • #37
Thats quite a signature that guy has.
  • #38
Kurdt said:
Thats quite a signature that guy has.

I like the abbreviation of the link at the bottom right of his signature.
  • #40
Kurdt said:
Thats quite a signature that guy has.
OY VEY! :smile:

That's got to be a joke. If it isn't, it's scary. :rolleyes:
  • #41
Poop-Loops said:
You do know that Landover Baptist is a complete joke, right?

I mean as in, they are doing it for the lulz?
Thanks, it came across as a joke, it was just TOO over the top. :smile:
  • #42
Evo said:
OY VEY! :smile:

That's got to be a joke. If it isn't, it's scary. :rolleyes:

I think the whole site is a satire. I was suspicious when I read the post, but when I saw the signature I was sure, and P-L has confirmed it.
  • #43
Review of Expelled! by Dawkins:,2394,Lying-for-Jesus,Richard-Dawkins
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  • #44
You can find more of the Landover Baptist Pastor's speeches on Youtube. He's been around for a while now.
  • #45
I think that Ben Stein should probably stick to his day jobs in economics, presidential speech writing, and playing bit parts in 1980's Matthew Broderick Movies...:rolleyes:
  • #48
russ_watters said:
Just saw this:
He is pretty smart. That's what is so troubling about this. I once saw a 60 Minutes piece on him where they talk about how his parents pounded knowledge into him (which, of course, could have also brainwashed him). Here's a bio: He was valedictorian of Hillary Clinton's class at Yale law!

Signifying intelligence not at all. He's an economist, what my Sicilian grandfather would call, "gooda for nothin'".
  • #50
I've been lurking around for months and finally decided to join today, so this is my fist post.

My question, is why do things like this bother some so much? Science is science and if it is not then ignore it. Most won't even bat an eye when some one mentions perpetual motion. Why would anything else you consider a myth get your attention? My only conclusion to this is: (a) you are insecure and need to trash something to make yourself feel better about yourself. or (b) you are trying to convince yourself you do not believe in the myth.
  • #51
2stroketech said:
I've been lurking around for months and finally decided to join today, so this is my fist post.

My question, is why do things like this bother some so much? Science is science and if it is not then ignore it. Most won't even bat an eye when some one mentions perpetual motion. Why would anything else you consider a myth get your attention? My only conclusion to this is: (a) you are insecure and need to trash something to make yourself feel better about yourself. or (b) you are trying to convince yourself you do not believe in the myth.

If someone calls your mother a wh***, do you just say "I'm secure in my belief that she is not. Your words do not phase me."?

Now, when it's a company making a multi-million dollar movie about it? Would you just ignore it also?
  • #52
2stroketech said:
My question, is why do things like this bother some so much? Science is science and if it is not then ignore it.
The problem with a movie like this should be obvious. They had respectable scientists appear under false pretenses. The people that made this movie lied, they are misleading the public and they are skewing the truth in order to further their anti-science agenda. No one should still still and let these people get away with misinforming the public.
  • #53
Also, because directly or indirectly, it's the public who decide whether the funding goes to science or somewhere else.
  • #54
I just enjoy the laughter i get from all of it.
But i have been told that i have a twisted sense of humor.

Laughter and hypocrites go together like stink and flies
  • #55
Here is an interesting discussion I stumbled upon. I must say that I'm getting quite a kick out of it.
  • #56
Evo said:
Here is an interesting discussion I stumbled upon. I must say that I'm getting quite a kick out of it.

I've browsed a few of these before. My favorite is this one guy who whenever refuted by someone who uses scientific terms that he then gives Wikipedia links to, replies "You're using Wikipedia for your argument?" as if it made any sort of difference. He's not quoting it as a source, he's using it as a dictionary to explain scientific terms.
  • #57
Kurdt said:
I can't remember reading about Darwin saying lightning struck a puddle of mud. :confused:

It's a straw man argument. Usually employed by those who have no real objective evidence to support their possition, or with which to refute the opposition.
  • #59
Poop-Loops said:
You do know that Landover Baptist is a complete joke, right?

I mean as in, they are doing it for the lulz?

I would be careful when looking at that site. My antivirus software picked up on something and was able to quarantine it.

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